For me, Hakikat ialah satu jawapan terakhir kepada suatu persoalan yang mana hanya diri kita sendiri yang memahami jawapan tersebut. |
Hakikat (the absolute, essence??) is the opposite of faith (in religious term can be loosely translated as iman)...
but there are serious issues with both...
in philosophy nothing is absolute... and faith is totally arbitrary
It is only with faith that human can worship all kind of interesting religions which if put under logical and analytical analyses are completely illogical or nonsense (see my thread on theory on dog...god)...
but hakikat is no better...
hakikat as understood in religious dogmas are highly inadequate... not complete...even if put under philosophical knife...
science can partly explain hakikat i suppose.... everything of the known world and matter can be reduced to a few basic physical laws...stephen hawking is still trying to find a theory that unify everything... i wish him good luck...
ana al haqq...
another interesting concept...
actually this experience is not unique to islamic sufism/mysticism... but every crackpot religion can also have devotees or mystics drunk on transcendental experiance exclaiming that they are in unity with the one!...people who claim that they are jesus, or in communion with para nabi2 ...etc, even that idiot ayah pin can have this mystical experience ...any body can have this experience if you undergo certain mental exercise or mystic training...
mr duriant may know better...but if i'm not mistaken spinoza has dealt with this issue a long time ago... his idea on phanteism is one of the most erudite discussion on the issue... |
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simplelife This user has been deleted
hakikat or maybe hak ikat?
Hak = kebenaran
ikat= berkas, gabungkan,belenggu, kongkong
Oleh itu hakikat = kebenaran atau kenyataan yang sudah dibelenggu atau diberkas, kongkongan kebenaran dll yang tidak boleh digoncang2kan lagi walau apapun hujah yang dibetangkan. Contoh: matahari menjadi penjana tenaga hidupan bumi atau bumi mempunyai daya graviti dll |
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Reply #2 Atomic_Omnikid's post
HAkikat tidak boleh diubah? Setuju
HAkikat tidak boleh dikesali? TAk setuju. Ramai orang termasuk aku, bila berhadapan dengan hakikat, terutama hakikat yang menyakitkan, akan menyesali hakikat tersebut.
Dan bagi yang sedar, dia akan cuba mencari rasional dan sebab sesuatu itu terjadi dan perlahan-lahan akan menerima hakikat tersebut sebab dia tahu itu HAKIKAT yang tidak booleh diubah WALAUPUN dikesali. |
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