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Author: chazey


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Post time 6-3-2013 08:03 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 6-3-2013 08:03 PM | Show all posts
foxs posted on 6-3-2013 07:45 PM
sama gak penyamun2 indon kat sini

yearghhh... sooooo NOOB...

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Post time 6-3-2013 08:03 PM | Show all posts
mesti ramai lg belen2 sulu tu kan... mana la dema terlepas ni agaknya..

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Post time 6-3-2013 08:04 PM | Show all posts
ladyxez posted on 6-3-2013 07:55 PM
tambah lagi - selangor raise fund ? juta untuk disumbangkan pada waris

i loike dr rozmey ...

songkok tinggi 2...


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Post time 6-3-2013 08:04 PM | Show all posts
winamp05 posted on 6-3-2013 07:28 PM
tahniah dan good job chazey, ganjaran menantimu di page 1. kekekeke.

tergezut scroll ke bawah terus ada SM kat sini

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Post time 6-3-2013 08:05 PM | Show all posts
NURMIMIE posted on 6-3-2013 07:57 PM
malas dah nak ulas banyak2..

even menteri2 sendiri pun kadang2 tersasul.. kalau dengo balik ber ...

saspennya respon drp kak mimie niii....jangan laa apa yg dispeku tu btol..

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Post time 6-3-2013 08:06 PM | Show all posts
xAthenax posted on 6-3-2013 08:02 PM
kaka cadang yang ditangkap buat seperti ini

Wahhhh..setujuk...kasi terus jadi satay...

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Post time 6-3-2013 08:06 PM | Show all posts
Please leave Sabah in peace

Dear claimants of the Sulu sultanate, the Philippine government and the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF),

The Brunei sultanate was a colonising overlord on territories that now constitute Sabah, who gave some of that territory to another colonising overlord, the Sulu sultanate, who went into business with another colonising overlord, the British North Borneo Chartered Company, who then gave Sabah to the British Crown.

The people who lived in those territories that now make up the territory of Sabah were not asked on what they thought or how they felt about any of these power handovers. They did not have a referendum, nor cast a vote in the matter at all.

Sabah exercised her right to self-determination for the first time in her history by becoming her own sovereign and independent state on Aug 31, 1963, thus rejecting all previous overlords and colonisers. She then decided to join Sarawak and Malaya (and previously, Singapore as well) to form a new country called Malaysia on Sept 16, 1963.

Without Sabah, there would be no Malaysia.

The Sulu sultanate and the Philippines do not have a claim over Sabah because the people of Sabah have rejected them, and made a choice through the right of self-determination. This choice is reinstated at every general election, and every time we pay our Malaysian taxes.

Ask Sabahans what they think about the Philippines and the Sulu sultanate’s claim to Sabah. Sabah belongs to Sabahans. Please listen to the Sabahan voice.

I am sympathetic to the people of the Southern Philippines who desire to establish an autonomous zone for themselves. Peace in the Southern Philippines is also peace for Sabah. But you have no rights to claim anything but friendship from Sabah.

I give you my friendship. But right now, please take your warring colonialist attitude away. We do not want any more bloodshed.

Please leave Sabah in peace.

YEE I-LANN is a Sabahan artist.

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Post time 6-3-2013 08:06 PM | Show all posts
cmf_rambutan posted on 6-3-2013 08:00 PM
aku speku yang dikepung sejak dulu memang tak ramai...... masa mula2 mendarat dorang dah pecah2 dah. ...

Atau yg mendarat memang tak ramai. Angka sebenar mungkin hanya 20-30 org tp telah dibesarkan.


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Post time 6-3-2013 08:07 PM | Show all posts
aku konpius laa.. kater yg datang beratus2.. tapi yg dapat tembak 13 org je ke?.... huhuhuhu

anyone care to xplain...

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Post time 6-3-2013 08:09 PM | Show all posts
tgh tgk tv1...
tgk tb3suku kang termuntah plak aku

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Post time 6-3-2013 08:10 PM | Show all posts
sya_sugar_sugar posted on 6-3-2013 07:45 PM
dengar-dengar Si Misuari nak mintak tolong pula dengan OIC,
eyhhh...Malaysia ni anggota OIC tau...

si misuari nie kan mmg nak kena bom bertubi2 agaknya
hrp2 OIC alert dgn niat buruk dia

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Post time 6-3-2013 08:10 PM | Show all posts
Bell posted on 6-3-2013 08:06 PM
Atau yg mendarat memang tak ramai. Angka sebenar mungkin hanya 20-30 org tp telah dibesarkan.

logik........ buat gertak jah..... ketua dia pon mungkin mendarat diam2 mcm orang biasa kat tempat lain tp pengikut dia mendarat kat situ berapa puluh orang jah.... taklahlah dorang takleh pikir langsung mendarat gitu ratus2 ramai2 sekelompok gitu pastu bagitau.. oi kami dah sampai... serah sabah.. kami takkan menyerah

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 Author| Post time 6-3-2013 08:10 PM | Show all posts
winamp05 posted on 6-3-2013 07:28 PM
tahniah dan good job chazey, ganjaran menantimu di page 1. kekekeke.

wuu...tenkiu bang kerana murah hati sangat bagi kedit beratus2 tuh. nah bunga saya bagi tanda terharu.

btw, saya sedang pelan2 carik info. pelan2 la saya hapdet. satu persatu.

