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Author: qis13

[KBS] Jugglers - Daniel Choi, Baek Jin-Hee, Kang Hye Jung, Lee Won-Geun

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Post time 13-12-2017 03:52 PM | Show all posts
makin best drama ni..ok la light2 punya drama.
nasib Monday - Tuesday drama ada lawak2 sket..
masuk weekend,mak aii serius bebenar.iols bape kali dah dok ulang2 money flower first ep ,tak abes2 lagik

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Post time 13-12-2017 03:55 PM | Show all posts
Macam best cite ni... yeay.. ade drama best nk follow

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 13-12-2017 06:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

Makin naik rating cite ni..

Ratings 171212:
#Jugglers : 8%
#DoubtfulVictory : 6.6% | 7.7%
#TwoCops : 6% | 7%
#JustBetweenLovers : 1.9%

Ratings 171211:
#TwoCops : 7.1% | 8.1%
#DoubtfulVictory : 6.4% | 7.8%
#Jugglers : 6.8%
#JustBetweenLovers : 2.4%

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Post time 14-12-2017 08:46 AM | Show all posts
nas suke citer ni............

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 Author| Post time 14-12-2017 09:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Suka gak cite ni...tak pernah lagi tenguk hero ni berlakon sebelum ni

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Post time 15-12-2017 12:53 PM | Show all posts
tak pernah suka choi daniel .. tapi pas tgk cite ni .. beliau hensem la ... adeh .. makin layan drama korea , rasanya most hero kat korea iols suka .. asyik bertukar kedudukan je dlm list ..

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 Author| Post time 20-12-2017 10:41 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 24-12-2017 04:17 PM | Show all posts


