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Author: OnEdge

Writer's Blog (merged with Tok_Batin)

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Post time 8-7-2004 03:26 AM | Show all posts
Wireless nightmare
Tue July 6 2004 (16:07:47)

Help me:

3 machines 1 wireless router:

D-Link DI-714P+
Notebook: XP Pro SP1, Intel 2200GB wireless adapter
Workstation 1: XP Pro, 100Mbps ethernet, Epson printer (shared)
Workstation 2: XP Pro, Pro-link USB wifi adapter, HP printer (shared).

I cannot PROPERLY connect using Windong network between Notebook and Workstation 2. Meaning that filesharing is dog slow and everytime I try to add the shared printer from Workstation1 to notebook it hangs for a while and will give some RPC not found error (I'm guessing the connection too slow and the RPC times out). It works when Notebook is connected via hardline 100Mbps ethernet.

Before anyone says there's something wrong with the notebook wireless/networking settings:

Notebook can connect to shared printer in office via wireless. Notebook can connect to shared printer in Workstation1 (which is connected to 100Mbps hardwire).

Before anyone says there's something wrong wif Workstation2 wireless/networking settings:

Workstation 1 can connect to Workstation 2 printer. Notebook can connect to workstation 2 printer if notebook is on hardwire (but workstation 2 still on wireless).

This so f*$#ed up wiered.

Save me the normal stuffs like personal firewall settings, zone alarm settings, filesharing settings etc etc. Those were the first thing I checked. All machines connect to the net via a DIVA LAN ISDN router just fine. TCP/IP works fine, ping is sub 5ms.

Been surfing around the forums for a few days without any answers (this posting is also posted on some newsgroups/forums).


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Post time 8-7-2004 03:31 AM | Show all posts
Jail ain't tough enough
Mon July 5 2004 (14:43:42)

KUALA TERENGGANU: Seorang banduan berusia 27 tahun yang menjalani hukuman penjara 18 tahun di Penjara Marang kerana kesalahan merogol, diliwat seorang banduan dari Indonesia, awal pagi kelmarin.

Source Bharian

Padan muka, I hope he'll keep having the same type of fun for the next 18 yrs.

This reminds me of a joke Hoeman told me a couple of days back:

2 Drug dealers (both small time 1st offenders) were in court and the judge decides to let them go if they can write something about their bad deeds which can motivate the youths not to follow their steps.

1st dude came back wif a piece of paper wif 1 small circle and 1 big circle drawn on it. He explained, "This big circle represents your brain now, this small circle represents your brain after taking drugs".

2nd dude came back wif a piece of paper wif 1 small circle and 1 big circle too. He explained, "This small circle represents your a55h*le now, this big circle represents your a55h*le after doing time in jail".

They both walked.

thx Pechai for the heads-up

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Post time 11-7-2004 05:24 PM | Show all posts
A hectic weekend. Meeting some fresh, new faces. Having several good times. Getting lost going here n there. The challenge n experience make up for it.

Raining here at Bangsar. Just got back from 1 Utama. But here, actually, it's been raining every afternoon.

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Post time 23-7-2004 12:02 AM | Show all posts

Still tired from the trip back. Just now met my nephew. Gave him things from his mom.

Such a sad ending but unsatisfied ending for Sephia. Somebody smsed me...Sephia should say "Pegi jahanam dgn Global amity" to Tan Sri.

Such a weird going-ons around me last night and today. Never mind survival of the fittest.

Life goes on...

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Post time 28-7-2004 06:59 AM | Show all posts

Ulasan Blog: Jeff Ooi's Screenshots


What Jeff does almost every day is to consolidate articles/news from all over the net and include a commentary and also not forgetting the links to the article/news original source

Tidak lengkap sekiranya anda tidak melawat blog milik Jeff Ooi. Blog ini Tok kategorikan sebagai blog isu-isu semasa dan sering lantang menegur pihak-pihak yang gagal melaksanakan tanggungjawab mereka.

Antara pihak yang selalu dikritik oleh Jeff ialah pihak Media, Kerajaan, Pembangkang, Kerajaan Tempatan, indivisu tertentu mahupun pihak negara luar (polisi).

Blog milik Jeff Ooi dilawati oleh hampir 2,690 pembaca setiap hari. Blog ini juga antara calon utama untuk anugerah Best Malaysian Blog tahun lalu.

Blog Jeff sering menjadi tumpuan kerana kelantangannya mengeluarkan kritikan. Blog ini seringkali menjadi tumpuan ahli politik. Beberapa ahli politik (MCA) contohnya pernah menulis surat terbuka kepada Jeff dan menjawap persoalan yang dikemukakan di media tempatan.

Bagi anda yang ingin mengetahui perkembangan semasa dan membaca pendapat ramai mengenai isu-isu tersebut, berkunjunglah ke blog Screenshoots milik Jeff Ooi

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Post time 30-7-2004 10:32 PM | Show all posts
Monday, July 26, 2004

Loyalty to Maxis?

I maintain two post-paid mobilephone accounts plus one supplementary account with Maxis. One of the Maxis main accounts, with number 012-202-xxxx, is my very private contact which is seldom used for outgoing calls.

