Setuju sangat. Jeremy mmg cute giler. Tak tahan nengok muka dia blur bila Shin Woo cakap pasal GMN sambil mengimbas insiden kat rooftop tu. Slow gile mamat ni. kekekeke
Masa mula2 nengok TK terserempak ngan mak dia kat dlm lif tu, hhhhh ingatkan tu kakak dia atau ex-girlfriend[manalah tahu TK ada Oedipus complex] . Rupa2 nya, omma dah... Cantiknya mak dia.
Trademark Hong sisters comedy. In my book, this is a good thing.
Yes, it goes overboard a little. But because of the abundant senseof humor, this lands it in corny-awesome territory for me, notcorny-embarrassing.
Jang Geun-seok (and the rest of the group, actually) is perfectly cast.
Park Shin-hye is ADORABLE. So is Lee Hong-ki.
I think I have found my drama crack for the year.
After a year of disappointing trendies like Boys Before Flowers, Triple, My Fair Lady, and Heading to the Ground,I’m excited to have one that just might actually work. For the firsttime in a long while, the first episode was not only entertaining butalso made me feel excited.
The Hong sisters have their faults, but they are very good withstory, and with finding the bits of angst and emotion within anotherwise peppy, funny, zippy plot. What I enjoy about all their dramasis that they can do the dramatic moments well, but they don’t rely onmelodrama. They’ve also gotten much better about not dragging out theplot with contrived conflicts, and when they make use of cliches, it’soften to poke fun at them. Their dramas do film in the live shootsystem, but I’ve read interviews where they explain that they lockthemselves up for days at a time to hammer out the story, so I havefaith that they do think of the future plot as they write.
Also: FINALLY! Jang Geun-seok is cast in something I like him in! Ithink he’s a talented actor who has not made full use of his skills inthe past, but for the first time I’m actually into his character. Hemay not fully embrace his pretty image, but I think he’s spot-onperfect for this role.
The other two guys — Lee Hong-ki, Jung Yong-hwa — are well-cast too,but if we’re being honest their acting skills are serviceable, but notoutstanding. (Lee Hong-ki’s character is very exaggerated, but in acharming way, while I think Jung Yong-hwa is a little less natural,)But thank goodness Jang Geun-seok can ACT. And Mi-nyeo is so pure andsweet that she’s the perfect foil for cynical, embittered Tae-kyung.
(Note: I think I’m going to get VERY sick of this “I Will PromiseYou” song by the series’ end, but for now I like it. Similar to T-Max’s“Paradise,” it’s very catchy. I think it was a good casting call tohire an actor who looks like an idol and can sing — I’m very glad theydidn’t do the reverse and hire an idol star to act. Really, there arefew actors who are equally suited to the task. Lee Min-ki, maybe, butJang is younger and “prettier.”)
As a girl, Park Shin-hye is adorably innocent, and there’s arecurring gag that whenever someone refers to her as “Sister” or “nun,”she corrects them by saying, “I’m not actually a full nun yet…” (It’slike The Office’s “Assistant manager/Assistant
TO themanager.”) But when she’s posing as a guy, her innocence makes for aninteresting dynamic. The same actions coming from a nun (apprentice)take on a different, oddball charm when coming from a trendy male popstar. It gives (Fake) Mi-nam a certain “yupgi” appeal.
Cute and fun!
I liked You’re Beautiful enough to check how many episodesit would be, hoping for a larger number. Apparently it says the dramais set to be “16 or 20 episodes,” which indicates flexibility. Giventhe tentatively positive response, I’m going to guess there’s a goodchance it’s 20.
You’re Beautiful, you were much better than I was expecting. Please don’t fail me now!
I have a good feeling about this drama. Everyone is well-cast andthe writers do a great job subverting cliches and twisting angstymoments into a punchline. Love that. I enjoyed this episode even morethan Episode 1, which was already pretty jam-packed with hilarity.
I was thinking we’d get another Coffee Prince withconflicted emotions and attractions and ten episodes of anticipation,but Tae-kyung finds out the truth now?? THIS IS FANTASTIC.
