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Author: Sheliza

Hungry Ghost Festival

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Tsunamie This user has been deleted
Post time 11-9-2005 06:14 AM | Show all posts
Ko percaya mende nie............ko tayang mende diharamkan....hebat ko nie.


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Post time 11-9-2005 03:11 PM | Show all posts
Pesanan : Utk forumer taliban boleh dikecualikan drp membaca. Negara kita mempunyai penduduk majmuk dan forumer di sini terdiri dari pelbagai agama. Mrk berhak mengamalkan kepercayaan masing2. Islam juga mengajar tuhan mencipta pelbagai jenis manusia utk belajar sesama kita.

Hungry Ghost Festival.

Another belief among the Chinese is that the dead return to visit their living relatives during the 7th month and thus they prepare a sumptuous meal for the 鈥榟ungry ghosts鈥



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Post time 12-9-2005 02:14 PM | Show all posts
Good info bro.... tabik sama lu beb

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Post time 13-9-2005 01:05 PM | Show all posts
senang citer ar... kawan cine aku ckp, masa ni la diorg jamu hantu2 ni makan sampai kenyang giler.. biler da kenyang, xde la hantu tu kacau manusia. tu je... dan sememangnya hantu2 tu tengah kebulur... sebab tu dipanggil "hungry ghost".

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bug_vengeance This user has been deleted
Post time 13-9-2005 10:33 PM | Show all posts
mmg rock
gamba babi panggang pun ada

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Post time 14-9-2005 04:42 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by DanaScully at 4-9-2005 10:47 AM

It is thought  ...

ade nmpk cam bbyang tak dlm phono nie :stp:

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Vijaya This user has been deleted
Post time 10-4-2006 06:44 PM | Show all posts
org cina telah mengabungkan perayaan Ullambana(Buddha) dan perayaan Chung Yuan(Taoist).

Masyarakat umat Buddha yg "tulen" kat malaysia meraikan perayaan ini mengikut cara Buddhist. Mrk ada memberi makanan,jubah sami,ubat-ubatan kpd sami-sami, membaca kitab-kitab suci, bermeditasi dan mengingati jasa baik ibu bapa dan nenek moyang. Perayaan ini  utk membalas dan mengingati jasa ibu bapa dan nenek moyang.

org cina yg superstitious telah menjadikan perayaan ini sebagai perayaan yg memuja hantu.

memuja hantu-hantu liar dengan makanan(contohnya babi dlm gambar tu), arak(yg haram dlm agama Buddha),membakar hell notes (sekarang mrk juga membakar astro, hp.....:geram::hmm...pelbagai adat yg tidak digalakkan atau haram dlm agama Buddha.

Perayaan Chung Yuan dlm agama Tao juga bukan macam ni. tak tahulah...bagaimana org cina boleh menjadikan perayaan ini jadi macam ni.



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Vijaya This user has been deleted
Post time 10-4-2006 06:49 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dory_ann at 3-9-2005 10:46 PM
seingat aku masa aku keje kat genting...mlm tu aku balik lah sebab besok nyer aku off day...aku naik bas pekeliling(bas hijau masa tu)...kat situ ada tokong kat stesen bas tu...malam tu pulak diaor ...

tokong itu kalau tak silap adalah tokong raja hantu....(agama Tao)
mitos---genting banyak hantu....

Temple dan pagoda yg dekat dengan puncak adalah buddhist temple.

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Vijaya This user has been deleted
Post time 10-4-2006 06:55 PM | Show all posts
An interesting superstition that the Chinese have about the festival is that it is bad to go swimming during the 7th month. They think that an evil ghost might cause you to drown in the swimming pool. In addition to this, children are also advised to return home early and not to wander around alone at night. This belief is due to the reason that the wandering ghosts might possess children.

for buddhist, this is a holy and auspicious month....
the end of the month is the holy day of Earth Store Bodhisatta
and the 15th of the month, the Ullambana day is known as Buddha's joy day...a holy and auspicious day....



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Post time 11-4-2006 12:15 AM | Show all posts
tapi kenapa rasa2nya org Cina sambut pada 14th bulan 7 lunar calendar?

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Post time 11-4-2006 02:24 AM | Show all posts
Most of d tym, ramai my chinese frenz yg selalu balik lewat akan sedaya upaya untuk pulang awal untuk elakkan musibah....