This number, activated over eight years ago on January 9, 1996, has contributed a total of RM9,982.81 to Maxis coffer to date. Because of sustained call pattern, Maxis has granted me a Line of Credit of RM850.00 some four years ago, and the LOC is still maintained in their customer database.

Yesterday, Maxis decided to "interrrupt" my line because I owed them RM5.92 - LIMA RINGGIT SEMBILAN PULUH DUA SEN.

This afternoon, I asked the TTDI Branch Supervisor to connect me to Kiang Chiew Peng, SGM Post-Paid Marketing, who reports to the Singaporean COO, Edward Ying.

I asked her two questions:

What's the meaning of the LOC if they could trust me with RM850 but not RM5.92?

Is Maxis sending me a message that I shouldn't dream on for my 8-year customer loyalty reward but it's high time to churn to other mobile operator?

She promised to tell me about Maxis Brand Promise in a written reply within 24 hours.

Once a telco grows big, it tends to get very cocky. I used to detest this perception, but I now agree fully.

Meanwhile, Tan Lay Han, Maxis GM Channel Distribution and Customer Service, who also reports directly to Ying - don't sit pretty up there. If you continue to trust systems and process more than your human customers, I promise to lead disgruntled customers to prick your arse sooner than you think.

>>>> I like dis wan...hahahhaha....coz it happened to me too...Bah humbug...Girl Interuppted btoi!!!

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Follow Us
Post time 4-8-2004 11:34 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 12-8-2004 07:21 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by seribulan at 4-8-2004 11:34 PM:
nih lak cilok dr Bod Celebrities International... ... gs&uid=86218926

[url] ...

Thanks for the Blog... memang minat dengan artis ni..

Use magic Report


Post time 12-8-2004 07:33 AM | Show all posts

Mendiang Dr. Judson Sakai Tagal's Daughter's Blog

Sudah menjadi lumrah kehidupan kita... Once in a while... musibah akan mendatang tanpa diketahui... Kesedihan akan melanda dan kita berusaha untuk mengatasinya. Memang bukan perkara yang mudah, apalagi untuk melupakan tragedi yang mengorbankan orang tersayang...

Blog milik Jemima ini merakamkan suka-duka mereka sekeluarga mengharungi kepiluan apabila ayahnya Dr. Judson terlibat dalam satu kemalangan dahsyat di mana helikopter yang beliau naiki bersama beberapa orang kakitangan kerajaan dan ahli politik lain terhempas dan mengambil masa hampir dua minggu untuk dijumpai di sebuah kawasan hutan di Sarawak...

Jemima pada mulanya agak sukar untuk menulis, apalagi pada saat awal kehilangan helikopter tersebut. Bagaimanapun, beliau tabahkan hati kerana ingin menyampaikan segala usaha mencari dan menyelamat kepada ahli keluarganya dan sahabat-handainya di luar negara ..

Blog ini mendapat sambutan yang luar biasa dari pembaca seluruh dunia. Masing-masing mengharapkan keluarga Jemima tabah menghadapi kepiluan. Membaca blog ini sungguh menyentuh perasaan, penulis menyampaikan berita dalam nada yang sayu dan penuh pengharapan. Yang pasti, anda akan kagum dengan semangat Jemima untuk meneruskan hidup tanpa ayahnya...

Hayati sebuah sajak yang diciptakan oleh jemima untuk mendiang ayahnya...


The red leather couch misses you in the morning, where you watch CNN before the rest of the house wakes up.

The coffee mug misses you in the morning at the breakfast table, where you have your coffee with one sugar and milk.

The morning newspapers miss you, and how you scan their headlines quickly because you always had a busy day ahead of you.

Your golf clubs miss you in the evenings, because that's when you take them out for 18 holes.

But more than that, I miss you.

Oh how I miss you Pa

[ Last edited by Tok_Batin on 12-8-2004 at 07:37 AM ]

Use magic Report

Post time 12-8-2004 09:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Tok_Batin at 12/8/04 07:33 AM:

The red leather couch misses you in the morning, where you watch CNN before the rest of the house wakes up.

The coffee mug misses you in the morning at the breakfast table, where you have your coffee with one sugar and milk.

The morning newspapers miss you, and how you scan their headlines quickly because you always had a busy day ahead of you.

Your golf clubs miss you in the evenings, because that's when you take them out for 18 holes.

But more than that, I miss you.

Oh how I miss you Pa


such sweet sorrow.... words can make ur eyes watered...:cry:

Use magic Report

Post time 13-8-2004 09:44 AM | Show all posts

smpena merdeka ....

People use to complain that Malaysians do not read
enough books. We either do not read at all or we
restrict our reading to entertainment and humourous
materials. In short; light reading subjects.

Well, fret no more. Malaysians do read books with a
heavier dose of reality than Mangga, URTV or
Gila-Gila. Just ask Billi Lim!!

His Malaysian record breaking book tower, consisting
of more than 2,000 books valued at RM70,000 was
stripped bare when it was displayed at the Putrajaya
Convention Centre during the recent OIC Summit.

It is believed that those who visited the convention
centre during the 10th Organisation of the Islamic
Conference Summit had unknowingly taken the books on
display in the concourse area of the building.

