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fauralyn This user has been deleted
Post time 16-9-2004 06:20 PM | Show all posts
bole dl kat tu audio dia kurang jelas dan pakai real player.;)

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Post time 16-9-2004 06:53 PM | Show all posts
Hello semua.... seronok baca forum ni.  Best ya ramai yang suka drama ni.

Sebelum ni kite tak kenal langsung Tik n Aom tapi bila 1st time tengok mereka terus terpikat. They look so amazingly goood together - great on screen chemistry.

siapa yang tak tengok lakorn ni memang rugi.  Tik rightly deserves the Best Actor award.. lakonan dia betul2 hidup.

waktu mula tengok 1st few episodes part Anothai n Dala built up their relationship.. kita belum baca lagi sypnosis cerita ni.  so rasa happy gitu bila nonton.  Tapi sejak dah tau endingnya kita rasa agak tension, sedih dan berat hati setiap kali tengok.   Kenapa lah penulis cerita ni kejam sangat buat ending macam ni to Anothai.

So cerita ni habis on 4/10 ya.  katanya episode tu very emotional....Aduuh

Hari tu dapat juga tengok last few episodes of Soda n Ice yang di ulang.  
In the last episode tu Tik cium tangan Atom semasa dalam kereta,  tapi kita rasa it didnt look as sweet n romantic as Anothai n Dala:love:.

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Post time 16-9-2004 07:02 PM | Show all posts
Pergi ke Tikclub n found the translation for Leard Kattiya's songs.

Ini untuk opening song ..............

It's like destiny (or faith) that determine both of our lives to be close together
It seems like it cannot happen
But today two hearts have came and connected
Even if I only have empty hands
It will give me the strength(or energy) to do anything for you no matter what day
Because my heart demands (or ordered) me to dream
Even if the path is unclear(hazy)

As long as the sky still have stars (or starlight)
I want you to know that my love will never disappear (or lost).
I want to take care and protect your heart with the life of this man right here that loves you.

How much the sky loves the stars
Is no different from the heart that I have for you before
No matter how long it is
I promise that I will love you forever more.

As long as the sky still have stars (or starlight)
I want you to know that my love will never disappear (or lost).
I want to take care and protect your hearts with this life of this man right here that loves you. (Repeat)

Some are word for word, some or not. However, this is the meaning of the song.

Here is the translation for the ending song  

It's as if we are people and the sky (this is like saying that we are in different world)
I'm the person
I never thought that love is like the ground and the sky
Because you are a star, and I am a regular person
However, tonight the star came out of the sky
Fell to the ground with love, and took over my heart (or fell on my heart)
I know that I'm not good enough, but my heart still dream
Even if you tell me you love me, but my heart is still lost
Because you have a high meaning, but I have nothing at all
Just one heart right here that I have to give you

How much I love you
How much I love you
Every beat of my heart is still too small to give to you
Because it's too small,I think about it and my feelings hurt all the time
My heart has only you, but it's still too small

The stars never accept the prayers (?) out of my heart
And you are the one that I dream of, can you hear me?
No matter if it's unclear (hazy) and I cannot see the way at all
However, in the heart of this person right here still has a star

How much I love you
How much I love you
Every beat of my heart is still too small to give to you
Because it's too small, I think about it and my feelings hurt all the time
My heart has only you, but it's still too small

The stars never accept the prayers (?) out of my heart
And you are the one that I dream of, can you hear me?
No matter if it's unclear (hazy) and I cannot see the way at all
However, in the heart of this person right here still has a star
However, in the heart of this person right here only have you forever more.


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fauralyn This user has been deleted
Post time 16-9-2004 08:07 PM | Show all posts
omg.sedih gile translation..siapa wat cite ni..rasa ku mau hentam hentam saja.mau ku tikam tikam dia ..wooo wooo sedih gile benci nyer~ kenape such a beautiful story dan chemistry jadi camni mmg kat thai sebeginikah~?

