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Author: xyla73

[tvN/Netflix] Bulgasal : Immortal Souls (Lee Jin Wook, Kwon Nara, Lee Joon, Gong Seung Yeon)

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Post time 6-2-2022 07:29 PM | Show all posts
This is one of the most boring childish plot ive ever watched. Im glued sebab lee joon je. Cute complicated villain.

Yg lain hampeh

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Post time 6-2-2022 07:36 PM | Show all posts
I dont like the plot
The romance was off
No chemistry between the male lead and female lead
Anak and emak characters were off as well. How come everyone muka still sama and anak bulgasal ni tiba da grown up. Patut same age lah

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Post time 6-2-2022 11:04 PM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 7-2-2022 12:03 PM

ep 16

hmm, just like Goblin kinda ending  
okaylah open ending...

I guess Hwal and Sang Eun need to start afresh..anew, The previous relationship was so 'crowded, clogged  with  suffocating flames and fire of vengeance, misunderstandings, distrusts , treasons, hatred and so on. Too much toxic. they cant breathe lorrr...too negative , too detrimental for any relationship pun..giler chaotic pun ...tak stable.

So, elok benarlah ade kesedihan itu dipadamkan , api amarah kesemua yg terlibat dalam sengketa  1000 tahun  tu ditamatkan for good, for once and for all...
in a way i dapat terima ending ni ....the happiness is just 50 years  away ..... dengan mematikan kesemua Sang Euns, Hwal, Hoyeol ( Detective Kwon) , shaman Lady and  OK EUL TAE yg hidup kitar 1000 thn lampau  dalam tusukan tikaman di dada Hwal  yg terakhir tu's kinda good  enough to put all of toxic entanglement of painful, vengeful, sorrowful, past away aside , out of their lives.

biarkan semua . lepaskan semua , berlalu , let all of these sorrowful toxins go...sedih juga masa Hwal kat lokasi yg i think sama  600 thn lepas, masa tu Sang Eun tikam dia , but now simetrically opposite pulak, she is the one embracing him. dia minta maaf ...

I found  Sang Eun 's way of letting Si Ho knows of what was happening is cool...dia bagi je Si Ho pegang tangannya...i tatau kenapa dia mesti mati pulak tapi yeslah  in a way Eul Tae pun matipun..

then , agak sedih bila nampak Si Ho and Do Yoon habiskan sisa hidup mereka di rumah itu.  Tak pelah ...last sekali ade gambar depa semua kan ...itu the memento of their time.......

Okaylah open ending - Hwal keeps his words , he will find his soul mate, beyond time...this  time with a clean slate with ouch , a cut on his palm.

Well , i am glad these two finally have developed more sophisticated fashion sense...
TAPIKAN bukanke Sang Eun tu dikatakan dah reached her max reincarnation limit ke , atau ini hanya terpakai pada Sang Woon ?

lebih kurang simetri babak tu macam Goblin , bila Hwal stab himself on his chest , i was like ini dah macam iras iras Jieuntak tu yg naik kete and dirempuh lori...

but then yes ade period  showing the passing of time, place persons.....

well....lain kali i wil take note sape penulis citer ni Goblin and pengarah ni
kalau nak sama lagi well i will decide hahaha

tapi buat suspens je Lady Shaman tu tak nak bagi Si Ho tu tengok masa lampau Sang eun
kalau dia tengok pun awatnya, paling teruk pun dia like so , in the past i stab you Hwal , you were my hubby? so what kan ? Shaman ni pun satu suspens je...pada i kalau Si Ho tahu pun tak pe knowing the drama  would  end like this maaa...seriously kalau dia tahu sang eun's past pun awatnya...Si Ho pada i just nak keeping themselves alive. je...kesian ye dia, impian dia tak kesampaian ...dia tak sempat pun dye rambut detective kwon tu...