Well, according to docteejay, the area where the book
tower was located was surrounded by other unmanned
booths with free books, brochures and CDs for the

So, perhaps the visitors took the books by mistake?
Well, that might be the case if the book tower was a
mere 1 or 2 metres high. But no, it was 12.06 metres
high!!! Even if the books were free, who would climb
up a 12.06 metre frame just to get free books?
Furthermore, the tower was located at the concourse
area where there were plenty of passers by!! I抦 sure
the freeloaders would not like their monkey antics to
be viewed by the other visitors!!

So, who did it? Ghosts? Or a gang of literate thieves
keen to expand their book collections at home?

What were the security personnel doing, anyway? I
thought the security measures there were supposed to
be pretty tight, but if people can just waltz up a
12.06 metre tower and cart away 2,000 books
undetected, then something must be wrong somewhere.

How the hell did it happen? Here today, gone tomorrow?
揈h, there抮e supposed to be books on this tower kan?
Sapa pinjam eh? Dah hilang semua? Call polis,

Use magic Report

Post time 13-8-2004 09:46 AM | Show all posts
Dari Dalam Hati Seorang Anak

Kasih sayang, kebahagian, keadilan, kemuliaan,
ketaatan memang dingini oleh semua pihak.Tanpa
kesemuannya ini, kehidupan dalam sesebuah keluarga
tidak akan aman dan harmoni.

Masyarakat merasa kesal dengan sikap-sikap anak-anak
muda pada zaman kini yang memandang ringan terhadap
kedua orang tuanya. Masalah lari dari rumah,
penyalahgunaan dadah, hidup berfoya-foya, terlibat
dengan budaya kuning, tidak hormat pada orang tua,
telah memeningkan kepala ibu bapa memikirkannya.

Dimana silapnya? Adakah anak-anak tidak didiki
disekolah? Atau adakah anak-anak di biarkan sendirian
di rumah tanpa kebebasan? Berbagai-bagai aktiviti
kokourikulum dan persatuan telah giat dilancarkan
untuk para pelajar berdikari, pandai menggunakan masa
dan tidak cenderung kearah melakukan kejahatan. Namun
keberkesanan usaha tersebut tidak mendatangkan hasil
yang seberapa malah masih berterusan lagi sikap liar
anak-anak yang sukar dibendung.

Anak-anak yang dewasa pula, yang telah bekerja, ada
yang sanggup menjadikan ibu-bapanya sebagai hamba
dirumah. Ibunyalah yang menguruskan urusan rumahtangga
seperti memasak, menyuci pakaian, menjaga anak-anak,
dengan alasan si anak sibuk keran bekerja diluar.
Pendek kata ayah dan ibinya tidak ubah seperti
khadamnya. Tidak dikenang langsung jasa dan susah
payah ibu-bapa mendidik dan membesarkannya.

Sebenarnya silapnya adalah apabila anak-anak kita dari
sejak kecil tidak di didik dengan Islam, tidak kenal
dan takut kepda Allah, tidak takut kepada dosa, kepada
balasan neraka yang maha dahsyat, dan balasan syurga
yang maha indah. Maka tidak hairanlah anak-anak tidak
takut menderhakai ibu-bapanya.

Kadang-kadang anak bersungut mengatakan ibubapa meraka
tidak adil memberi kasih sayang, dan kata-kata yang
tidak wajar diucapkan kepada ibubapa. Ibubapa yang
pemarah akan melenting, memaki hamun dan menghalau
anaknya dari rumah. Ucapan yang terkeluar, 揳nak tak
sedar diri, kurang ajar, sudah besar pandai melawan
orang tua. Tak kenang jasa membesarkan mereka.

Use magic Report

Post time 13-8-2004 09:51 AM | Show all posts
Khutbah Jumaat: khatib oh khatib (1)
Hari ini saya solat di Masjid Jami' Putra, Masjid
Tanah. Seperti biasa khatib (pembaca khutbah), membaca
dengan cara yang sungguh membosankan. Saya heran,
mengapa khatib ini tidak mau buat homework? Bukankah
teks khutbah itu sudah diterima sebelum membaca
khutbah? Seharusnya beliau membacanya terlebih dahulu
supaya tidak terjadi kesilapan-kesilapan yang tidak
sepatutnya terjadi.

Hari ini dua kesalahan fatal yang saya temui: (1) pada
bacaan penutup khutbah pertama, yakni "barakallahu li
walakum ... dan seterusnya." (2) bacaan selawat ketika
memulai doa pada khutbah kedua. Padahal bacaan ini
adalah rutin yang sentiasa dibaca oleh khatib setiap

Di Melaka, saya telah pergi ke berapa Masjid untuk
berjumaat. Saya temui kesalahan-kesalahan serupa
terjadi. Misalnya di Masjid Londang, Masjid Bertam
Ulu, Masjid Cheng dan Masjid Daerah alor Gajah sebelum
imam baru dilantik.

