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Author: Truth.8

Animals performs homosexuality. why God allowed this??

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 Author| Post time 15-11-2006 12:46 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Obersliutenant at 15-11-2006 12:27 AM
what about debmey ? he eat homosexual meats doesnt he? why dont you ask him? he eats meats...testorene levels has nothing to do with chemical composition in meat im using Squizz'z words , pro ...

pls keep the topic;

why allah create homo animals?

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samerosie This user has been deleted
Post time 15-11-2006 12:48 AM | Show all posts
To heterosexuals ? the idea that they can be persuaded to change something as fundamental as sexual orientation seems ridiculous. And so it is to homosexuals, who are often told their ?eviant? behaviour is a lifestyle choice. Science has so far trodden carefully in the controversial debate about whether gays are born or made. Disparate pieces of evidence ? such as homosexuality running in families, and identical twins having more similar sexual preferences than ordinary siblings ? have long suggested that biology rather than upbringing shapes sexual orientation. Now two researchers are throwing out the caveats in an attempt to ?ut? the bald scientific truth: we are born either straight or gay and nothing will makes us otherwise.

In their book Born Gay: the Psychobiology of Sex Orientation , Glenn Wilson, reader in personality at the Institute of Psychiatry in London, and Qazi Rahman, a psychobiologist at the University of East London, declare that ?he accumulation of evidence from independent laboratories across the world has shown that the biological differences between gay and straight people cannot be ignored . . . our sexual preference is a fundamental and immutable component of our human nature?.

Wilson and Rahman? account goes beyond whether there is a gay gene ? there is no single gay gene, but genes do contribute ? and considers the effect of sex hormones to which foetuses are exposed in the womb. The boldly titled book says the research leaves absolutely no room for parental or societal influence on this intimate trait. Children cannot be seduced or otherwise led into homosexuality and, however overbearing the mother or absent the father, no amount of poor parenting can waylay a child born to walk the path of heterosexuality.

No serious, evidence-based scientist, they charge, would deny that sexual orientation is fixed at birth. The authors also speculate that we face an evolutionary future in which homosexuals become more prevalent. The genes that are implicated in gayness do not just influence sexual orientation ? in low doses they might confer personality advantages to heterosexual men (such as making them loyal, empathic and considerate), turning them into attractive mates and thus propagating those genes further.

Rahman says that his view of corrective therapies designed to turn gay men straight is simple ? they will never work: ?ou just can? do it. If people suggest they can, I ask them, ?an you turn someone from straight to gay? Show me the evidence?. But it? never going to happen, is it??

Andy Forrest, communications officer for Britain? Stonewall, a charity that campaigns for gay equality, says the book? central message rings true for most gays. ?ost people I?e come across say they?e always been gay and that their upbringing has played no part in whether they are gay or not. They would say it? an innate part of who they are, not something they need to be ?ured? of.?

According to Wilson and Rahman the biological origin of sexual orientation means that discriminating against gays and lesbians is as justifiable as discriminating on the basis of eye colour or ethnicity. They have declined to reveal their own sexual orientations.

So, why are some men born gay? Homosexuality tends to run in families, prompting a search for the so-called gay gene. In June biologists in Austria discovered fruit flies can be turned gay by altering a single gene. It is almost impossible that a single gene determining human sexual orientation exists: identical twins, who have identical genes, do not always have the same sexual preferences. But it points to genetic influence.

?ay men tend to have more gay brothers than straight men,? Rahman says. ?eritability is thought to be around 30 to 40 per cent, which means that around 30 to 40 per cent of the variation in homosexuality is down to genes. Strictly speaking, it? better than zero (which would imply no role for genes) but that shows there? significant environmental variance.? And this, Rahman says, is where a ?assive misunderstanding of the concept of environment? comes into play. Studies have shown that the popular idea of environment ? parental upbringing, peer norms, the family home, schooling ? have no effect whatsoever. For example, the psychoanalytical idea that distant fathers or overbearing mothers sabotage their sons? sexual development is not borne out by evidence.
Wilson and Rahman dismiss such theories as ?eyond the pale of science?. In conversation, Rahman is more brutal, dismissing ?95 per cent of psychology as rubbish?.

