Reply #283 LVgirl's post
I masa dtg sini dulu2 pun mmg beli yg instant gak. lagipun murah sbb satu botol instant punya dlm $2.00 dah dpt kalau ada special. Mcm2 flavour I stock dlm my pantry. Yg paling I suka buttermilk flavour. Tapi lepas tu malas nak beli sbb dah berani pakai agak2.
Pancake pisang tu tak manis sbb I tak letak sugar dlm batter dia. Pisang Aussie tak semanis pisang malaysia dan icing sugar pun tak manis sgt. So bila makan tabur kan ngan icing sugar mix ngan cinnamon. Yummy....
Originally posted by mallanhead at 21-1-2008 05:05 PM
Cream as in clotted cream. Mmg pasangan tradisi bila makan scone. I suka jugak buat scone ni. Tapi tak selalu sbb malas. Yang ni versi I je, plain atau I tabur ngan cheese kat atas.
http://i49 ...
hi..nampak sedapnye yr scone ni..leh mintak resepi tak?
thanks! |
Reply #285 n23's post
3 1/2 cups self-raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tbsp caster sygar
1/2 tsp salt
60g unsalted butter, chilled and diced
(I grated the butter, easier to mix)
1 cup milk
2 tsp lemon juice
1 egg beaten
Milk, extra for brushing.
Preheat the oven to 200 deg.c. Sift the flour & baking powder in a large bowl. Stir in sugar and salt. Add the butter and using fingertips, rub butter into the flour until it resembers fine breadcrumbs.
Mix together the milk and lemon juice - the mixture will curdle slightly. Add the beaten egg and pour into the flour mixture. Mix gentley just until a dough form - donot overwork the dough. Knead very slightly on a slightly floured surface. The dough should be slightly wet and sticky.
Flatten out the dough to a thicken of 3cm and cut out rounds with cookies cutter. Place on a patty tin slightly apart and brush the tops with a little milk. Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until risen and golden. |
Reply #284 mallanhead's post
I dah buat pancake:pompom: First time in my life tau...hehehehhe.
Alhamdullilah menjadi or maybe I used instant punya that's why menjadi.
So yesterday and today we had pancake as a breakfast.
nanti i letak gambar yer. |
You beli yg shake n pour mcm kat gambar atas tu, atau yg dlm kotak. Yg shake n pour tu senang. Just tambah air je.
Semalam I buat waffles utk breakfast. Hari ni my anak2 makan yogurt je sebelum ke sekolah.
Reply #288 mallanhead's post
I beli yg dalam kotak saja but lupa brand apa.
Memang sedap la.I will post picture nanti k.
This morning breakfast bread and butter.
Plan nak buat pancake lagi tapi takut diaorang muak pulak |
Originally posted by LVgirl at 2-5-2008 04:39 PM
Mallan,thanks for your receipi and tips.Ingredients pun senang2 saja.Memang plan nak buat tomorrow for breakfast.
Gambar pancake you ni betul2 buat I meleleh air liur tau
Anyway, ban ...
nak tanya ni...resepi pankek boleh buat wafle tak? cari resepi wafle tak jumpa |
Originally posted by hajari at 5-5-2008 12:42 PM
nak tanya ni...resepi pankek boleh buat wafle tak? cari resepi wafle tak jumpa
Actually resepi pancake and waffle tu sama.Cuma pancake ni just masak atas pan but wafle kena pakai acuan dia yg tersendiri.
Kebetulan I baca dalam newspaper The Star semalam fasal wafle and pancake ni asalnya bancuhan yg sama. |
tq. nak try buat...apa2 nanti sye kasi feedback kat sini. |
Breakfast pagi tadik just minum coffee susu secawan |
Originally posted by blackmore at 2-5-2008 01:20 AM
...sis...aku ada tepek satu resepi pancake from nigella...pancakenya lembut dan gebu...kalau ko rajin...cubalah resepi from nigella nie...nie aku tepekkan buat ko sekali lagik...
...bahan2 ...
sye buat waffle guna resepi ni, tak sempat nak amik gambar anak2 tak sabar nak makan....satu adunan ni habis diaorg sapu. Anak sulung boy 6 yrs sibuk tanya macamana ibu buat hehehe...tak percaya kot akan kepandaian ibu dia hehehe...tq for the resepi marbeless sedap dan lembut sangat. Lenkali sye tepek gambar. |
Reply #273 LVgirl's post
mana gambarnya LV.....tempek lah kasi terliur sikit |
Reply #288 mallanhead's post
mallan punya gambar betul2 mcm pro.......org yg tak suka makan pancake atau
waffle bila tgk gambar mallan mesti teringin punya......bukan setakat terliur aja dah meleleh air liur......... nampak so tempting. |
penkek nih kalau buat..my son belasah dgn susu pekat jek..
tp me suka taruk oat sket dlm bancuhan penkek..value added
Reply #296 imma3's post
Mana ada pro. Biasa2 je.
Kalau nak dpt gambar yg jelas, closeup sampai nampak ke segala lubang dan akar umbi, select macro setting kat camera you. Mcm tu very jelas. |
Reply #297 ninoZ's post
bagus idea ninoz pasal taruk oat dlm bancuhan pancake....
ninoz guna instant oat ka? next time buat pancake boleh try cara ninoz pulak.... |
Reply #298 mallanhead's post
Reply #297 ninoZ's post
Ni mesti try ni. Tambah oat. Kalau tambah nestum pun bagus gak kan. |
Originally posted by hajari at 5-5-2008 16:52
sye buat waffle guna resepi ni, tak sempat nak amik gambar anak2 tak sabar nak makan....satu adunan ni habis diaorg sapu. Anak sulung boy 6 yrs sibuk tanya macamana ibu buat hehehe...tak perc ... ...no hal...afterall...sharing is caring kan??... |
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