kaeda pelis jgn try bukak XD
tp mod kt OH ni hidup ke idok?
Slalu xde announcement pape psl attack ni, aku tgk user yg bukak thread tanya ada ddos attack ke
aha.. dah la fans tu y dok jerit2 suruh JJ baling air kt dorg..
gila ka apa...
JJ tu dah la jenis 4D.. sekali dia baling bukan sikit2.. baling byk gila air..
rasa mcm sweet sgt ada fan tunjuk post note, dia tanya suwon sapa member y dia takkan lepaskan..
suwon balas duckie..
duckie tak sesuai act mancho guy pasal dia cantik n cute.. hahaha..
suwon pulak kena act guna ckp busan.. gagap2 dia..patut duckie kaco dia masa tu.. haha..
duckie ramai tul ship dgn dia.. hoony pun cuma berani buli duckie jer.. so far tak pernah nampak dia buli member lain..
elok la ko jadi park myungsoo.. asyik marah2 je..
org lagi suka ko marah.. hahaha..
ada sorg makcik tu, lupa dah nama pelakon tu apa.. y dia berlakon jadi makcik y kuat mencarut..
bila kt luar asal jumpa fans, semua suruh dia mencarut...
ko jadi makcik tu pun tak pa gak.. lagi ko mencarut lagi org suka.. hahaha
Jaejin tu bipolar kot haha mood swing melampau. Even Suwon pun ckp tak selesa dgn Jaejin dlm surat dia sbb Jaejin memula caring, pastu jd distant. Tapi dia pun dah sedar, kena terima je perangai JJ, xleh ubah dia, so kena tune diri sendiri utk ikut JJ.
Author|Post time 22-5-2017 06:07 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
kaeda replied at 22-5-2017 02:40 PM
Tak de da,yg international fully active dua je..soompi OH..allkpop punya tak best,banyak2 budak2,h ...
ni highlight radio show tadi
Jekki Radio - KBS Song Plaza
Credit : 宠勋精灵皮卡球
MC: The member who has changed most from 20 years ago is :
G1: if it's personality, JJ has become livelier and communicate better with people
JJ: I've improved
G1: he was an imp before
Hoony: if we are not on radio I'm not sure what word this Hyung would have used
G1: JD used to not know pain. Now he will gauge the situation and avoid dangerous stunts. Hoony has become more man.
JJ: yes
Hoony : maybe it's because I'm older, I speak less than before
MC : usually when one thinks more, he speaks less
Hoony: oh that's not the case. I've never had much thoughts. It's just that now I am more often stoning ( in a daze )
MC : if JJ livelier now because he plays with his nephews ?
JD: his nephews are more mature than him. He is more like a child.
MC: some listeners say that Su1 is angry that JD is living with Tony
JD : Su1 always thought that I belong to him so when he found out that I'm staying with Tony he gets angry at him
G1: this is just what JD thinks - last year when we regrouped he has already been living with Tony for 8 years. When I asked Su1 if they are still living together he was unsure
Su1: I don't pay much attention to him
Hoony: there was less need to meet up as Jwalk
Su1: even if I go to Busan I go to JJ's house
MC: have u all decided what to eat for dinner later ?
Hoony: we'll likely eat separately
Jd: some of us may go to the YG canteen
Jj: the canteen is closed
Jd : why?!
MC: what will Su1 eat ?
Jd : he will eat chicken feet and singaporean food. He likes those
Mc: listeners say that Jd dressed well today. Are those your own clothes ?
Su1: no it's from the cordi
G1: it's Jekki's cordi but as good as JD's personal cordi now
Mc: it's time for us to end the show
G1: so fast ? We hope that we don't need to ply any songs and just keep taking. If we start at 7 and end at 9, we can keep talking even without a DJ
MC: then let's keep talking
G1: who's in the next segment
MC: moon heejun
All: oh that's ok. We will just stay
G1: you just need to get the next DJ in
Hoony: I feel like I've just woken up and it's ending
Credit : 水晶男孩中文站_YFlower
G1: ( reading fan message ) : where is G1?isn't this viewable radio? Can't they see me ?
Su1: cos u look too different with and without makeup
G1: I am here , I am not the manager
JJ : ( reading fan message ) it's very hot today
Well then let's take off our top
G1: stop it, everyone is sick of looking
JJ, JD, Su1 woke at about 9am today. Hoony and G1 woke 20 min before the program so one is in mask and one in shades. To them this is like midnight radio
Post time 22-5-2017 09:32 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Syik_Gojet replied at 22-5-2017 06:07 PM
ni highlight radio show tadi
Jekki Radio - KBS Song Plaza
I wish they'd stay dgn segmen heejun haha.
Lagi byk nk sembang, unless dh ada tetamu lain kan. Diorg free ek hari ni tu semangat nk sembang.
Btw kesian lk aku baca heejun nak kena boikot. Mamat tu dahla trauma kes dulu, ni ada kes baru lak. Fans ptt set boundaries terhdp expectation kt idols. Bukan dia buat jenayah pun.