'Prince Hours' (GoongS)26/3 7pm 8TV ~ Se7en, Heo Yi Jae, Park Shin Hye
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Originally posted by airahthislove at 12-1-2007 02:08 AM
Sekali tgk minah ni macam nam sang mi.. comey gitu-gitu.. |
Originally posted by shanew3stgalz at 11-1-2007 10:34 PM
tebal tol ek bibir se7en..
opss aku nih asyik ngok bibir die jek.. :jeling:
amboi shane hang tengok bibir saje kah???
same le kita...wakkakaa seksi je nampak kan.hehehee![](static/image/smiley/default/loveliness.gif) |
Originally posted by airahthislove at 12-1-2007 02:15 AM
apelah yg dia skodeng nie...:kerek: |
link ep 2 dalam sendspace dah ada ke??? |
Theepisode starts off with showing Kang Hoo delivering jjajangmyuneverywhere... i love the first one when the guy is down in the drainand asks him if it's ok for him to come down and he goes "ok noproblem~!"
He gets back to the chinese restaurant called "Goong"which he works at and we are introduced to the ahjussi. We see how muchkang hoo admires his own appearance "It's all about looks for guys"
Hisphone rings (it's so cute! it says "Oppa! Did you order jjajamyun?) andthey get ready for the delivery battle (which we have all heard about).Hoo goes out and sees bul bam (played by song baek gyung) and says tohim "Let's end it today"... As they are both heading for thedestination, bul bam goes to Hoo sarcastically "Geez your motorbike isnice" and Hoo just goes "Just do well yourself first"
Both teamsreach the destination and as they run, Hoo comes out with hisskateboard and wins in the end. Bul bam says that he wont admit to thefact that Hoo won coz he says he was cheating with using theskateboard. Hoo says it's a battle and you need to use your brain, hegoes "Guys...it's all about timing"
Hoo and his friends arecelebrating at his mother's cafe (his mother has already passed away)..Hoo says that his mother used her hands to make those decoration thingson the wall one by one.. they go to the club together and Hoo's friendspush him on stage to dance himself. He dives into the crowd and a girlcomes up and kisses him on the cheek. The group of them sit downtogether with the girl and are drinking/eating when Bul bam and hisgang appears. Bul bam tells the girl to get up and Hoo finds out thatthe girl is in fact Bul bam's gf (i think... she calls him oppa)..Hoo's like to his fd "shouldnt u check first?" So the group of them gooutside and are about to have a fight... and Hoo's fd whispers to Hoo"Are you going to be ok?" and Hoo talks to Bul bam and suddenly pointsoff to the distance and distracts him then punches him while he's notlooking.... Hoo's fds hold bul bam back as he's trying to kick hoo outof frustration... and it is so HILARIOUS when hoo says to him, yourlegs are so short... WAHAHAH... and he leaves him with the line "Guys..it's all about timing"
Next day Hoo wakes up and the ahjussigoes to him that his hair smells of jjajamyun and tells him to go wa#... Hoo says i work at a chinese restaurant is my hair meant to smelllike spaghetti then? He says to the ahjussi, compared to my hair i'mmore worried about the amount of hair you have left.... then he runsoff to the toilet and then asks for toilet paper and the ahjussi throwsthe roll of toilet paper at him...
Jo sang gi/ahjussi is cookingand 3 men in suits show up and asks if he is jo sang gi.... the 3 menasks for gong ja ma ma (ie Hoo) and Jo sang gi says that he's just goneout for delivery and that the 3 men came earlier than he expected...then he gets a phone call from Hoo's uncle who tell him that there willbe ppl coming from the palace today including a woman.. and sang gigoes...yeah? woman? He looks back to see that the 3 men havedisppeared.... Next we see the bodyguard woman talking (presumbly tothe 3 men) to bring Hoo to the car without hurting him... the 3 men runafter Hoo and chase him to an alleyway.... Hoo's phone rings and asksthe 3 men to wait but takes the chance to run away from them.. Back atthe restaurant, sang gi is trying to ring Hoo but Hoo doesnt pick up...the REAL ppl from the palace have arrived and asks sang gi what hashappened to Hoo... sang gi tells them to wait... Hoo's friends see hisempty motorbike and sense that something is wrong... they call everyonetogether to go to that place... the 3 men shove Hoo in a pile ofrubbish and Hoo asks them what do they want from him? they say to him"You"
Sang gi and Hoo's friends arrive and Sang gi asks the 3 menwho they are and says You just try to take him away huh![i will killyou that type of implication] One of the men hits Hoo near his throatand Hoo faints... Hoo wakes up to find himself in a new place...