dia may be tahu konteks yg  dia pernah tikam Hwal berjemaah kan dengan Hyeol ( detective Kwon tu sekali ) and Do Yoon ...
I boleh faham le napa Hwal ade indifferent attitude dekat semua yg close dengan dia...fahamlah kan dia kena teruklah...

tapikan all this while - semua characters tu , tak pun fikir macam mane nak matikan Ok Eul Tae hinggalah Hwal bergaduh dengan OKgasal atas railtract keretapi tu ...

kire penat jugaklah tengok ...sebab i expect something more ...especially tang pay back scene between  Hwal and Eul Tae, i nak depa lawan open field, depa compare notes  and ade macam babak, depa bebetul bertarung lah dalam open field, ni dalam gua, adoiii... tension lah ...apepasal dalam gua ...
It's kinda fair open ending though.

pasal romance ? hmm i am okay with these two shoing what love was , according to their definition. Hwal is too tired of living in his depressive state...dia tahu punya semua org akan sort alami bad ending so why bother2....hahaha. lagipun, a man with a huge baggage of issues wont settled for love that well...we know this pun...tak lah expect high flying romance sangat dalam konteks ni...this drma is about a bulgasal seeking revenge ...

well...hmm ...i mulanya nak binge watching tapi endingnyer macam ni so ...okaylah hahaha Goblin pun i tak rewatch pun.
tapi kan kalau i kawan Sang eun i would told her to buy a new house lah , tinggallah masa cebisan deja vu yg lampau tu...  
so panduan untuk citer ni

ep 1 , ep 12 adalah timeline masa nyata ...selepas 10 minit pertama ep 1 sampai 12 , ada sebenarnya menonton flash backs yg tak rasa pun macam flashbacks, so ini kelebihan teknik suntingan yg bijak , penulisan cerita jln  citer yg lebih baik sikit daripada JIRISAN...cuma tulah ...ade lah sikit kurang sini sana because I  expect more, meaning ada babak yg i fikir depa tak perlu panjangkan, ade babak yg depa kena elaborate . tapi dari aspek tatasusun plot tu cara watak tu berkembang , generally good if it is not too great pun... i have no issues sebab i could or as long as i could make sense of them i am ok, dalam DAYS i tak faham role and position watak tu after ep 6 tu yg sakit hati tu ..., well sebab ape i kata plot bulgasal ni generally okla, a bagus ? sebab semua watak ade history memasing dalam mana Hwal menjadi watak utama, akhirnya kita tahu pun bagaiman asal usul watak tu , apa terjadi pada mereka and last sekali ade kesimpulan pada watak watak tu , didn't  we, pandai ye depa letak jalan cerita hinting sikit sikit itu ini dlm ep ep tertentu , & wrapping semua at the end- ...of course ini ade juga filler episodes tapi pada i , plot generally bagus. at least tak macam jirisan ...dalam jirisan i was a bit annoyed - dengan sequence current time - flash back current time, berpusing  then ke depan so dia ganggu tumpuan...dalam drama ni i tak terasa flashback tu sebab berasa citer plot bergerak ke depan, makna kata ade watak tu developing and ...tapi masa ep 12 ...haa then i know oh inilah ..masa nyata...patutlah hwal kata ( cer dengar voice over masa ep 1 and ep 12 tu )  semua ni bermual when i meet you ..masa ni ep 1 and masa last sekali ep 16 pun masa dia dah tikam dirinya dengan pisau tu pun dia kata balik , i shouldnt have met yes pada i bagus...bagus dari DAYS, sebab DAYs i tak faham satu habuk after ep 6.

Lee Joon - good
Lee Jin Wook ni sebab  i baru tengok dia well nice mamat ni - ade personality acam Lee Sang Yoon jugak sikit , and mamat ni clever ni..dalam BHind tu dia buat siphon untuk keluarkan air kacang soya...masa tu da  terangkan konsep siphon masa tu iras  Lee Saag Yoon pulak ...hahaha


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Post time 6-2-2022 11:06 PM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 7-2-2022 01:02 AM

Moral of the story , be honest and have open communication with those important individuals within your circle.  Barulah tak dimanipulasi. dan lagi satu buang je depa depa yg ada masalah and crime hahaha.