Cuma satu je nak ingatkan, klau nampak kertas 'duit' yg kaum cina selalu bakar jgn pijak kalau boleh elak.  Pernah terjadi masa skolah dulu, ada kawan suka dok gelakkan err adat kaum cina, suka2 je dok pijak kertas tu, last last meroyan cam org kene sampuk kat asrama.... jenuh nak paksa benda tu kuar dari badan my schoolmate tu......

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Post time 13-8-2007 06:22 PM | Show all posts
malam nie start hungry ghost chinese colleagues sumer pakat2 nak balik sharp2 sat g hehe...

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Post time 14-8-2007 12:13 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by yipun78 at 11-4-2006 02:24 AM
Most of d tym, ramai my chinese frenz yg selalu balik lewat akan sedaya upaya untuk pulang awal untuk elakkan musibah....

Cuma satu je nak ingatkan, klau nampak kertas 'duit' yg kaum cina sela ...

biasanya pompuan mudah kene rasuk dan apabila datang bulan...

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Post time 14-8-2007 08:17 AM | Show all posts
jez nak share jer..takder paksaan samada nak pecaya ke tak ehh..
ini berlaku pada ex-boss lah, masa ni kat ipoh. boss baru jer pindah ke rumah baru dia, dan
mak boss nie suruh le boss nie buat mcm puja2 for the new house tu, but boss ni x nak dgr.
sbb dlm rumah tu, ada mcm lubang, joyah x tahu mcm mana nak elaboratekan ttg lubang tu, mak boss kata nanti lubang tu will bring some bad luck.

so, lps few months pindah kat rumah tu, masa dah dkt2 nk Ghost Festival nie, suddenly anak
boss yg paling kecik jatuh sakit. bdn budak tue, masa joyah pegi tgk mcm kena rebus. habis
seluruh kulit melecur dan bulu mata dah jatuh dan mata pun x boleh bukak. puas lah boss nie
cari doktor yg pakar utk ubatkan anak dia. siap belikan something like kelambu from australia
utk anak dia.

siap panggil bomoh or sami dtg utk ubatkan anak dia. nak jadikan citer, peak time of the celebration tue, anak boss dok meracau2, dia ckp ada 'kakak' nak bwk dia pegi jln2. and budak kecik
nie nangis2 panggil mak & bapak dia, but 'kakak' tue x nak lepaskan, lepas pada tue, anak boss passed away. joyah xnk la pecaya all the supersitious nie kan. ini apa yg boss citer kan pada we all. lps tue, boss joyah pindah lagik dan dia rugi le jual rumah baru tue murah from apa
yg telah dia blanjakan. sian sgt kat boss.

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Post time 16-8-2007 09:33 AM | Show all posts
Dress code for hungry-ghost dancers
15-08-2007 03:56:10 PM  

PENANG:  Hotpants are okay but not halter-necks, bikini tops or see-through outfits.

This is the new dress code for ko tai (in Hokkien, stage performance) girls who perform stage shows here during the Hungry Ghosts festival.  

At least 150 modern stage shows and opera performances on makeshift stages will be held throughout Penang during the festival that began on Monday and will end on Sept 10.  

Young and pretty singers, dubbed the ko tai girls, are a crowd puller here as they belt out the latest hits and dance to fast-paced and loud music during the modern stage shows.

Penang Teong Guan Association chairman Lim Yam Koi, who co-ordinates the month-long festival, has however warned show organisers to keep tabs on the outfits worn by female performers.

揑n the past, there were cases where ko tai girls who wore see-through outfits without undergarments to spice up their acts.  

揂lthough we have not received complaints on scantily dressed female singers for the past three years, I have instructed all members to monitor the performances, especially on the dress code,

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Post time 16-8-2007 11:43 AM | Show all posts

Reply #36 Syd's post

thehe..pesta utk pakai sexy..nak pikat hantu ke apa..

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Post time 16-8-2007 01:55 PM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by riccckyyy at 10-9-2005 06:59 AM
Hungry Ghost Festival

Just as Halloween is for Americans, the 鈥楬ungry Ghost festival鈥

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Post time 16-8-2007 02:52 PM | Show all posts
Bon Odori Pun boleh tahan jugak...

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Post time 29-8-2007 07:46 PM | Show all posts
hungry ghost festival?..erk aku terbaca kat artikel/newspaper mane ntah, disebabkan festival nih harge sayuran kat pasaran naik..sbb diorang kene lebih selalukan makan kat rumah. huhu giler ah, kuatnye penangan..

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