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Author: aenemy7


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Post time 23-4-2005 08:25 AM | Show all posts ... urrent_affairs.html

...In short, the most common rationale offered for violence against Christians in India, namely that the community is growing at an alarming rate through forced conversions, is absurd and has been decisively rejected by the print media and the world of scholarship. Even if the allegations made by Hindu extremists were true, they cannot be offered as an excuse for violence against another religious community.

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Post time 23-4-2005 08:34 AM | Show all posts ... _12_126/ai_55074258

...Conversions certainly do take place wherever Christians are active. Interestingly, Catholic missionaries are seen as more interested in schools and hospitals and less in proselytizing than their Protestant counterparts, but both admit openly that the people they work with do convert. Father Anthony, a Catholic priest working in the Dang area of Gujarat, scene of terrible anti-Christian violence some months ago, considers himself a messenger of Christ, "but not to those who don't want it. A change of heart is necessary for real conversion. Anything else is hypocrisy."

Whether hearts are changed or not is of little concern to the BJP; it's more interested in counting votes. In the process, poor, illiterate tribespeople like the Bhils in Gujarat, may be raped and murdered, their homes destroyed, their churches burnt, but their anguish is of no real concern. Nor does the BJP really care about their religious convictions. Until they became pawns in the BJP power games, the Dang area was among the most neglected in the entire country. The sudden, unfortunate appearance of the Bhil community on the national scene had to do not with them as individuals but with what they represented: a chance for the BJP to present its case against any "outside" (that is, non-Hindu) forces within India. In other states, notably Orissa, where an Australian missionary and his two young sons were burnt to death as they slept in their Jeep, and in Madhya Pradesh, where a group of nuns were beaten and raped and their convent pillaged, the situation was no better: Churches were demolished, Bibles burnt, priests beaten, and schools ransacked.

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 Author| Post time 23-4-2005 11:59 AM | Show all posts
The picture was taken from their local newspaper,.....the tactic of the missionaries already well known there, they are hiding behind aid program.... as i said before, the zionist media giant like CNN,BBC will not dare to report this coz they are part of it!!!!

so don't just stick with that zionist media, sometimes u have to look at the normal people view and freelance journalist like the [url][/url] , the websites not only view news clippings around India but also news clippings from outside india, even there's an african once send an article overthere about the missionaries activities in African region!!! it's already international level!!!

Try not to stick with the typical CNN and BBC....
:lol :lol

Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall.....

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Post time 23-4-2005 05:52 PM | Show all posts
You're sticking to anti christian propaganda website that incite anti christian, anti muslim and other minority in india.

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Post time 23-4-2005 06:24 PM | Show all posts
I hope one day you realize what you've done.

Hate (towards christianity) has blinded your eye and blackened your heart.

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Post time 24-4-2005 02:02 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aenemy7 at 23-4-2005 11:59 AM:
The picture was taken from their local newspaper,.....the tactic of the missionaries already well known there, they are hiding behind aid program.... as i said before, the zionist media giant li ...

Great post aenemy7,i'm sure we won't get that from CNN or BBC.:solute:

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 Author| Post time 25-4-2005 12:38 AM | Show all posts
The question is, what brings so many amateur writer,freelance journalist,
x-journalist,scholars and ordinary people busy themself to write on that website....there must be something the missionaries done there that motivate them to write!!! " Pokok tak bergoyang kalau tiada angin"...

Many of the article there is so good for CNN,BBC,Times mag,Newsweek,Readers Digest,National Geographic,Discovery Chanel...etc to covered but they didn't dare to cover it coz they are part of the missionaries agenda!!! all u see was the zionist media talk about "war is peace", "the war in Iraq was just","islam spread by swords"...etc!

But why not they cover about the tactic used by the missionaries in Papua NEw Guinea,India,Africa,Euthopia,most of South America...etc , something like "food,medical and education for christianity"???these happen in a country that has many poor population....These are the news left out by the Zionist media!! so the was the place u want to know about it, the most rare news ever heard from the Zionist media.....

Knowledge is power wasn't it, so before they come with their tactic we have to be ready with a tactic too, they already here but their tactic is not that good yet!!!well....that's all folks!!!  :lol

Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall......

