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Author: Ice_Q

[Merged] The Slimming Suit & Corset Thread

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arwenn This user has been deleted
Post time 24-4-2004 08:17 PM | Show all posts
Maklumat yang arwen cite kt atas hanya bertujuan utk dikongsi bersama sahabat forumers di sini...supaya kita dapat buat pertimbangan...

Kalau sape yg dah pakai slimming suit dan telah terbukti akan kebaikannya pada diri anda teruskanlah...

Mungkin halle tak sesuai dgn sis tu sebab tubuh dia agak besar...lepas ni dia berazam utk diet secara pemakanan sebab main pakai2 suit ni tak sesuai dgn dia...:ah:

She's a nice lady though ;)

[ Last edited by arwenn on 24-4-2004 at 08:20 PM ]

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Post time 24-4-2004 09:59 PM | Show all posts
ice..haz rasa takder lak bau2 yg kurang menyenangkan kalau basuh seminggu sekali... :ah:
tapi kita pakai halle tu mmg mesti panas jer rasa..pasal kaler itam..
arwenn...mayb akak tu dia rasa tak sesuai kot pakai halle nih....
haz pakai setakat ni takder koyak2 lagik....byk kali gak kena kuku...
and then..badan haz ni boleh tahan gak beso..tapi okey gak pakai..
tapi mende2 camni pon kena ikut badan seseorg gak...
kalau org tu okey..okey laa kot...kalau tak, nak buat camana kan...
kalau arwenn nak beli yg beautiful, crony ker...simpan2 le duit ekk..
haz mmg tak mampu...heheh

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c.t. This user has been deleted
Post time 26-4-2004 08:26 AM | Show all posts
ct pun sama cam haz. so far pakai halle ni, tak delah pulak apa2 masalah. badan rasa kemas tu ade ler. kadang2 tu ade gak terkena kuku ngan cincin.. tapi nasib baiklah tak koyak. tapi kalau boleh hati2 lah jangan sampai terkena selalu kan. kawan kita dia dah pakai 4 bulan, still ok lagi material dia. tapi yg pastinya badan dia makin hari makin kecik. sekarang ni yg tiruan kan banyak, takut tersalah beli jer.. tu yg cepat koyak dan tak berkesan tu kot. apa2 pun sejak pakai halle ni, badan rasa sedap sangat. nano pun ok jugak cuma kelebihannya sesiapa yg jadi member, boleh buat duit. kalau aktif memang banyak dapat.

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Post time 26-4-2004 10:27 AM | Show all posts
shilin pun pakai jugak slimming suit ...Yang bertulang punya. So far ok je, yang bestnya badan rasa kemas je, pakai baju apa pun rasa confident.. yang paling best shilin dah dapat balik bentuk badan dan berat ideal, malah lagi ringan dari zaman anak dara dulu. Jadi tak la rasa rugi keluarkan duit yg banyak, sbb shilin ni jenis malas nak makan pil2 or jenis yg tak leh diet,nasib baik pakai slimming suit ni berkesan berbaloi ngan duit yang shilin keluarkan.

[ Last edited by Shilin04 on 26-4-2004 at 10:39 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2004 11:03 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sependau_bele at 2004-4-24 11:13 AM:
saya rasa sbab ramai lelaki tak tau kott pasal benda nii...

semalam saya ada jumpa doktor pakar sakit puan..tanya pasal benda ni laaa...(selingan aje) ..dia ckp benda2 ni boleh pakai...kalau dia ...

Oic, lega mendengar jawapan tu.
Tapi ice ader gak soklan nie.. (Banyak benar soklan ice
nie kan :lol)..How much is too much?
Macam mana kita ukur kadar kekuatan infra red.
Kat packaging slimming suit tu ada
tulis berapa kuat ke? (dlm kadar measurement utk infra red)
Ice assume kekuatan infrared utk semua slimming suit
do tahap yg sama iaitu still safe.
Betul ker aaa?

