Truth.8 posted on 23-2-2013 03:22 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
many will makes so much claimed. the fact these never knew in the Bible. If you deny Christ not ...
There you go 'konar konar' again. It has always been my contention - where in the bible that explicitly state or by admission
(1) biblical Jesus is God
(2) he died on the cross
So far you only 'konar konar' but have not provided the biblical verses being evidence. We want scriptural evidence not 'konar konar'. BTW to you it is not enough that biblical Jesus supposedly died. You also need to believe that he undergone resurrection. The difficulty here is that can God die? If God died , what resurrected the dead God? Another more powerful God? Lets see what is your 'konar konar' on this issue. You might want to consider changing your handle from 'truth.8' to 'konar-konar.8'.
Ha ha , Isa is the arabic name of Yeshua. Both are in the semitic languages of arabic / hebrew. Therefore Isa is a more accurate description of Yeshua. Jesus is the latin version , a completely different language and name. If you ask an Israelite living in 7CE (and not knowing latin) who is Isa / Yeshua , they will immediately know who the person is but they will not know who is Jesus. Even the name of Yeshua had been 'konar konar' to Jesus.
do you dare to talk against Holy Spirit? I challenged you.
EEDAT’S DOWNFALLMany readers have been asking whether Ahmed Deedat, the Muslim debater, is still alive. As of this writing (July 2005) he is alive, but he cannot speak and he is completely paralysed. In fact, Deedat has been in this condition since he suffered a rare kind of stroke nine years ago. Few people outside his home city of Durban are aware of this, and even fewer, know the sequence of events leading to this tragedy.
Four weeks before Deedat was stricken he attacked the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ in front of a large audience in Australia. These provocative lectures “raised the ire of the Australian government”, causing them to “threaten to deport him unless he toned down the content of his Good Friday lecture in Sydney.” (Daily News, Durban, 6 May 1996) Incidentally, Deedat’s inflammatory reputation caused Singapore to ban him from entering their country.
If a secular entity like the Australian government was so offended, what was the Christian church feeling? And more importantly what were they doing about it? Following is the record of how Christians responded in Durban where Deedat founded and directed the Islamic Propagation Centre International.
The publication of Deedat’s book “Combat Kit” (1992) marked the beginning of the end. This vicious and ridiculing attack on the Bible set in motion events which proved to be Deedat’s undoing. During the next year a small group of Christians prayed about these provocations. Finally I wrote Mr. Deedat a personal letter, in which I refuted two of his most vile and vicious attacks. He did not acknowledge receiving the hand-delivered letter — much less answer it.
[This personal letter is now displayed here.An expanded rebuttal which correlates with this letter has been available on this page already since 1996. This article reports about another visit to Deedat that is related to the same issue.]
In the following months a group of nearly two dozen pastors from many different churches and denominations deliberated and prayed about these mocking attacks on the Holy Bible. They decided to issue a stern public rebuke through an open letter in the Daily News of Durban. They warned him of God’s judgement because Deedat refused to retract his defamatory and unscholarly attacks against the Bible.
[See this page for a reproduction of the open letter.]
This confrontation — and the stroke that Deedat suffered 21 months later — is reminiscent of another confrontation between the apostle Paul and Elymas, the sorcerer. We read that Paul sharply rebuked him, “O full of all deceit and all fraud, you son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, will you not cease perverting the straight ways of the Lord? And now indeed, the hand of the Lord is upon you, and you shall be blind, not seeing the sun for a time.” (Acts 13:10,11) It should not surprise us that God vindicated his holiness by striking Elymas with temporary blindness. So also with Deedat: he suffered a severe stroke, rendering him speechless and paralysed.
God declares in his word, "Whoever stubbornly refuses to accept criticism will suddenly be broken beyond repair." (Proverbs 29:1)
Some readers might object to this line of reasoning, arguing that the stroke happened 21 months after the rebuke was issued. They would argue that there is no cause/effect relationship. However, the Bible (and also the Qur’an) clearly teach that God does not always punish sin immediately (Romans 2:1-4; surah 16:61). He shows forbearance and patience. God gave Deedat ample time to repent. It seems more than coincidental that Deedat was struck down four weeks after mocking the crucifixion in his Autralia lecture tour, climaxing with another attack on Good Friday, the highest commemorative day of Christianity. We believe that the stroke which silenced Deedat was an act of judgment, timed by God to happen on the heels of this broadside attack against the cornerstone doctrine of salvation. This particular provocation needs to be understood against the backdrop of Deedat’s repeated disregard to refutations and finally to a public warning. His mouth was shut and continues to be shut as long as he remains obstinate.
