BEAUTIFUL DAYS Lee Byung Hun - Choi Ji Woo (BD-EHAS talk)
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Originally posted by u^jin at 2003-9-5 04:44 PM:
Boleh tolong u^jin tak?
kite nak ringtone theme All In............
tolonhlah yek
u^jin..cuba try ringtones ni ![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_lol.gif)
All In - Like the first time on that day (Who)
Nokia (tempo 90)
4d2 4e2 8f2 16f2 8f2 8.f2 8e2 16d2 8#c2 8.e2 8e2 16d2 4.d2 8- 8a1 8c2 8c2 16#a1 8#a1 8.f2 4.e2 8- 8.g2 8g2 8.a2 8e2 16d2 4.c2 8d2 16d2 4.d2 8d2 16b1 8#c2 8d2 4.#c2 8- 8e2 16#c2 8d2 8e2 2f2 16d2 8g2 8.f2 8f2 16e2 8e2 8d2 4e2
3 48 48 49 (4) 3 28 1#9 (3) 3 28 (2)99 08 6**8 1* 1 6#**8 6#9 (4)* (3)9 08 (5)8 5 (6) 3 28 (1)99 28 28 (2)99 28 7**8 1#*9 2 (1)#9 08 38 1#8 29 3 499 2888 59 (4) 4 38 39 2 39
Motorola V50, V60, V66, V70, V120 and E360
113000 #33 #33300 #3330 #33300 #333 440 3300 #30 222700 33 440 3300 #30 #3000 4400 #4400 12 #11222 #222 #1270 #2700 11333 440 33000 4400 #4400 #4 440 #400 2 440 3300 #30 222000 4400 3 #30 #3000 4400 3 1220 #11222700 3 2227000 4400 #4400 33 22270 300 #33 #333000 44000 30 400 333 440 33300 #330 #3300 #3 #33000
Siemen S40
2(^)99 399 49 4 49 49 4 39 2 19^ 39 3 39 2 299 29 #9 6(v)9 1(^)9 19 6(v)^ 69^ 4(^)9 4 399 39 #9 59 5 59 69 6 39 2 199 19 29 2 299 29 29 7(v) 1(^)9^ 29 199^ 19^ #9 39 1^ 29 39 4999 2 59 49 4 49 3 39 29 399
Samsung A200, A288, N100, N188, N400, N620, N628, T100, T108, T208, SGH-R255
28 38 48**** 48*** 48**** 48**** 0*** 38**** 28*** 18#**** 38**** 0*** 38**** 28*** 28* 0**** 6**** 18**** 18**** 6#*** 6#**** 48**** 0*** 38* 0**** 58**** 0*** 58**** 68**** 0*** 38**** 28*** 18* 28**** 28*** 28* 28**** 7*** 18#**** 28**** 18#* 0**** 38**** 18#*** 28**** 38**** 48** 28*** 58**** 48**** 0*** 48**** 38*** 38**** 28**** 38
Sony Ericsson T68i
20 3 48 48 49 4 [=] 6 v YES 3 28 19# 3 [=] 6 v YES 3 28 299 [=] 6 v YES *8 6000 10 1 60008## 69## 40 [=] 6 v YES 39 [=] 6 v YES *8 5 [=] 6 v YES 5 6 [=] 6 v YES 3 28 199 [=] 6 v YES 28 28 299 [=] 6 v YES 28 70008 109# 2 19# [=] 6 v YES *8 3 18# 29 3 499 2888 59 4 [=] 6 v YES 4 38 39 2 39
Sony ericsson T600, T66 and T602
2228 > 3 > 46 > 466 > 46 > 469 > 36 > 266 > 167 > 369 > 36 > 266 > 29 > 8688 > 6628 > 162 > 16 > 66675 > 667 > 4692 > 39 > 8688 > 569228 > 56 > 669 > 36 > 266 > 19 > 26 > 266 > 29 > 26 > 7665 > 1672 > 26 > 179 > 8688 > 36228 > 1667 > 26 > 36 > 43 > 266 > 56 > 469 > 46 > 366 > 36 > 26 > 3
Motorola T720 and C330
*5d2*5e2*5f3*5f4*5f3*5f3.*5e3*5d4*5#c3*5e3.*5e3*5d4*5d2.r3*4a3*5c3*5c3*4 #a4 *4#a3*5f3.*5e2.r3*5g3.*5g3*5a3.*5e3*5d4*5c2.*5d3*5d4*5d2.*5d3*4b4*5#c3*5 d3* 5#c2.r3*5e3*5#c4*5d3*5e3*5f1*5d4*5g3*5f3.*5f3*5e4*5e3*5d3*5e2 |
All in Midi..
katt and lelain.. mane bley saye nak dapatkan @ download midi All in?.. BTW.. lagu theme All In - Who tuh besh kan?!.. sampaikan mak saye pon minat ngan melodies lagu tuh..
so, saye kat c-ni suke dengar midi.... midi yg saye ade just song dari Autumn In My Heart.. nak jugak saye download midi dari drama All In n BD.. so, sape bley tolong.. ??..
p/s :-.. slain LBH sape lagi hero korea yg korang minat?? |
goggle suka lagu theme ALL IN ni.mmg best dan menyayat hati ;) |
betul kerr LBH ngan SHK tu
tak cayanyer |
Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
Originally posted by whitedove at 2003-9-9 03:10 PM:
ha...betul...contohnya citer present tu especially da hee, yoon shik & min ho...diorg ni kalu audition mmg pilih betul2 kan...tapi kan, sampai sekarang terasa musykil lagi tau...muka da hee tu tersangat2 la familiarnye...mcm pernah tgk kat drama mana2 sebelum present...ada sesapa yg terasa macam tu tak?