[ Last edited by fauralyn on 16-9-2004 at 08:39 PM ]

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sofia This user has been deleted
Post time 16-9-2004 08:14 PM | Show all posts
cerita ni terlalu sedih, tak semangat nak tengok.

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azreen This user has been deleted
Post time 16-9-2004 08:29 PM | Show all posts
erm.. sian la kat anothai.. :cry:

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Post time 16-9-2004 09:11 PM | Show all posts
aku tumpang kesian kat anothai...

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Post time 16-9-2004 11:34 PM | Show all posts
Memang episod hari ni sedih betul.  Tak sanggup tengok hati Anothai semakin terluka, tapi nak tengok jugak hubungan dia ngan Dala camne (esp. kat pulau tu).  Jadi, nak buat macamana.  Pasal Anothai, tahan jugaklah perasaanku iniiii.....

p/s  Cozack, I nak vcd citer ni.  Ini bukan main-main punye...!:pray:

[ Last edited by btho on 17-9-2004 at 02:32 AM ]

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Post time 17-9-2004 08:15 AM | Show all posts
waaa.....:geram: :geram:
apsal sedey sesgt nih... baru baca tu....
klu tgk lagi lar... kene cr sponsor utk tisu.... kt umah xcukup...
fauralyn ke script writer citer nih yg kejam ...
he.. gurau jer fauralyn...

[ Last edited by azwa85 on 17-9-2004 at 08:17 AM ]

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Post time 17-9-2004 08:49 AM | Show all posts

2 kotak tisu dah guna...

ni baru baca belum tengok lagi.

Fauralyn thanks a lot

cozack i realy need copy of this drama..please

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Post time 17-9-2004 08:51 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fauralyn at 16-9-2004 18:20:
bole dl kat tu audio dia kurang jelas dan pakai real player.;)

mp3 nye xde ke? dah cari kat kaza, under sirasak, penyanyi lagu tu, tapi semua dlm bahasa thai, xtau mana 1.....tolongla bagitau katne leh download laguni........

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Post time 17-9-2004 08:56 AM | Show all posts

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pyada This user has been deleted
Post time 17-9-2004 10:33 AM | Show all posts

baru saya perasan.....:ah:

Dalam cerita PRINCESS bunga rumput dijadikan seperti mahkota manakala dalam drama THE FOX & THE SUGAR CUBE bunga rumput (kalau xsilap la) dijadikan cincin yg mana kedua2 drama ni adalah lakonan mereka berdua.

Pengarah yg sama ke buat cerita ni?

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Post time 17-9-2004 10:40 AM | Show all posts
thanks again fauralyn. Jasa mu kukenang... !! COZACK mana hang? Senyap jekkk... ko jgn lupa aku tauuuu ....

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fauralyn This user has been deleted
Post time 17-9-2004 02:11 PM | Show all posts
sirasak tu lagu ending ke memula?saya bley tolong rekod kan pastu convert jadi mp3 kalo nak r~

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Post time 17-9-2004 04:02 PM | Show all posts
Uhuk! Uhuk!  Hari ni berderai lagi airmata...!!!!

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Post time 17-9-2004 04:07 PM | Show all posts
kesiannyer Anothai hari nie uwaaaaaaaa :cry::cry::cry:..betapa pedihnyer nak meninggalkan org kiter sayang demi kebahagian si dia...uwaaaa :cry:...oh tidak!!!!!!!!!!!!! skrg baru kiter paham...ala teringat kenangan dulu....:cry::cry:

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saleena_zoom This user has been deleted
Post time 17-9-2004 04:28 PM | Show all posts
korang ni leh caye ker jualan vcd kat forum ni..aku dah terkena..tak berani aku nak beli..jom pi beli kat thailand..sepupu aku dok kat perlis saner..dia ckp byk vcd cetak rompak citer princess ni..tapi terpulang pd koranglaaa nak beli atau tak jualan vcd kat forum ni...

memang sedihlaa part ari ni..
sorrylaa tetiba jer aku terus direct cam ni..
saper yg setuju dgn pendapat aku..sila vote

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levenjel This user has been deleted
Post time 17-9-2004 04:32 PM | Show all posts