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Post time 25-4-2005 08:12 AM | Show all posts
knowledge is power, i agree. But you're not using your wisdom together with it.

Memang pokok tak bergoyang kalau tiada angin, tapi benarkah angin atau manusia yang menggoyangkannya.

Christian population in india is only about 2% and actually declining.

Few things you need to ponder.

1. If christians are using aggression, why the hindus didn't wipe out the entire christians minority there.

2. Why this things never being brought up in PBB or OIC?

3. Why india people welcomed Pope Joh Paul II to india in 1986 and 1999.

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Post time 25-4-2005 08:18 AM | Show all posts

... When the pope visited India next in 1999, the country -- whose constitution guarantees the right to profess, preach and practice any religion -- seemed to have regressed in its secular outlook under a fundamentalist wave led by the BJP.

In 1992, BJP supporters had torn down the Babri Masjid mosque at Ayodhya in northern Uttar Pradesh state on the grounds that medieval Muslim invaders had built it over a temple marking the birthplace of the Hindu warrior deity Rama.

The campaign to rebuild the temple paid handsome political dividends for the BJP which portrayed the Congress party and Sonia Gandhi -- inheritor of its leadership and custodian of the political legacy of the Nehru-Gandhi political dynasty -- as the main obstacles to their supposedly divine enterprise.

By 1998 the BJP had seized national power after convincing electorates that its battles with the formidable Congress party were no less than a struggle between Ram and Rome.

What followed was a systematic campaign of violent attacks against the Church and Christian institutions in India, the worst chapter of which was the gruesome 1999 immolation by a fanatic mob of the Australian evangelist Graham Staines and his two young sons as they slept outside a makeshift church in a remote part of eastern Orissa state....

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 Author| Post time 28-4-2005 04:06 PM | Show all posts
The UN or PBB itself was founded and pioneered by the zionist freemasons....just look at the names of the pioneer and their elite members! look at their veto system, wasn't it unfair...only the strong have power like the old jungle rules, might is right!! that's part of the freemasons core principles! ....koffi annan himself once praised the Skulls n Bones satanic cult(george bush jr ,george bush senior,bill clinton etc are all x-member of these cult group back in their university days)....

As i said before the is an alternative news where they cover topics that never being discussed by the zionist media giants and the best part was all the writers are normal citizen of india, x-journalist,normal citizen,students,scholars,amateur writers...etc!!! they write it for free,they don't expect any return from their writings, they just want to write what's happening around them from the eye of ordinary citizens!!!

So it's good to look at their view and at the same time think about the best way to tackle all the tactic the missionaries using....early preparations!!!


Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall.....

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 Author| Post time 15-5-2005 02:47 PM | Show all posts
It's been a while since i post something to these thread.....

http://www.christianaggression.o ... S&id=1115736585

The Real Reasons Evangelicals Love Bush

Posted May 10, 2005
Steven Waldman

Persecution. Transformation. Calling. Clarity.

Evangelical Christians have many reasons to be disappointed or even furious with George W. Bush. During his presidency, there have been roughly 5 million abortions. He has not persistently campaigned to "change the culture" as he promised. He focused on partial-birth abortions which, though gruesome, constitute a miniscule fraction of those performed.

On gay marriage, I believe the Bush presidency will be viewed as a boon for gays because, while he supports banning gay marriage, he also said states should be able to perform civil unions, a major concession. Some were furious that the White House let Dick Cheney say that even the marriage issue should be decided by the states.

Yet while some evangelicals have soured on Bush, polls show the vast majority of evangelicals love him. Why?

It's often said that they like him because he's "one of them" and uses religious language, and that's true--but only scratches the surface. Two new books and a new film on Bush and faith help us to see the real roots of his appeal. All three are campaign-style hagiographies but give a window into the spiritual sources of the Bush-evangelical connection: persecution, transformation, calling, and clarity.

First, Christians feel persecuted. This idea is nearly unfathomable to people in New York City or non-evangelicals. How could they feel persecuted? The country is 83% Christian! They're always trying to impose their views on us. But many evangelical Christians believe they are despised, misunderstood and discriminated against by journalists, Hollywood, other elites, and almost anyone not in their pack.