Atashi pun rasa camtu... Sebenarnya, Da Hee blakon jadik Jang Na Ra edisi kecik dlm My Love, Patzzi. Sbb tu la dia tu sgt familiar. ;)
Sesaper yg minat LBH, esp suara dia... leh la try tgk animasi Korea, Love Fantasy: My Beautiful Girl, Mari. LBH sumbangkan suara utk watak utama. Malang sungguh versi yg atashi dgr is Mandarin punye. Kalo x sure dah leh dgr suara dia yg org ckp macho tu. ;) |
Originally posted by Takki_Aniki at 2003-9-10 02:50 PM:
Atashi pun rasa camtu... Sebenarnya, Da Hee blakon jadik Jang Na Ra edisi kecik dlm My Love, Patzzi. Sbb tu la dia tu sgt familiar. ;)
Thanks Takki for the info pasal Da Hee tu.....masa MLP tak perasan pulak the girl .
Kalau cerita animasi dubbing juga nak buat apa.....teruk betul, dahlah tak nampak orangnya, suara pun tak boleh dengar. Huh! Err, betul ke vcd My Beautiful Girl, Mari tu ada di pasaran? |
aku nak tanyelah kat korang......
cam ner attach pict kat thread ni..........?
dan cam nak attach avatar selain avatar cari.com......(internet) |
Originally posted by katt at 10-9-2003 01:21 AM:
Saya tak ada midi ALL IN at the moment but you can download the 2 main songs using the links below. Just right-click on the links and save target as....
[img]http://www.byunghunlee ...
thanxxx so much katt.. dah puas jgak org cari lagu WHO dlm bentuk mp3.. nih baru dpt.. heheh.. org penah beli cd 2003 Greatest Hits Of Korea Drama semate-mate pasal nak kan lagu Who nih.. tapi bile dah beli je... lagu tuh dinyanyikan oleh org lain.. tapi sedap jugak laa....sebab dier nyanyi lebih jelas sebutan nye.. wateva pun penyanyi asalnye nyanyi lagik besh.... .... thanx again KATT!
[ Last edited by shanew3stgalz on 10-9-2003 at 09:47 PM ] |
Originally posted by Robab at 10-9-2003 10:09 AM:
betul kerr LBH ngan SHK tu
tak cayanyer
dulu haku pon x pcaye.. tapi lepas dier org yg mngaku.. aku baru caye... tapi orait ape.. dierorg padan.. tapi SHK terlalu mude utk LBH.. dan LBH tlalu tua utk SHK.. tapi kaloo dah jodoh.. x kire tua... tapi bile dah bsame.. x nampak sorang tua.. sorang mude.. dah mcm sebaye... LBH pandai bgaye.. x nampak tua langsung.. macho lagi tuh!
[ Last edited by shanew3stgalz on 10-9-2003 at 09:58 PM ] |
To post images
Originally posted by u^jin at 2003-9-10 05:27 PM:
aku nak tanyelah kat korang......
cam ner attach pict kat thread ni..........?
dan cam nak attach avatar selain avatar cari.com......(internet)
For u^jin & others, too
To post a pic, you have to get the complete url of the image you want to paste from another website. Any website would do except for Geocities & Tripods sites and a few others. These sites doesn't allow their images to be copied. And the pics or images have to be in .jpg or .gif format, if I'm not mistaken.
Contoh 1:
to paste:
[i m g]http://www.111.222.45/drama/images/123.j p g[/i m g]
Please note that in my contoh ni.....ada gap between the alphabets in the bracket. Saya sengaja bubuh gap so that you can see it. If not, the contoh will not be visible and you'll get a box with an X. Jadi, bila betul-betul posting, do not leave any gaps.
Contoh 2:
[i m g]http://www.hotkorea.com.tw/KrNews/Images/20030905_%203.jpg[/i m g]
Saya sengaja jarakkan [i m g] dan [/ i m g] dalam bracket tu supaya you all can see the link. Jadi, bila betul-betul nak post gambar....do not leave any gap in between and the image will come out like this (image below of you-know-who ^_^)
* u^jin dear, ada silap sikit in my PM to you tu. To attach avatar dari luar, you have to have at least 200 credits only. u^jin kira dah bolehlah tu, kan? To be sure, please refer pada board Feedback and Suggestions, ok?
