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Author: joe_qlate

Kes kehilangan 2 enjin pesawat pemintas F-5E

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Post time 31-12-2009 03:48 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by w_md_harris at 31-12-2009 03:50
284# niceghost2005

Salam Pakcik.. oleh kerana pakcik boleh baca tulisan Cina.. so aku nak tau ler fakta mana yang berbeza antara aper Cina dan paper Melayu dalam cerita F5E nie?
standupper Post at 30-12-2009 08:03

tu laa pasal .. kalau tempek surat kabar cina ada translation ok laa.. nie tempek ngan character cino... mana la den nak faham isi nya...

kowang leh faham bahasa cina .. yg leh kata surat kabar cina lebih ada kredibiliti:re:

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Post time 31-12-2009 12:02 PM | Show all posts
Kehilangan enjin F-5E: Polis jumpa Peguam Negara

KUALA LUMPUR 30 Dis. - Beberapa pegawai polis telah menemui Peguam Negara Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail petang semalam berhubung siasatan mengenai kehilangan dua enjin pesawat pemintas F-5E milik Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM).

Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Musa Hassan berkata, sehingga kini, pihaknya masih menunggu keputusan Peguam Negara untuk tindakan susulan.

"Sebelum ini, Peguam Negara meminta kita kumpulkan dokumen-dokumen bagaimana enjin itu dibawa keluar merentasi sempadan negara," katanya pada sidang akhbar di pejabatnya di Ibu Pejabat Polis Bukit Aman, di sini hari ini.

Musa bagaimanapun tidak menyebut status kertas siasatan kehilangan enjin pesawat itu yang sebelum ini dipulangkan oleh Pejabat Peguam Negara kepada pihaknya.

Minggu lalu, Jabatan Peguam Negara mengembalikan semula kertas siasatan kes berkenaan bagi membolehkan polis menyiasat lebih lanjut dan mendapatkan dokumen-dokumen penting yang berkaitan, di samping mengenal pasti bagaimana enjin ini boleh dibawa ke luar negara.

Abdul Gani menyifatkan kes kehilangan dua enjin jet F-5E itu sebagai 'perkara serius' dan memberi jaminan pihak beliau akan berusaha habis-habisan bagi menyelesaikan kes tersebut.

Mengulas lanjut, Musa mengesahkan berdasarkan siasatan polis, hanya empat termasuk tiga pegawai rendah TUDM dipercayai terlibat dalam perkara itu. Mereka bagaimanapun telah dibebaskan dengan jaminan.

"Tiga lagi individu dipercayai orang tengah hanya dipanggil sebagai saksi," jelasnya.

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Post time 31-12-2009 04:05 PM | Show all posts
Serious ??? Tunggu 2 tahun siasatan baru ada polis repot....tu pun setelah laporan kat media tempatan...ntah kalau paper tak dedah kes engin hilang....mungkin kes dah tutup dalam almari dan dikunci...dan kunci pun sudah dibuang.

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Post time 31-12-2009 04:43 PM | Show all posts
Serious ??? Tunggu 2 tahun siasatan baru ada polis repot....tu pun setelah laporan kat media tempatan...ntah kalau paper tak dedah kes engin hilang....mungkin kes dah tutup dalam almari dan dikunci... ...
Taring22 Post at 31-12-2009 16:05

sblm paper dedahkan pun zahid dah nak announce kat public dah..2thn tu penyiasatan internal oleh ATM..dah kenalpasti dalangnyer br bg tau polis utk offical report pastu baru dakwa kat civil court..dari info wa la..

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Post time 31-12-2009 07:22 PM | Show all posts
seperti yg dijangka......geng2 berpangkat rendah jadi supek utama....

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Post time 31-12-2009 11:39 PM | Show all posts
nie enjin dah jual kat kedai potong.......... tgh malam esok ada laa ah beng yg merempit pakai enjin jet.

Acong Post at 30-12-2009 12:20 PM

Bila dah rempit 1 kilo kat freeway, macamana plak nak benti kalo ada road-block kat depan...?

-drop sehingga gear 1 sampai gearbox bersepai?
-tarik dan tekan kedua-dua brek sekuat hati sesambil kedua-dua tapak kaki seret atas jalan?
-(yg ni mengarut sket) mengeluarkan sayap dengan harapan boleh melompat terbang melepasi polis trafik/jpj macam citer knight rider?

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Post time 1-1-2010 10:44 AM | Show all posts
seperti yg dijangka......geng2 berpangkat rendah jadi supek utama....
matamata Post at 31-12-2009 19:22


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Post time 1-1-2010 02:25 PM | Show all posts
seperti yg dijangka......geng2 berpangkat rendah jadi supek utama....
matamata Post at 31-12-2009 19:22

scapegoat ke????

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Post time 2-1-2010 12:51 AM | Show all posts
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Missing F5E Engines!