And there is a grain of truth to their concerns. A recent poll showed that while most Americans say a candidate's religion would not affect their vote for presidency, there is one religious type that they would vote against just because of their beliefs: an evangelical Christian. (Actually there were three faith-based non-starters: evangelical, Muslim, and atheist--perhaps they should form a new coalition?) The film, called "George W. Bush: Faith in the White House" intersperses clips of Bush with photos of school kids who had been punished for praying in the cafeteria.

George Bush, the film and recent biographies argue, has been persecuted and/or misunderstood for his beliefs, too. "God and George W. Bush" by Paul Kengor devotes two sentences to Bush's comment in a campaign debate that Jesus Christ was his favorite philosopher--and four pages to the hostile reaction. The media "wrung its hands" and showed its "scorn" but Bush bravely stood his ground. "It's my foundation and if it costs me votes to have answered the question that way, so be it," Bush declared.

The film, which will be sent to thousands of churches around America, continuously overstates the opposition to his plans, declaring, for instance, that "opposition was thunderous" to his faith-based initiative, when in fact, even Al Gore supported the idea. But evangelicals viewed Bush as persevering over contemptuous opposition.

Feeling persecuted has special resonance for Christians for obvious reasons: it's Christ-like. The more liberals beat up on Bush's faith, the better for Bush.

Beyond that, every time Bush speaks of his faith, he is signaling to those Christians who feel marginalized that they have, in fact, arrived at the center of American society. They have a President who's just like them, so they need not feel ashamed or embattled. He is bearing their cross. "I don't think they feel they have to hide their Christian faith because the president doesn抰 hide it," one analyst says in the film.

Second, Bush was transformed. If Bush had grown up in an evangelical household and been a practicing Christian his whole life, he probably wouldn't be President today. The apostle Paul's story is powerful because he started out as an anti-Christian sinner; he was lost and then was found. That's why Bush and his Christian supporters love talking about his drinking problems and recklessness. To be saved, you must first be fallen.

This was doubly important because Bush was a child of privilege. America has elected such men but only after they had overcome adversity or challenges--FDR had polio, JFK and Bush, Sr. had their war heroism.

George W. Bush didn't have those kinds of obstacles, so he and his biographers have emphasized somewhat more pedestrian failings. He had dyslexia, for instance. "That Bush might be dyslexic makes his academic struggles and success all the more poignant," writes Stephen Mansfield in "The Faith of George W. Bush." He was a business failure, a wise-ass, and a drunk. His friend John Ellis sums it up: "To go through every stage of life and be found wanting and know that people find you wanting, that's a real grind."

(Amusingly, biographers want to portray Bush as bad, but not TOO bad. So the film says the temptation to drink arose from "a thirst that comes from a throat full of Texas dust.")

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 Author| Post time 15-5-2005 02:49 PM | Show all posts
But in the context of a Christian transformation this is good stuff. Mansfield writes, "The burden might have crushed him. Men have commited suicide over less, ruined marriages and children in their attempt at self rescue. But before long something would change in Bush, and it would give him the direction his life had lacked. In Ellis's words, "he gathered it together." Though he was "going nowhere at forty....At the age of 52, he's the frontrunner for the Republican president nomination. That's a pretty incredible turnaround."

And the transformation happened, Bush says, because of faith: "There is only one reason that I am in the Oval Office and not in a bar. I found faith. I found God."

Interestingly, the film emphasizes that he turned away not only whiskey but hussies. It includes a dramatic re-enactment of the moment in the 2000 campaign that a "staffer was trying to get him to have an intimate relationship." The actor playing Bush angrily rebuffs her and you see the wave of disappointment flow over the face of the flirtatious blonde.

"She's just trying to get you to relax," an aide reportedly said. "You hurt her feelings."

"Good!" Bush responded. "I'm a married man and I'm glad she got the message!" The film is also chock-a-block full of stories about Bush's personal tenderness toward friends or soldiers who have suffered loss and even-朌emocrats should be seated for this

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 Author| Post time 21-6-2005 03:33 PM | Show all posts
Whats this......