Apakah kerja mereka sebenarnya? Apakah kerja khatib
ini boleh dibuat sambil lewa saja?

posted by Syafrein

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PeNinGLaLaT This user has been deleted
Post time 15-8-2004 03:21 PM | Show all posts
Updated :  Friday, August 13, 2004

Confessions Of A Missing Datin

I have a confession to make. There are two reasons I have been on hiatus. Neither has anything to do with me being on vacation, or a life disaster, or Cook quitting, or Erra erring, or Datuk philandering.

Both have got to do with me, myself and I.

The first is, and it has taken me this long to say this, I have grown rather bashful at all the attention, concern, kind words and thoughts my little anonymous journal has elicited from all of you who read it. You may find it difficult to believe, but quite honestly, when you're used to being The Wife, you forget what it's like to be The One people seek out. At least not in the public domain.

You see, for some time now, I have become accustomed to my small universe. And forgotten how universally large and tiny the world is. Sometimes I read the comments you leave and am reminded of the six degrees of separation theory. And wonder if I really do know some of you in real life.

All of a sudden, the spotlight caught me blinking without my sunglasses on.

And I didn't know what to do.

No, Datuk hasn't found out about our little secret. He hardly uses the computer, let alone surf the Net. He finds my fascination with this worldwide web amusing. In fact, in this whole journey he has been my least concern. Even if he does find out, I am sure the thought of this diary will be a fleeting one for him.

The second, and perhaps more embarrassing one, is that I have rediscovered the world of television. The past two months I've had a Tuesday date with HBO, delighting in my bedtime dose of Six Feet Under. If you've never watched it, do the next time it comes round. It is about as close to real life as I have ever seen TV come. More specifically, my life. Not that I have anything to do with undertakers on a daily basis, but the melancholic thread that runs through the show strikes an all-too familiar chord in me.

Apart from that, I have, like the rest of the housewife nation, been gripped with Akademi Fantasia. Yes, even Datins watch it. Heck, even Datins' daughters enter it. I am told even a Cabinet Minister's son is not beneath these things nowadays. If you're a follower of Malaysian Idol, you will know what I am talking about.

This AF thing has had a profound effect on my social circle. Fan weeps every week and engages me in an SMS conversation throughout each Saturday show. Erra and Cook furtively AFUNDI their paychecks away. My household stops to breathe and laugh and cry. Even Datuk, my eccentric other half, secretly follows the proceedings like a Parliamentary debate. I even dare say he knows more about Zahid than he does the UMNO nominations.

And my Datin friends, why they stay in on Saturdays now too. Kenduri Kahwins have mysteriously abated on weekends. Friday night is now the weekday of choice for these very important occasions.

It's hilarious. I know.

But that, ladies and gentlemen, is the reality of it. No major dramas, no upheavals, no trauma. Just a woman caught by surprise by a stray spotlight and the lure of a voyeuristic opportunity to take a peek into some other people's lives.

I guess, by admission of this post, I am definitively back. But perhaps, you may have to be patient with me for a while. Until I get used to having so many of you as new acquaintances, I may be furtive. It's not because I don't appreciate your company. I simply haven't got the hang of throwing a huge open house just yet.

You see, usually, my husband and I go away for Hari Raya.

Use magic Report

Post time 17-8-2004 07:05 AM | Show all posts

blog tema merdeka...

Sunday, August 08, 2004 Kalau bukan Melayu sendiri, siapa lagi?

Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz cakap: Master English or nation will lose out.

"Ignore the language chauvinists. Master the English language. Or else,
prepare to lose out as a nation." (NST, 8/8/2004)

Orang Palestin mempertahankan negara, lalu ada yang sebut mereka

Orang Melayu mempertahankan bahasa Melayu, lalu mereka adalah

Pakdi bersetuju dengan pandangan pejuang-pejuang bahasa, Bahasa Melayu
perlu terus dinobatkan. Tetapi pada masa yang sama, kita tidak
mengenepikan keperluan bahasa-bahasa lain. Tidak ada bahasa yang sempurna
sifatnya. Sebab tu Allah suruh manusia yang berbilang bangsa ini saling

Kalau bukan orang Melayu, siapa lagi yang harus perjuangkan bahasa

Merujuk kepada sejarah, Bahasa Melayu pernah menjadi lingua-franca.
Barangkali ada yang sebut, itu sejarah. Kenapa mesti berpegang pada
sejarah. Keadaan sudah berubah.

Tetapi mereka yang bercakap sebegitu sesungguhnya telah terlupa,
sejarah itu menunjukkan bahasa Melayu boleh menjadi bahasa utama di dunia
dalam pelbagai sudut. Tidak alasan mengatakan bahasa Melayu itu tidak
standard. Bukan bahasa ilmu.

Persoalan di sini adalah, mereka (orang Melayu) sendiri tidak yakin
dengan bahasa Melayu. Mentaliti mereka menganggap bahasa Melayu itu bahasa
kelas kedua. Macam mereka berbangga membimbit akhbar The Star, NST, Sun
lebih dari akhbar-akhbar Melayu lainnya.

Masyarakat Cina di Malaysia kelihatan berbangga dengan bahasa mereka
sendiri. Mereka sentiasa menjaga agar bahasa dan budaya mereka tidak

Katakanlah kita menerima hujah yang menyebut, bahasa Inggeris adalah
bahasa kemajuan, adakah mereka terlupa, banyak negara-negara maju dan
kuasa besar lain tidak menggunakan bahasa Inggeris.

