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Author: liyana306

Pembohongan Karut Bruce Lee Pernah Tewas Di Tangan Mahaguru Silat Gayong.

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Post time 7-4-2007 01:46 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Afrin at 28-3-2007 03:08 PM
Tumpang lalu...

Cuma nak tambah sikit...sebenarnya cerita pertarungan silat melayu ini dengan pakar seni bela diri luar telah banyak berlaku...sekitar tahun 1970an hinggalah ke penghujung tahun 1990.  Penglibatan saya dengan banyak pertubuhan seni silat memberi perluang kepada saya mengetahui kebenaran cerita dan kisah "kehebatan" silat melayu  ( masuk pertubuhan silat pun bukanya nk belajar sangat tapi lebih kepada nk dapatkan maklumat ) ...pakar silat melayu lebih banyak di cabar oleh kumpulan seni bela diri daripada negara Asia ( Thailand, Korea,China, Jepun, Indon )...tapi paling banyak adalah daripada negara matahari terbit ...Jepun sebab mereka ada kajian berkaitan silat melayu.  Banyak juga ahil silat sendiri yang mencabar seni bela diri daripada luar.
Paling tak dapat dilupakan pertarungan antara satu pertubuhan silat melayu ( bukan gayung ) dengan beberapa orang pakar seni beladiri dp Jepun pada sekitar tahun 1992 yang diadakan secara tertutup di ****. Pertarungan diadakan secara berperingkat-peringkat ( x seperti cerita Dato' Meor & BL), daripada menguji kekuatan hinggalah 1 lawan 1, 2 lawan 1. & demontrasi kehebatan masing2.  Semua pertarungan dirakamkan dlm video tape...yang akhirnya dirampas oleh ****,  Pertarungan tidak dapat diceritakan secara detail cuma akhirnya sebilangan pakar seni bela diri dp Jepun ini mengadap Mahaguru **** dengan sepesalinan baju silat melayu untuk mempelajari seni silat melayu.

ILMU BATIN DLM SILAT...ramai yang anggap kekuatan silat melayu adalah kerana ilmu batinnya ...tetapi anggapan itu sebenarnya adalah SALAH...kerana kekuatan silat melayu adalah kerana seni jurus / buah pukulan/ketangkasan & fizikal persilat itu sendiri, ilmu batin hanyalah 1% shj. Itu pun tidak semua orang berjaya memperaktikkannya walaupun diturunkan ilmu tersebut dan mempelajari silat melayu yang betul "asli" sebenarnya lagi susah & perit daripada belajar seni bela diri yg lain hanya yang betul2 kental, tabah dan mempunyai kekuatan mental serta fikizal sahaja yang mampu untuk ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi.  Tapi sekarang ini kebanyakan silat telah banyak "dipermodenkan" hingga telah hilang keaslianya.

Walau setinggi mana pun ilmu bela diri yang anda belajar, anda tak akan mampu nak memukul "nyamuk" yang tiba2 mengigit di tengah2 belakang banda anda ...oleh itu jangan nak BELAGAK...

Mengingatkan aku semalam tengok Filem Lama Martial Art Jepun berlawan Dengan Martial Art Dari China tajuk dier Heroes Of The East

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Post time 7-4-2007 08:39 PM | Show all posts
byk versi la pulak

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Post time 8-4-2007 06:00 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by <i>tokki1</i> at 5-4-2007 08:37 AM<br />
In the past, there was no record of muslims practising mass ethnic cleansing. Being firm in Islam is to ensure that Islamic practices are not compromised and muslims are allowed to follow the ten ...
<br />

well the muslims are quite good in killing each other incidentally. just look at darfur and the kurds

incidentally ain't the turks killing the armenians a genocide? even hitler himself jsutified the holocaust by saying no1 ever remember the incident.

also the saying "a man is judged by his heart's content" is by Gandhi


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Post time 8-4-2007 10:17 AM | Show all posts

Reply #343 terrence's post

Ho-hum. I'll be quick about this. The killings were done not in the name of religion but rather an age-old/ancient hatred. We do not mass murder, we prefer to mass produce.

Sorry other forumers/silat/taichi masters. I promise to try very hard not to reply. But the temptation is too great for me to handle.

Have an egg.