300 Churches Perform Child Sacrifices

Posted June 21, 2005

They are brought into the capital to be offered up in rituals by fundamentalist Christian sects, according to a shocking report by Scotland Yard.

Followers believe that powerful spells require the deaths of "unblemished" male children.

Police believe such boys are trafficked from cities such as Kinshasa where they can be bought for a little as

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 Author| Post time 21-6-2005 03:41 PM | Show all posts
Here's another....:

Vatican's new plan to wipe off other religions

Posted June 2, 2005

Vatican has consistenly held the position that other religions are invalid and deficient. Even during Millineum peace summit it clearly stated that 'It would accept one religion for the world only if it is Roman Catholicism'. It seems Vatican is clevely working towards that using UN as the front office in slowly diluting and dissipating all the world religions. Critics call it a slow poison technique. If it succeeds in future Hindus will be worshipping Mariam Devi (Mary) as the sole goddess and Buddhists will be meditating on Lady Fatima (Mary) to attain nirvana.

St. Peter's Basilica is the called the 揗other of All Churches.

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Post time 21-6-2005 03:58 PM | Show all posts
For all i see, this is a dirty tactic to discredit christianity.
Keep up the "good" work. God must be very proud of you.

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Post time 21-6-2005 05:01 PM | Show all posts
I do not know wether the postings are true, but from what I have heard, the present Pope Benedict (I think he's a German), is quite conservative, or sometimes strict (He IS the head if RC), even towards other sects of Christianity.

He even publicly announced (, that he would no longer resume the bridging works (of Pope J. Paul towards other religions).

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 Author| Post time 24-6-2005 02:24 PM | Show all posts
All the article there are sent by amateurs,x-journalist,retiree university lecturer,freelance journalist,hindu monk...etc!!! they are not writing there for money...they want to sent their view and their feelings about christian preachers activity there in India.....they also sent news clippings from news around the world from USA to European media!!!there was a time when a guy from African region also write about missionaries activity in his country whereby the tactics are quite the same like in India and maybe around asia!!!

As i said earlier in this thread, this websites is an alternative news which the CNN,BBC,Fox news,New York Times etc will never dare to write or published,maybe they also part of the missionaries agenda surely!!!

Keep in touch...see yaaaa!!!

Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall.....

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Post time 26-6-2005 01:05 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aenemy7 at 24-6-2005 02:24 PM:
All the article there are sent by amateurs,x-journalist,retiree university lecturer,freelance journalist,hindu monk...etc!!! they are not writing there for money...they want to sent their view and  ...

It's good to see you again here!

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Post time 26-6-2005 01:18 AM | Show all posts
All the article there are sent by amateurs,x-journalist,retiree university lecturer,freelance journalist,hindu monk...etc!!! they are not writing there for money...they want to sent their view and their feelings about christian preachers activity there in India.....they also sent news clippings from news around the world from USA to European media!!!there was a time when a guy from African region also write about missionaries activity in his country whereby the tactics are quite the same like in India and maybe around asia!!!

Do you have any reference for us to verify this?
And how do you know their stories are true and not biased?

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 Author| Post time 27-6-2005 03:26 PM | Show all posts
It's on their local newspaper,'s not a secret anymore there!!! u also can see news clippings taken from American newspaper,British newspaper and around the world!!! For your info, many hackers & phreakers already try to destroy that websites but the websites still stand up and rebuilding from time to time!!!....

For those who rely heavily on CNN,BBC,Time magazine,Newsweek,Fox News,NY Times offcourse  they will "shock" to hear something they never heard off  or should i say "never reported & covered yet bcoz of their hidden agenda"....

the western/zionist media always trying hard to cover this thing from the world...all malaysian muslims  should observed this thing, observed the tactic used there in India! i believe there's a similiraty in their tactics like education tactic done in the past, where the British forced muslim's student to study the bible in schools! This thing also happen in all the commonwealth country!!! wasn't that simmilar!!! asked any old generations about this if u not convinced about this...remember Malaysia,Indonesia,Thailand,Indochina etc is the next target, there's a term for this agenda...something like window 10/11 whatever laaaah, just go to for this info..hopefully it still there!!!

Peace Yall, Allah Knows Best.........

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