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Post time 6-3-2013 08:10 PM | Show all posts
Mayat 12 ker 7 ker 9 ker, aku ndak benda nie settle dlm masa 2-3 hari ini supaya semua penduduk kampung boleh pulang ke rumah masing-masing dan go on with their lives.

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Post time 6-3-2013 08:11 PM | Show all posts
ni ambik dr FB pdrm


12th February 2013 - Armed Intrusion at Lahad Datu

About 150 armed persons in army fatigues intruded into Felda Sahabat, Lahad Datu district of Sabah. The police cordoned off the area and directed the group to lay down arms and surrender.

14th - 28th February 2013 - Negotiations

The intruders were identified to be from the southern Philippines who claimed to be linked to the so-called ‘Sulu Sultanate’.

Rounds of negotiations were held between the intruders and the Royal Malaysia Police to find the best solution without bloodshed. The intruders were asked to leave peacefully.

The deadline for the intruders to leave peacefully passed but negotiations were still in progress to allow the terrorists to retreat.

1st. March 2013 - Shooting Incident at Kampung Tanduo, Lahad Datu

The police dropped leaflets from a helicopter that ordered the armed intruders holed up in Kampung Tanduo, Lahad Datu to surrender.

The intruders at Kampong Tanduo fired shots at a police party. 2 police personnel were killed and 3 others injured. All 12 members of the small group of armed intruders were shot dead by the police in ensuing shoot out. Details of the deceased police personnel can be viewed at this link ... ;type=1&theater

The Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak warned the invaders to surrender, failing which the authorities will take action.

Philippine President Benigno Aquino III urged the intruders to surrender unconditionally.

2nd March 2013 - Shooting Incident in Kampung Simunul, Semporna

Acting on information on the presence of armed intruders in Kampung Simunul and Kampung Sri Jaya, Semporna, a police party was despatched to investigate. Upon arrival at Kampung Simunul the police party was ambushed by the intruders. Six police personnel sacrificed their lives while 2 others were injured. 6 armed intruders were killed by the police. Another armed intruder was killed by villagers at the nearby Kampong Sinalang Lama after he tried to take them hostage. The dead intruder was identified by the villagers to be an imam. Details of the deceased police personnel can be viewed at this link ... ;type=1&theater

3rd March 2013 - Retrieval of Bodies and Rescue of Trapped Personnel

The police despatched a rescue team to retrieve the bodies of police fallen heroes and rescued personnel who were trapped in Kampong Simunul, Semporna. The team successfully executed the mission.

The bodies of dead police personnel were found to have been brutally mutilated by the armed intruders.

4th March 2013 - Military Reinforcement

Seven army battalions were deployed to Sabah.

Two villages- Tanjung Batu and Tanjung Labian were declared “red zones” following reports of gunmen landing there.

The intruders were labelled as ‘terrorists’ after a meeting between the Malaysian Foreign Minister and the Philippine Foreign Secretary in Kuala Lumpur.

5th March 2013 - Unified Action by Malaysian Security Forces

The intruders showed no sign of retreating.

Malaysian PM said security forces have launched “Ops Daulat” to end the stand-off with the terrorists in Kampung Tanduo to defend the dignity and sovereignty of the country.
Malaysian Security Forces (police, army, navy and air force) launched a unified attack at Kampung Tanduo.

Mopping and searching operation followed suit to clear and secure the area.

6th March 2013 - Current Situation

One armed terrorist was shot while trying to ambush Malaysian national security forces.
Area of operation is expanded.

Security situation in Sabah is still very much under control. The public is advised to not to listen to any rumours and speculation.

300,000 local Suluk community in Sabah distanced themselves from the path taken by the armed terrorists. Deputy President of the Sabah Bajau Suluk Cultural Association, Abdul Ali Erilis said that they totally disagree with their (the terrorist) action of intruding into the state, killing and harming members of the security forces.

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Post time 6-3-2013 08:12 PM | Show all posts
True-X posted on 6-3-2013 08:07 PM
aku konpius laa.. kater yg datang beratus2.. tapi yg dapat tembak 13 org je ke?.... huhuhuhu

anyo ...

kabarnya ni mayat yg kene tembak ngan vat69 ari jumaat lpas, baru dpt jumpa katanya

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Post time 6-3-2013 08:14 PM | Show all posts
NURMIMIE posted on 6-3-2013 07:57 PM
malas dah nak ulas banyak2..

even menteri2 sendiri pun kadang2 tersasul.. kalau dengo balik ber ...

ni masalah kalau nak kaber2 info..
mesti contradict

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Post time 6-3-2013 08:14 PM | Show all posts
Nak ke Manila balas budi Malaysia 2001,  serah Nurmisouri pada Pinoy dulu, sekarang serahlah Kiram 3suku tu pulak

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Post time 6-3-2013 08:14 PM | Show all posts
mrsamz posted on 6-3-2013 08:12 PM
kabarnya ni mayat yg kene tembak ngan vat69 ari jumaat lpas, baru dpt jumpa katanya

oo.. bukan mayat dari gempur ari tuh.....

thank u

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