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Tashu replied at 3-12-2024 06:50 PM Sesat sokmo 2 olang tu, kelakau
tari replied at 3-12-2024 07:03 PM Haluuuu
Tashu replied at 3-12-2024 06:50 PM Walau x hujan still sejuk
tari replied at 3-12-2024 07:03 PM Ado nasio x
Tashu replied at 3-12-2024 07:17 PM Haluuuu
yangsemb replied at 3-12-2024 07:04 PM Selamat Malam semua
Tashu replied at 3-12-2024 07:18 PM Adoooo
tari replied at 3-12-2024 07:05 PM Yuppp mendung je Dh terubat rindu pd mentari
tari replied at 3-12-2024 07:05 PM Sape sape
Tashu replied at 3-12-2024 06:50 PM Nk start doh dhia ayid
yangsemb replied at 3-12-2024 07:06 PM Betul la kata TT @Tashu
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