Jerman. Perancis. Jepun. Korea. Rusia. China.

Tetapi negara-negara mundur dan dunia ketiga, kebanyakan mereka
menggunakan bahasa bekas penjajah negara mereka. Dan mereka tidak maju. Malah
semakin diperkotak-katikkan oleh para kapitalis.

Diulang sekali lagi, penguasaan bahasa Inggeris itu penting. Malah pada
pakdi, lebih banyak bahasa kita tahu maka peluang untuk menjadi orang
berilmu itu lebih luas. Bukan sekadar terhad dengan Bahasa Inggeris.

Tetapi, untuk tujuan pendidikan anak bangsa, lebih baik menggunakan
bahasa ibunda itu sendiri. Itu lebih dekat dengan hati nurani mereka. Ia
lebih berkesan. Orang yang tidak tahu menulis dan membaca, tetap tahu
bertutur dalam bahasa ibunda masing-masing. Tetapi, kalau bahasa lain
digunakan, bagaimana untuk menjadi pendidikan itu benar-benar efektif?

Mula-mula bahasa. Lepas tu merebak ke cara hidup. Itu perkara yang
pasti berlaku. Kalau kita sudah mula memandang rendah kepada bahasa
sendiri, sudah tentu cara hidup bangsa sendiri akan dipandang rendah juga.

Elok makan nasi, mengada-ngada beralih ke kentang dan burger. Elok
makan pakai tangan, mengada-ngada untuk guna sudu garfu. Elok berbaju
kurung, mengada-ngada mahu pakai skirt pendek. Dari ucapan
'Assalamualaikum', bertukar kepada 'Good Morning'. Dari menggunakan aku, saya, awak,
kalian, bertukar jadi I,you, you all.

Bahasa dan budaya sesuatu kaum amat berkait rapat. JWW Birch dibunuh
kerana dia tidak menghormati budaya orang Melayu. Dia antara Residen
Inggeris yang tidak menghormati bahasa, budaya dan adat resam orang Melayu.

Diulang untuk kali ketiga, pakdi tidak menolak kepentingan menguasai
bahasa Inggeris. Tetapi bahasa Melayu mesti diutamakan terlebih dahulu.

Dulu, ada kawan cadang pakdi buat blog dalam bahasa Inggeris. Tapi
setelah fikir dengan baik, lebih baik pakdi terus menulis dalam bahasa
Melayu. Pengunjung tetap ramai dari hari ke hari.

Antara cita-cita pakdi juga, adalah untuk melihat artikel dalam blog
ini diterjemah ke bahasa lain. Sebab pakdi yakin dengan penggunaan bahasa
Melayu. Ia tetap setanding dengan bahasa lain. Buku, Pak Samad Said,
Salina boleh diterjemah ke beberapa bahasa, kenapa penulisan lain tidak?

Adakah orang Melayu tidak ada cita-cita mahu melihat pula karya-karya
bahasa Melayu pula diterjemah ke bahasa lain dengan lebih luas? Seperti
yang kita buat pada hari ini, menterjemah karya dalam bahasa lain ke
bahasa Melayu.

Strategi perang Panglima Sun Tzu sudah merentasi banyak benua.
Buku-buku ilmuwan Islam dalam bahasa Arab, juga dikaji secara menyeluruh oleh
orang Eropah. Kenapa karya orang Melayu tidak boleh?

Pejuang-pejuang bahasa Melayu yang dianggap 'chauvinist' oleh
sesetengah pihak ini, sebenarnya telah terlalu berduka. Bahasa Melayu tidak
dihormati di Malaysia, yang dahulunya pernah dikenali sebagai Tanah Melayu.
Yang pernah masyhur dengan empayar Kesultanan-kesultanan Melayu.

Orang Melayu tidak yakin kemampuan bahasanya sendiri dalam bidang
ekonomi, pendidikan, sosial dan lain-lain lagi. Mereka lebih berbangga
bercakap dan bertutur sehari-hari dalam bahasa orang lain.

Bahasa Melayu adalah harta orang Melayu. Kalau orang Melayu tidak mahu
jaga harta sendiri, adakah bangsa lain nak tolong jagakan?


posted by pakdi m. on 12:35:52 PM

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Post time 17-8-2004 07:07 AM | Show all posts

pakdi - guru saya....

Juga di buku tamu dan emel, ada perkara yang berkait
rapat dengan fikrah dan aliran-aliran pemikiran dalam

Abang pakdi ada sebut: Kau tak boleh masuk politik.
Sebab dalam politik mesti kepentingan parti dulu.

Pakdi sedaya upaya tidak akan terus bertaklid dengan
mana-mana pandangan. Itu adalah sifat yang salah bagi
orang yang mampu memahami sesuatu dengan lebih

Walaupun pakdi tidak gemar pada orang tabligh, tapi
pakdi masih menerima gerakan tabligh dari beberapa
sudut. Walaupun pakdi memang panas hati dengan orang
Salafi, tetapi pakdi tetap mengakui mereka adalah
golongan yang banyak ilmu.