Giving a sharp rebuke should not be misunderstood as a vengeful act. Deedat was reminded — in the open letter of rebuke — that God could forgive him if he would admit his wrong. Unfortunately, neither at that time, nor on subsequent occasions when we visited him in his paralysed condition, did he stop attacking the Bible. Interestingly, he allowed me (and one of my friends) to pray for him when we visited him at his home — without any apparent healing taking place. On our next visit we followed up this unfinished matter by reminding Deedat that God’s Word says sin hinders our prayers from being answered. We read King David’s words, “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear.” (Psalm 66:18) Then we reminded Deedat of the open letter of rebuke which preceded his stroke. We asked him whether he was now prepared to admit having done wrong.
Deedat spelled out his emphatic reply, one letter at a time, “I have no guilt on my head.” (Such communiques from Deedat are obviously inaudible. He indicates his choice of individual letters by blinking his eye.) It was — and still is — our sincere prayer that Deedat would humble himself and experience God’s mercy and healing.
David Foster
Durban, 10 July 2005
Some readers have wondered why this article was written such a long time after the events had happened. Considering that it vindicates the Christian worldview, why did the author not report on the events leading up to Deedat’s downfall much sooner?
My refutation of ‘Combat Kit’ — an article similar to the personal letter I had given Deedat, but slightly longer — was offered to the public in an advertisement in the Daily News on the same page as the open letter to Deedat. But I did not follow this up with a report explaining our Christian interpretation of Deedat’s subsequent stroke (21 months later). Only my ‘Combat Kit’ refutation was published on the internet in 1996.
further reading : http://www.answering-islam.org/Responses/Deedat/downfall.htm
According to your worldview , all who suffered from stroke were due to them challenging the holy spirit? Ha ha , bagus lah tu , doktor tak ada keje lah. This is one of the worst emotional writing so far. Next time when a doctor sees a patient with stroke , the first question they need to ask is whether the person had challenged the 'holy spirit'. You might want to check this with our so called 'medical professional' , 'wkk5159'.
(a) God
(b) Angel
(c) Satan
(d) I don't know
Holy Spirit is GOD ...I hve posted in One God but Two in C&C...if you do not know who is HOLY Spirit , why all the fuss condeming the Bible? did not it show your bad evil intention to bad mouth my faith?? like I said, we do not mind but bear in mind, there is a limit your talk ...Once you have cross the limit. there is no turning back and you will face the wrath of GOD . repent before too late. Thats is my final words to you.
you talk like deedat and mock Holy Spirit, surly you will face CURSED.
This is where the confusion creeps in. You stated clearly you are not trinitarian but binitarian. To you biblical Jesus is supposedly God. The 'holy spirit' is supposedly God. That means in your binitarian theology , the 'Father' is not God. Then why do you recite the Lord's prayer which addresses the 'Father'?
Why you so 'konar konar' one? What is the role or function or job scope of the 'holy spirit'? In the bible , mat12:32 , biblical Jesus states that if you sin against the 'holy spirit' , it is not forgiven. Nothing about being cursed.
A hypothetical situation. Say a person sin against biblical Jesus - he is forgiven. However he sins against the 'holy spirit' - he is not forgiven. Does this mean that the 'holy spirit' is an unforgivable God? I thought you always claim that your God is all love. Isn't this a contradiction of the attributes of your God(s) meaning in your binary Godhead there are 2 distinct and opposing wills? Very 'konar konar' one ....
DONT twiste like snake. I have given the link many times of the funciton of the holy spirit in C&C..
I don't go into C&C. Any reason why I should go there?
Last edited by sam1528 on 23-2-2013 06:40 PM
sam1528 posted on 23-2-2013 06:39 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
There you go 'konar konar' again. It has always been my contention - where in the bible that expli ...
now , I have numberous time have debated here and posted numrous time who is Jesus. in C& C i did you the link but as usual u lies , twiste like snake( konar2) worst of alll u denial.
is ok for me, I have seen this kind of tactic done by muslims several times,
let me post again:
Jesus - Man or God? We need to know without a doubt, who Jesus Christ was.
Just who was Jesus? Was He God or was He a man? Was He human or was He divine? If someone were to ask you these questions, how would you answer, and better yet, how would you prove it? Most of professing Christianity and theologians have struggled over this question for millennia and are confused about the answer. We should not be in confusion. We need to know, without a doubt, who and what Jesus was. Let’s see what the scriptures say about Christ - was He God or human.
