TV programme host and blogger Nisa Kay is caught in a social media storm after videos of her dancing sensually during Neelofa’s turban line launch at night club Zouk KL went viral recently. Nisa whose real name is Khairunnisa Ahmad Khair, told Berita Harian that she was shocked to find out she was recorded on the dance floor during a lip sync competition at the product launch.
However, she has decided not to respond to the comments hurled towards her on social media, citing it as the best course of action. “I learned not to entertain them. They will criticise until you react to them. “Thankfully, my parents supported me even though they did advise about my act at the event,” she said. Videos of a group of women in their hijab dancing during the event had gone viral online and drew heavy criticism. “If sponsors decide to shy away from me over the issue, I will also have to accept it,” said Nisa who has several sponsors for advertising campaigns on Instagram. Nisa who has been featured in several tudung tutorial videos admitted that the incident had affected her reputation. “I am confident one can earn a living anywhere, as long as I put in ample effort and prayers,” she said.
Assalamualaikum, salam sejahtera....
Syukur syukur syukur. Tiada perasaan lain yang terlahirn dari hari apabila Nisa dihubungi semula oleh produser Pesona Muslimah (Astro Oasis) untuk menghadiri ujibakat tertutup di Astro. Pada mulanya Nisa tak tahu tentang rancangan ini. Beberapa hari sebelum ujibakat, Nisa diberitahu ujibakat ini untuk mencari co-host untuk rancangan Khabar Haji 2017.
Rancangan Khabar Haji tahun lalu dan tahun ini dihoskan oleh Pencetus Ummah Hafiz (PU Hafiz), tapi tahun ini istimewanya membawakan tema "Haji Wanita". Maka dengan itu, mereka ingin mencari co-host untuk PU Hafiz. Selepas beberapa hari ujibakat, Nisa dihubungi lagi dan diberitahu Nisa dipilih menjadi co-host untuk Khabar Haji ni. Allah! Bersyukur sangat sampai menangis tau!
PS: penunggang agama