1. 이름은? 남치원 / 南治院 / NAM CHI WON
1. What is your name? NAM CHI WON
2. 생년월일은? 1982. 12. 12. (양력)
2. What is your date of birth? December 12, 1982
3. 혈액형은? AB형(Rh+)
3. What type of blood? AB (Rh +)
4. 키/ 몸무게/ 발사이즈는? 187cm, 73kg, 285mm
4. Height / weight / foot size? 187 cm, 73 kg, 285 mm
5. 가족관계는? 현재는... 없음
5. Family relationships? No current
6. 고향은? 경기도 평택
6. What is your hometown? Pyeongtaek
7. 종교는? 무교
7. Religion? Atheism
8. 별명은? 유치원, 남이사
9. 취미는? 책에서 오탈자 찾기 (체크해서 출판사에 보내준다)
9. What is your hobby? Finding a typo in a book (check it and send it to the publisher)
10. 버릇은? 안경을 가운데 손가락으로 올린다
10. Habit? Raise the glasses with the middle finger
11. 좋아하는 연예인은? 클로이 모레츠 (귀엽다), 송혜교 (보편적으로 예쁘다)
11. What is your favorite entertainer? Chloe Moretz (cute), Song Hye-kyo (universally pretty)
12. 보물 1호는? 동대문
13. 좋아하는 영화는? 나홀로 집에
13. What is your favorite movie? Home Alone
14. 좋아하는 드라마는? 동안미녀
14. What is your favorite drama? Baby Faced Beauty(2011 KBS)
15. 좋아하는 책은? 김성모 작가의 만화책 전부 (대사가 주옥같다)
15. What is your favorite book? Kim Sung Mo All of the author's comic book (the ambassador is like a gem)
16. 좋아하는 색깔은? 블랙과 네이비
16. What's your favorite color? Black and Navy
17. 좋아하는 스포츠는? 복싱
17. What is your favorite sport? boxing
18. 노래방 18번은? 자자의 버스 안에서
18. What about karaoke Number 18? Inside the bus (they sang this song in episode 6 )
19. 좋아하는 음식은? 매생이국
19. What is your favorite food?
20. 싫어하는 음식은? 내장류, 번데기, 짠 음식
20. What foods do you dislike?
21. 좋아하는 계절은? 가을
21. What is your favorite season? autumn
22. 좋아하는 향기는? 구두약 냄새, 자동차 매연 냄새
23. 싫어하는 향기는? 여자 향수, 핸드크림 냄새 (비오는 날 밀폐된 공간에서 맡으면 편두통이 옴)
23. What is the scent you dislike? Women's fragrance, hand cream smell (migraine headache in a confined space on a rainy day)
24. 장래희망은? 만화방 사장
24. What are your hopes for the future? Comic boss president
25. 좌우명은? 노력한다고 항상 성공할 순 없지만 성공한 사람은 모두 노력을 해왔다 (곰돌이 푸)
25. What is your motto?
26. 학창시절 평균 성적은? 중하...(보다 더 못했다)
27. 학창시절 최악의 점수는? 수학 5점 (컨디션이 좋아 다 풀었는데...)
28. 가장 좋아했던 과목은? 미술
28. What was your favorite subject? Art
29. 가장 싫어했던 과목은? 미술 빼고 다
29. What subjects did you hate the most? Except art
30. 가장 싫어하는 행동은? 1. 거짓말 2. 간섭 3. 줏대 없이 이리 저리 오가는 스텐스
30. What do you most dislike? 1. Lie 2. Interference 3. Stance to come and go
31. 가장 자주하는 말은? 하아... (한숨)
31. What do you say most often? Ha ... (sigh)
32. 가장 듣고 싶은 말은? 니 잘못이 아니다...
32. What do you most want to hear? It's not your fault ..
33. 나의 장점은? 꼼꼼하고 깐깐하다
34. 나의 단점은? 너무 꼼꼼하고 지나치게 깐깐하다
35. 잠버릇은? 안경을 꼭 벗는다
35. What is sleeping habbit ? Always Take off your glasses.
36. 술버릇은? 취해본 적이 없어서 모름
36. What is the drinking habbit? I do not know I've never drunk
37. 주량은? 섞어 마시지만 않는다면 무한대 (아직은..)
38. 현재 건강상태는? 경미한 위염을 제외하면 대체로 양호
39. 사상체질은? 태음인
40. 평균 취침시간은? 6시간 (12시 ~ 6시)
40. What is the average bedtime? 6 hours (from 12:00 to 6:00)
41. SNS는? 없음. 퍼거슨의 말에 전적으로 동감 (인생의 낭비다)
41. SNS? none. I totally agree with Ferguson's words (a waste of life)
42. 가장 행복했던 순간은? 나 홀로 있는 순간
42. What was the happiest moment? The moment I'm alone
43. 가장 난처했던 순간은? 비서와 첫 대면한 순간
43. What was the most embarrassing moment? The first moment you meet with a secretary
44. 가장 짜증났던 순간은? 껌딱지가 구두 밑창에 붙었을 때
44. What was the most annoying moment? When a gum scab attached to the shoe outsole
45. 가장 화났던 순간은? 새로 산 슈트에 새가 똥을 쌌을 때 (잡아서 목을 비틀고 싶었다)
