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Author: hedpe

Cerita cinta dalam hidup aku..

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 Author| Post time 6-12-2007 11:58 AM | Show all posts

Reply #412 noddyFARHANA's post

hehe...aku bulan ni jarang keluar ngan dia sgt sebab dah 4 bulan menganggur..sen untuk berjoli pon dah takde..hahahaha...sebab tu kurang update...

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Post time 6-12-2007 03:47 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hedpe at 6-12-2007 11:58
hehe...aku bulan ni jarang keluar ngan dia sgt sebab dah 4 bulan menganggur..sen untuk berjoli pon dah takde..hahahaha...sebab tu kurang update...

ko tolak ek offer kene transfer TRG aritu ek

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Post time 6-12-2007 07:24 PM | Show all posts
hedpe ..sweet korang dah official ke camne ni?? tak paham sikit aku

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 Author| Post time 6-12-2007 10:54 PM | Show all posts

Reply #414 watachiwa's post

haah..aku mintak transfer kat kl sebab condition ayah aku...maybe dalam bulan ni or bulan depan dapat...

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Post time 7-12-2007 12:57 PM | Show all posts
tak ader cerita terkini ker?

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Post time 9-12-2007 09:46 AM | Show all posts
wahhh...dah sunyi cerita cinta hadpe ni ye.....
windu ooooo....cerita terkini...tomok pun dah jrg ader kat sini..
maklumlah sekarang hadpe dah jarang update....

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Post time 10-12-2007 03:43 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 10-12-2007 10:09 AM | Show all posts
sorry korang....hamie macam bad mood skarang..aku tatau kenapa....

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Post time 10-12-2007 01:19 PM | Show all posts
salam semua.....iklan jap...

meh tlg vote utk ayu........ ... &extra=page%3D1

tacang akan diberikan utk stp undian dgn syarat kene wat posting........tq.....

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 Author| Post time 11-12-2007 12:06 PM | Show all posts
08/12/2007 -

4.30am - aku chat ngan hamie and tetiba computer aku buat hal tak boleh on...aku try hidupkan balik computer aku and connect internet...aku cakap kat hamie yang computer aku buat hal plak...and sekali lagi dia off tetiba...aku hangin satu badan...aku terus sms Hamie cakap "Hamie dear, computer aku buat hal..dear..i'll msg u later la k? nite nite...mmmuuuaaxxxxxx" . aku terus gie tido memandangkan aku kena kerja pukul 1 jap lagi...

1.40pm - aku sms Hamie.. "Hamie chan...~~" reply...

3.11pm - one more sms.. "dear..marah aku ke?"...still no reply..

4.40pm - aku taip "hamiehamiehamiehamiehamiehamie(penuh satu sms)"...yet..still no answer..

8.50pm - "Hamie..marah lagi ke? sorry..."

pelik...aper salah aku...?

09/12/2007 - aku bangun awal pagi sebab harini ada wedding kawan aku and aku kena gie soundcheck memandangkan aku kena nyanyi duet ngan hasanah malam karang kat kampung pengantin,ampang...sampai jer kat ampang aku tgk tak ramai yang sampai..aku pon sms good morning kat hamie..tapi still no aku pon agak busy harini and susah nak sms hamie..aku biarkan dia dulu sekejap...


12.01am - wedding function baru jer abis and aku tetiba teringat kat Hamie..aku sms dia..

Hedpe : Hamie, da tido?
Hamie : blom
Hedpe : Hamie marah aku ke? sorry...
Hamie : haah aku marah..
Hedpe : Sorry dear..can we meet up tomorrow and talk about this?
Hamie :  i dont want to meet you and theres nothing to talk about..please leave me alone...
Hedpe : Please let me see u..

aku sampai jer rumah aku cam tak senang aku sms hamie lagi..

Hedpe : i totally understand..i just wanted to tell you that i kinda jealous when u told me u had a blind date the other day..and im glad if u cancelled it because of me..i know u need space to be alone..take as long as you want..i'll be here waiting...gudnite, hamie dear...
Hamie : I hate you..
Hedpe : hamie..jgn la camni..
Hamie : dont you dare tell me what to not your gf...
Hedpe : ok fine...

aku baru bangun tido and aku termimpi Hamie....masa dalam mimpi tu hamie menangis entah kenapa....ah..mainan mimpi agaknya...

Hedpe : i dont know how to convince you..but i want to tell u that all these while, i am really serious about us...

