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Author: tumpanglalu74

Fitnah Blackout

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Post time 8-5-2013 04:55 PM | Show all posts
i pity Puan Zainon

cuma menjalankan tugas tapi tak pasal2 tersepit kat tengah2 dan kena tempias dek kerana statement beliau membuat certain people JUMP INTO CONCLUSIONS without siasat dulu

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Post time 8-5-2013 05:49 PM | Show all posts
jejarihalus posted on 8-5-2013 12:50 AM

Ko serious ke ni...?

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Post time 8-5-2013 06:07 PM | Show all posts
ColbyRaikkonen posted on 8-5-2013 03:46 PM
tue la...percaya bebenor ngan rumors...
org polling agent PR kat lembah pantai dah siap wat post  ...

yg kelakaunye...bideo stopa ali puas dinafikan walaupon suara dan susuk tubuh sama gambar sekeping pon boleh caya......bak kata omputih picture speaks thousand words ka apa ka tu..

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Post time 8-5-2013 06:08 PM | Show all posts
InVendeTTa posted on 7-5-2013 02:32 PM
dakwat aku sampai le ning x hilang gik kat kuku
yg dok repot tu gigih bebenar
agaknye basuh d ...

memang ramai yang basuh dakwat kekal ni sampai bersih..guna sabun basuh pinggan or apa-apa sabun pun boleh..tapi makan masa ar..kebanyakan yang rajin membasuh ni nak buktikan dakwat tu x kekal..tah time suruh jer lah spr buat tatu terus kat tangan..baru bebetul kekal..ehehe

untuk orang yang menyibuk jer di hari pru macam aku..memang dakwat tu kekal beberapa hari..malangnya time tu ujan..abis suar aku pun kena dakwat kekal tu..xpasal pasal jer..

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Post time 8-5-2013 06:09 PM | Show all posts
BENTONG: Ketari DAP assemblyman Lee Chin Chen has condemned those using social networking sites to spread allegations of a blackout during tallying of votes on Sunday.

Lee said those responsible should stop spreading such allegations and advised the public against believing the purported incident.

“None of our aides or myself are involved in sending out any SMSes or uploading the incident of a blackout in the tallying centre.

“This is not the work of the DAP and I urge the police to investigate the matter,” he said.

Lee said that besides him, there were many other officials including police personnel and journalists who could verify the actual situation.

He said that together with several aides, they arrived at the centre at about 9pm and left after 2am on Monday.

“The returning officer announced the winners for the state seats shortly after midnight and at about 1.30am, the result of the parliamentary constituency.

There was definitely no blackout and I would like to reiterate that neither the party nor I had anything to do with stories of the alleged incident spread by certain quarters,” he said.

However, Lee said the DAP might file a petition against the results for the parliamentary seat due to other irregularities such as phantom voters but not on the incident of a blackout.

Meanwhile, Bentong OCPD Supt Mansor Mohd Nor said he was present during the entire process and there was no blackout.

“We will look into the matter if there is a report lodged against those spreading such allegations in social websites.

“The public should not believe such allegations as it could cause uneasiness and tension among the voters,” he said.

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Post time 8-5-2013 06:11 PM | Show all posts
SiNoob posted on 8-5-2013 06:08 PM
memang ramai yang basuh dakwat kekal ni sampai bersih..guna sabun basuh pinggan or apa-apa sabun p ...

yg nak buktikan tu sbb fedap dgn statement yg kata dgn yakinnya dakwat tu kekal sehingga 5 - 7 hari
yg SPR pun satu, buat statement tak agak2, kan dah backfire

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Post time 8-5-2013 06:22 PM | Show all posts
awan_kelabu posted on 8-5-2013 02:24 PM
oo ok... so kan katanya ada yg keta bawak peti undi lepas kul 10 pm tu, maknanya akan direjek ke

PDM - pusat daerah mengundi (sekolah) bawak ke pusat penjumlahan undi..... aku bagi contoh BTR la ada 23 PDM so ada wakil parti yg akan standby kat pusat penjumlahan undi so bila gerak je dari pdm tu PACA kat situ akan bg tau la utk wakil sana standby plak.....kalau ada delay paca pdm tu bg tau wakil sana ada delay so takde la kita org nak tahan buta je keta yg nak masuk ....bila semua peti2 undi dr 23 PDM tu dah sampai baru la kita org standby depan lak kalau ada cubaan nak masuk lagi


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Post time 8-5-2013 06:28 PM | Show all posts
abil_tetra posted on 8-5-2013 02:22 PM
ya betul...
kau halau ok apa naya kwn tuh, abis kete. kwn aku sblm kat sk pantai... yg tgk ... bukit bandaraya la pusat penjumlahan undi....semua peti2 undi tu dihantar ke sana so situ la tempat paling kritikal semua cubaan nak bawak masuk ke situ je la....bila dah sampai sana macam2 bole jadi better ko jadi volunteer tgk cara perjalanannye.....kalo aku dok explain sini je by teori susah sket......


