Final Of Top RTM Reality Show This Friday
KUALALUMPUR, April 25 (Bernama) -- Twenty students will compete in the grandnight of the reality show Tiada Lama Tiada Baharu (Nothing Old, NothingNew) this Friday.
Fourteen would compete in singing while the other six would takepart in the Artist Look-Alike category to win the first prize, a ProtonPersona.
The show on TV1 will be telecast live from the premier auditoriumof Angkasapuri from 8.30pm, according to a Broadcasting Departmentstatement.
It will be compered by Aswan Ali and Didier Alias.
Singers Ayah, Aiwa, Anna Rafali, Sheila ND Lala, Hafiz AF and Farah Asyikin will be among the guest artists. |