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Post time 8-4-2007 10:47 AM | Show all posts
bagi akulah cerita yang tidak benar walau pun ada moral yang boleh di jadikan teladan tidak boleh di terimapakai. cerita itu sendiri adalah pembohongan maka ianya tidak berkat dan satu hari dia akan kembali menghantui kita.

cerita ini mudah di terima kerana ia buat kita 'feel good'. tengok saja akaun friendster aku, berapa banyak orang kita yang forwardkan surat berantai seperti..

'kalau anda sebar  mesej ini kepada 3 orang dalam masa 3 hari orang yang anda cinta akan menelefon anda, kalau tidak anda akan di timpa bencana dsb"

berapa banyak kita terima e-mail seperti ini sedangkan bahayanya percaya kepada perkara seperti ini mendekatkan kita kepada khurafat - yakni percaya ada kuasa lain yang mampu menentukan hidup mati atau takdir kita.

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Post time 8-4-2007 11:37 AM | Show all posts
Sekejap je dah 14 mukasurat. Cuma masih inconclusive. Malangnya kedua2 org mahaguru yg paling handal pada zamannya dah tak ada bersama kita. Yg ada cuma cerita dari guru2 tua silat gayung.

Mungkin ada org bertanya kalu benar perkara ni berlaku, mengapa MR tidak menggunakannya sebagai mileage untuk mengembangkan lagi silat gayung? Sebab dah jadi semacam unwitten law dalam silat, ujian antara 2 mahaguru tidak boleh digembar-gemburkan. Kadang2 bukan sahaja corak permainan tapi bergantung juga kepada pengalaman & ketangkasan.

Lagipun, Dan Inosanto, guru kanan Jeet kune do tidak menafikan secara direct tentang perlawanan ni. Mungkin dia pun tak tahu berlakunya mana2 pertarungan yg BL lalui. Apabila cerita ni secara official diberitahu kpd umum pada tahun 1987, yg membuat pengumuman tu bukan MR, tapi DZ. Sebab memang sifat seorang mahaguru tidak akan mendabik dada. Tidak ada protest kedengaran dari martial arts lain yg hadir sebagai jemputan dalam kejohanan silat sedunia pada masa pengumuman tu dibuat.

Susah nak membuktikan sejarah tapi jangan terlalu cepat menidakkan atau merendahkan keupayaan kita sendiri. Just because cerita tu datang dari masyarakat kita. Mungkin kalu ada yg claim BL kalah kpd Chuck Norris lagi senang diterima sebab kita lebih percaya kpd keupayaan org lain terutamanya dari barat.

BL, seperti ramai maklum, memang tangkas & cepat hinggakan kamera tak dapat nak tangkap dgn tepat fighting sequencenya. Sampai dia kena slow down to half his usual speed. Tapi tolong kaji jugak secara mendalam pasal MR & silat gayung tu sendiri sebelum menolak kisah ni mentah2.

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Post time 9-4-2007 05:01 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by <i>tokki1</i> at 8-4-2007 10:17 AM<br />
Ho-hum. I'll be quick about this. The killings were done not in the name of religion but rather an age-old/ancient hatred. We do not mass murder, we prefer to mass produce. <br />
<br />
Sorry other forume ...
<br />

let me be quick about this. apparently you've never heard of the hamidian massacre of the orthodox amenian christians by the ottoman turks. that is genocide.

so i return you the egg


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Post time 9-4-2007 09:56 AM | Show all posts

Reply #347 terrence's post

Back to the topic plz.

Note: This is a gentle reminder.

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Post time 9-4-2007 10:13 AM | Show all posts

Reply #347 terrence's post

Eh, what's this, about being quick & the egg? Be original dude! Don't mimic & take things at face value. Read between the lines and you'll realise that the Hamidian regime carried out the mass killings for its own political survival. The regime was equally oppresive to both Turks (muslims) & Armenians (christians).

Check this out:

Omelette anyone?

Again my apologies. I will refrain from further postings apart from the thread's topic. Thanks terrence, it was fun but we could not go on meeting like this. The mod has given us a fair warning.

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Post time 9-4-2007 10:23 AM | Show all posts
The mod has given us a fair warning.

ff: Err..Tokki I'm not one of the moderators for this BOD. I'm just giving Terrence a friendly reminder that's all.