This thing about missing items in the RMAF, and the Armed Forces as a whole, is an ongoing thing and there seems to be a lack of effort by the people in authority and power (not just those in uniforms) about stopping them. Perhaps they are in cohort with the culprits, or they are themselves the culprit.

Quite some years back we lost two very highly able generals when a Nuri helicopter crashed – investigations found that the aircraft had engine problems and was fitted with ‘questionable’ parts. A Brig Gen, some officers and men from the RMAF were sacked after that. There were few other crashes attributed to the same problems again involving Nuri helicopters and we lost few of our good men.

Pilferage still occurs in the Armed Forces today (Army, Navy, Air Force and The Police Force) and there’s no sign that this is going to stop. We are losing a lot of RM millions due to this. Now, the recent loss of two F5E engines cases also received the same action – a Brig Jen, some officers and some men were sacked. This doesn’t help solve the problem. I am quite sure, the two Brig Gens that were sacked in the former and the latter cases, didn’t mind, well, they lost face alright but they are rich. Some of the sacked officers are in the business supplying parts and services to the RMAF! Can you beat that?

If you look carefully around you, you’ll find many senior officers who had retired from the respective services mentioned above who are very very rich (I am not saying all, I said many). Some even proudly flaunt their ill-gotten wealth. One is quite frequently seen driving an open-top Red vintage MG along Bangsar Road whilst smoking a very expensive Havana cigar during weekends. Many are seen playing golf at top clubs in the country. Some are known to have married a second very young wife who are even younger than their youngest daughters and amongst the wives is a once-upon-a-time local actress.

The MACC should start checking the wealth of all retired Generals, Marshalls, Admirals and Police Commissioners, especially those who were in charge of the ‘Supplies’ or ‘Logistics’ divisions of the said organisations other than their Chiefs, and I am sure they will find some of those big time ‘daylight robbers’ and after they (MACC without teeth) have done that, what would they do? I am quite sure, there will be no action because of the implications.

When you have people scratching each others backs, at various levels, these things will continue. So how, when and where do we stop the rot? Yes, these people have committed treason and are clearly traitors and must be punished.

I can’t imagine what would happen if the country is at war. I bet you none of our fighter aircraft; the Sukhois, Hawks, F18 Hornets, etc. will be able to fly, not because our well-trained and committed fighter pilots, including that one very courageous woman fighter pilot, are scared but they just won’t be able to get their aircraft to take-off. I think, by the time the technicians manage to get the aircraft ready, the whole airbase and the rest of them around the country would have been bombed by the enemy aircraft, bombers, missiles and heavy artillery already.

Hey, where’s that washer, I can’t find the spanner, and where’s that nut?

Let me tell you more.

At the lowest level, soldiers (including a few officers) and cooks are stealing rations, meat, vegetables, onions, chilli, potatoes, etc. Then, army doctors, especially those who have wives who are also doctors running private clinics, are stealing drugs from the medical stores and then you have stationery, office equipment like computers and printers are stolen and taken home by people who have access to them.

It’s been going on for years, before I joined and after I left the Army. I joined the Army in 1971 and left in 1979 and it’s now 2009 and I am still receiving reports, though not official, that these things which are so-called allegations are still happening and yes, over the years, as you have correctly stated, it has cost us taxpayers a lot of money. I did take some action during my active service and did achieve some desired results but due to the lack of support, I did not get very far. Besides the Army, what about the Navy and the Air Force and the Police and the Bomba, etc.? Of course, if one dabbles into this, one gets only the small fish but do you think this thing should be ignored?

Yes, there are many thieves in the Armed Forces (Army, Navy and the Air Force) and you’d be surprised to know the things that are stolen from camps, barracks, bases, garrisons, cantonments, etc.

I was never in the Police Force, Fire Brigade or any other uniformed groups in the country other than the Army and I believe, the same thing are happening there.

Talking about war, whoever is or are planning our country’s defence should be aware that our enemies have superior, much superior, fire power and the way to fight them is, given our terrain, have as many heavy artillery guns and howitzers including anti-aircraft guns as possible. Not the ‘pea shooters’ type but those than can fire high explosive 155mm ammunition or bigger for at least 50 miles, if there are any. We also need surface-to-surface missiles and surface-to-air missiles and never station our military hardware anywhere in Johore, if the attack is expected from the south and not nearer than 100 km from anywhere near our northern border, if the attack is expected from the north. Place infantry units in those areas instead. Those guns and missiles must be located between hills and mountains, where there are numerous, to use our country’s natural features as a defence so that enemy aircraft cannot target them. Needless to say, we must have a redundant, non-breakdownable, communication system. Of course, we need good men too.

All the above that I have mentioned must be in place before any threat becomes imminent. If you want to put them only after the attack is coming, then it’ll be too late.

Anyway, let’s pray and hope that this country will never be at war with anyone.