45. What was the most angry moment? When the birds were richard simmons in the new suits (I wanted to catch and twist the bird neck)
46. 가장 후회되는 일은? 결혼 (나의 섣부른 오판을 후회하지, 결혼 생활 자체를 후회하진 않음)
46. What is the most regretting thing? Marriage (I regret my sudden misjudgment, I do not regret the marriage itself)
47. 가장 무서워하는 것은? 곰팡이와 쥐새끼
47. What is the most scary thing? Mold and rodent
48. 내 생애 가장 잘한 일은? 찾아가는 중이다
48. What was the best thing in my life? I'm on my way to find it
49. 매력 포인트는? 이지적인 마스크와 넓은 어깨와 긴 손가락...이라고들 함 (사보에서)
49. What are the points of attraction? With an easy mask and wide shoulders and long fingers ... (from Sabo)
50. 콤플렉스는? 안경이 너무 잘 어울리는 얼굴
50. What is complex? A face that looks good with glasses
51. 타인에게 자주 듣는 말은? 1. 재수가 없다 2. 말수가 없다 3. 알 수가 없다
51. What do you often hear from others? 1. No luck 2. No talk 3. I can not tell
52. 이상형은? 조용하고 독립적인 여자
52. What is your ideal type? A quiet independent woman
53. 싫어하는 이성 스타일은? 말 많고 오지랖 넓고 술 주사 있는 여자
53. What is the opposite sex style? A woman with a lot of words,
54. 이성을 볼 때 가장 먼저 보는 곳은? 얼굴. 눈이 제일 먼저 가니까
55. 이성의 이해 못할 행동은? 스트레스를 왜 수다로 풀까? 음식 먹기 전에 왜 사진 먼저 찍지? 마스카라 바를 때 왜 입을 바보처럼 벌릴까?
56. 사랑이란? 호르몬 질병이다
56. What is love? It is a hormonal disease. (hahahahaha)
57. 밀당이란? 시간이 남아도는 자들의 한심한 짓거리
58. 몇 번 차여봤나? 한번 (교통사고 피해자에게 제대로 차였다)
58. How many times have you been kicked? Once (it was properly packed to the victim of a traffic accident) yoon yiiii hahahahahahahah
59. 차였을 때 심정은? 아팠다. 몹시...
60. 이성이 먼저 대시해 온다면? 난감하다 -> 거부한다 -> 무시한다
60. What if the opposite sex dies first? Ignore -> Ignore -> Ignore
61. 맘에 드는 이성을 보면? 나도 궁금하다. 한 번도 없어서..
62. 가장 존경하는 사람? 헬렌 켈러 (보지도, 듣지도, 말도 못했지만 참 위대한 일을 해냈다)
63. 화났을 때 하는 행동? 말을 안 함
63. What do you do when you get angry? Do not speak (hmmmmmm)
64. 아침에 일어나면 꼭 하는 일? 물을 마신다
64. What do you do when you wake up in the morning? Drink water
65. 자기 전에 꼭 하는 일? 소변을 본다
65. What must I do before I go to bed? I urinate
66. 몇 살까지 살고 싶나? 내일까지..
66. How old do you want to live? until tomorrow..
67. 성인물에 눈 뜬 나이는? 6살 (벽에 붙어있던 애마부인 포스터를 내가 떼 왔다는데 난 기억 안남)
68. 검색창에 가장 자주 입력하는 단어는? 날씨
68. What words do you type most often in the search box(googling)? weather
69. 내가 한심하다 느껴질 때는? 맘에 없는 말을 퍼부었을 때
69. When do I feel pathetic? When you puff out a word you do not like
70. 비 오는 날엔? 늘 안 좋은 일이 생긴다. 되도록 안 나간다
70. On a rainy day? Something bad happens all the time. I will not go as far as I can.
71. 눈 오는 날엔? 길이 더럽다. 되도록 안 나간다
71. In the snow? The road is dirty. I will not go as far as I can.
72. 바람 부는 날엔? 먼지가 날린다. 되도록 안 나간다
72. On a windy day? Dust is blowing. I will not go as far as I can.
73. 성형수술을 한다면? 몹시 아프겠군... 근데 그걸 왜 하지?
73. Do you have plastic surgery? It must be very painful ... but why do you do that?
73. 내 신체의 은밀한 비밀은? 혀 말기가 안 된다
75. 나의 천적은? 내 영역에 무단침입 하는 자들 (황XX, 좌XX 같은...)
75. What is my enemy? Those who are trespassing in my domain (such as Hwang XX, Jwa XX ...) Hwang Bo Yeol & Jwa Yoon Yi wkakakakakakka
76. 첫사랑은? 중학교 2학년 때. 분식집 알바생 누나
77. 첫키스는? 좋았다
77.  your first kiss? it was good
78. 첫경험은? 야했다
79. 결혼은 언제? 한번 했으니 더는 됐다
80. 2세 계획은? 전혀 없다
81. 재정 상태는? 개털이다
81. What is your financial status? It is dog hair.
82. 재테크 계획은? 주택청약 잘 부어야지...
82. What is your investment plan? Home subscription pour well ...
83. 어디에 돈을 많이 쓰나? 슈트와 수제화 구입
