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Author: imdudic

~LFC~ Menang Penalti ape klas<<kata fan

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Post time 12-2-2008 10:08 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by carrie_connie at 11-2-2008 10:48 PM

relek arr pak 4 up for grabs, FA cup & CL ade lagikk (inter jer ponnnnnnnnnnnnn )

haku konpiden no 4 tuh dlm tangan..

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Post time 12-2-2008 10:50 AM | Show all posts
dgr2 citer 18/2 ader massive press conference kat Anfield.. ada betul kaa??

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Post time 12-2-2008 11:29 AM | Show all posts
Funny moment... Masch knocked down the Ref


The evil Rafa shouting to Masch, "hit his belly, not his arse!"

Gerrard arguing with Ballack

Carra joining in

Gerrard to Ballack, "I will send our monster..."
The next moment...

While Gerrard himself...

Skittle and his new teammates


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Post time 12-2-2008 11:29 AM | Show all posts
aku nak buat promotion sket...saper yang main badminton, n berminat nak beli raket, aku bleh dapat raket yonex nanospeed 9000 yang baru tu pada harga rendah.(RM 180).harga asal RM 600-RM 800..saper berminat pm aku

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Post time 12-2-2008 02:01 PM | Show all posts

Personal information

Full name Rafael Benitez Maudes
Date of birth 16 April 1960 (1960-04-16) (age 47)
Place of birth    Madrid, Spain
Height 5 ft 10 in (1.78 m)
Playing position Midfielder (retired)
Manager at Liverpool F.C. since June 2004


    * UEFA Champions League
          - Winners 2004-05: 1
          - Runners Up 2006-07: 1
    * European Super Cup
          - Winners 2005 1
    * FA Cup
          - Winners 2006 1
    * FA Community Shield
          - Winners 2006 1
    * Carling Cup
          - Runners Up 2005 1
    * FIFA Club World Championship
          - Runners Up 2005 1

Personal information

Full name Sir Alexander Chapman Ferguson
Date of birth December 31, 1941 (1941-12-31) (age 66)
Place of birth    Glasgow, Scotland
Playing position Striker (retired)
Manager at  Manchester United since November 6, 1986


Domestic competition

    * Premier League: (9) 1992-93, 1993-94, 1995-96, 1996-97, 1998-99, 1999-00, 2000-01, 2002-03, 2006-07
    * FA Cup: (5) 1989-90, 1993-94, 1995-96, 1998-99, 2003-04
    * League Cup: (2) 1991-92, 2005-06
    * FA Charity/Community Shield: (7) 1990*, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1997, 2003, 2007

European competition

    * UEFA Champions League: (1) 1998-1999
    * UEFA Cup Winners' Cup: (1) 1990-91
    * Intercontinental Cup: (1) 1999
    * UEFA Super Cup: (1) 1991-92

Thn pertama pegang RB dah dpt piala, tp AF ambik masa berapa thn utk dapat piala pertama? Sekadar renungan :victory:

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Post time 12-2-2008 02:25 PM | Show all posts
Reina sempat isap curut tunggu Celsi attack

sebab kenapa pak rafa ilang pokus   --- > Click Here

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Post time 12-2-2008 02:52 PM | Show all posts

Reply #345 orcadlayout's post

memang hebat pak rafa jendul neh..

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Post time 12-2-2008 03:04 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nizam_muse at 12-2-2008 11:29
aku nak buat promotion sket...saper yang main badminton, n berminat nak beli raket, aku bleh dapat raket yonex nanospeed 9000 yang baru tu pada harga rendah.(RM 180).harga asal RM 600-RM ...

Ada kaitan dak ngan yang ni?---->

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Post time 12-2-2008 04:58 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by conan at 12-2-2008 02:25 PM
Reina sempat isap curut tunggu Celsi attack

sebab kenapa pak rafa ilang pokus   --- > Click Here

ape nk klik2 , tepek je .. hahahahahhaha

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Post time 12-2-2008 05:05 PM | Show all posts
da ade ke?...


Redknapp: Ben韙ez Will Never Win The Title

Former Liverpool player Jamie Redknapp doesn't think the Reds will ever win the Premier League for as long as Rafael Ben韙ez is at the helm. The reason? The Spaniard cares too much about Europe.

Liverpool's point at Stamford Bridge on Sunday was by no means a bad result, but all at Anfield have now accepted that the league title will not be arriving on Merseyside this season.  

The wait for that 19th championship has now spanned almost two decades for the Reds, but speaking after the Chelsea game former Liverpool player Jamie Redknapp said he doesn't believe current boss Rafa Ben韙ez is able to ever win the Premier League.  

揕iverpool have got no chance of winning the title under Rafa Benitez," said Redknapp, speaking as a pundit on Sky Sports.  "They are further away than ever.  For Rafa Ben韙ez, the kudos lies in winning the Champions League."  


Speaking of the Spaniard, Redknapp reckons it's a simple case of differing priorities that explains Ben韙ez' repeated failures in the Premier League, despite having a European record that trounces that of United's Sir Alex Ferguson.  


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Post time 12-2-2008 05:14 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 12-2-2008 05:19 PM | Show all posts
embek2..kambeng detected berkeliaran in anfield..

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Post time 12-2-2008 05:31 PM | Show all posts
Thn pertama pegang RB dah dpt piala, tp AF ambik masa berapa thn utk dapat piala pertama? Sekadar renungan

Fuyoooo giler terer..saspek aku ngan benitezz..

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Post time 12-2-2008 05:48 PM | Show all posts
Thn pertama pegang RB dah dpt piala, tp AF ambik masa berapa thn utk dapat piala pertama? Sekadar renungan


erkk tapi tahun kedua, ketiga,keempat dan seterusnya apa cerita??


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Post time 12-2-2008 05:56 PM | Show all posts

Reply #354 thylord's post

kalo bg RB 21 tahun lagi..ko agak2 dia dpt apa? tapi aku rasa season depan dah takde dah kot..  biarpun AF masuk2 tak dpt least Board of Director percaya kat dia..sampai la dia mng 1st cup..dan seterusnya..

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Post time 12-2-2008 06:04 PM | Show all posts

Reply #355 Pak_Jen's post

Kalau RB pegang pool 21 tahun?

21 x 4 piala per season........banyak tuh.. cuba ko kira aku fail matematik..

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Post time 12-2-2008 06:22 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by brader_jon at 11-2-2008 11:10 PM
oi nak membako pon nyuruk bakang ahkak ferry ke..

sorry kes tak perasan porum tgh login nama lainn

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Post time 12-2-2008 06:27 PM | Show all posts

Reply #357 stats's post

lepas nih buleh la hambat kambeng same2 ekkk

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Post time 12-2-2008 06:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by conan at 12-2-2008 06:27 PM
lepas nih buleh la hambat kambeng same2 ekkk

opss..yg tuh lom blajarr lagii

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 Author| Post time 12-2-2008 11:43 PM | Show all posts
kn aku dh kata..seri je..tu pun abis nasib baik la dpt seri....ex-champion tu...

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