Begitu juga sesama gerakan Islam. Ada orang
pertikaikan PAS gelojoh sebab mahu cepat menang dalam
perjuangan. Sebab tu PAS masuk pilihanraya.

Ada juga orang pertikaikan ABIM kerana asyik tumpukan
pada gerakan pendidikan dan intelektual. Begitu juga
dengan mempertikai JIM yang menggunakan kaedah
terpilih untuk memilih ahli di samping begitu bersifat
berahsia dalam organisasi.

Terpulang pada diri kita sendiri mahu cenderung ke
mana sebenarnya. Yang penting sekiranya wujud
perselisihan pendapat sesama pencinta Islam, maka
bersifat terbukalah dalam perselisihan tersebut.
Selagi mana tidak bersalahan dengan dasar Islam, maka
tidak wajar ia menjejaskan sifat kasih sayang sesama

Pakdi barangkali bersetuju dengan pendapat yang
mengharamkan pilihanraya dan demokrasi sekiranya pakdi
sedang hidup di Palestin mahupun Iraq atau Afghanistan
sekarang. Tetapi disebabkan pakdi tinggal di Malaysia,
sudah tentu pakdi lebih cenderung pada pendapat yang
mengharuskan penyertaan dalam pilihan raya dan

Ada golongan yang bertujuan murni mahu menghapuskan
segala perbuatan bida'ah. Tetapi ia tidak disesuaikan
dengan suasana tempatan. Mereka sekadar bersungguh
mahu hapuskan perbuatan bida'ah yang boleh
dikategorikan sebagai hasanah dan tidak bersalahan
dengan suasana Malaysia berbanding bersungguh mahu
menghapuskan perbuatan yang lebih keji dan munkar,
yang ia bukan lagi sesuai dikategorikan bida'ah tetapi
sudah pun terbukti sesat secara jelas dan nyata.

Selepas mempelajari sedikit sebanyak disiplin syariah,
pakdi memang mendapati ada beberapa pendapat ulama
Syafie ini sebenarnya tidak lagi sesuai diamalkan di
Malaysia. Seperti isu berkitar persoalan anjing dan
babi. Seperti isu-isu dalam muamalah. Isu dalam nikah
kahwin dan sebagainya. Kalau kita tidak bersifat
terbuka, adakah kita wajar mengikut sahaja pendapat
mazhab Syafie tanpa menimbangkan pendapat ulama

Inilah antara hikmah kenapa Allah banyak memberikan
garis panduan umum sahaja dalam Islam berbanding
arahan yang bersifat khusus.

Kepada Allah sahajalah kita memohon petunjuk.


-oleh pakdi

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PeNinGLaLaT This user has been deleted
Post time 17-8-2004 07:17 AM | Show all posts
From a blog of a 22-year old who just started work 3 weeks after graduation....

i sleep very little these days.

it's strange how tired i can get on some days and yet not be able to sleep and even a warm cup of cammomile tea cant seem to soothe me and it's scary how work related stuff gets into my head when i'm out of work mode. it's just too scary.

dinner with leif and jodie on thursday was quite nice. i had a very strange craving swensen's chicken curry baked rice and so indulged myself in that after shopping abit at st micheal's for chips to store in the office. Leif's lost weight and looks terribly tired but i suppose for now, he's got to slug it all out. it was nice catching up with them for a while before meeting up with sofina for drinks.

cosmos at TANGOS are the besttttt! yummy! very yummy! and thursday nites arent too bad too hang around there coz it's not as crowded as on weekends.

went for a shoot on friday. the interviewer didn't dress too well and i was in the sun for a good 3 hours. my boss went on to sit on the boat and film the rider while i took cutaway shots by the beach and looking out for the TP as well. we had illegally parked and i was supposed to drive his car away when i see one approaching.

did a fairly good amount of research with the wakeboarding people and they've given me a half an hour slot to wakeboard on tuesday. my boss told me to go ahead and that he'd even film it for me to keep. hehe. so i'm going wakeboarding on tuesday, after our second shoot! not my first time trying it out, so the coach said he's teach me to try riding more confidently before teaching to do surface tricks. wooohoo.

came back to the office late that evening to sit down with my boss and review shots and logged it. am terribly burnt and sticky and hot. thankfully i have a face towel and tube of facial wash stashed in my drawer for days like these. had a brief discussion on what shots we can use for our openings after that. i'd prob have to do two shoots next weekend. sat for wakeboarding and wushu on sunday and i have definitely have two more shoots these week. on tuesday and friday for wakeboarding.