Lagipun ade amarah , dendam yg tak susah sudah lacking of positive attitudes pun teruk juga...

so i gather monster semua dah habis lah dalam era 50 thn selepas itu kan...hahahaha

kire betullah apa yg i baca , kisah ni iras iras macam Goblin ...betullah tu tengok endingnya...

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Post time 6-2-2022 11:08 PM | Show all posts
Just watched finale tadi. Halahhhh plotnya pun
Bukgalady selamatkan 2 kids. Bagi kat nenek tu bela (duh) tinggal kan bulgasal. Budak tu membesar (duh), ogt anak sulung detective bunuh anak no 2 dia. Detective then cari bulgalady. Dpt seksa sekejap.  Bulgasal kill everyone. Bulgalady not apprived of his actions. Kills herself. Okt jumpa bulgasal. Tempted by his power. Save bulgasal and plead nak jadi bulgasal jugak.

Fast forward - bulgasal drank okt blood after somesort of a fight. Then kills himself. Bulgalady cedera teruk. Pun mampos jugak. Both adik bulgalady and bulgasal son moved on. Until 50 years. Jumpa blk bulgalady. Bawak bulgalady rumah lama. Bulgasal pun ada jugak. Rekindle love. Tamat.

Plot bodoh.

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Post time 6-2-2022 11:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
So, lukisan besar2 kt rumah EulTae tu xda makna la sebenarnya. Saja nk bg kita konfius. Si EulTae ni sbb lemah nak sgt kuasa Bulgasal

Yg SangUn tu ngegeh sgt nk tinggal dgn manusia buat apa kalau tau akan mendatangkan masalah. Bodoh watak SangUn. Jadi manusia bodoh, Bulgasal pun bodoh. Terima la hakikat engkau tu Bulgasal mana boleh campur dgn manusia. Tak pasal2 1 kampung mati, dendam 1000 tahun. Dh kena tampar EulTae 1st tu lagi x pandai nk elak tamparan 2nd. Lemah!

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 Author| Post time 6-2-2022 11:58 PM | Show all posts
sah ending macam Goblin...
and my prediction boleh kata 90% betul...
scene 1000 yrs ago tu patut buat full episode earlier...
epi 16 ni macam ada editing problem je..
camna Sang Un boleh balik jumpa detektif Kwon kat well tu padahal sebelum tu dia & Eul Tae ada kat luar?
then lepas tu tiba2 tunjuk scene Hwal jumpa Eul Tae kat dlm gua...
i feel disconnected kat situ  sebab x tunjuk pun apa kesudahan scene Sang Un & Eul Tae tu...

sama macam @sitisbp, iols ada mixed reaction tgk citer ni...
ada part suka & ada part x suka...
the idea & concept is good ala2 citer vampire tapi execution is failed...
lagi2 tang character development tu...
semua watak one dimentional & no depth...
it starts really good tapi masuk episod 6 ke atas pacing dah jadi slower...
this is when i notice script dia pun terlalu simple mcm penulis amatur je yg tulis...
watak detektif Kwon tu, the actor is good tapi dgn material yg dia ada not much he can do...

lagi satu writer ni tolonglah jgn buat citer romance lepas ni...
clearly it's not her strength...


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 Author| Post time 7-2-2022 12:04 AM | Show all posts
akuchenta replied at 6-2-2022 11:49 PM
So, lukisan besar2 kt rumah EulTae tu xda makna la sebenarnya. Saja nk bg kita konfius. Si EulTae ni ...

yelah...apa yg ditunjuk 1000 tahun lepas tu macam takde kena mengena dgn lukisan tu pun...
macam kontra pulak...

lagi satu kenapa Bulgalady stab Hwal 600 yrs ago?
i x blh terima gitu je apa yg Eul Tae citer sebab kenapa pulak Bulgalady nak kena ikut cakap Eul Tae kalau memang Eul Tae yg suruh?
unless kalau dia memang bodohlah...