Initial sexual experiences do not appear influential ? one study showed boys educated at single-sex boarding schools, where early same-sex experiences are relatively commonplace, are no more likely to become gay than other boys. What about the seduction hypothesis? Men who, as boys, had gay encounters with men have reported that they already knew they were gay before the encounter. Adopted children of gay and lesbian parents are predominantly heterosexual. The missing environmental link, the authors argue, is the womb.

This would fit with findings in the early ?90 that the brains of gay and straight men differ slightly. Rahman explains: ?e argue that genes produce differences in the brains of pre-straight and pre-gay foetuses and those differences might affect certain receptors in the brain that influence the activity of male sex hormones.?

Put simply, Wilson and Rahman suspect that some male foetuses absorb low amounts of testosterone in certain parts of the brain: full absorption is needed for full masculinisation. ?n a foetus which has a genetic predisposition to be gay, these receptors are not as effective at soaking up testosterone. The result is that this slightly insensitive part of the brain follows the index development route, which is female.?

In other words, the neural circuit that promotes sexual desire towards women is never laid down; the result is a male who is attracted to other men. This also explains, the authors claim, why gay men show a ?osaic? of female-like and male-like cognitive traits.

In their handling of language and in their spatial awareness, for example, gay men are more similar to women than to heterosexual men. As Rahman puts it, this makes gayness just one item in a package of traits hewn in the womb. In 2003 he showed that the startle response ? how people respond to sudden noises ? was different in gay and straight men. As this response is instinctive and cannot be learnt, it was viewed as further evidence that gay and straight men are neurologically different.

Why should some male foetuses absorb less testosterone than others?

It is possible, the researchers say, that there is a chemical battle between the mother and her foetus, much like the clash of blood types that can cause a mother to develop antibodies to her unborn child. The antibodies can stay in the blood and threaten future pregnancies. The idea that the womb environment may have consequences for future siblings is interesting because researchers have noted a sibling pattern among gay men called the ?ig brother effect?. The more older brothers a man has, the more likely he is to be gay. It is possible that maternal antibodies developed in early pregnancies may cross the placenta in later pregnancies to disrupt testosterone absorption.

Lesbianism may also be due to hormonal conditions in the womb (although scientists stress that lesbianism cannot always be examined as a direct parallel of male homosexuality ? there is no ?ig sister effect?, for example). ?here? a protein in the womb that protects female foetuses from excessive exposure to male sex hormones,? Rahman says. ?erhaps this protein doesn? kick in early enough in lesbians.? Some brain circuits then follow the male development; a sexual preference for women may be a consequence. Lesbians show more male-like language production, which strengthens the theory of ?eural sexual mosaicism?. As for bisexuality, there is no biological evidence that some people are turned on equally by both sexes. Physiological studies show that self-declared bisexuals exposed to straight and gay erotica are aroused by either one or the other but not both. Academics suggest that bisexuals may be omnisexuals with libidos so high that the gender of the target doesn? matter.


Tak dak pun cakap sebab makan gay meat boleh jadi gay?  LOLOLOL

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 Author| Post time 15-11-2006 12:53 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by samerosie at 15-11-2006 12:48 AM
To heterosexuals ? the idea that they can be persuaded to change something as fundamental as sexual orientation seems ridiculous. And so it is to homosexuals, who are often told their ?eviant? beha ...

so how this changes behaviour comes to them?? why? why they deserved such ? did not God create everything prefect in beginning until .........

science cannot explain God spiritually things. Only God peoples like me can.

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samerosie This user has been deleted
Post time 15-11-2006 12:59 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 15-11-2006 12:45 AM

yes i know the tester one but if one eat animals meats which contains high level of testerone which animals behaving abnormal, do u believed it effect our health to be  gay or lesbians?

No, I do not believe such foolish thing.

Oh btw, can you ask your god, these homo animals also sometimes eat their own sh*t, why humans who eat them do not do such thing as well?  These animals also sometimes kill their young ones and eat them, can you also ask your god, how come people who eat their meat only turn homo but not kill their young ones and eat them?