The setup to this drama (crossdressing and romantic comedy) meansthat there are a few predictable elements that must happen, likesomeone finding out the truth early, and someone being uncomfortablyattracted to Mi-nam. However, what makes this drama strong from anarrative perspective is that it swiftly takes us PAST these cliches,so that instead of dragging out the obvious ending for episodes, weaddress to that point right away and move on. That makes me moreexcited for what’s to come, since there’s more of an element ofsurprise.
Aside from that, I again have to point out the great casting for allfour idols. Jang Geun-seok has a wonderful sneer, and he really commitsto it — I feel like this is the most committed I’ve seen him to a rolein a long time.
I also love the manager’s overreliance on English phrases. Oh, it’shella cheesy but that’s why I love it — he thinks it’s cool but itmakes him look silly.
I love Jeremy for his dunderheadedness — how oblivious is he? He’sthe first one sensing an inkling of attraction because his body takesnote of the signs — Mi-nam’s girlish mannerisms, smooth skin, vaguelyfeminine ambiance — but his brain is a step behind his body, so he’sthe last one to know.
And while Tae-kyung is a great character who I’m sure I will end uprooting for, HOW GREAT IS SHIN-WOO? I like him so much. He’s the Ruithat Kim Hyun-joong couldn’t quite be. I have in the past suffered fromSecond Lead Crush Syndrome, where I felt bad for secondary characterswho never got the girl despite treating her better than the hero, and Ithink Shin-woo will continue this trend. But I think of this in apositive light, because the benefit to a strong conflict like this isthat the love triangle actually feels tense and engaging.
Setuju sangat. Jeremy mmg cute giler. Tak tahan nengok muka dia blur bila Shin Woo cakap pasal GMN sambil mengimbas insiden kat rooftop tu. Slow gile mamat ni. kekekeke
Masa mula2 neng ...
hhhhh Post at 11-10-2009 23:09
tula..ingatkan kakak..rupanya emak..cantik mak dia..tapi dia cam dendam dgn mak dia..tapi kumpul gak album2 dan benda2 lain psl mak dia..sayang sebenarnya kat mak dia..
javabeans yg kat website dramabeans ni mmg bg pujian melangit kat you're beautiful..suka giler dia kat drama neh..well, dia salah sorgla..ramai dah jatuh cinta dgn drama ni!
and semua 4 cast fit perfectly to their character(org la cakap)
me tau ada yg nak bukak fan club shin woo..dok meroyan psl dia..LOL
semua dah pakat nak jatuh cinta dgn dia dah..termasukla me..
shin woo mmg cam jihoo sunbae..senyap jer tapi diam2 very protective, sweet and kind..
twinkystar Post at 11-10-2009 07:23
aku belum jatuh cinta kat shin woo lagi ...tapi dah hampir2 nak jatuh cinta time dia letak towel atas pala PSH pastu dia tolak sampai kat cermin tu .... kekekekeke
psstttt ...nanti kalau dah dapat OST jangan lupa share ekkkk ... letak kat page 1 yea please .... kekekeke
lagu2 A.N.JELL mmg best ...
aku belum jatuh cinta kat shin woo lagi ...tapi dah hampir2 nak jatuh cinta time dia letak towel atas pala PSH pastu dia tolak sampai kat cermin tu .... kekekekeke
psstttt ...nanti kalau dah da ...
kayla Post at 12-10-2009 00:43
kesimpulannya kayla dah jatuh cinta dgn jeremy la ek?
me pun x jatuh cinta lagi dgn episode kot..
nak sama jugekkk... i lap jeremy.. kekekkee..
tak sabo laaaa nak nunggu episode seterusnye... mau aku gelak guling2 lagi.. hehehe..
blankie Post at 12-10-2009 08:45 AM
mak datuk ...lawok tui ep.2..sakit peyut den tengok time shower tu..kekkeke
sampai keluar baby bagai..dgn awan ye....omonaaa.....hahahahahaha
tak tahan tengok jeremy tak berbaju...kalu ade otot2 tentu leleh...kekekeke
tak sabor nak tengok ep.3...