Best Life Quotes That Will Inspire You [V3]
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Dan barang -siapa yang bertakwa kepada Allah, niscaya Allah menjadikan baginya kemudahan dalam urusannya. – (At-Talaq: 4) |
Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya. – (Al-Baqarah: 286) |
Allah berfirman: “Janganlah kamu berdua khawatir, sesungguhnya Aku beserta kamu berdua, Aku mendengar dan melihat”. – (Thaha: 46) |
Sesungguhnya Tuhanku, benar-benar Maha Mendengar (memperkenankan) doa. – (Ibrahim: 39) |
Sesungguhnya hanya orang-orang yang bersabarlah yang dicukupkan pahala mereka tanpa batas. – (Az-Zumar: 10) |
"One of the lessons that I grew up with was to always stay true to yourself and never let what somebody else says distract you from your goals." —Michelle Obama |
"You define your own life. Don’t let other people write your script." —Oprah Winfrey |
"You make a choice: continue living your life feeling muddled in this abyss of self-misunderstanding, or you find your identity independent of it. You draw your own box." —Meghan Markle |
"It is never too late to be what you might have been." —George Eliot |
"I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific." —Lily Tomlin |
Dan Dia mendapatimu sebagai seorang yang bingung, lalu Dia memberikan petunjuk. – (Ad-Duha: 7) |
Ingatlah kamu kepada-Ku, niscaya Aku ingat (pula) kepadamu. – (Al-Baqarah: 152) |
Ingatlah, sesungguhnya kepunyaan Allah apa yang ada di langit dan di bumi. – (Yunus: 55) |
Sesungguhnya Allah adalah Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Bijaksana. – (Al-Insan: 30) |
dan rahmat-Ku meliputi segala sesuatu. – (Al-A’raf: 156) |
"What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals." —Zig Ziglar |
"You don't always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go and see what happens." —Mandy Hale |
"Life has got all those twists and turns. You’ve got to hold on tight and off you go." —Nicole Kidman |
"Life changes very quickly, in a very positive way, if you let it." —Lindsey Vonn |
"We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us." —Joseph Campbell |
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Category: Negeri & Negara