Hoosees sang gi and asks about those ppl who tried to catch him... sang gisays they are trying to find out who it was... Hoo asks sang gi whyhe's suddenly changing to formal language while speaking to him.. apalace girl comes in saying that dae gung is waiting for them... sanggi says that there's someone he needs to see and calls him gong ja mama... Hoo is like yeah? gong ja ma ma? They go out and we see a manwaiting for Hoo... before they enter the room, Hoo sees the portraitswhich look the same next to each other... they enter and sang giintroduces the man to Hoo as hyo sung dae gung, his uncle (his father'syounger brother)... the 3 of them sit down and sang gi starts to tellHoo the story... he tells Hoo of his background.. how his father whohas passed away was a prince and how this man in front of him is hisfather's brother... his uncle says that Hoo's father was his identicaltwin and passed away without knowing that he had a son..and he had onlyfound out from sang gi about Hoo's existance... Hyo sung dae gung saysthat the important thing for him now is that he has to enter thepalace... although Hoo will be confused and afraid now, he tells himnot to worry... he says he will become his father in place of hisbrother who had passed away
After Hyo sung dae gung leaves... Hoo isshown a picture of his father... He said that he had always wanted tosee how his father looked like... and that his father didnt even knowhe was born, so he wouldnt have even wanted to see him... sang gi sayshe was sent to look for Hoo's mother but Hoo's mother has asked him tohide the truth about Hoo's existence... he asks sang gi though why hismother wanted to hide the fact that he was born... sang gi explainsthat his mother wanted Hoo to have a normal life, instead of in theroyal fmaily... Hoo says so that's why we had to hide away from ppl,and realises how hard it had been for his mother.. but before hismother passed away, she left behind a msg for sang gi... When Hooreached 20 years old, when he could think for himself, sang gi was totell the palace about his existence and to reveal the truth..
Hoosays what should i do? I still cant believe it... Sang gi tells Hoo totreat hyo sung dae gung as his father and to follow him... and that heneeds to enter the palace.. that that was what his mother had wanted...
Hoo is led to a room in the palace andtold to wait there... Hoo is looking at his appearance in the mirrorand wonders if his appearance is ok.. he removes the green extensionsand turns around to see someone behind him.. he looks carefully andrealises it's the queen... he quickly kneels/lies on the floor... htequeen tells him it's ok and to get up... the queen says that she hadheard his mother passed away 5 years ago? Hoo says yeah...suddenlyduring the world cup year... the queen says she remembers her as onewith a beautiful smile... Hyo in dae gung's ring is brought to thequeen and the queen asks Hoo for the ring which he keeps with him...she combines the 2 rings together and shows Hoo.. the queen askswhether he knows the meaning written on the ring.. and she explainsthat it means "When you see the wind, think by yourself"
Hoo asksthe queen How is it like living as part of the royal family.. the queensays of course he would be curious... but that there is no easy way forhim to know... Hoo also brings up the incident during the day whenthose 3 men tried to capture him.. the queen says taht she was shockedtoo and asked if he remembered any of them... Hoo remembers one ofthem...
his phone rings and it's bul bam... Hoo says he's busy andsays he'll ring later... Hoo's phone rings again and hoo says i saidi'll ring u later... bul bam is like how can u hang up on me like thatand hoo's like you wanna die? Hoo explains to the queen that he'spopular.... the queen is a bit annoyed and says that Hoo needs toforget the life he's been living and get to know his life in thepalace...
Back in the bedroom, Hoo thinks of what his mothersaid to him... His mother had said that when he grows up later, he willhave to choose between the life he wants and the life that he doesntwant.. the important thing is that he decides the path he wants to takeand take it.... that he will be afraid and confused but if he doesntforget his courage he will be able to find his path..
she says to keep the ring well and that she will be with him forever...
Nextday Hoo is woken up by his phone and it's his friends ringing him...they ask where he is... and Hoo goes i'm at the palace... his fd goeswe're in front of the "Palace", open the door... then his fd's like"Another palace? Seems like he hit his head during the fight, he sayshe's at the palace where the queen is" the other fd says "That'sGyeongbokgung...?!" the 3rd guy goes "Ah there's a new restaurantcalled gyeongbokgung, ah he's gone there"... the fd on the phone's liek"Is there something up??? why are you yelling? seems like bul bam gotinto an accident" Hoo says "I said i cant go! " and that he will ringthem later...