Ice kurang paham tentang peranakan jatuh la..:stp:
Bahaya ke? Apa impactnyer? Adakah bermaksud
tak boleh pregnant atau mendatangkan bahaya
kat org perempuan? Pls elaborate yer..

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2004 11:07 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by arwenn at 2004-4-24 05:58 PM:
Tadi arwen buat sauna kat satu beauty centre ....and then jumpa la sorang customer ni..dia nak ambil barang kat beauty centre tu...cerita punya cerita dgn the owner terkeluar la topik ttg halle...

Sebenarnya ice pun ada dengar..
Time my friend gie beli slimming suit,
kakak kat boutique/kedai suggest
kat dia supaya beli Natasha
although kedai tu carry both brands
(Halle n Natasha) dengan alasan
Halle mudah koyak.

Mungkin lain slimming suit lain
cara penjagaannya tak?
Harap-harap kalau kita beli dapatlah
yg boleh kasi after sales service dgn baik.

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2004 11:09 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by arwenn at 2004-4-24 08:17 PM:
Maklumat yang arwen cite kt atas hanya bertujuan utk dikongsi bersama sahabat forumers di sini...supaya kita dapat buat pertimbangan...

Kalau sape yg dah pakai slimming suit dan telah terbukti a ...

Takder salahnya kita kongsi maklumat.
Memang discussion nie pun
untuk kita huraikan pros n cons
slimming suit supaya dapat
dijadikan panduan..

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2004 11:11 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by haz at 2004-4-24 09:59 PM:
ice..haz rasa takder lak bau2 yg kurang menyenangkan kalau basuh seminggu sekali... :ah:
tapi kita pakai halle tu mmg mesti panas jer rasa..pasal kaler itam..
arwenn...mayb akak tu dia rasa tak s ...

Thanks for the explanation :ah:

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2004 11:13 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by c.t. at 2004-4-26 08:26 AM:
ct pun sama cam haz. so far pakai halle ni, tak delah pulak apa2 masalah. badan rasa kemas tu ade ler. kadang2 tu ade gak terkena kuku ngan cincin.. tapi nasib baiklah tak koyak. tapi kalau boleh h ...

Thanks for sharing,
and nice to hear yg ct dah nampak
kesan slimmingnya pada badan..

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2004 11:18 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Shilin04 at 2004-4-26 10:27 AM:
shilin pun pakai jugak slimming suit ...Yang bertulang punya. So far ok je, yang bestnya badan rasa kemas je, pakai baju apa pun rasa confident.. yang paling best shilin dah dapat balik bentuk bada ...

Tentu shilin invest banyak kan
and it's good to hear investment tu
berbaloi. Kalau shilin ada link
tentang slimming suit (research link, bukan
advertisment)..please letak di sini ya..:ah:

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Post time 26-4-2004 11:19 AM | Show all posts
kalau yr friend beli halle yg orginal, for sure, ada jaminan kualiti. if dlm tempoh 1 minggu, berlaku kecacatan/kerosakan, dia bleh tukar dgn yg baru. so far, melalui kajian juga pengalaman pengguna halle, memang ianya berkesan. tetapi jika dlm tempoh 3 bulan, masih tiada sebarang kesan positif, pembeli boleh menghubungi pengedar masing2 dan kes tersebut akan dirujuk kepada WIP. tapi setakat ni belum ada kes pengguna yg tidak mengalami sebarang kesan positif. Rata2 yg menggunakan halle telah memperolehi penurunan berat badan dan peningkatan tahap kesihatan.

tapi jika yr friend terbeli yg tiruan, pihak syarikat memang tidak dpt membantu. sebab tu sebelum membeli apa2 produk, pastikan membelinya drp pengedar yg sah.

ok, ni myra nak share info tentang halle utk pengetahuan semua.