5.40pm -
Hedpe : Hamie..
Hamie : what now?
Hedpe : please tell me why are you mad at me?
Hamie : because i hate you..thats why
Hedpe : hate for no reasons?
Hamie : why are we having this conversation again..? what do you want from me?
Hedpe : i want explanation..
Hamie : i just wanted to be alone..
Hedpe : ok..i just it isnt fair u left me like this..
Hamie : what makes u think its fair for me? life is unfair..learn to live with it..

Hedpe : Hamie..i miss u..i really do...


1am(lebih kurang la..aku lupa..) - aku bukak ym messenger aku and aku nampak hamie tgh online...aku buzz dia and aku cakap yang aku mimpi dia tadi and still tak paham kenapa dia buat aku macam ni..dia cakap bukan sebab aku tapi sebab dia...dia cakap yang dia still sayangkan arwah..(sorry guys..aku tak ingat sangat conversation aku ngan dia)...aku tanya dia kenapa dia benci aku..dia cakap sebab dia nak aku benci dia jugak..dia kata dia tanak saper saper sekarang...aku cakap kat hamie.."i dont believe this..a week ago u said u missed me.." ...then hamie cakap,"i miss everyone...".."you miss everybody? dont lie.."...aku dah malas nak gaduh ngan hamie...this is what i said.."dont worry i wont bother u anymore..i just dont believe that few days back when i think about my future, i see u in it..goodnite..."

aku sajer bukak frenster hamie..and aku tgk kat part who i want to meet, dia tulis semua nama2 kawan2 dia yang aku kenal..tapi nama aku really hurts,Hamie...


1.00am - aku baru bangun dari tido and aku check ada yahoo messages dari hamie...

Hamie: sorry
Hamie: aku tau ko mrh aku
Hamie: aku rs guilty bout this whole thing going on
Hamie: is it possible if we just be frens?
Hamie: its true im being unfair to u
Hamie: im so sorry
Hamie: goodnite oli
hedpe: its ok.. i went thru this kind of thing once...i dont think its hard for me to face it for the 2nd time..
hedpe: and yes.. we're friends
hedpe: nite

and when she said "is it possible if we just be frens?" reminds me to this punk song that i used to listen long time ago..


You didn't have to be so mean to me
I guess now I see how it's gonna be
I'm joining GSF, I've made up my mind
Forget this thing called love, it's a waste of time
Girls ain't no good anymore, anyway!
Not for one second have I understood
Why they do what they do, why they say what they say
Always happens to my friends, it always happens to me
It's taken me 19 years to finally see
She said "Can we just be friends?
It's just not working out."
Another broken heart that I can do without
Girls ain't no good anymore, anyway!
Not for one second have I understood
Why they do what they do, why they say what they say


8.00pm - aku baru balik dari main bola and sambil lepak2 tgk tv aku online...1 friendster msg from hamie..

"here goes..last week i was so alone n bored i went out wit an old fren of mine.aku temankan die g wedding kwn die kt puchong.he asked how i was doing eversince my bf passed away..i told him im okay n i told him stories bout us.sbb aku nk tau pandangan lelaki coz i wasnt sure if u really2 serious bout having me as ur gf..i told him everything.die cm tkejut n he said a guy like u will only want to fool around wit me.he said laki mane yg xnk kalu ade girl yg willing to give evrything they wanted.sbb drastic sgt happen so he said ape2 pun yg ko ckp pasal nk aku were only sweet talks n beyond beliefs.i was confused,i dont know wat to believe anymore.aku cm sedih coz i was falling for ur n him wasnt that close pun for me to believe him that much tp wat if he was right?i dont want anymore disappointments in my life hedpe..i had enuf not that sorry i had to back off all of the sudden sbb aku takut bile aku da suke ko sgt nnt ko cm tgalkan aku.i knw where i stand..of all people in the world,why me anyway..aku bukanla cantik ke baik mane pun..kalu ko tgal aku pun im sure there's plenty more pretty girls out there yg willing nk jd gf ko..aku ade bincang ngn my girls too,tp kwn2 aku ni sume mulut manis..dorg xkan ckp yg negative when he said dont trouble myself wit a guy like u,i was so scared i had no chance but to say goodbye.he said i have to be cruel to be kind and it was for my own good..i feel awful,i was so mad at so sorry aku cm x explain awl2..sometimes i wish i never knew any man in my life..sori hedpe..ur companionship was a wasnt my intention to hurt ur feelings..i was protecting myself from falling.aku cm hope ko situation wasnt that easy too.plis phm