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Post time 7-2-2022 12:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nuryakmal replied at 6-2-2022 11:08 PM
Just watched finale tadi. Halahhhh plotnya pun
Bukgalady selamatkan 2 kids. Bagi kat nenek tu bela ( ...

We hv de same sentiment sis..watak plg bodoh dlm citer ni is sang un@THE bulgalady. Kudos to lee joon sbb bawak character dgn baik. Ending lg la ntah pape. Xpenat ke kitaran yg sama dgn org yg sama, tp  nnt x jadi cerita la pulak ye dak..hihi

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Post time 7-2-2022 12:18 AM | Show all posts
akuchenta replied at 6-2-2022 11:49 PM
So, lukisan besar2 kt rumah EulTae tu xda makna la sebenarnya. Saja nk bg kita konfius. Si EulTae ni ...

lukisan besar tu , macam red herring je...macam bagi clues awal awal yg sang eun and Hwal tu bulgasal dan depa di tengah ada penghalang

tu je kot ...i tak rasa dia bagi tau apa apa pada penyelesain masalah tu - how to kill Ok Eul Tae...


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Post time 7-2-2022 12:18 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 6-2-2022 11:58 PM
sah ending macam Goblin...
and my prediction boleh kata 90% betul...
scene 1000 yrs ago tu patut bua ...

Setuju sgt2... episod awal2 je iols rsa anticipate sgt..last episode hmm mengecewakan. Iols like pehal tiber sang un lari masuk dekat well tu, iols ada miss apa2 ke..nk kata ada iklan xda..blur jap at the moment dgn tiba2 eul tae dlm kereta n then smpat mkn satu bas tu..ntah pape kat situ

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Post time 7-2-2022 02:45 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 7-2-2022 04:24 AM
xyla73 replied at 7-2-2022 12:04 AM
yelah...apa yg ditunjuk 1000 tahun lepas tu macam takde kena mengena dgn lukisan tu pun...
macam k ...

jawapannya kalauu  tengok balik ep 16 tu,

kenape Sanggasal stab Hwalgasal tu - i tengok balik and refer to babak dalam gua ketika Hwal berkonfrontasi dengan Eul Tae tu.
Eul tae mentioned to Hwal that the BulgaLAdy/ Sanggasal was waiting for him in their humble cave abode after the massacre. AT THAT time though , Sanggasal thought  Hwal woud still be  a Bulgasal. INgat tak ketiak Eul Tae cakap ,  i went to your cave once I am a bulgasal,  but I couldn't get in because there was Sang Eun , previously Sanggasal was in the cave kan , she was waiting for you , little  did she know about our promise ( that you had turned  yourself into human.)..

Eul Tae bagi tahu Hwal yg ketika tu Sanggasal tak tahu yg perjanjian antara Hwal and Eul Tae di bawah pokok selepas  mssacre rampage killing hwal tu yg hwal turned Eul Tae jadi bulgasal and Hwal jadi manusia.

so Sanggasal tunggu...kepulangan  Hwallah

tapi I PRESUME lelama dia tahu yg hwal ni manusia sebab tu dalam tempoh 1000 thn -------600 years beza  400 thn tu she was the one protecting Hwal , Hwal was born a cursed baby... 600 thn tu bukan tarikh hwal dilahirkan tapi hwal dibulgasal balikkan oleh Sanggasal...sebab masa tu tak ada bukti pun Sanggasal bersekongkol dengn Eul Tae..Eultae ckap SanG eun yg bunuh family Hwal...Eul Ate juga cakap yg Sang Eun tu tunggu you kat gua seba dia nak bunuh you balik to end the curse tu. Tu temberag Eul Tae, selama ni pun Eul Tae tak pula bagi tahu yg Hwal cursing semua org...