Halle ditenun dengan bahan yang mengeluarkan gelombang infra merah jauh atau 'Far Infrared Ray' (FIR) yg mempunyai gelombang 4 ~ 16u.

Kajian sains mendapati molekul air dalam gel-gel pada organ dan tubuh manusia bergetar dalam lingkungan frekuensi yang sama. Dengan pemakaian produk ber-FIR, 'tindakbalas resonan' akan berlaku, dan secara otomatik molekul dalam badan akan bergetar dengan lebih aktif dan kuat.
Hasilnya, lebih haba akan dikeluarkan, salur darah mengembang, perjalanan darah lebih lancar, penghantaran nutrien ke seluruh badan akan lebih efisien. Seterusnya, badan akan lebih segar dan sihat.

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Post time 26-4-2004 11:21 AM | Show all posts
mengapa halle tahan dipakai tanpa dibasuh utk 1 minggu?

Halle mempunyai ion negative yang dapat mengelakkan pertumbuhan bacteria dan Halle diperbuat daripada anti germs fibres yang mempunyai keupayaan membunuh bakteria2 merbahaya dan menghilangkan bau.

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2004 11:27 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by myra03 at 2004-4-26 11:19 AM:
kalau yr friend beli halle yg orginal, for sure, ada jaminan kualiti. if dlm tempoh 1 minggu, berlaku kecacatan/kerosakan, dia bleh tukar dgn yg baru. so far, melalui kajian juga pen ...

Ice tak tau pasal kekuatan infa red nie
jadi ice minta myra jelaskanlah..
Kekuatan infa red utk setiap
slimming suit sama atau berbeza-beza?
Betul ker tak ada long tem side effects
pada badan? Maksud ice 10-20
tahun after kita guna nie..

Kemudian, tentang jaminan kualiti..
seperti yg myra kata , halle beri
temph one week. What about after that?
Kalau terkoyak ke, ter apa ker..ada perkhidmatan
utk mend semula slimming suit tu?
Bagaimana pula dgn slimming suit
lain (if you know) berapa lama pula
warranty mereka?

Thanks in advance

Use magic Report

Post time 26-4-2004 11:46 AM | Show all posts
act, kalau kita patuhi cara2 penjagaan dan pemakaian halle, insyaallah, masalah koyak or terbertas tidak akan berlaku. dan biasanya, i akan tunjukkan cara2 yg betul utk mengenakan slimming suit nih.

kadar kekuatan infra red halle ngan beautiful adalah sama. brand lain i tak tahu.

utk halle, terdapat 8 org Dr yg terlibat dlm ujian bagi mendapat kelulusan SIRIM. jika ada SIRIM approval, sudah tentu barangan tersebut selamat kan...

untuk halle, jika selepas tempoh 1 minggu, jika ada yg koyak/terbertas , kena jahit sendiri ler... bleh dijahit tangan dgn benang getah (ada dijual di kedai alatan menjahit).

kalau beautiful, jika koyak, mereka ada khidmat jahitan tapi have tu queue. but if ada tetulang yg patah, memang tiada sebarang gantian (happended to my sis in law).

utk halle, jika berat badan telah susut, tak perlu tukar saiz. ia akan tetap grip.

tapi jika slimming suit yg bertetulang, bila berat badan dah banyak susut, perlu tukar saiz. means have to spend another ribuan ringgit for a new suit.

act utk memakai apa2 slimming suit, perlu dipakai dengan kaedah yg telah disyorkan. kena ada sifat sabar dan istiqomah. barulah hasil yg dijanjikan akan dpt kita capai.

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Post time 26-4-2004 12:58 PM | Show all posts
utk slimming suit yg tiada tetulang.... tak perlu bantuan org lain utk memakainya. nak pakai pun mudah dan cepat.

kalau slimming suit yg ada tetulang... lebih mudah dgn bantuan org lain utk menolak lemak2 ke tempat yg sepatutnya. kalau pakai sendiri, agak payah + ambil masa yg lebih lama compare ngan yg tiada tetulang.

