omma manjang tak pueh ati.. cam minah kerek lak gaya dia kekekke.. tp still sweet
nae madu, me kenal deme ni dari madu me smaj ssi, siap encourage dia bukak umah shinee, kira sblm deme nk debut kami dah kepoh2, tp masa tu baru tgk2 aje dulu deme ni, cumil2 belaka ....
melayan shinee world balik lepas jadi moronic seminggu
hohoho.. tula omma.. memanjang x pueh hati.. scene dia x bape romantik kot dia wat muka camtuh miahahaha
hehehe tringat masa tuh me pomot shinee kat umah mubank nak bkk umah baru segan sbb 1st time bkk umah la katakan.. x cukup ilmu time tuh depa x debut lagi hee~~~ me ske tgk dorg nari masa tuh.. masa dorg tunjuk preview lagu nih me mmg ske part intro tuh.. lg best ble tau nih lagu utk noona.. sempat la me pasan gak beberapa mingu
ommo...noona2 sekalian tgh represh memory jatuh chenta...aigooo...
me memula x jatuh chenta terus...masa debut kat masih dlm proses mengenal hati budi memasing ...aisehmen *perasan*... lambat me nak ni pemalu huahahaha
kekek zannen ne key omma.. sabo aje... tp me tgk dia mmg ade bakat aaa belakon kalo jadi dak2 nakal or watak2 jeles meles ni
nae, arini kita sume mengimbau kenangan lalu masa mula kenal oppa memasing.. me walopon lambat declair ngan TM tp kira bertuah coz tak sempat gak kena grab ngan owang lain kekek, ekceli memula agik me dah berkenan kat MH, tp mu dah declair dulu, me rela bermadu , pastu me grab gak Key omma since takde yg nak kat dia masa tu ...adoi macam dah bertahun jd fan padahal baru baper bulan aje deme debut kekeke...
ahaksss hehehe.. me mula2 pung takat jadi noona.. tp x tahan tgk minho nih trus nek taraf.. tuh pung lama gak nak nek taraf hehehehe
From Key
Hello! I am SHINee's Almighty Key, Key!
How have you been?
Key and the members have been enjoying our schedule.
Thank you for leaving a lot of messages at SHINee's official homepage.
We read them when we have time and laugh and write replies
so continue to leave a lot of messages. haha And i have a good news...!!
DBSK Sunbaenam's Spell-MIROTIC ranked
#1 on Japan Oricon Chart!! hahaha
All of the members were happy after we heard it.
Everyone clap! Clap!
Have a good day,
If you listen to the radio well later
you will be able to listen to SHINee's special live!
You will be with us, right?
PS. One more thing! Everyone who has a birthday this week, Happy Birthday~!
me baru je abes tgk yunhanam nih.. mmg best lagi2 part pajama oarty tuh.. dorg ada tunjuk klip utk stiap member pehtu dorg wat mission.. mission minho me nak gelak gle.. wakakakakaka lawak la.. mission onew paling senang.. key plak dorg x de tunjuk pung mission dia =.= part last mmg sedey.. me hampir nak nangis shinee jjang!! shinee daebak!! uwaaa~~~ im going to miss this show