Since you are going to ask your god all these questions, can you also ask him why homo people who are vegetarians their whole lives never turn straight?  Considering they never had ever touched any homo meat?  Perhaps, they eat homo plants that's why they are homo their whole live?  Please, can you ask your god why?

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samerosie This user has been deleted
Post time 15-11-2006 01:00 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 15-11-2006 12:53 AM

science cannot explain God spiritually things. Only God peoples like me can.

:puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:

Have you ever consider calling yourself an idiot apart from "god's people"?  I bet it's a refreshing change.  Believe me, try it..go on... LOLOLOLOL

[ Last edited by  samerosie at 15-11-2006 01:02 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 15-11-2006 01:06 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by samerosie at 15-11-2006 12:59 AM

No, I do not believe such foolish thing.

Oh btw, can you ask your god, these homo animals also sometimes eat their own sh*t, why humans who eat them do not do such thing as well?  These animals also sometimes kill their young ones and eat them, can you also ask your god, how come people who eat their meat only turn homo but not kill their young ones and eat them?

Since you are going to ask your god all these questions, can you also ask him why homo people who are vegetarians their whole lives never turn straight?  Considering they never had ever touched any homo meat?  Perhaps, they eat homo plants that's why they are homo their whole live?  Please, can you ask your god why?

did u know humans also eat their own i cannot proof but i mix few peoples who work as prostitute they told me. I  mix with all kind of peoples to gain knowledge that include gays, lesbians and pros plus drug addicts.

some abnormal sexual peoples does worst in sex  by licking their tongue in ass where the # comes. hve u wonder, if peoples who eat totally vegetarian , performs such behaviour? NEVER.

i even heard wired stories but i am not going write here because it sound like damp animals behaviour.

all this strange sexual behaviour comes because  humans consumed too much of meats.

[ Last edited by  Truth.8 at 15-11-2006 01:09 AM ]

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samerosie This user has been deleted
Post time 15-11-2006 01:16 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 15-11-2006 01:06 AM

did u know humans also eat their own i cannot proof but i mix few peoples who work as prostitute they told me. I  mix with all kind of peoples to gain knowledge that include gays, lesbians and pros plus drug addicts.

some abnormal sexual peoples does worst in sex  by licking their tongue in ass where the # comes. hve u wonder, if peoples who eat totally vegetarian , performs such behaviour? NEVER.

Oh please, everybody knows you surf extreme porn and gay websites, that's how you know.  Now, I've had enough entertainment for tonight, I'm going to sleep.  

Feel free to talk or "play" with yourself.

[ Last edited by  samerosie at 15-11-2006 01:17 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 15-11-2006 01:22 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by samerosie at 15-11-2006 01:16 AM

Oh please, everybody knows you surf extreme porn and gay websites, that's how you know.  Now, I've had enough entertainment for tonight, I'm going to sleep.  

Feel free to talk or "play ...

well, i am telling base  on my experience since i was in entertainment line and intend mix all kinds peoples that include prostitute. i never look down on them because situation make them such way but those clients of them did worst sexual behaviour like animals.

i never stuffs porno website .  u are.

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 Author| Post time 15-11-2006 01:35 AM | Show all posts
Hve u heard familiar words :

U are animals

Awak ini binatang.

in movies even in real life peoples do utter such statments. why??

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Post time 15-11-2006 01:39 AM | Show all posts
why didnt Squizz agree with you ? why are you ignoring his advise that this stupid idea of yours is too far fetched? answer me now Truth 8 ! because ?

[ Last edited by  Obersliutenant at 15-11-2006 01:42 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 15-11-2006 02:30 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Obersliutenant at 15-11-2006 01:39 AM
why didnt Squizz agree with you ? why are you ignoring his advise that this stupid idea of yours is too far fetched? answer me now Truth 8 ! because ?

ask him/her whether he/she believed santa claus? does santa clause live north pole? does santa claus ride reindeer ?

do i believed in santa claus and those nonsense? No

yet u taking her/him words against mine??