Sanggasal 1000 years ago stab dirinya sendiri sebab nak matikan Hwal and herself sebab nak stop Hwal dari buat banyak bulgasal curse and causing so much bloodshed.
walhal salah dia lah juga ( i mean sanggasal tu ) sebab dia lah  trigger Hyeol tu tu untuk bunuh Bulgsal aakibat fitnah eul tae.

sanggasal ni hatinya  diberi keutamaan daripada her brain so yes sebab tu  hehe they are all i trouble. Bukan salah Hwal pun..dan taklah taboo sangat pun , kalau lady shaman tu kasi je Sanggasal tahu apa yg berlaku 1000 years ago, dia pulak yg memelih lebih...


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Post time 7-2-2022 02:52 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 7-2-2022 03:33 AM
apedehal replied at 7-2-2022 12:18 AM
Setuju sgt2... episod awal2 je iols rsa anticipate sgt..last episode hmm mengecewakan. Iols like p ...

ini merujuk kepada scene Sang  Eun ditempeleng EuL  Tae lalu jatuh bergolek tu ke? i cuba jawab ye ...
okay , masa tu Ok Eul Tae nampak dark holenya tu berdarah balik ketika dia berdepan dengan Sang Eun lepas scene tragedy telaga tu la., nampak dia macam lemah sesikit dan dia tak sempat nak bunuh sang eun. then disusuli  babak Sang Eun lari ke lokasi well untuk lihat apa yg berlaku pada detective Kwon tu , sebab dia rasa bersalah melarikan diri dan selamatkan dirinya sensorang , walhal pada i lah , ini pendapat i dia tak patut pun patah balik...

satu lagi...
Then masa lassst sekali sebelum Sang eun mati tu, kan dia bagi tangannya dekat Si Ho untuk Si Ho lihat apa yg dalam meorinya tentang apa yg berlaku , tapi kalau tengok balik babak tu ade scene di mana Sang Eun berdialogue dengan Hwal , dan Keadaan Hwal ketika tu berlumuran darah dan baru pulih rasanya , dan dia ajak HAwal jgn korbankan diri, dia ajak hwal macam tak payah lah teruskan misi ini tapi Hwal tak endahkan...dia mesti juga hentikan kitaran dendam chaos yg mengarut ni ...

then i baru faham yang  it makes sense hwal pi gua tu dan SanG eun meluru masuk ketika  hwal berentap dengan Ok Eul Tae, ni ....i baru patch things u bila tengok kali kedua ...sebab masa kali pertama i tertanya macam mane sang eun ikut Hwal sebab ..hwal dah kuar dari telaga tu...and Hwal dah makin there mist be some communication going on...

so yes pada i ade kesinambungan plot tersembunyi dalam plot ni...


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Post time 7-2-2022 03:15 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 7-2-2022 03:44 AM

relevankah soalan Hwal tu kepada Ok Eul Tae:

1. who  was i like before I turned into a Bulgasal ? a bulgasal actually just u were a liitle bit impulsive,slightly immature.
2. why did i ask you to turn me into Bulgasal?  u want to be a Bulgasal back ( but eul tae told u  50% of the narrative though)
3. Why did Sang Eun put a curse on wasnt her, it was you ....hmm...dont curse when you are angry next time Hwal hahaha

dah ade kan?

and alaa weekend ni 2125 ke ?


i following ghost Doctor, Moonshine start tengok balik ep  ke ni ...and two pther k dramas lain tu sebab ade olimpik so kena tangguh...Park Min Young and weather people, business proposal...