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Post time 8-5-2013 06:30 PM | Show all posts
awan_kelabu posted on 8-5-2013 06:11 PM
yg nak buktikan tu sbb fedap dgn statement yg kata dgn yakinnya dakwat tu kekal sehingga 5 - 7 har ...

dakwat kekal tu refer kepada perbuatan harian..kalau dah sungguh-sungguh di cuci  untuk hilangkan dakwat tu..memang hilang lah..
tapi memang salah spr..xjelaskan benda ni..mungkin spr pun bodoh..ingat dakwat kekal bebetul kekal sampai kalau dicuci dengan sungguh-sungguh pun xleh hilangkan..

tapi kalau pihak pembekal yang buat jaminan macam tu..spr harus saman pembekal dakwat tersebut..

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Post time 8-5-2013 06:31 PM | Show all posts
dainese posted on 8-5-2013 01:29 PM
maybe aku terlepas..
pohon senaraikan satu persatu lokasi blackout tuh..
teringin sangat nak tau.. ...

abg DAP bentong dah kompom takde blackout katanya, ini semua propa kata beliau.
itu orang DAP sendiri yg clear the air.
jikalau ada black out sekalipun, ptei undi baharu nak keluar ikut celah mana bang?
sah2 la tempat bilik kira undi itu pintu di katup, ada abg polis jaga dan yg maha penting abg2 PACA parti pun ada dalam bilik itu,
takkan la masa black out semua jadi buta dan tuli kot? sehingga tak perasan ada org buka pintu bawa masuk peti undi baharu pelbagai? jumlah undi pun harus la sama dengan yg di keluarkan ye dak?

bila masa tukang nak vote undi tambahan itu buat kerja? kalau tak tally dgn jumlah kertas undi di keluarkan how? Last edited by Vokuro on 8-5-2013 06:33 PM


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Post time 8-5-2013 06:35 PM | Show all posts
an2toncit posted on 8-5-2013 06:28 PM bukit bandaraya la pusat penjumlahan undi....semua peti2 undi tu dihantar ke sana so  ...

kan ko tny membe aku, dia dari sk pantai...
skrg ni klu rs benda tuh betul berlaku, bab bw masuk kotak tuh...aku pon x tahulah. mgkin mereka la tipu. tulah smp skrg x terjawab mcmane nak tipu kotak..sedangkan agen pon ada salinan kan borang tuh

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Post time 8-5-2013 06:36 PM | Show all posts
singajantan posted on 8-5-2013 02:51 PM
yg aku pasti blackout sebab ada gambar yang nyata adalah di Gelang Patah --- so maknanya LKS menang  ...

yg dap cakap itu kes kat bentong yg org sebar black out mereka kata takde, org tnb pun sah kan takde black out.
dap tak mention pasal tempat lain sbb yg clear the air itu mmg saksi sendiri calon di bentong so beliau cakap perkara yg beliau alami sendiri sahaja la

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Post time 8-5-2013 06:39 PM | Show all posts
abil_tetra posted on 8-5-2013 06:35 PM
kan ko tny membe aku, dia dari sk pantai...
skrg ni klu rs benda tuh betul berlaku, bab bw masuk ...

sukar nak percaya peti undi bawa dari luar kak. PACA parti semua ada dalam bilik, black out mcm mana sekalipun takkan lah terus jadi buta tuli tak boleh nampak dan dengar?

peti undi pun katanya mmg duduk dalam bilik mengundi jah sehingga lah selesai kiraan undi dan sign borang 14.
lepas sign borang 14 dah takde konsep recount2 dah, katanya nak protes lepas sign borang 14 kena pergi mahkamah suruh kira semula.
kalau ada bukti jumlahj tally undi borang 14 tak sama seperti yg di umumkan makanya bawa lah ke mahkamah dik sebegitu.
masing2 semua simpan copy borang 14 kan?

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Post time 8-5-2013 06:42 PM | Show all posts
Vokuro posted on 8-5-2013 06:39 PM
sukar nak percaya peti undi bawa dari luar kak. PACA parti semua ada dalam bilik, black out mcm ma ...

bukan saya yang katalah
tapi adambiliionaire dekat page 2-5 dalam thread ni kata bukan bawa peti undi
tapi bawak kertas undi... simpan dalam poket
bila blackout.. swap dengan undi pr

betul ke?