Jesus Divine JOHN 1:1-3, 14-15 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. (14) And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father …. (15) John bore witness of Him and cried out, saying, "This was He of whom I said, 'He who comes after me is preferred before me, for He was before me.'"
1. Who is the "Word"? By what other name is He known? Read verses 29-30.
2. According to this passage, who created all things?
3. What other scripture tells us who created all things in the beginning? What conclusion must one come to if these two scriptures claim that this Personage created all things?
4. How is it possible for one to come after a certain person and yet to have been before that same person? That is what John claims in verse 15.
COMMENT: John shows that the Word, the God of the Old Testament, became Jesus of Nazareth. That is, the Word, Jesus, was God, in the flesh. That is the point that John is making here.
JOHN 9:35-38 Jesus heard that they had cast him out; and when He had found him, He said to him, "Do you believe in the Son of God?" He answered and said, who is He, Lord, that I may believe in Him?" And Jesus said to him, "you have both seen Him and it is He who is talking with you." Then he said, "Lord, I believe!" And he worshiped Him.
5. Why would Jesus allow this man to worship Him? Who only are we to worship?
Who only is worthy of worship?
NOTE: There are plenty of examples in the Bible that show even an angel of highest rank would not let man worship him.
to read more, please click here
sam1528 posted on 23-2-2013 06:39 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
There you go 'konar konar' again. It has always been my contention - where in the bible that expli ... This is where the confusion creeps in. You stated clearly you are not trinitarian but binitarian. To you biblical Jesus is supposedly God. The 'holy spirit' is supposedly God. That means in your binitarian theology , the 'Father' is not God. Then why do you recite the Lord's prayer which addresses the 'Father'? I caught you again lying. In my title 2 God but One it indicate about the Holy Spirit. does it says that Father is not God?
clearly you never bother to study rather finding fault.
pity u
read my topic here :
Is God comprise of One, Two Or Three. One God BUT TWO
Truth.8 posted on 23-2-2013 09:40 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
now , I have numberous time have debated here and posted numrous time who is Jesus. in C& C i did ...
There you go , 'konar konar' again :
now , I have numberous time have debated here and posted numrous time who is Jesus. in C& C i did you the link but as usual u lies , twiste like snake( konar2) worst of alll u denial.
is ok for me, I have seen this kind of tactic done by muslims several times,
let me post again:
Jesus - Man or God? We need to know without a doubt, who Jesus Christ was.
Just who was Jesus? Was He God or was He a man? Was He human or was He divine? If someone were to ask you these questions, how would you answer, and better yet, how would you prove it? Most of professing Christianity and theologians have struggled over this question for millennia and are confused about the answer. We should not be in confusion. We need to know, without a doubt, who and what Jesus was. Let’s see what the scriptures say about Christ - was He God or human.
Jesus Divine JOHN 1:1-3, 14-15 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. (14) And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father …. (15) John bore witness of Him and cried out, saying, "This was He of whom I said, 'He who comes after me is preferred before me, for He was before me.'"
1. Who is the "Word"? By what other name is He known? Read verses 29-30.
2. According to this passage, who created all things?
3. What other scripture tells us who created all things in the beginning? What conclusion must one come to if these two scriptures claim that this Personage created all things?
4. How is it possible for one to come after a certain person and yet to have been before that same person? That is what John claims in verse 15.
COMMENT: John shows that the Word, the God of the Old Testament, became Jesus of Nazareth. That is, the Word, Jesus, was God, in the flesh. That is the point that John is making here.
JOHN 9:35-38 Jesus heard that they had cast him out; and when He had found him, He said to him, "Do you believe in the Son of God?" He answered and said, who is He, Lord, that I may believe in Him?" And Jesus said to him, "you have both seen Him and it is He who is talking with you." Then he said, "Lord, I believe!" And he worshiped Him.
5. Why would Jesus allow this man to worship Him? Who only are we to worship?
Who only is worthy of worship?
NOTE: There are plenty of examples in the Bible that show even an angel of highest rank would not let man worship him.
to read more, please click here
Ha ha , you keep on repeating John1:1. I have already provided the opinions of bible scholars which concluded that the verse means that biblical Jesus was a revelation of God. You are not addressing the issue but keep on repeating the same issue hoping for it to be the truth. Life don't work in that manner. Can you stop 'konar konar'.