83. Where do you spend a lot of money? Buy Handmade suits
84. 거울 속 나를 보면서 가장 먼저 드는 생각은? 세수를 해야겠군
84. What is the first thing you see when you look at me in the mirror? I have to make a tax return
85. 샤워하면서 드는 생각은? 물을 아껴 써야 하는데...
85. What do you think about taking a shower? I have to save water ...
86. 로또에 당첨된다면? 집주인이 되고 싶다
86. What if I win a lottery? I want to be a landlord.
87. 절제 안 되는 본능이 있다면? 귀소본능
88. 항상 가지고 다니는 것은? 개념
89. 최근에 잃어버린 것은? 고독과 자유
89. What have you lost recently? Solitude and freedom
90. &#44032;&#51109; &#44054;&#44256; &#49910;&#51008; &#44163;&#51008;? &#51060;&#48120;&#46972; &#51089;&#44032;&#51032; <&#45224;&#49457; &#54644;&#48169; &#45824;&#51089;&#51204;> 9&#44428; (&#44536;&#44163;&#47564; &#50630;&#51020;)
90. What do you want most? &#51060;&#48120;&#46972; &#51089;&#44032;&#51032; <&#45224;&#49457; &#54644;&#48169; &#45824;&#51089;&#51204;> 9&#44428; (&#44536;&#44163;&#47564; &#50630;&#51020;)
91. &#44032;&#51109; &#44032;&#48372;&#44256; &#49910;&#51008; &#44275;&#51008;? &#47581;&#51088;&#46308;&#51060; &#47784;&#50668; &#49324;&#45716; &#44275;&#51060; &#51080;&#45796;&#47732;.. &#44144;&#44592;
91. Where do you want to go?
92. &#51648;&#44552; &#44032;&#51109; &#53360; &#49828;&#53944;&#47112;&#49828;&#45716;? &#48708;&#49436;&#51032; &#44036;&#49453;&#44284; &#51665;&#51452;&#51064;&#51032; &#44049;&#51656;
92. What is the biggest stress now? Secretary intervention and landlord's gut
93. &#49828;&#53944;&#47112;&#49828; &#54644;&#49548;&#48277;&#51008;? &#46400;&#51012; &#45236;&#47728; &#50868;&#46041;&#54620;&#45796;
93. What is stress relieving? Exercise with sweat
94. &#51064;&#49373;&#50640;&#49436; &#44032;&#51109; &#44256;&#47560;&#50868; &#49324;&#46988;&#51008;? &#54620;&#46412; &#51109;&#51064;
94. What is the most grateful person in your life? Once a craftsman
95. &#51064;&#49373;&#50640;&#49436; &#44032;&#51109; &#48120;&#50504;&#54620; &#49324;&#46988;&#51008;? &#54620;&#46412; &#48512;&#51064;
95. Who is the most sorry person in your life? My Ex wife
96. &#44845; &#54620;&#48264; &#45796;&#49884; &#47564;&#45208;&#44256; &#49910;&#51008; &#49324;&#46988;&#51008;? ... &#50630;&#45796;
96. who you most want to meet? ... none
97. &#48708;&#49437;&#50640; &#49352;&#44592;&#44256; &#49910;&#51008; &#47568;&#51008;? &#49324;&#45712;&#46972; &#49688;&#44256;&#54664;&#45796;. (&#44540;&#45936; &#45212; &#54868;&#51109;&#54624; &#44148;&#45936;...)
97. What do you want to engrave on the monument? I had a hard time living. (But I'm going to make up ...)
98. &#51648;&#44552; &#51060;&#44152; &#50416;&#44256; &#51080;&#45716; &#49900;&#51221;&#51008;? &#50976;&#53132;&#54616;&#51648; &#50506;&#45796;
98. Are you feeling this writing right now? Be unpleasant
99. &#44032;&#51109; &#46028;&#50500;&#44032;&#44256; &#49910;&#51008; &#46412;&#45716;? &#53468;&#50612;&#45208;&#44592; &#51204;&#51004;&#47196;...
99. When do you want to return the most? Before I was born ..
100. &#54060;&#46308;&#50640;&#44172; &#47560;&#51648;&#47561; &#54620;&#47560;&#46356; : &#45817;&#49888;&#51060; &#47924;&#50631;&#51012; &#50896;&#54616;&#46304; &#45208;&#45716; &#44536;&#44163;&#51012; &#51460; &#49688; &#50630;&#49845;&#45768;&#45796;
100. Last word to your fans: I can not give it what you want