TD has really taken on a full swing and i'm going to get it right because its gonna be my first baby.
game plan has to change because some personalities scheduled are injured and some others are fired.

i enjoy sitting in the car with my boss coz he tells me lots of things abt sg's media industry. i'm amazed how young he is. he's only 31 and he's done so much. he made his first tv news bite at 14 and it went to international tv. cool beanz or what. here i am, all of 22 and with nothing to my name.

i realised f*cked our media industry is. it's so whacked and unrealistic and it drives down the point that really, big brother is watching you and especially in singapore. it saddens me how objectivity is forsaken in our land and how restricted and stiffled our media practioners are. not because they are boring but because of the watchdog and gatekeepers, who don't practice the media and are more concerned with getting their control across.

when i was 14, i had aspirations to be a journalist and after kon and writ, my enthusiasm for it took a harsh crash and in hindsight, that's a good thing coz kon, at the end of the day, he painted a truly realistic pic of the journalism industry here. and i'm grateful that it gave me the opportunity to explore other options and really, though many people think its prob the most useless thing, but my creative writing subjects gave me so much exposure and lessons on writing.

but that aside, i'm trying not to work on weekends. i know i have things to finish, like my script and a few administrative things, but as far as i can, i try not to check my emails at home on weekends. i realise after 2 weeks of work that long weekends are to be treasured and are just meant to do lazy things like read the newspapers, listen to the radio, wash the car, sleep... and that a hobby, or interest is essential to keep one's sanity. a social life is also very key.

i spent fri nite at home, even though a part of me wanted to go down to walas with the masscommies but i figured a nite at home wont kill me, so i passed on gracia and went home for dinner with my brother and mom and smelly poo. played with her, pissed her off, taught her more stupid things. its amazing how intelligent she is. i'm not saying this coz i'm her aunt and i'm biased, but honestly, she's so vocal and she's not even 2 yet and she can recognise numbers and the alphabents and speak in 7-8 word sentences. she is currently obsessed with playing with the phone and talking to herself. and when she wakes up from sleep, she looks exactly like me. heeee.

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Post time 17-8-2004 07:28 AM | Show all posts
Hari ini akob nak bincang sikit bab Abu Lahab nih, sebab nampaknya ada
dikalangan kita nih penggemar amalan Abu Lahab...  
Abu Lahab ni nama sebenarnya adalah Abdul Uza bin Abdul Muthalib bin
Hasyim, bapa saudara Nabi SAW, Pemuka Bani Quraish yg kaya tetapi
penentang Da'wah Nabi SAW nombor Wahid.... Tapi mamat ni special gak sebab ada
Surah al-Quraan guna nama dia.. hehehhehh Yakni Surah al- Lahab surah
ke 111... Boleh rujuk sendirilah yek betapa Allah SWT melaknati Abu
Lahab ke Neraka Jahannam. hehheehehh mamat camni pun boleh jadi role
model.... hancusssss

Mengikut ceritanya Abu Lahab ni adalah manusia yg paling Gumbira ketika
hari Kelahiran Nabi SAW Lantas membebaskan Hamba abdinya yg bernama
Suwaibah. Haaa... Suwaibah ni adalah wanita yg pertama menyusui Nabi SAW..
Kiranya Ibu Susuan Nabi SAW yg nombor wahid.

Jadi menurut ceritanya ada seorang Imam yakni Imam al-Qurra al-Hafidz
Syamsuddin al-Jaziri didalam kitabnya Urfu at-Ta'rif bi al-Maulid
Asy-Syarif telah menyatakan bahawa beliau bermimpi berjumpa dgn Abu Lahab dan
Abu Lahab cerita kat Imam tu bahawa setiap hari Isnin siksa/azab neraka
abu Lahab dikurangi kerana dia memerdekakan Suwaibah ketika Suwaibah ni
memberitahu Abu Lahab kabar gembira tentang kelahiran Rasulullah SAW.
So maknanya Suwaibah bagi tahu je kat Abu Lahab ni berita kelahiran Nabi
SAW tu terus dia MERDEKAAAAAAAAAAA... ok..

Jadi Riwayat mimpi semacam inilah yg dijadikan landasan oleh penggemar
Mawlid, atas alasan manusia yg dilaknati Allah SWT macam Abu Lahab ni
pun diringankan Azabnya kerana memuliakan hari kelahiran Rasulullah,
Inikan pula kita...

Tetapi malangnya Riwayat ini dan tentang hal ini semuanya tidak kuat
sama sekali. Malah bercanggah dgn riwayat yg lebih kuat.

a) Dalam al-Quraan surah al-Furqan ayat ke 23 Allah berfirman yg
terjemahannya, " Dan Kami hadapi segala amal yg mereka kerjakan, lalu kami
jadikan amal itu (bagaikan) debu yg berterbangan." Maknanya malan Sallih
orang kafir walau sebanyak manapun hanya jadi hampeh.

b) Banyak Riwayat lain yg menunjukkan bahawasanya Abu Lahab tidak
memerdekakan Suhaib ketika beliau memberi berita kelahiran Rasulullah SAW.

antara riwayatnya :-

Ibnu Sa'ad berkata, "Muhammad bun Umar al-Waqidi bercerita kepada kami
dari tidak hanya satu orang dari seorang ahli ilmu mereka berkata,
"Rasulullah SAW menghubunginya ketika dia di Makkah dan Khadijah (Saidatina
RA) menghormatinya (Suwaibah). Pada saat itu dia masih budak (Hamba).
Lalu Khadijah meminta kepada Abu Lahab agar Suwaibah dijual kepadanya
untuk dimerdekakan. Tapi Abu Lahab menolak. Ketika Rasulullah SAW hijrah
ke Madinah, Abu Lahab memerdekakannya. Lalu Rasulullah SAW mengirim
makanan dan pakaian kepadanya, hingga datang kabar kepada beliau bahawa
dia telah meniggal dunia pada tahun 7 H. Ketika pulang dari Khaibar.