John9:38? I looked up the NIV bible and its footnote
38 Then the man said, “Lord, I believe,” and he worshiped him.
39 Jesus said,[a] “For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind.”
[a] John 9:39 Some early manuscripts do not have Then the man said … Jesus said.
In some manuscripts the verse is non existent. This is a dodgy bibllical verse.
In addition there is a contention of the word proskyneo as it does not necessarily mean worship :
the verb proskyneo in John 9:38. Through this study, I will defend the notion that the use of proskyneo, by the man born blind, should not be understood as directly and exclusively addressed to the Johannine Jesus but alternatively, as an acknowledgment and recognition that the Father is made known in the person of Jesus (cf. 9:3).
Martijn Steegen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium To Worship the Johannine "Son of Man" (John 9:38):
You tried to 'konar konar' but this time 'konar baring' and 'langsung terbaring' .... ha ha
Last edited by sam1528 on 24-2-2013 12:44 AM
Truth.8 posted on 23-2-2013 09:43 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
I caught you again lying. In my title 2 God but One it indicate about the Holy Spirit. does it sa ...
Let see who 'konar konar' ....
I caught you again lying. In my title 2 God but One it indicate about the Holy Spirit. does it says that Father is not God?
clearly you never bother to study rather finding fault.
pity u
read my topic here :
Is God comprise of One, Two Or Three. One God BUT TWO
We have established the fact that you somehow believe in the binitarian and not the trinitarian formula for the Godhead
Your post #260
Holy Spirit is GOD ...I hve posted in One God but Two in C&C...if you do not know who is HOLY Spirit , why all the fuss condeming the Bible? did not it show your bad evil intention to bad mouth my faith??
If you claim the 'holy spirit' is God and then you claim biblical Jesus is God , by logical deduction that means the 'Father' is not God according to you in relation your binitarian against the trinitarian formula.
However if you refer to the link given by you , post#2
When the demons saw Jesus, they cried out, " We know who You are - the Holy One of God." These
rebellious spirits recognized Jesus was the OTHER ONE pre-existing with God. One plus one equals two ! There were TWO BEINGS in the Godhead !
Consider this : if the Holy Spirit was a third person existing together with the Word and God, then John 1:1 should be written in this manner : In the beginning was the Word and the Spirit, and the Word and the Spirit -were with God, and were God.
Another example , your post#5
Unless you are suffering from spiritual myopia, you should now be able to see that God the Father and His Son are the ONLY TWO PERSONS in the Godhead !
Unity of God omits the Spirit
Jesus claimed perfect unity between Him and His Father. He declared : " I and My Father are One." (John
10:30, NKJV). This does mean that Jesus and the Father are one person because Jesus Himself testified : "I am not alone, but I am with the Father who sent Me " (John 8:16 , NKJV}. Jesus is saying He is not the sole God-Being, He is united with someone else - the Father.
You now claim that the 'holy spirit' is not part of the Godhead thus your binitarian formula.
Can you now see just how you 'konar konar'?
(1) In post#260 you claim the 'holy spirit' is God thus in your binitarian formula it will be biblical Jesus and the 'holy spirit'. - ie. Your version of the binitarian Godhead = Biblical Jesus + 'holy spirit'
(2) In posts #2 and #5 (from your provided link) you claim that the 'holy spirit' is not part of the binitarian Godhead. - ie. Your version of the binitarian Godhead = Biblical Jesus + 'Father'
Now you have 'konar konar' your own self. You are not even sure of your own beliefs. Ha ha ..... what a confused person you are. Konar lah banyak2 .... ha ha
Last edited by sam1528 on 24-2-2013 12:42 AM
sam1528 posted on 24-2-2013 12:14 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
There you go , 'konar konar' again :
Ha ha , you keep on repeating John1:1. I have already prov ...
still konar2 again.
get the source l link I have provide. than read with full hearted
sam1528 posted on 24-2-2013 12:40 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Let see who 'konar konar' .... If you claim the 'holy spirit' is God and then you claim biblical Jesus is God , by logical deduction that means the 'Father' is not God according to you in relation your binitarian against the trinitarian formula.
God the Father and Jesus is divine beings.
Holy spirit source from Father the GOD
as for the trinitarian, it all in my title one God but two...
if you problem understanding it, read....don't ask same question again and again, it show your stupidilty.
Last edited by Truth.8 on 24-2-2013 09:07 AM
Truth.8 posted on 24-2-2013 09:03 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
still konar2 again.
get the source l link I have provide. than read with full hearted
Ha ha , I dunno , it appears that it is you who is not open minded - 'konar konar' minded.
