Post time 5-10-2016 04:39 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
AppropriateNick replied at 4-10-2016 01:35 PM
alamak x sama la kot..i will be going there on the last week of december...almost too close. so ho ...
I pergi from 16dec smpai 29 dec.
And my visa has been approved!! Yippie. But one of my friends dpt pink form required for other information tsk tsk. Hopefully cpt je la settle her case sbb 3 of us will be travelling together.
Post time 6-10-2016 01:03 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
AppropriateNick replied at 6-10-2016 12:18 PM
congrats bebeh...welcome aboard to the united states...korg free hair ke
Auch merci bebeh. Berjilbab plis my friend and i. Ahahah. Sorang je free hair. Brp heng u beli ur flight ticket. Hotel kat manhattan mahal gils sbb xmas time. Tsk.
yeke..i beli murah aje..rm2.6k..ahaks...sebab visa i expired next year ok..rugi la xpergi sekali lagi kan..itulah..mmg super mahal..syukur la kwn i duduk betul2 i tgh kote new york..dh jimat duit iols byk di situ..sebab aku baru siap mcm self reward la mcm tu..hahaha
Post time 6-10-2016 02:59 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
AppropriateNick replied at 6-10-2016 02:45 PM
yeke..i beli murah aje..rm2.6k..ahaks...sebab visa i expired next year ok..rugi la xpergi sekali l ...
Mmg murah byk tu hahah. China eastern jugak khen. Sekapal la kita.
I pun mcm self reward gak la yg p nyc ni. But then orang kata once dh dpt 10yrs visa ni makin panjang la kaki kan.
Dulu study kat uk kejap so mcm dh tamau p belah2 sana, im sooo looking fwd to NYC! And orang kata usa the best katanya. Hahah. We'll see!
So u'll be staying kat center of new york keee berkuntum. I suka tgk ig brightbazaar, dia interior designer based in NY cantik gila pic mamat ni kat sana. So bright and colourful. Hehe. Teringin nak p carik airbnb area manhattan yg sooo NY style hahah. But then takot diorang cancel last minute sbb my stay kat manhattan mmg christmas eve.
i pilih wktu thanksgiving sebab ada sales besar besaran selepas thanksgiving tu katanya la..ini kwn i yg beri info..nk juga tgk byk mana sales die..hrp2 kaw2 la...
i x prefer g wktu christmas...mesti la jam yg hamat tidak..x pasti la...i dh g hollywood dan boston..yes.i like usa dari UK...
Selalunya imigration akan tanya - kenapa datang ke US, duduk kat mana, berapa lama and duit bawa berapa banyak, ada CC tak
Nak pergi NY city or NY state?
NY city banyak kawasan seperti Mahattan dan queens. Di Mahattan ada cina town and disitu adalah souvenir agak murah2 juga or boleh beli souvenir along the road disepanjang times square or dekat Empire state building.
Boleh pergi tenguk statue of liberty, central park or rockefellar canter
Di Queens ramai orang islam and banyak restoren halal disini.
Kalau NY state bermakna akan cover seluruh state dialah so boleh pergi ke Niagara falls
Manhattan - china town lah. Agak sibuk kat sinilah tapi ok.
So scarry traffic kat sini. Selalu jem dan jalan2 penuh dengan manhole yang keluarkan steam (actually dr subway bawah tu).
I dulu stay di Connecticut so every week akan ke china town untuk beli ikan and ke queens untuk beli ayam dan daging halal dan makan nasi beriani.
Post time 31-7-2019 07:08 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
uda replied at 31-7-2019 03:35 PM
Manhattan - china town lah. Agak sibuk kat sinilah tapi ok.
So scarry traffic kat sini. Selalu j ...
I duk kat upper Manhattan 2 hari dan lepas duk kat lower manhattan. China Town Manhattan tu subway station mana ? Pening kepala tengok subway map & youtube cara nak naik subway. Betul ke tak boleh salah masuk subway entrance?