Hoo gets up to inspect his surroundings andsuddenly ppl outside inform him that hwang tae hoo ma ma has arrived(the queen's mother)... they notify him a few times but there's noresponse... finally hoo tells them to come in and HOo is trying to puton his tuxedo jacket and throwing his clothes to the side.. Hoo andhwang tae hoo sit together... she says she's really happy and exclaimshow much he's grown.. and how much he looks like hyo in dae gung andthat if he was still alive how happy he would be... hoo praises her aswell and hwang tae hoo says that when she was young she was an actressand was told she was beautiful then.. Hoo goes wow what movie did ucome out in? and she says not movie but theatre... she says taht ifhe's having any difficulties tell her and she will do all she can tohelp him...
at the breakfast table.. he sees this black thingnext to him and he's like what type of chicken is this black? Hwang taehoo says she's very happy and asks hoo what he thinks of the food...Hoo says it's delicious... Next bit i'm not really sure (someone plzcorrect me if i'm wrong) but the queen says that tonight there will bean event fromt he su hak won (i think she's referring to the royalacademy?) and that she wants to take gong ja to the event... seems likehwang tae hoo and hyo sung dae gung are not too certain of her decisionbut the queen says that it will be a place where everyone will be andshe wants to let ppl know of gong ja's existence... suddenly we see hooplaying around and mixing all the food from the side dishes in hisbowl.. they look at him and he explains by saying that coz there's toomany side dishes... and asks whether she wants to eat it together withhim? hwang tae hoo laughs and orders someone to bring him a biggerbowl...
Hoo gets introduced to the team of ppl to teach himetiquette... First it's the way he walks... tells him to walk naturallyetc but he cant do it and he moonwalks and says , do you how to dothis? Then he's told that when shaking hands to use just one hand andnot to shake too hard... but he shakes really hard... then drinkingwine... he's told to drink sip by sip and he goes that guys shoulddrink all in one go...
Yang soon ae walks around with this mikeon her shoulder and nearly whacks everyone... together with anotherpalace girl they're cleaning cups and the other girl goes taht eventhinking about seeing him is making her heart beat faster...soon aegoes him?who? the girl goes My darling, Joon....my lover,jooonnn...soon ae goes Jooon? what kind of name is that? the other girlgoes i'm talking about moon sung gung mama (kang doo).. she goes on todescribe him as charismatic, romantic voice, perfect body
line,sexy etcetc...soon ae just shakes her head at her... the girl then says but itseems like he's getting engaged...soon ae asks how does she know andthe girl goes..who am i? i'm gossip queen...ma yong nam... she goes onto say taht although it hasnt been announced, she's heard he's gettingengaged to someone called shin sae ryung... beautiful, rich, with agood family background...
At the event, Joon and some guys givea performance but Hoo yawns in boredom... Next Joon gives a fightingperformance with another guy... and Hoo watches with interest.. mr evilguy (he's someone on joon's side) asks the bodyguard girl if taht'shim(referring to Hoo)... she asks what to do about him and he jsut goesto watch and see what to do...meanwhile shin sae ryung 's father on theside watches on their conversation... JOon's performance finishes andHoo claps loudly and gives him the thumbs up sign(haha).. next to shinsae ryung's knife dance performance... Hoo watches in awe and falls offhis chair when she finishes and leaves..
Sae ryung goes tochange and Hoo looks for her... he bumps into soon ae... he asks herwhether she's seen the girl who was dancing with the knives... the 2realise they know each other... soon ae asks "are you maybe from daeyeon elemntary school?" Hoo "Year 6 class 6?" Soon ae "Hoo? Kang Hoo?
Credit Cecilia@ soompi
Originally posted by ayie77 at 12-1-2007 07:44 AM
apelah yg dia skodeng nie...:kerek:
pompuan tgk tukar baju bilik persalinan.. mula2 dia tgk 2 orang tu mengendap2.. Kang hoo pun pergi dekat.. then dia pun join sekaki.. |
Originally posted by ckucin at 12-1-2007 08:55 AM
pompuan tgk tukar baju bilik persalinan.. mula2 dia tgk 2 orang tu mengendap2.. Kang hoo pun pergi dekat.. then dia pun join sekaki..
nakal jugak kang hoo nie.tak leh tahan tengok muke dia tu mengendap...:lol |
Reply #266 shanew3stgalz's post
eyka...sori ye camne kita nak tahu kita dalam
tab discuzz atau tab wysiwyg? |
wah cite nie endingnya pun ada anak patung ye....suka tul nengok anak patung nie....
kalau dah bercinta ngan maid dah pastinya cinta akan terhalang punya nie...hehehe
eh se7en skodeng tu ngan sapa arr...sapa 2 org tu...heheh kemain syok meninjau siap letak tangan kat punggung lagi...heheh |
Reply #332 babyface76's post
yg 2 org tu dia tak kenal.. kebetulan jer ternampak dorang mengendap2. |
so citer ni pun guna anak patung gak..teddy bear gak ke...:hmm: |
Originally posted by isabel at 12-1-2007 09:23 AM
so citer ni pun guna anak patung gak..teddy bear gak ke...:hmm:
a'ah..tapi teddy bear nie buleh gerak2 punye. |
yg hambo perasan kan si PD ni suka cari leading character yg bibir seksi mcm angelina jolie arr :lol |
eun hye dgn seven...both of them share the same lips but for sure eun hye lips much more sexier lo |
credit:nun |
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