'Ingatkan Pendarahan Kena Busung' - Wanita Disangka Mandul Tak Sedar Dah Nak Ber
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Seronoknye tau2 je ade baby. Tuhan permudahkan urusan dorg laki bini... Bersalin normal, anak sihat. Alhamdullilah |
ada jer tambah yag period tak teratur ni..datang tak datang buat tak tahu je..adik & cousin I berahun tak datang tetiba datang balik..dah body dieorg mcm tu, jumpa doc pun doc cakap ok je, exercise, turunkan weight but tetap tak jalan jugak
pengamal traditional tu nk duit je tu. |
Syukur semuanya selamat dan dapat apa yang diidamkan |
beruntungnya hidup rezeki tak diduga dan dipermudahkan urusan mengandung & beranak..iolls tumpang gembira |
Ni rezeki yang betul tak dijangka.
Mesti sesiapa yg gigih kutuk dia ni dulu mandul2, termalu sendiri. |
rezeki allah nak bagi.. alhamdulillah
aku dlu pon baby xgerak mane pon..smpai kne g jmpe doc la sbb baby xcukup gerak..sejenis malas nk gerak kot..tp bile dh dpt kaki rse cm nk masukkn blek dlm perot..
benda ni bukan x pernah jadi.. kalo westerners tu siap ada documentary lg psl kes2 mcm ni.. selalu jadi pada org yg haid x teratur dan berbadan besar.. tp ada gak org slim pun jadi sbb jenis perut x membesar mcm org lain yg pregnant.. |
rahsia allah swt, siapa yg tahu kan..rezeki mereka..syukur alhamdulilah |
Ada unsur hassanah kan.. dh 2019 masih wujud org x sedar diri tgh pregnant.. |
Silky dulu pregnant dah masuk 6 bulan baru tau twin. Selama check up sebulan sekali sebelum tu, scan and heart beat xde detect pun twin. |
Seronoknyaa.. alhamdulillah rezeki tak dijangka |
sedara hb….time beranak baru tahu twin...masa check up scan doctor tak cakap pun twin..so x pelik... |
alhamdulillah rezeki Allah bagi. bestnya semuanya dipermudahkan.
mesti husband dia sekarang tengah busy dok beli barang2 keperluan baby.
nak cari tukang urut isteri dia lagi. kelam kabut la dia buat sorang2 hehehe. |
makkenits replied at 16-10-2019 12:35 PM
benda ni bukan x pernah jadi.. kalo westerners tu siap ada documentary lg psl kes2 mcm ni.. selalu j ...
Yes. Yang rasa macam x logik tu kena tengok series ni. Ada banyak sebab dia boleh jadi x sedar, x aware or x sangka dia pregnant. Benda ni even terjadi pada educated women. Ada kes Dr bgtau yang isteri tu mandul n there is no way she can ever get pregnant. Sekali...
Syukur alhamdulillah, rezeki Allah kan? |
Beautifulliar. replied at 16-10-2019 11:10 AM
Meols lg pelik baby tu gerak2 xkn la smpai 9bulan dh complete jd mnusia seketul dlm perut pn sheol ...
Boleh jadi sebab no 5.
Can You Be Pregnant and Not Know It?
A number of things could keep a woman from noticing the changes in her body:
1. Fear or stress.
The thought of becoming a mother is so stressful for some women that they go into deep denial -- so deep that they don’t know they’re pregnant. “Denial is a very powerful defense mechanism, making it possible to talk yourself out of every symptom you may have. The movement in your abdomen is ‘just gas,’ for instance,” Cackovic says.
2. No symptoms.
For some women, the physical tip-offs of pregnancy, like weight gain, morning sickness, heartburn, or fatigue, don’t happen. Or they’re so mild that a woman just doesn’t notice them. Depending on her body type, “it’s reasonable for a woman to make it to 30 weeks without looking pregnant,” Cackovic says.
3. Weight changes.
If a woman is overweight or her size often goes up and down, she might not notice the extra baby weight. If she’s obese, Cackovic says, she may not “have the physical feelings of being pregnant” that non-obese women feel.
4. Period problems.
A woman can have irregular periods because of stress, some medications (like birth control pills or drugs for epilepsy), obesity, or health problems like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), uncontrolled diabetes, or an eating disorder. So when her period is a no-show, her first thought may not be pregnancy.
5. She can’t feel the baby move.
Usually a mom-to-be will start to feel her baby kicking or rolling between 18 to 20 weeks of pregnancy. But if the placenta happens to be in the front of her uterus, she may not feel those movements, Cackovic says.
nyampah yg komen "takkan tak rse gerak2 dlm perut" dan seangkatan dengannya..
udah2 la samakan korang ngn org lain. lain org, lain pemikirannya.
Bila tgk hstory dia, dh 5 tahun tgu baby maybe dh fade up kejap nk check takut kecewa. Then dia plk x rse mcm peknen mse mengandung, xde alahan, x rse geakan baby, haid plk kjp ok kejap x ok..
ko jgn samakan ko yg dtg period teratur setiap bulan. ko yg peknen cpt rasa gerakan baby.. ko peknen muntah2 dan mengidam itu ini. Ko peknen perut pk besar. so serba serbi yg ko alami, ko nk samakan keadaan ko ngn org lain dlm artikel ni?
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