Al-Hafidz bin Abdul Barri dalam biogarfi Nabi SAW, setelah menceritakan
penyusuan Suwaibah kepada Rasulullah, dia berkata,"Suwaibah
dimerdekakan oleh Abu Lahab setelah Nabi SAW hijrah ke Madinah.

Ibnu al-Jauzi berkata," Suwaibah menghadap Rasulullah SAW setelah
beliau menikah dengan Khadijah lalu Rasulullah SAW menghormatinya dan begitu
juga Khadijah. Pada saat itu dia masih menjadi budak (hamba), kemudian
dibebaskan oleh Abu Lahab.

Jadi perkhabaran bahawa Suwaibah dibebaskan oleh Abu Lahab sebaik
sahaja dia memberi khabar kelahiran Rasulullah SAW adalah diperselisihkan
dan yg lebih Rajih adalah dia dibebaskan setelah Nabi SAW berhijrah ke
Madinah dan tak ada kena mengena dgn tarikh kelahiran Rasulullah SAW.

Ya! kita maklum tentang ada ulama' ASWJ yg membolehkan perayaan Mawlid
dgn syarat-syarat tertentu dan kami menhormati ijtihad mereka yg
mungkin benar dan mungkin salah, namun begitu kami lebih mengutamakan Sunnah
Rasulullah SAW dari qaul-qaul sipolan bin sipolan, sipolan bin
sipolan... Kerana adalah manhaj Imam kita Imam an-Nashir as-Sunnah Muhammad bin
Idris as-Shafi'i untuk mengutamakan Nas yg sahih dari qaul-qaul sipolan
bin sipolan, sipolan bin sipolan. Yang benarnya bukanlah Sunnah Nabi
SAW dan amalan para Sahabah, amalan para Tabi'en dan Imam-Imam Mazhab
yang 4 untuk menyambut perayaan-perayaan yg tidak ada asal usulnya dari
Rasulullah SAW seperti Mawlid ni. Menurut Imam Malik Rahimahullah sesuatu
yg tidak dianngap sebahagian dari Agama di Zaman Rasulullah SAW dan
Sahabah, maka ianya juga bukan sebahagian dari agama pada masa ini. Itulah
manhaj Firqatun Najiyyah yakni berpaksi kepada Hadeeth Rasulullah SAW
tentang perpecahan Ummat Rasulullah SAW kepada 73 golongan dan hanya
satu sahaja ke Syurga iaitu Al-Jamaah:

Iaitu (sesiapa yang amal dan akidahnya mengikuti aku atau persis)serupa
dengan apa yang ada pada diriku dan para sahabatku (sesiapa yang
sepertiku dan para sahabatku). Seoga kita semua tergolong dalam firqatun
Najiyyah. Ameen.

Untuk rujukan lengkap bab Abu Lahab dan Suwaibah ni, siap dgn Biografi
perawi dan Rujukan sila baca buku "Ritual Bid'ah dalam Setahun
(al-Bida' al-Hauliyyah) oleh Syaikh Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz at-Tuwaijiry,
Terbitan Darul Falah, Cetakan 2003 Ms 176-181.. Harga buku before discount
RM49.80, Hard cover 503 Muka Surat... Boleh didapati di Pustaka
Indonesia, Wisma Yakin KL.

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Post time 17-8-2004 05:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by PeNinGLaLaT at 17-8-2004 07:17 AM:
From a blog of a 22-year old who just started work 3 weeks after graduation....

i sleep very little these days.

it's strange how tir ...

Mana linknya ni???

Link please....

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Post time 17-8-2004 11:39 PM | Show all posts
Monday, June 24, 2002

I guess I better say something interesting here...

Well, here it is. My very own weblog. Now what? My husband has his own, usually where he rants and raves about his code (software engineer, and the creator of a great peer-to-peer project Alpine), whereas I am a little more simple. I am currently unemployed and raise horses (Tansy Acres). I have a close knit group of friends who I see on a fairly regular basis, though none more than once a week. I am a huge hockey fan, and attend Winter Hawk games frequently.

So what exactly am I supposed to do with a weblog? I got this because I thought it might be neat to have some kinda diary or something online, where I could share my few jewels of wisdom with others who might possibly be remotely interested. But I begin to think...should I censor myself? Will kids stuble upon this, ones who probably hear obscentities daily at school and at home, but should I respect the innocence of youth and attempt to keep myself under wraps? Or, should I assume that the few people that may read this are huge perverts hoping for a naked picture (*cough*Morbus*cough*), and who could care less about me swearing my ass off? And there I go, swearing!

I suppose the whole world in itself is a huge hypocrite. Everyone expects one thing and does another. The good old "Do as I say, not as I do" syndrome. So I suppose I will do what makes me happy. And if you don't like it, then you boys can just ***** right off, you soul soliciting pig *****ers.

- Caryn P., 1:24 AM

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