[ Last edited by  Truth.8 at 15-11-2006 02:34 AM ]

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Post time 15-11-2006 03:02 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 15-11-2006 01:35 AM
Hve u heard familiar words :

U are animals

Awak ini binatang.

in movies even in real life peoples do utter such statments. why??

binatang --> ada otak tapi tak berakal
manusia  --> ada otak dan diberi akal

bila manusia tak menggunakan akal yg diberikan oleh Tuhan dengan cara yg sihat..
atau berperangai macam binatang (contohnya kes homoseksual nih)..
memang lar orang lain gelar dia "binatang" atau "babi" atau "setan"...
sebab dah tak ada gelaran yg lebih hina dari tuh..
kalau ada yg lagi hina...gelaran binatang tu dah tak relevan lagek..
ada paham ?
erkkk umur ko berapa tahun ?

untuk makluman ko jugak...
binatang tak pernah mempersoalkan pada Tuhan yg menjadikan dia kenapa begitu dan kenapa begini...
kenapa aku kena makan daging...kenapa kambing makan rumput...
atau kambing mempersoalkan pada Tuhan kenapa dia akan kena makan dengan harimau..
dan sebagainya...
sebab apa ???
sebab Tuhan dah tentukan macam tu kitaran hidup dia..
jadi binatang2 ni tunduk dan patuh...

tapi,manusia yg lebih teruk dari binatang jek yg banyak soal...
manusia macam ko lar :nerd:

dan mungkin sebab tu lar kenapa ada binatang yg Tuhan ciptakan homoseksual
supaya manusia berfikir,adakah dia sama level dengan monyet,lembu ataupun Truth.8


[ Last edited by  karengkang at 15-11-2006 03:05 AM ]

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Post time 15-11-2006 03:10 AM | Show all posts
sekarang lu ada paham ka tak ada paham...
kenapa Tuhan cipta itu binatang itu macam..

kalau lu tak paham2 jugak...
gua ada satu assignment khas untuk lu...

besok pagi2...
lu tanya lu punya amma...
apa pasal Tuhan lahirkan dia bukan Kristian jugak..
sama la ini soalan dengan lu punya soalan la..

okay ? :lol

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Post time 15-11-2006 11:07 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 15-11-2006 02:30 AM

ask him/her whether he/she believed santa claus? does santa clause live north pole? does santa claus ride reindeer ?

do i believed in santa claus and those nonsense? No

yet u taking her ...

THIS is detracting from the topic .. i wasnt talking about santa claus Truth ..

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 Author| Post time 15-11-2006 12:16 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Obersliutenant at 15-11-2006 11:07 AM

THIS is detracting from the topic .. i wasnt talking about santa claus Truth ..

....and i wasnt talking abt debmey taking homo animals but why allah create dolpin and other animals homo?

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SilentKiller This user has been deleted
Post time 15-11-2006 12:24 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 15-11-2006 12:16 PM

....and i wasnt talking abt debmey taking homo animals but why allah create dolpin and other animals homo?

Why ur GOD didnt create the dolphins ?

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 Author| Post time 15-11-2006 12:36 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by SilentKiller at 15-11-2006 12:24 PM

Why ur GOD didnt create the dolphins ?

Of course God of the Bible did create dolphin and I have explained why they behave such way. Why ur allah create dolphin homo behavior??

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SilentKiller This user has been deleted
Post time 15-11-2006 12:38 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 15-11-2006 12:36 PM

Of course God of the Bible did create dolphin and I have explained why they behave such way. Why ur allah create dolphin homo behavior??

Whats ur explanation ?

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 Author| Post time 15-11-2006 12:41 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by SilentKiller at 15-11-2006 12:38 PM

Whats ur explanation ?

go to page 2 until end of this thread. what is ur explanation on allah create dolphine homo??

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SilentKiller This user has been deleted
Post time 15-11-2006 12:45 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 15-11-2006 12:41 PM

go to page 2 until end of this thread. what is ur explanation on allah create dolphine homo??

I dont see any explanation from u. Just some assumption only.

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