On defence planning, if our immediate and not so immediate neighbours are beefing up their defences, for the last several years, we too ought to do something about it. Don’t you think so?

I wish to add my two sen on corrupt practices in this country and it’s like this, from the worst: Politicians, Police, Customs, Bomba, City Councils, Town Councils, Land Office, District Offices, etc.

Yes, we always had and still have excellent brains amongst some of the officers we have in our Armed Forces especially those with the ranks of Majors and Lieutenant Colonels or equivalent in all the three services. Anything below major or equivalent would be too inexperienced and their knowledge would still be insufficient and officers above the rank of Lt Col or equivalent are, mostly, waiting to retire or they have already lost their determination to do things and they lack commitment. The other Lt Cols would be too busy working for themselves to get promoted to higher ranks and fight for, cleanly or using dirty ways, who gets the stars placed onto their shoulders first.

In my short period of active service, I discovered that most, if not all, of the weapon systems and the other military hardware purchased in all the three services are not the ones specified by the users (yes, we, soldiers) but were purchased for the convenience of some people and many, if not all of these people, have zero knowledge about defence planning. (I am sure you know what I mean here and why it was done in such a way).

There were many cases of equipment purchased worth millions of RMs which just couldn’t be used and they eventually had to be scrapped. Some people, of course, became very rich after that. So, the more frequent purchases were made, more people who would become very rich and some of the very lucky same people who were at the right place and at the right time would also become very very rich.

Unfortunately, this is still happening now!

To add credence to my claims, let’s ponder those past Armed Forces ‘under the carpet’ cases and issues. The ‘Panhard APC’ case, the ‘V 150 APC’ case, the ‘HK 5.56 mm rifle’ case, the ‘Mini Gredanades’ case, the ‘Styer rifles’ case, the ‘Skyhawk Fighter Bombers’ case, and many more. And I don’t understand why we must have two different makes of 155mm Howitzers in the service? Next to be categorised as ‘under the carpet’ issue is, yes. none other than the ‘F5E Fighter/Interceptor’ case.

I notice that one of the preferred or very common solution the country’s leaders always resort to is to put things ‘under the carpet’ and create a ‘diversion’ or as some countries call it ‘faking’ which are both accepted as an effective political strategy and hope that the people will not talk about them anymore and the people are even expected to forget about them totally.

Did you ever notice that Malaysia always pay much more than other countries such as Singapore, Japan, South Korea and even the UK, when purchasing military hardware and for their spares, maintenance and replacements?

Best regards.


ATM mau jadik sitting duck? :re:

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Post time 2-1-2010 07:51 AM | Show all posts
315# Acong

sad story indeed for the uniformed bodies especially and the people generally of this nation....:cry:

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Post time 2-1-2010 09:30 AM | Show all posts
Tak payah nak quote dari mana2 sumber terutamanya blog, berilah 100% kepercayaan pada mainstream media hehe

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Post time 2-1-2010 04:45 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 2-1-2010 05:08 PM | Show all posts
ha..ha..ha.. ada-ada saja nih kartun...PETRONAS !!! asli bikin ketawa....

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Post time 2-1-2010 05:49 PM | Show all posts
HangPC2 Post at 2-1-2010 16:45
mampuih laa camnie.......! maybe now is the time momod kat sini blh unlock my thread in this board.

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Post time 2-1-2010 11:26 PM | Show all posts
sape lukis kartun ni?

enjin kat depan ke?

lg satu, kalo musuh serang, F-5E ke yg kena kerah? merepek!

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Post time 3-1-2010 03:54 AM | Show all posts
sape lukis kartun ni?

enjin kat depan ke?

lg satu, kalo musuh serang, F-5E ke yg kena kerah? merepek!
raxief Post at 2-1-2010 23:26
kerah nuri blh?

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Post time 3-1-2010 08:46 AM | Show all posts
isu ini dah jadi bahan lawak....

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Post time 3-1-2010 08:12 PM | Show all posts
318# HangPC2

Aku x tahu nak ke nak ...

bukan psl kartun tu..tapi psl org yg lukis...

bodonyer makhluk yg lukis kartun nie kan....

nk buat lawak psl enjin pun bior ler tahu kat mana enjin jet tu duduk!

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Post time 3-1-2010 08:48 PM | Show all posts
318# HangPC2  

Aku x tahu nak ke nak ...

bukan psl kartun tu..tapi psl org yg lukis...

bodonyer makhluk yg lukis kartun nie kan....

nk buat lawak psl enjin pu ...
mfadilaa Post at 3-1-2010 20:12

kartunis tu masih idop zmn jet tebuan/ mig15....
kita beranggapan baik...

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Post time 3-1-2010 09:52 PM | Show all posts
325# matamata

OK la. X leh salahkan kartunis, dia bukan anggota teknikal skn pesawat TUDM. Tapi pada Tebuan dan MiG-21 pun, enjinnya tetap di belakang.

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