The link that you provided argues on
(1) john1:1
(2) john9:38
that indirectly mean that biblical Jesus was / is God.
(1) world reknown bible scholars (trinitarian scholars) like Barclay and Lightfoot concluded that the verse does not mean that biblical Jesus was / is God. It refers to
- Gods's revelation or
- belonging to the same sphere as God without being identified with God
(2) In some manuscripts (per the NIV bible) the said verse is not there and the word 'proskyneo' does not necessarily mean worship.
I need you to address these issues but you just 'konar konar' around it.
Just a simple logical question. If biblical Jesus was / is God , why can't he admit to it? It seems to me that the biblical God of in the New Testament is a shy and timid God. This is a point that no one understand.
Truth.8 posted on 24-2-2013 09:05 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
God the Father and Jesus is divine beings.
Holy spirit source from Father the GOD
You again overlay or 'konar konar' the Greek culture , tradition and understanding plus your own bias into the definition of 'divine' in the context of an Isaraelite culture , tradition and understanding in the period of biblical Jesus. The Israelites of that time have very different understanding to the context of 'divine'.
...The Hebrew Bible recounts numerous instances of appearances or revelations of God's presence (gilui ha-shekhinah) or manifestations by divine beings who are God's messengers to human beings The Cambridge Dictionary of Judaism and Jewish Culture By Judith R. Baskin
That is why biblical Jesus is called the 'word' of God in the bible and 'kalimah' (the word) Allah in the Quran per Quran3.45 (sahih International)
[And mention] when the angels said, "O Mary, indeed Allah gives you good tidings of a word from Him, whose name will be the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary - distinguished in this world and the Hereafter and among those brought near [to Allah ].
This is because he was / is a living breathing human revelation from God (Allah) who was born miraculously without any male intervention.
Ha ha , if you claim biblical Jesus was / is God because he was born without a father (virgin birth) than by that logic , biblical Adam was a bigger God - no father no mother.
Holy spirit source from Father the GOD
as for the trinitarian, it all in my title one God but two...
if you problem understanding it, read....don't ask same question again and again, it show your stupidilty.
If you now claim that the 'holy spirit' is a source from God therefore it is God. Then according to your logic , all of us humans are Gods. Our spirit or soul is from God or source from God. Ha ha , what logic do you ascribe to?
I do not understand it , on one hand you claim the 'holy spirit' is God then logically your binitarian formula excludes the 'Father' in the binitarian God head. On the other hand you then claim that the 'holy spirit' is omitted from the binitarian God head but the 'holy spirit' is God. Ha ha , you 'konar konar' until you yourself is confused over the whole matter.
sam1528 posted on 24-2-2013 11:55 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Ha ha , I dunno , it appears that it is you who is not open minded - 'konar konar' minded.
The ... Ha ha , I dunno , it appears that it is you who is not open minded - 'konar konar' minded.
The link that you provided argues on
(1) john1:1
(2) john9:38
that indirectly mean that biblical Jesus was is God The link did not argues but your brain need a tune up
(1) world reknown bible scholars (trinitarian scholars) like Barclay and Lightfoot concluded that the verse does not mean that biblical Jesus was / is God. It refers to
- Gods's revelation or
- belonging to the same sphere as God without being identified with God
i dont read the world reknow scholars ...i read Bible.
again you have made fool in this forum
(2) In some manuscripts (per the NIV bible) the said verse is not there and the word 'proskyneo' does not necessarily mean worship.
if dont worship than what...bow
again you have made fool in this forum
I need you to address these issues but you just 'konar konar' around it.
than you address is wrong
again you have made fool in this forum
Just a simple logical question. If biblical Jesus was / is God , why can't he admit to it? It seems to me that the biblical God of in the New Testament is a shy and timid God. This is a point that no one understand.
If the Bible did not claimed Jesus Goed, than the Chruch and Bible faith follower use under Jesus name. the fact we call Jesus name every now and than...
again you have made fool in this forum
sam1528 posted on 24-2-2013 12:20 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
You again overlay or 'konar konar' the Greek culture , tradition and understanding plus your own b ... You again overlay or 'konar konar' the Greek culture , tradition and understanding plus your own bias into the definition of 'divine' in the context of an Isaraelite culture , tradition and understanding in the period of biblical Jesus. The Israelites of that time have very different understanding to the context of 'divine'. If the israelites got problem understanding that issue. that not my business.