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Post time 8-5-2013 06:42 PM | Show all posts
sitihawa posted on 8-5-2013 03:10 PM

kak, ini orang2 yg bimbo tak faham konsep kira undi, peti undi yg bawa kat pusak penjumlahan itu dah takde makna kak sbb undi di kira di tempat pengundian terus, kat pusat jumlahan hanya tally ikut tertulis dalam borang 14 jah.
mana2 peti undi bawa kat pusat penjumlahan adalah untuk di kumpul dan di simpan jah.

saya pun bimbo juga asal nya kak sebab tak tahu prosedur kiraan undi ini, bila saya siasat dan baca baharu lah paham kak.
selama ini saya ingat peti undi di kumpul satu tempat dan di kira kat pusat itu, rupanya peti undi tak di bawa keluar drp bilik mengundi pun sampai lah selesai pengiraan di setial bilik saluran mengundi.

mana2 kota undi yg orang dok post bawa dengan kereta pelbagai, iring polis pelbagai itu hanya di bawa untuk kumpul dan simpan jah kak. by that time hanya tally dalam borang 14 jah yg di kira. Last edited by Vokuro on 8-5-2013 06:46 PM


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Post time 8-5-2013 06:42 PM | Show all posts

GE13: DAP condemns social network users for spreading rumours

BENTONG: Ketari DAP assemblyman Lee Chin Chen has condemned those using social networking sites to spread allegations of a blackout during tallying of votes on Sunday.

Lee said those responsible should stop spreading such allegations and advised the public against believing the purported incident.

“None of our aides or myself are involved in sending out any SMSes or uploading the incident of a blackout in the tallying centre.

“This is not the work of the DAP and I urge the police to investigate the matter,” he said.

Lee said that besides him, there were many other officials including police personnel and journalists who could verify the actual situation.

He said that together with several aides, they arrived at the centre at about 9pm and left after 2am on Monday.

“The returning officer announced the winners for the state seats shortly after midnight and at about 1.30am, the result of the parliamentary constituency.

“There was definitely no blackout and I would like to reiterate that neither the party nor I had anything to do with stories of the alleged incident spread by certain quarters,” he said.

However, Lee said the DAP might file a petition against the results for the parliamentary seat due to other irregularities such as phantom voters but not on the incident of a blackout.

Meanwhile, Bentong OCPD Supt Mansor Mohd Nor said he was present during the entire process and there was no blackout.

“We will look into the matter if there is a report lodged against those spreading such allegations in social websites.

“The public should not believe such allegations as it could cause uneasiness and tension among the voters,” he said.



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Post time 8-5-2013 06:42 PM | Show all posts
Vokuro posted on 8-5-2013 06:31 PM
abg DAP bentong dah kompom takde blackout katanya, ini semua propa kata beliau.
itu orang DAP sen ...

ya..betul. tp lucu nya harini sy tgk di fb mereka berdebat...katanyer pACA tu bkn reti sgt la, xleh fokus lah psl mcm2...ish aku anggap budak2 x abis sekolah je lah yg komen wlu pon dah ngundi 2,3 kali. sy lebih puji chinese di pantai..mereka gentleman je btau hal sebenar kat kwn2 fb xde pon seperti dakwa dakwi. x tau kenapa melayu yg islam ni gigih nak menipu..blackout nyer siap berjangkit byk negeri. lainlah tipu undi pakai ic org, or ic baru

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Post time 8-5-2013 06:43 PM | Show all posts
Magika posted on 8-5-2013 06:42 PM
bukan saya yang katalah
tapi adambiliionaire dekat page 2-5 dalam thread ni kata bukan bawa peti  ...

poket nya besar mana sampai boleh bawa kertas undi beribu2 nak menang kan calon sendiri?
pulak itu PACA2 terus jadi buta kah tak nampak dalam bilik itu once dah black out?

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Post time 8-5-2013 06:47 PM | Show all posts
Vokuro posted on 8-5-2013 06:39 PM
sukar nak percaya peti undi bawa dari luar kak. PACA parti semua ada dalam bilik, black out mcm ma ...

yg kata ni pon mantan pACA katanyer...dah pernah halau pon. sy kasihan shj encik yg kena pancit tayar kereta tuh dituduh bw kotak misteri...xpelah mgkin dia delusional memukul kereta nye sendiri

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Post time 8-5-2013 07:45 PM | Show all posts
sudah2 la tu.. move on sudah orang2 tak bole terima hakikat ni... mcm2 la tuduhan tapi bukti nye takde.. kesian pun ada jugak. meroyan tak tentu pasal je

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