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Post time 7-2-2022 10:24 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Cisssss...its all salah bulgalady/ sang un. She started everything lps tu nak salahkan bulgahwal sumpah semorang tu.  Sapa suh gatal2 tinggalkan life partner ko. Ko yg gatal janji tak bunuh org pastu nak salahkan bulgahwal. He was trying to save u b*tch. Tau la umur panjang over millenia,  tak sesenang blh mati, tp perlu ke ko blah sesenyap tak ckp apa2. Member tunggu ko weh. Pelik blh communicate telepathy tp benda simple gini pun writer sengaja omit . Siho doyoon dah besar pun ko tetap takmo balik ke mountain tu. Padahal makcik tu dah ckp dah dia tak sesuai dok sekali. Ko tu sorang je partner bulgasal ofkos la dia marah org nak bunuh ko n ko saja tadah situ. Bodoh. Tak jadi nak marah kat eul tae. He is a prefect parasite yg take his opportunity atas kebodohan bulgalady. Dia twist citer sikit je dah berantakan. Kata mistical demon yg hebat, the presence alone cause human bleed to death tp nan hado. Spjg drama hwal 1000yrs ago n now masih lemahhhh. Eul tae jugak yg kuat. Writer just gambar kan hwal demon yg hebat but its not. Eh byk la tao puas hati. Closing dia mcm bukak a can of worm. All the imperfection amplified. Nyampah.

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Post time 7-2-2022 10:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Writernim gi la baca fanfiction on demon n mystical creature byk2 n develop character yg more convincing n consistent.

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 Author| Post time 7-2-2022 12:50 PM | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 7-2-2022 02:52 AM
ini merujuk kepada scene Sang  Eun ditempeleng EuL  Tae lalu jatuh bergolek tu ke? i cuba jawab ye  ...

ok make sense...
but i still think the editing kat finale ni choppy compared to the first episode...
bila i tgk first episode i boleh rasa goosebump & the cinematic experience tu...
rasa mcm tgk wayang...
tapi bila tgk last episode rasa mcm confuse, eh kenapa out of the blue tiba2 jump ke scene lain...rasa mcm x smooth...
music yg diorg guna kat scene 1000 yrs ago tu pun sounds average je...xde wow factor mcm epi 1...
bila dah ujung2 ni nampak sgt diorg rushing nak siapkan citer ni...

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 Author| Post time 7-2-2022 01:24 PM | Show all posts
but despite ada kekurangan dari segi writing (byk plot holes), i still like how the drama is was beautiful...even the bulgasals look good when they are in bulgasal form...
dari segi ni memang puas hatilah tengok...
scene farewell Hwal & Sang Un dlm epi 16 , color scheme yg diorg guna cantik sgt...
tapi sayang kelemahan cerita over shadow kekuatan drama ni...
kalaulah writer nim explain betul2 camna character bulgasal ni instead of viewers main teka2 je, it will help a lot to resolve the misunderstanding...

ni i pandai2 je buat kesimpulan pasal bulgasal based on apa yg kita nampak dlm drama :
bulgasal ni intelligence level dia kurang & lebih bergantung kpd naluri (instinct), so memang x blh samakan dgn manusia yg ada akal fikiran...
yg jantan kuat dari segi fizikal tapi jugak kuat cemburu...kalau kena provoke abislah mengamuk...
yg betina pulak terlebih baik hati...
i guna term jantan/betina sebab they're beasts by the way, not human...
kalau kita faham ni ciri2 bulgasal dari awal lagi xdelah kita nak marahkan Hwal & Sang Un sebab asyik buat tindakan bodoh...
ke still nak marah jugak sebab Sang Un tu memang bodoh melampau
tapi dlm citer ni memang watak2 semua bodoh even detective Kwon & detective Ham tu pun...


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Post time 7-2-2022 01:57 PM | Show all posts

Bagi iols diorang ni lagi ada kimia dari 2 orang leads tu. Ingatkan diorang ni ada apa2lah 1000 tahun dulu sbb scene benang merah tu ada maksud rupanya x der pun. Sayang sangat setakat 3 scenes jah.


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Post time 7-2-2022 02:00 PM | Show all posts
Semua monsters dalam lukisan ni dah mati kena bunuh kan?


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