Again you made a fool in this forum![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) ...The Hebrew Bible recounts numerous instances of appearances or revelations of God's presence (gilui ha-shekhinah) or manifestations by divine beings who are God's messengers to human beings
I use King James Version
Again you made fool in this forum
That is why biblical Jesus is called the 'word' of God in the bible and 'kalimah' (the word) Allah in the Quran per Quran3.45 (sahih International)
I dont read quran and never use kalimah
Again you made fool in this forum
This is because he was / is a living breathing human revelation from God (Allah) who was born miraculously without any male intervention.
who says that? ur hadith or the quran?
Again you made fool in this forum
Ha ha , if you claim biblical Jesus was / is God because he was born without a father (virgin birth) than by that logic , biblical Adam was a bigger God - no father no mother.
Adan was made of clay. so how does Jesus made of?
Muslims sometimes got low IQ
If you now claim that the 'holy spirit' is a source from God therefore it is God. Then according to your logic , all of us humans are Gods. Our spirit or soul is from God or source from God. Ha ha , what logic do you ascribe to?
Holy spirit is direct from Alimighty....u know what is spirit?
how come human can be god when they not spirit but flesh and blood?
Again you show your low IQ
I do not understand it , on one hand you claim the 'holy spirit' is God then logically your binitarian formula excludes the 'Father' in the binitarian God head. On the other hand you then claim that the 'holy spirit' is omitted from the binitarian God head but the 'holy spirit' is God. Ha ha , you 'konar konar' until you
yourself is confused over the whole matter.
you dont understand because u are parroting and taking anti christian website...
what is sahih? hadith??
another story telling ??
Truth.8 posted on 24-2-2013 09:39 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
The link did not argues but your brain need a tune up
Ha ha , what do you mean that the writeup from the link you provided did not argue about biblical Jesus being God?
Do you actually read what you posted or you just 'konar konar'?
i dont read the world reknow scholars ...i read Bible.
again you have made fool in this forum
Then why did you continuously harp on bible scholars in the first place? This is your problem. You are now even denying your own biblical scholars just because you need to defend that biblical Jesus was / is God but without biblical proof. You are just defending your dogma blindly. The person who argues without evidence nor reference is usually the foolish one or the 'konar konar' one.
if dont worship than what...bow
again you have made fool in this forum
Ha ha , now you don't even know the various contextual meaning of the word 'proskyneo'. This is the problem when the original language has been ignored.
than you address is wrong
again you have made fool in this forum
The big problem here is that I am waiting for you to address the issue. However you prefer to 'konar konar'. Why the fear of addressing the issue? Is it because its faith shattering to you?
If the Bible did not claimed Jesus Goed, than the Chruch and Bible faith follower use under Jesus name. the fact we call Jesus name every now and than...
again you have made fool in this forum
You can call biblical Jesus name anytime. However it does not mean that he was / is God. Can you at least give the biblical proof that he admitted to be God? Why was biblical Jesus so scared in admitting that he was / is God? Could it be that he was / is never God in the first place?
Hmmm , what are you going to 'konar konar' next?
Truth.8 posted on 24-2-2013 09:48 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
If the israelites got problem understanding that issue. that not my business.
Again you made a ...
Errr , wasn't biblical Jesus an Israelite? Wasn't biblical Jesus in an Israelite society? Therefore when you read about him , the context of the language , tradition and culture of the Israelites needs to be understood. Ha ha , biblical Jesus was an Israelite but you refer to the understanding of the Greeks and Romans of what his actions were. No wonder you are in a big mess. Its like trying to understand Hinduism from the context of Christianity.
I use King James Version
Again you made fool in this forum
I am not asking you what version of bible you use. I am pointing out the understanding of divine beings in the context of the Israelites in the time of biblical Jesus. See , you 'konar konar' again not addressing the issue on hand.
By the way do you know that King James was gay?
Michael Young purpose in this book is to demonstrate beyond peradventure that King James vi and i was an active and practicing homosexual , that all the world knew it ....
Michael B Young - King James and the history of homosexuality. New York University Press 2000
king james
Maybe you should call it 'gay-JV' bible instead of 'KJV' bible.
I dont read quran and never use kalimah
Again you made fool in this forum
Dey tambi , 'kalimah' means 'the word'. William Barclay agrees that it means revelation , ie for joh1:1
Ha ha , you never think ... do you
who says that? ur hadith or the quran?
Again you made fool in this forum
The Quran states so. Bible scholars like Prof William Barclay and John Lightfoot agrees.
