Originally posted by wheatrice at 30-6-2007 02:53 PM 
Jgn maih Norway to shop...mahai...
sbb tuh Cik Min kita gi shopping kat Sweden gamaknyer...hehehe...jauh benor nak gi shopping yer... |
Reply #324 spidernfly's post
Made in China is everywhere, macam juga orang dia, you can see Chinese everywhere in the world, utara , selatan timur dan barat. (not being racist ya)
Food stuff pulak, from asia, you can see yg paling banyak kat pasaran... at least here adalah dari Thailand and The Philipines... macam orang orang dia juga.
Cuma Malaysian products je kurang( speaking about the market in Iceland). Yg saya jumpa adalah, ikan bilis di bungkus di P. Pinang, sauce segera Brahmin. Dulu adalah few jenis, now only kuah asam pedas yg ada. |
Reply #325 wheatrice's post
I only started eating fish here in Iceland sebab, ikan dia tak bau hanyir. Ikan yg banyak di jual adalah Haddock, Cod very little cause di export. Ikan and sea food yg ada, are mostly processed at sea. Udang yg ada telah di boiled or at least have its head removed, all frozen.
Memancing pun saya minat, fresh water fishing. dah tangkap kemudian lepas. Cuma yg tak boleh di selamatkan je di korbankan. My first fishing experience with my husband was in Lake Thingvellir . We spent almost 10 hours on that particular day but caught no fish!! Nampak ikan memang banyak.. lompat lompat teasing us. |
Reply #327 maxcavaleraf's post
Jadi boleh tak kita kata that it is quite boring to live in Danmark? |
spidernfly This user has been deleted
Reply #328 Tillingtan's post
that is sooooooo true kan?
cina ni di mana2 diorang ada..... thats y i think they are very successful. in terms of, campak diorang kat mana pun, they can survive.
sini byk gak product from Thailand, Philippines... tp brgn m'sia tetap menjadi pilihan. ekekekeke.....  |
Originally posted by Tillingtan at 2-7-2007 07:43 AM 
Jadi boleh tak kita kata that it is quite boring to live in Danmark?
errr...ntahla. aku baru 2 bulan kat sini...and goin off in 2 weeks time...so, cant really say. nih kena tanya Amanda. dia org lama kat sini...
banyak tempat bley gi sebenarnyer....but depends gak, what type of person are u. maybe if u suka rilek2, cool, peace environment...certain places kat sini ok kot. ntahla, i may be wrong. like i said...i'm new here and not gonna be here long. setakat nih macam2 festival/konsert ada...tuh aku suka la..happening sket. |
wheatrice This user has been deleted
Reply #329 Tillingtan's post
Yes...ikan kat sini pun tak hanyir...ni mungkin sbb
1. Climate kat sini
2. Sbb byk ikan laut yg dijual instead of ikan air tawar
Ha'ah kat sini pun depa jual udang yg dah di rebus...ketam pun cam tu...ni sbb they believe it is much better like that...they died instantly instead of slowly which menyeksakan udang2 or ketam2 ni...
Kat sana ada jual king crabs tak? King crabs is considered a delicacy kat sini...
Memancing mmg syok...especially kalau dpt ikan kembung....ikan kembung kat sini sedap giler... |
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wheatrice This user has been deleted
Reply #335 wheatrice's post
:eek: :eek: :eek: hmy3: mak aih!! |
Originally posted by Tillingtan at 2-7-2007 07:43 AM 
Jadi boleh tak kita kata that it is quite boring to live in Danmark?
Not really boring to live in Denmark..
In Copenhagen for example, beside Tivoli, there is planetarium, Kronborg where Hamlet originates from, Nyhavn and the famous harbour cruises. BonBon country which is an amusement park close to Copenhagen, "Str鴊et" which is the longest walking street in the world, the little mermaid, "Glyp****ket" which has one of the biggest collections of egyptian mummies in Europe, the new Copenhagen city "豶estaden" where you can visit the biggest shopping center in north Europe.
Outside Copenhagen there is Nords鴐useet which is the biggest Aquarium in North Europe, Knutenborg Safaripark, F錼up summerland, Legoland, The old city in Aarhus, Randers Rainforrest, if you like nature there is many beautiful beaches, carnivals and many festivals.
Velkommen til Denmark!   |
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Largest mall in Scandinavia --> Field's
* ye ke?..hehehe |
Reply #335 wheatrice's post
Aduh besaunya ketam ... wa tengok ini macam pun takut wooooooooooooooo |
Reply #335 wheatrice's post
Kussss semangat. Mutant giler ketam tu.
Memang species mcm tu, or something wrong huh? hmy3: |
penah tgk..astro penah tayng pasal penangkapan ketam nih...untung million2 tuan punya kapal kalo skali tangakp..red crab.. antara spesis nama yg ingat..
suka tgk banyak kali even astro dok ulang2 sebab time tgk tu, kepala dok byg apa aku nak masak ketam ni..terbyg2 keenakanmemakannya..hehehehe |
eh ...im wondering mana la si min elskede nih..balik kg senyap trus.nak calling2 tapi taktau no... |
wheatrice This user has been deleted
wheatrice This user has been deleted
Originally posted by nazha at 6-7-2007 03:26 AM 
penah tgk..astro penah tayng pasal penangkapan ketam nih...untung million2 tuan punya kapal kalo skali tangakp..red crab.. antara spesis nama yg ingat..
suka tgk banyak kali even astro dok ulang ...
I tak pasti plak camne org kat sini masak ketam ni...tapi yg pastinya ketam2 ni dicampak dlm air mendidih as soon as ditangkap ...so u bole makan terus ketam2 ni bila u beli kat wet market... |
bukan pe, tekak melayu ni, dok pikir masak lemak ketam la..sambal ketam laa...puas makan...tapi rebuspun dap gak ek.. |
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