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2004 01:36 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by myra03 at 2004-4-26 11:46 AM:
act, kalau kita patuhi cara2 penjagaan dan pemakaian halle, insyaallah, masalah koyak or terbertas tidak akan berlaku. dan biasanya, i akan tunjukkan cara2 yg betul utk mengenakan slimming suit nih ...

Originally posted by myra03 at 2004-4-26 12:58 PM:
utk slimming suit yg tiada tetulang.... tak perlu bantuan org lain utk memakainya. nak pakai pun mudah dan cepat.

kalau slimming suit yg ada tetulang... lebih mudah dgn bantuan org lain utk meno ...

Ok..thanks for the explanation.

Yg testing Sirim tu dia test keselamatan slimming suit kan?
Tapi utk long term dia belum test rite, because benda-benda
nie baru lagi kat M'sia..

What about my questions (dekat posting pertama
thread nie) seperti wearing them utk 8 jam ke atas
dan beberapa pertanyaan lan dr segi medical..
myra ada explanation tak?

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Post time 26-4-2004 03:31 PM | Show all posts
ni i pastekan info tentang FIR

It is false assumption that the existence of life depends upon water and oxygen. Few creatures survive the extreme north and south of pole shows the importance of warmth from Infrared rays to support live. But the amount of F.I.R available for health is reduced as the sunlight reaches the earth because most are being absorbed by the ocean, concrete buildings and man-made objects.
F.I.R was first discovered through spectroscopes by German scientist in 1800.

Since then, many researchers from Italy, United States of America and Germany have found that it helps to promote health profoundly. Since 1980's researchers and experts from United State of America, Japan, Korea and China have started to accumulate scientific proofs on the contributions of F.I.R to human health. The physical characteristics of F.I.R are invisible, linearity, refractivity; can be aborbed and produce warmth and harmonize with the natural life-force released by the human body to enhance resonance absorption; the ability to penetrate deep into the human body.

F.I.R radiation is popular in Japan and Korea and recently numerous research papers on clinical experimentation and application of F.I.R are published. In depth research by the Japanese expert has shown that F.I.R radiation is similar to the average "qi" (8 micron) wavelength emitted during "qi gong" therapy which has been practiced by ancient Chinese since 3000 years ago. Co-operation between Japan's Chinese Medical Science Society President Mr. Mitsutane Sugi and Master Lin Housheng, a prominent "qi gong" exponents of China, have produced a range of therapeutic device to perform psychosomatic treatment.

Disturbance "qi" (life-force) will disturb the normal body function illness. Therefore "qi" released from the palm of "qi gong" master is "qi" introduced from an external source to restore the body's function. Therefore by wearing F.I.R products will help to produce warmth and increase the resonance absorption which is similar to "qi gong" therapy to restore health. According to Dr. Masao Nakamura from Japan, F.I.R treatment is the best solution because it achieves the objective "treatment that caused the least pain to the patient".  

Our body temperature is normally at 36癈 to 37癈. When we do exercise our body will sweat and increase warmness. In this process, the body waste is being eliminated, and proper food nutrient and test to supplement our body will become vital. It is also a fact that materials like clothing can keep our body warm and sweat, but it does not emit FIR for absorption - only materials that contain FIR materials have the therapeutic properties if worn and used on a long term in our body will achieve optimum health benefits.

Temperature of every living thing including animals and plants is normally within the range 0癈 to 100癈 . The ability to absorb the electromagnetic waves is also within this range. When the wavelength is between 8-12 micron, that is the external emission rate of the human body, it is within the frequency rang of 9 - 12 micron. Extensive biological research has shown that FIR wavelengths between 6 - 15 micron are beneficial to human body.