:geram: aahhh.... mmg dah makin menyayat hati cite ni... dengar pulak lagu die.. baca plak translation lagu die.... uuiiihhhh..... sedey giler!! :cry:
nak nangis cam segan lak sbb nonton ngan mak... so terpaksalah tahan air mata... cam anothai gak...
muka dia cam dah tak pernah nak nampak senyum skang ni... siannya kat die.... itulah hebatnya cinta suci anothai pada dala (jugak pada negaranya yasothorn)!
rasanya watak anothai nilah yang paling best pernah ada kat dlm satu cite.(pendpt saye le.. org lain tak tau le..)
bile nengok dia menahan sedih depan dala ngan putera mahkota rasa cam kite gak terasa kepedihan hati die..... agaknye rase nak pecah dada die nak tahan rase sedih die tu.... ishhh.... sian betul kat die.

kekadang terfikir naper la diorg ni jumpa masa 1st ep ari tu. kalu tak jumpa so tak yah la nak sedey2 cam skang ni..

they were destined to meet and fell in love.. but... sadly... they were also destined not to be together...
begitulah kuasa takdir.... kalu dah tertulis mcm tu... mcm tu jugaklah yg bakal jd...

kekadang gak terfikir naper la dala tak faham2 situation anothai... die tak leh nak ikutkan ati die je... nampaknye cam kita (penonton2 setia) ngan anothai je yg faham... begitulah hebatnya anothai selindungkan perasaan sebenar die drpd diketahui dala (walaupun pernah die ngaku yg die sesgt sedey dgn apa yg jd....)

td lak anothai dah ckp kat dala yg diorg dah tak yah jumpa kat pulau.... pd die dala dah tak de..cuma yg ade tippiyarat dalakumari je.. bayangkan perasaan die masa tu.. boleh lagi die buat muka biasa je kat dala tp dlm ati die tuhan je yg tau... dala tinggalkan anothai nampak cam marah je (tp mesti la ade sedih jugak). sepeninggalan dala terus je menitis air mata gile...:cry::cry::cry:

kali kedua air matanye menitis masa kat laman istana... lepas dala menyentuh tgn anothai & tengok cincin pemberiannya dulu (biasanya kalu kat area istana anothai akan mengundur kalu dala dekat ngan die tp ari ni tak plak). tetiba lak dtg putera mahkota (putera tu cam nampak je dala pegang tgn someone), terus anothai berlalu pegi.... die nyorok belakang cam satu statue sambil nengok dala... lalu mengalir lagi air mata die... huuuu huu!!:cry::cry:

sian kat diorg ber2 - menderita sbb cinta menyintai.... nape tak penulis cite ni biarkan diorg ber2 mati sesama ke...? cam satu cite cine tu (movie).. alaa lupe tajuk die...bnyk kali gak tyg kat tv. cite yg heroin die disguise jd budak lelaki pastu gi belajar. kat sane die jumpe hero pastu jd best friend...sampai sudahnye diorg bercinta. family heroin tentang cinta diorg. sampai hero tu sakit sampai mati. heroin pun mati. lastly diorg cam jd rerama terbang sesama dgn bahagianya.... cite die sedih tp ade happynye... (sori cam dah ff: plak)

kalu diorg 2-2 mati kira cam diorg bersama lah jugak.. (ye ke...?:stp agaknyelah... so tak de lah dala nnt tinggal sorg2 kat throne nye...

aahh.. ape2pun cite ni mmg best gile dr dulu, kini dan selamanya..(hmmmm...?...:hmm:....hopefully nnt2 pun ade jugak lah cite2 best lagi!!)

harap2 fauralyn ke sape2 ke buat le summary 4 those yg tak nengok ari ni... biar kita feeling sesama... heheheh..:ah:   huuuuhuuuuhuuu....

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Post time 17-9-2004 04:46 PM | Show all posts
aku rasa... sbb SAD ending la makin buat citer ni menarik... makin kita menghayati watak anothai .. makin kita sedih... uwaaaaaaaa...... :cry::cry:

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