Cari Forum |
Originally posted by shanew3stgalz at 2003-9-10 09:41 PM:
thanxxx so much katt.. dah puas jgak org cari lagu WHO dlm bentuk mp3.. nih baru dpt.. heheh.. org penah beli cd 2003 Greatest Hits Of Korea Drama semate-mate pasal nak kan lagu Who nih.. tapi bile dah beli je... lagu tuh dinyanyikan oleh org lain.. tapi sedap jugak laa....sebab dier nyanyi lebih jelas sebutan nye.. wateva pun penyanyi asalnye nyanyi lagik besh........ thanx again KATT!
Sure, anytime......sama-sama. Glad to be able to help with the songs.
They're my favourite at the moment ;).
[ Last edited by katt on 11-9-2003 at 01:06 AM ] |
Originally posted by Takki_Aniki at 10-9-2003 02:50 PM:
Atashi pun rasa camtu... Sebenarnya, Da Hee blakon jadik Jang Na Ra edisi kecik dlm My Love, Patzzi. Sbb tu la dia tu sgt familiar. ;)
Sesaper yg minat LBH, esp suara dia... leh la try ...
betul, betul! dah ingat dah pernah nampak muka da hee kat mana...yelah dia yg pegang watak jang nara dlm my love paatzi... |
Originally posted by Takki_Aniki at 2003-9-10 02:50 PM:
Atashi pun rasa camtu... Sebenarnya, Da Hee blakon jadik Jang Na Ra edisi kecik dlm My Love, Patzzi. Sbb tu la dia tu sgt familiar. ;)
x perasan lak da hee pernah pegang watak jd jang nara edisi kecik dlm My Love Patzzi ![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_lol.gif) |
ignesea This user has been deleted
Originally posted by katt at 3-9-2003 17:24:
My earlier posting, taken from page 7
Ini filem terakhir LBH in 2002 sebelum dia berlakon drama ALL IN. To answer Seablue's question, saya pun belum jumpa vcdnya di mana-mana. Lama dah su ...
i haf seen this movie vcd (Addicted) in sgp... masih ader lagi ar skarang... however, i did not watch dis show... so tak tau ar bagus ke tak? tapi LBH memang hansem giler although he is oredi 30+ :bg: |
ignesea This user has been deleted
Originally posted by katt at 10-9-2003 01:21:
Saya tak ada midi ALL IN at the moment but you can download the 2 main songs using the links below. Just right-click on the links and save target as....
[img]http://www.byunghunlee ...
the songs r wonderful.... thanx katt....:bg: |
ignesea This user has been deleted
Originally posted by katt at 26-8-2003 14:44:
Hi goggle
Thanks for the personal review. Appreciate it.....Nampaknya goggle buat marathon tengok vcd BD sampai episod 15 ya ;).
Juga suka baca review goggle pasal LBH & RSW tu. ...
korang korang nie betulnyer detailed maser doing all these quotations for beautiful days... nampak nampak nye, i will watch again beautiful days n join join korangnyer marathon n comments arr.... malam nie jugak i wil start watching arr.... hehehe... mcm buang tebiat lagik sey....
n guess wat... sgp is actually showing beautiful days rite now... onli 2 episodes a week... tuu pun tak cukup nak join dis marathon cos it's too slow... vcds jugak menjadik pilihan!! hahahaha... i tink i m oredi mentally unstable arr... dah berapa kali watch beautiful days n All in.... mcm tak tau erti jemu... :2cool: |
tak dapat dinafikan sorang hensem gilerr
sorang lagi cantik gilerrrrr
mmg pasangan yang
macam pinang dibelah-belah |
Originally posted by ignesea at 2003-9-11 10:28 PM:
the songs r wonderful.... thanx katt....:bg:
Glad to hear that you like it ;). |
Originally posted by ignesea at 2003-9-11 10:40 PM:
korang korang nie betulnyer detailed maser doing all these quotations for beautiful days... nampak nampak nye, i will watch again beautiful days n join join korangnyer marathon n comments arr.... malam nie jugak i wil start watching arr.... hehehe... mcm buang tebiat lagik sey....
n guess wat... sgp is actually showing beautiful days rite now... onli 2 episodes a week... tuu pun tak cukup nak join dis marathon cos it's too slow... vcds jugak menjadik pilihan!! hahahaha... i tink i m oredi mentally unstable arr... dah berapa kali watch beautiful days n All in.... mcm tak tau erti jemu... :2cool:
Jangan susah hati.....it's normal actually since saya pun macam tu. Dah tak terkira berapa kali tengok Beautiful Days, versi tv (recorded), vcd lagi....online clips lagi. Itupun masih berharap that one day any one of the channels akan ulang balik drama tu. All In pulak, cuma baru tengok a few episodes online.....masih belum dapat mengatasi BD.
Yeah, Singapore's repeating BD twice a week. Walaupun very late at night tapi still fans akan tengok walaupun ada yang akan dapat 'panda eyes' the next day ![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif)
* so come and share you opinion about BD or All In or LBH......tell us anything about BD, the thread is yours . |
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