Are you now going to argue that these biblical scholars are / were not christians? Ha ha
Adan was made of clay. so how does Jesus made of?
Muslims sometimes got low IQ
Likeness of Adam ... clay. In your bible man is made from dust , gen2:7
Then the LORD God formed a man[c] from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
Does this also mean that Christians have low IQ? Do you know that there is such a verse in your bible? Ha ha , I don't think so
Holy spirit is direct from Alimighty....u know what is spirit?
how come human can be god when they not spirit but flesh and blood?
Again you show your low IQ
So what if the 'holy spirit' is directly from God? Our spirit or soul is directly from God. We are not Gods .... are we? Where do you think our spirit come from? What does 'breath of life' mean in gen2:7? Aiyoyo tambi , this shows that you have very shallow knowledge of your own bible. Yet you want to 'konar konar'. Malu daaa tambi
yourself is confused over the whole matter.
you dont understand because u are parroting and taking anti christian website...
Then explain why on one hand you claim the 'holy spirit' to be God and on the other it is excluded from the so called God head? You 'konar konar' until you don't even know what you are talking about. The argument comes from your posting not from any so called anti christian sites.
what is sahih? hadith??
another story telling ??
Can you find out what is 'sahih international' before you 'konar konar'?
Are you not embarrassed that you have been exposed to 'konar konar' your own bible ....
Last edited by sam1528 on 24-2-2013 10:48 PM
adakah tt masih berforum? |
sam1528 posted on 24-2-2013 10:08 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Ha ha , what do you mean that the writeup from the link you provided did not argue about biblical ... Ha ha , what do you mean that the writeup from the link you provided did not argue about biblical Jesus being God?
Do you actually read what you posted or you just 'konar konar'?
well write up ...some one who just write up without studying it with proper scholar. peoples write...any one can write and provide view...some write to make themselves sell like hot cakes like their books..
Then why did you continuously harp on bible scholars in the first place? This is your problem. You are now even denying your own biblical scholars just because you need to defend that biblical Jesus was / is God but without biblical proof. You are just defending your dogma blindly. The person who argues without evidence nor reference is usually the foolish one or the 'konar konar' one.
Good Bible scholar are learned according to Bible scriptures...Bad Bible scholar mix with truth and lies..
Ha ha , now you don't even know the various contextual meaning of the word 'proskyneo'. This is the problem when the original language has been ignored.
i hve no problem reading Bibile
The big problem here is that I am waiting for you to address the issue. However you prefer to 'konar konar'. Why the fear of addressing the issue? Is it because its faith shattering to you?
what address? my address is correct ...just now the posmen just deliver letter correctly with my correct address..
again you made a fool out of yourself again
You can call biblical Jesus name anytime. However it does not mean that he was / is God. Can you at least give the biblical proof that he admitted to be God? Why was biblical Jesus so scared in admitting that he was / is God? Could it be that he was / is never God in the first place?
Read the Bible than you understand the Divine issue ..
Hmmm , what are you going to 'konar konar' next?
just came back from long distance...all my konar power stering workign fine..
thanks for your concern![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
Last edited by Truth.8 on 25-2-2013 07:44 PM
sam1528 posted on 24-2-2013 10:46 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Errr , wasn't biblical Jesus an Israelite? Wasn't biblical Jesus in an Israelite society? Therefor ... Errr , wasn't biblical Jesus an Israelite? Wasn't biblical Jesus in an Israelite society? Therefore when you read about him , the context of the language , tradition and culture of the Israelites needs to be understood. Ha ha , biblical Jesus was an Israelite but you refer to the understanding of the Greeks and Romans of what his actions were. No wonder you are in a big mess. Its like trying to understand Hinduism from the context of Christianity.
Jesus never says once he is Israelite....he can be Jews but Jesus says "Sabbath was made for Man" ..from this point we understood he is not racist ...
again you made big mess and make moron yourself
I am not asking you what version of bible you use. I am pointing out the understanding of divine beings in the context of the Israelites in the time of biblical Jesus. See , you 'konar konar' again not addressing the issue on hand.
All the Bible and 99.9% Bible reading admit Jesus is Divine...I have no problem ..something wrong with you...probably possessed by devil to manipulate good souls in this earth to rejecet the Divinety of our Lord..
keep on doing, u will ended like deedat ..
By the way do you know that King James was gay?
I am ok with King James because my heart is pure and not guilty feelings.
You feel guilty feelings thats show u are gay
Michael B Young - King James and the history of homosexuality. New York University Press 2000
king james
anyone can claim this and that to poison Christ faith peoples...that is devil job..