"hamie..i dont blame your 'guy' friend for give such advice..before this pon atam penah nasihatkan ko..but see..i am still there with you.. and if u want to know how serious i you go.. .i wanted to keep it as a secret from you so that i can keep track all the things that we've done together.. but i think explanation is much more important now.. "

Hamie, by the time i'm writing this, most probably u already found this site.. aku just nak cakap yang aku mmg serious about everything..and whenever i said i miss u, i never lie.. Hamie, i used to beg u once..i did twice.. but i dont think i'll do it for the 3rd time..aku tau ko pon ada hak untuk memilih..and ko pon ada hak untuk dengar pandangan orang lain..anyway, aku just nak bagitau..for the past few months i had a great moments with you.. i wish i was the perfect guy for you after arwah..tapi aku tau yang ko still tak boleh get over him.. and whenever i'm with you, i feel that i'm being appreciated.. and now i know.. that wont last because we are not living in a world that only have 2 persons in it..there are friends, family and others that matter what we'll be friends and i'll be there for u whenever you need me,i promised that, remember? ..dont worry about me, i'll be fine..this is not the first time and pretty much i can say i rather back off from your life than hurting your heart...good luck in your future undertakings... just one question and one question to be answered honestly, kenapa ko tanak gie wedding edzuan ngan aku but u went to your so called old friend's? i'll be waiting for your answer,dear..

[ Last edited by  hedpe at 19-12-2007 01:10 AM ]



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 Author| Post time 11-12-2007 12:12 PM | Show all posts
guys..updated @ page 17..

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 Author| Post time 12-12-2007 02:14 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 12-12-2007 07:54 AM | Show all posts
dari pengalaman saya kalau mimpi seseorg tu menangis maknanya org tu akan buat kita menangis..

[ Last edited by  Bruxelle at 12-12-2007 08:11 AM ]

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Post time 12-12-2007 12:25 PM | Show all posts
sian aku tngok ko hedpe....x pe dier masa lg....mungkin dier masih BELUM dpt trime ko lg......just sabar n ikut kata hati ko....wat la pape yg patut.......  well,gud luck hedpe!

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 Author| Post time 12-12-2007 09:06 PM | Show all posts
guys...most probably my thread will end soon...thnx to those who read and spend their time waiting for updates everyday... aku mmg appreciate sgt2 effort korang...thank you so much!

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Post time 12-12-2007 10:44 PM | Show all posts
kalu dok...nko akan melalui hari2 yg panjaaaaaaannnnnngggggg

ending citer ni mcm ada persamaan ngan ape yg pernah aku lalui

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Post time 13-12-2007 09:49 AM | Show all posts
hmmm...finally...dah tak ader ler citer you lepas ni kan?
whatever...kalau ader berita gembira...
why not you just tell uss....

btw...good luck....
its a nice love story and i enjoy it....

to hamie....if you read this...
thinking about keihkhlasan hadpe...



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Post time 14-12-2007 12:59 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hedpe at 6-12-2007 11:58 AM
hehe...aku bulan ni jarang keluar ngan dia sgt sebab dah 4 bulan menganggur..sen untuk berjoli pon dah takde..hahahaha...sebab tu kurang update...

cian ko laa hedpe...
hamie tak kate pape ke??
dia ada bukak website ni tak??
serius seh...
ko pon nak close lak thread nih...
its ok beb...
ko wat laa pape yg ptut...
ku rs macam ku bace novell lakk...

good luck hedpe...
rajin2 laa menyinggah sini beb...
leh tukak kabar iyee daakk??

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Post time 14-12-2007 10:04 AM | Show all posts

leh aku tau nama arwah kawan ko tu sape? fadil apa ek? saja jek nak tau kot kot sama ngan nama kawan aku yg da lama aku xjumpa tu..

tp harapnya bukan dia la...:cry:

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 Author| Post time 19-12-2007 01:10 AM | Show all posts

kepada semua yang selalu jenguk2 thread aku ni.... aku nak ucapkan ribuan terima kasih di atas kesetiaan korang membaca thread aku selama 3 bulan ni...memang aku ingat nak update cerita aku sentiasa tapi aku rasa biarlah aku simpan sorang-sorang perjalanan hidup aku lepas hari ni tak kira baik ataupun buruk...aku just nak bagitau yang Hamie dah terangkan segala2nya kat aku and dia mintak maaf..sekarang ni kitorang cuba untuk start dari mula...thanx korang semua..kalau aku bosan2 aku buzz korang k? adioz!



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