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Post time 9-4-2007 10:36 AM | Show all posts

Reply #350 rurouni_khairul's post

You're not? I just wish you were. I don't really feel comfortable doing this as it's way off-topic. How do you explain a sudden hop from martial arts to a plethora of religious topics? Unthink of.

[ Last edited by  tokki1 at 9-4-2007 10:55 AM ]

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Post time 9-4-2007 12:38 PM | Show all posts
tae kwon do versus muay thai

capoeira versus muay thai

wushu versus karate

one martial art expert once said.. there are NO martial art that is better than another

there is only BETTER martial ARTIST that is better... he who is better because he trained harder...........

since it is said PEMBOHONGAN KARUT and bruce lee is dead... why bother??

[ Last edited by  wei_loon5063 at 9-4-2007 12:52 PM ]



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Post time 9-4-2007 12:46 PM | Show all posts
martial art and self defense is to protect one self.. not to show other that they are more superior.....
shaolin monks.... i bet you all never ever think of this before.. why the buddist monk is so powerful in their fighting and they are not suppose to be monks??

well, dated back few thousand yaers ago, many general that retired regreted that they killed so many people and they want to  do more good deeds and therefore they became monks and pray to wash away their sin... the enemy knew that the monk general would be an oppurtunity to them....
to kidnap; to question them about their conutry etc......

so, the monks in that temple are trained with great intensity to protect the reitred general..



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Post time 9-4-2007 02:19 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by tokki1 at 9-4-2007 10:36 AM
You're not? I just wish you were. I don't really feel comfortable doing this as it's way off-topic. How do you explain a sudden hop from martial arts to a plethora of religious topics? Unthink of.

No I'm not...I'm a moderator for other BOD. But you can report if you felt uncomfortable with the direction of the discussion.

Let's discuss more about this topic.

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Post time 9-4-2007 02:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by wei_loon5063 at 9-4-2007 12:46 PM
martial art and self defense is to protect one self.. not to show other that they are more superior.....
shaolin monks.... i bet you all never ever think of this before.. why the buddist monk i ...

I I understand..

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Post time 9-4-2007 02:34 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by rurouni_khairul at 9-4-2007 02:20 PM

I I understand..

good......... learning is the act of being humble, look down on your self and listen........
not look up on your self and look down on people.......

if you practise any martial art, the teaching is to teach us to be humble....
but many people get too egoistic....

give you a real life example... my friend was bullied by a tae kwon do black belt and he told his dad. so his dad come and ask the black belt kid why he bullied his son. the kid got too cocky with his black belt and start getting rude with the bullied kid`s dad... and treathened to bash the adult and he tried to kick the adult.... which result?? he being pinned with a punch on the face.... hahaa...........
the moral of the lesson......... never get too egoistic as there will be people that is more superior thatn you that is humble...

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Post time 9-4-2007 03:44 PM | Show all posts

Reply #352 wei_loon5063's post

There should be a question mark at the end of this thread's title. It's still open for discussion and hence the 15-page drivel with a few diversions every now and then.

BTW, them being dead is not an excuse for us not to discuss their exploits/misadventures. Anyway, thanks for the basic philosophy of martial arts.

I have a feeling that we'll go on and on, not unlike the Energizer bunny.

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Post time 9-4-2007 03:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by wei_loon5063 at 9-4-2007 02:34 PM

good......... learning is the act of being humble, look down on your self and listen........
not look up on your self and look down on people.......

if you practise any martial art,  ...

Yeah..agree with you...poor black belt kid...

There an old saying which states, "There's always a bigger fish.."

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Post time 9-4-2007 03:55 PM | Show all posts

Reply #357 tokki1's post

not energizer la kawan....
duracel........... haiyaa........

first prove the existence fight of bruce lee and the mahaguru.....

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Post time 9-4-2007 04:00 PM | Show all posts

Reply #359 wei_loon5063's post

by the way...
you all watch any of the bruce lee movie before???

this is an interview with bruce lee

bruce lee summarize waht he learn in martial art and from martial art he find the meaning of his life and his phylosophy.....

martial art...... honestly expressiong yourself... bruce lee

[ Last edited by  wei_loon5063 at 9-4-2007 04:12 PM ]



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