There are many medical specialist and researchers who have determined that our body can quickly react to absorb the distal infrared. The distal infrared causes the water molecules in the body to vibrate and then it cause heat reaction through resonant absorption; and the heat causes the temperature under skin to increase it. Thus, caused expansion of capillaries to promote blood circulation and eliminate obstacles that hinder metabolism; and the tissues get activated to result in the formation of enzyme.

The water molecules in the blood is likewise changed into micro-molecules, and would get rid of toxic and body waste and make the water more active to increase metabolic rate. Apart from this, 6 -15 micron FIR in the blood stream is able to neutralize blood toxity and smoothen the wall of arteries, capillaries and veins.

A research conducted by Japanese Medical Professor (Tanji) on white mice with cancer cells showed that the application of FIR could also help enhance the cancer cells back to normal healthy cells. That is why the FIR is so amazing.

When the normally smooth, firm linings of the arteries become thickend and roughened by deposits of fat, fiberin, calcium and cellular debris, it will lessen the arteries ability to expand and contract and slows the blood movement through narrowed channels. These conditions make it easier for blood clots to from, blocking the arteries and stopping blood flow completely.subsequently support lives.

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Post time 26-4-2004 03:42 PM | Show all posts
ini juga

The natural resonant frequencies of water and organic substances are within the FIR frequencies. Therefore water and organic substances absorb energy easily from the radiated FIR wave. The normal absorption of resonant frequency for human body is 8 to 15 micron. However, the range of absorbable band of all organic matter on our planet is approximately 6 to 15 micron.

When an electronic wave of many different wave length is radiated on a substance, some waves are reflected away and some waves just pass through the substance. For instance, the visible light spectrum with very short wave length is reflected away; while a radio frequency with long wave length just passes through our body. However, some frequency wave bands are absorbed by the substance and the temperature of the substance arises.

We live in an environment of FIR waves and our body receives and radiates them. Among the energy spectrum coming from the sun, the FIR waves are the safest and the most beneficial electromagnetic energy sources available; especially it is when the resonant frequency id from 6 to 15 microns.
The rule that living things exist wherever there is oxygen and water not always hold. Only few creatures can survive under the extreme conditions of the north and south poles due to the lack of infrared rays from the sunlight. This clearly indicates that the warmth generated by the infrared rays is sufficient to promote metabolism and subsequently support lives.


Our body organism is composed of more than 70% water and a lot of proteins. Since vibrating wave band length of molecular movement of organic matter is identified to band of wavelength of FIR, molecular movement of organic matter is therefore activated.
Invisible Ray of Near Infrared Ray can not be absorbed into the living body but reflected. However, FIR can be absorbed into the living body through penetration capability and provide heating effect. Based on these effects, FIR will be able to dilate capillary vessels, and ultimately increase blood circulation and active metabolism in tissues and cells. It also promote elimination of waste matters and harmful heavy metals out of human body.

FIR activates water  molecules in the body. These active molecules increase blood circulation. Increase metabolism  efficiency. Get rid of waste products  more quickly and   efficiently. Decrease acidity in the blood. Increase the blood's Oxygen contents.  

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Post time 26-4-2004 03:45 PM | Show all posts
ini juger

Due to changes and advancement of our present society, most of us have very little time to do exercise under the sun. Owing to this, we hardly have the opportunity to receive even 20% FIR from the sunlight. We went for work before sunrise the morning and went back from office after sunset. many of us working hide in the building and in air condition room. Thus, most of the FIR has been absorbed by the building. During weekend, the sun very hot and most of us hide in house. As the result, we tend to fall into various sickness which are mainly due to poor blood circulation.

As some of us may know, the sun also produced other rays. Therefore, if we expose to the sun, we also getting others harmful rays like Cosmic ray, X-ray, Ultra Violet ray,Microwave ray, Gamma ray, Radiowave and etc.. Some rays like Ultra Violet ray will caused skin cancer and other diseases. Because of these, we need something to subsitute or create something to produce FIR.

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Post time 26-4-2004 03:47 PM | Show all posts
ice and forumers

happy reading..

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