Maybe you should call it 'gay-JV' bible instead of 'KJV' bible.
guility feelings again?? no wonder you sound like one...
Dey tambi , 'kalimah' means 'the word'. William Barclay agrees that it means revelation , ie for joh1:1
i dont use kalimah ...I read Bible call "in begining there is WORD....
again you making fool out of yourself.....
Ha ha , you never think ... do you
if i never think, how come being srp with x gred I am very scessfuly business man?? having 100,000 woth of car, visa, american and master card??plus own house...
again that show u have low iq
The Quran states so. Bible scholars like Prof William Barclay and John Lightfoot agrees.
Prof william is no longer this earth to counter attached his mistake...so, it better to bury his rubbished..
secondly, I do not see his book sold here...hence it totally fake..
again you have shown your low IQ
Are you now going to argue that these biblical scholars are / were not christians? Ha ha
my muslim take beer , dandgut here and there...screwin girls and etc...are you now going to argue that these Quran reading peopels / were not muslims?? hahhah
again you have shown your low IQ
Likeness of Adam ... clay. In your bible man is made from dust , gen2:7
so, Jesus made of what??
let see how is your IQ work now?Then the LORD God formed a man[c] from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
thats is Adam from clay....how does JESUS made of??
Does this also mean that Christians have low IQ? Do you know that there is such a verse in your bible? Ha ha , I don't think so
Those deny Christ have cow dung brain...because they like to be parrot taking materials from deedat to attacked christ faith..
So what if the 'holy spirit' is directly from God? Our spirit or soul is directly from God. We are not Gods .... are we? Where do you think our spirit come from? What does 'breath of life' mean in gen2:7? Aiyoyo tambi , this shows that you have very shallow knowledge of your own bible. Yet you want to 'konar konar'. Malu daaa tambi
Adam made of clay..he was cursed for not obey God commandment...than the paradise vanished..he have no power or to do micracle..
Jesus? perform many mircarle....how could you differenitate Jesus and Adam??
again you have shown your low IQ
Then explain why on one hand you claim the 'holy spirit' to be God and on the other it is excluded from the so called God head? You 'konar konar' until you don't even know what you are talking about. The argument comes from your posting not from any so called anti christian sites.
It all in my thread C&C under One God but TWO..
Can you find out what is 'sahih international' before you 'konar konar'?
i dont need to buy or read sahih because too many version of hadith and sahih...i m happy now with Father and Jesus
Are you not embarrassed that you have been exposed to 'konar konar' your own bible ....
if i am embrrassed , how come i combat all your queries?? secondly, I am the longest forummer here since 2001 until now...
does sound I am embarrssed?
agin you have shown your low IQ..
next pleaseeeeee
Last edited by Truth.8 on 25-2-2013 07:45 PM
Truth.8 posted on 24-2-2013 09:48 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
If the israelites got problem understanding that issue. that not my business.
Again you made a ...
I use King James Version
Again you made fool in this forum May I know why you use King James version instead of other version?
mashimaru83 posted on 25-2-2013 06:40 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
May I know why you use King James version instead of other version? May I know why you use King James version instead of other version? why? want to find fault is it?
Truth.8 posted on 25-2-2013 07:43 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
why? want to find fault is it?
There are many other books... why King James?
Truth.8 posted on 25-2-2013 05:46 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
well write up ...some one who just write up without studying it with proper scholar. peoples wri ...
The problem here is that we are talking about the writeup that you reference. It argues about biblical Jesus being God but such has been refuted by world reknown biblical scholars. Macamana tambi , 'konar konar' lagi ka?
Good Bible scholar are learned according to Bible scriptures...Bad Bible scholar mix with truth and lies..
All the good and honest bible scholars admitted that there is not a single verse in the bible that biblical Jesus claim to be God.
i hve no problem reading Bibile
Can you now tell me what is the context of 'proskyneo' in the said verse?
what address? my address is correct ...just now the posmen just deliver letter correctly with my correct address..
again you made a fool out of yourself again
Aiyoyo , why so 'konar konar' one? Do you know of the phrase 'address the issue'? Looks like you don't know :
It means face up to the question. Why you 'konar konar' talking about postman?
Read the Bible than you understand the Divine issue ..
Can you provide the said verses? Until now ... yilek. That is why you 'konar konar'. You don't have an answer
just came back from long distance...all my konar power stering workign fine..
thanks for your concern
Ha ha , see .... 'konar konar' again. You're really thick skin
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