CRopyrights &#9426; iMBC (
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Post time 25-12-2017 05:27 PM | Show all posts
shanew3stga1z replied at 15-12-2017 04:53 AM
tak pernah suka choi daniel .. tapi pas tgk cite ni .. beliau hensem la ... adeh .. makin layan dram ...

LOL! jumpa gak geng yg pemikiran sama mcm iols..
iols pon tak minat Choi,tapi bila dah follow jugglers,gigih iols cari drama dia yg lain..mcm dah minat plak.
iols cuma tgk drama dia berlakon cite Ghost je.itu pon ada dlm dua tiga episodes je.

Use magic Report

Post time 25-12-2017 05:28 PM | Show all posts
tak sabar nak tunggu ep mlm ni. jangan tak tayang sudahlah,sebab Xmas.
iols skrg mmg suka hari Isnin.two cops,jugglers lagik.bahagia betul!

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 25-12-2017 06:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kikiharris replied at 25-12-2017 05:28 PM
tak sabar nak tunggu ep mlm ni. jangan tak tayang sudahlah,sebab Xmas.
iols skrg mmg suka hari Isn ...

Mlm ni tade sub lagi.. kene tunggu esok gak

Use magic Report

Post time 25-12-2017 07:15 PM | Show all posts
qis13 replied at 25-12-2017 10:44 AM
Mlm ni tade sub lagi.. kene tunggu esok gak

takpe,iols punya time zone lain.
so dlm malam waktu sini dah boleh tengok.selalu camtulah.harap tak lama ler kena menunggu.
tak sabar!

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 25-12-2017 07:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kikiharris replied at 25-12-2017 07:15 PM
takpe,iols punya time zone lain.
so dlm malam waktu sini dah boleh tengok.selalu camtulah.harap t ...

Haha.. uols duk mana ni.. takde lam mesia ke

Use magic Report

Post time 25-12-2017 07:30 PM | Show all posts
qis13 replied at 25-12-2017 11:19 AM
Haha.. uols duk mana ni.. takde lam mesia ke

iols kat Liverpool

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 Author| Post time 25-12-2017 08:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kikiharris replied at 25-12-2017 07:30 PM
iols kat Liverpool

Oo jauhnya.. patutlaa..hihi..
Iols pun duk cari cite ape si daniel ni pernah berlakon... sebelum ni tak pernah kenal heols..

Use magic Report

Post time 25-12-2017 08:10 PM | Show all posts
qis13 replied at 25-12-2017 12:05 PM
Oo jauhnya.. patutlaa..hihi..
Iols pun duk cari cite ape si daniel ni pernah berlakon... sebelum ...

iols baru plan nak layan drama lama si Daniel ni, babyfaced beauty
punyalah byk drama dia berlakon..satu je iols penah tgk sebelum ni

Use magic Report


Post time 26-12-2017 09:55 AM | Show all posts
kikiharris replied at 25-12-2017 08:10 PM
iols baru plan nak layan drama lama si Daniel ni, babyfaced beauty
punyalah byk drama dia berlako ...

aah banyak gak .. siyes dlu xley hadam .. now boleh .. ngeh2 ... encemmm


Use magic Report

Post time 26-12-2017 10:24 AM | Show all posts
kikiharris replied at 25-12-2017 08:10 PM
iols baru plan nak layan drama lama si Daniel ni, babyfaced beauty
punyalah byk drama dia berlako ...

dalam school 2013 pon dia ada gak...

Use magic Report

Post time 26-12-2017 02:21 PM | Show all posts
kikiharris replied at 25-12-2017 08:10 PM
iols baru plan nak layan drama lama si Daniel ni, babyfaced beauty
punyalah byk drama dia berlako ...

best ke uols cite ni

iols skg ni xde drama layan pn

bz pn ye tp sbb mood pn xde

nk org rekemen br layan byk trus


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 Author| Post time 26-12-2017 04:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
idakamaruddin replied at 26-12-2017 02:21 PM
best ke uols cite ni

iols skg ni xde drama layan pn

Best for me...hihi...

Tak sabar menunggu next episod...
Trus terminat kat hero plak... walaupun tak kenal sebelum ni.. hahah

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