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Author: BeanDiesel

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 Author| Post time 18-5-2006 02:31 PM | Show all posts

Hi all. Sorry I haven't been around for a few days. So busy moving and cleaning up. Sakit tulang already.

Aight. I'm not sure which archive you guys are talking about. Mind enlightening me?

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 Author| Post time 18-5-2006 02:32 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by DivinePonytail at 5/17/06 05:01 PM

Please read the RSF rules about which thread/post that will be deleted.

1) Multiple post
2) Pornographic post
3) Advertisement (except in Classified sections)
4) Post on any variant of  ...

That's right. We are not allowed (by the admins) to delete any other type of posts/threads.

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Post time 18-5-2006 05:18 PM | Show all posts

Reply #21 BeanDiesel's post

The Archive used to be on the front page. Like the one in FNR.

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Post time 18-5-2006 11:17 PM | Show all posts
rules are guide, not inforcement. but when it comes to be enforcement, it will dictates, it will change ultimatum the way the debate goes. it will be more like a box, a square box.

if you put too many limitations and too many boundaries, believe me sooner or later, people will start leaving RSF, and if you imply these VERY strict rules to National Geographic, they will never release GoJ documentary, and if imposed onto Dan Brown, there will be no Angels & Demons, not even the best seller of DVC.

All we need here is creativity and ability to differentiate between very hard attack or soft preluding attack.

I would suggest, putting these words into the "library", so RSF will be a "better" place for our community.

stupid, lame, stray, predict, die, lie, crazy, crucified, hell....

and this rule also:
1. no excerpt from any holy books, prophets, or hadith.

why? because some books might contains outlawed words in this thread, for example,
1. sex in bible, hindu books
2. barbaric actions in bible
3. "wrongdoers" in quran

anyone want to add, please do so.... then, we will in the future discuss things like;

1. A mass will be held...
2. A ceramah will be held...
3. BD and DVP are nice mod, for putting things into order
4. It has never been beautiful than today..

im outa here.... lot of work already... ciao

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Post time 19-5-2006 01:02 PM | Show all posts


pls lock threads posted which information without reliable source that's possible to cause unrest among forumers.

[Akta Hasutan 1948 Sedition Act 1948]
[Seksyen 211, Akta Komunikasi dan Multimedia] ~ Pls Click 4 more info ~

Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Dakwa ikut akta hasutan
Oleh Munir Ana抋m Zuljadan, Yusri Abdul Malek dan Zulfa Mohamad
Harian Metro

KUALA LUMPUR: Kementerian Tenaga, Air dan Komunikasi tidak akan teragak-agak meminta bantuan polis untuk bertindak mengikut Akta Hasutan jika terdapat pengendali laman web cuba mencetuskan keadaan tidak tenteram dalam negara.

Source Link......

i'll not hesitate to notify the relevance authority if the need arise. tq.

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Post time 19-5-2006 01:03 PM | Show all posts


Originally posted by Laxamana. at 8-5-2006 07:57 AM

Siapa kurang ajar? Saya ingin berkongsi cerita in dengan anda semua mengenai sikap segelintir orang Melayu kita atau lebih tepat lagi orang Islam di Malaysia... termasuk kisah 'ungrateful immigrant ...

do u have the actual source of this information? is it an official report (not based on 'org yg crita/dapat dr email')? where's the origin ur info?

Originally posted by BeanDiesel at 8-5-2006 06:41 PM

i have a question. what is the source of this report?
Originally posted by DivinePonytail at 14-5-2006 03:45 PM

Excuse me, can anyone verify this story? I mean you guys arguing with each other without knowing whether this story is actually true or only "khabar angin".

Laxamana., i'm not the 1st forumers to ask 4 the source of ur info.

if there's no proof (reliable source) of ur opening posting, legally speaking, i am assuming u are inciting religious & racial issue.

[Akta Hasutan 1948 Sedition Act 1948]
[Seksyen 211, Akta Komunikasi dan Multimedia] ~ Pls Click 4 more info ~

Originally posted by Laxamana. at 13-5-2006 07:52 AM

Today is 13 Mei 2006... some 37 years ago, 13 Mei 1969 many Chinese paid the consequences for provoking the Malays after DAP won most of the election seats in Kuala Lumpur. It started off after DAP paraded their victory on the street on 12th May and kills manay Malays in Rex Theatre later that night. Hindus were 'lalang', they side whoever is the majority.. in Chinese area they supports Chinese, in Malay area, Hindus side the Malays. The rest was history... dare to pull that again?

Originally posted by Laxamana. at 13-5-2006 08:10 AM


Well, sometimes you have to think a bit further lah regarding TAKING LAW INTO YOUR OWN HANDS. Not everything regarding Islamic law, Muslim human rights etc is being decided by Mahkamah Syariah or our Civil Court. Muslims that are so lame or trying to be too polite can be taken as an advantage to ridicule Islam. Imagine what will Saiyidina Omar do if Islam is being cursed the way that Chinese guy did? You think that he will run towards our Prophet, in tears or with sad face and tells what happen... come on... don't be ridiculous l... even our Prophet carry sword to war in defence of Islam, there are times that we have  to show our anger, maruah bukan taruhan... sabar ada hadnya... sekadar bagi penumbuk tu wajar sangatlah... itu belum sampai disembelih atau dibunuh, don't be surprised, religious conflict can easily sparked towards that. So don't start. If I were that Malay guy, I'll teach him a lesson or two as well.

[ Last edited by  Laxamana. at 13-5-2006 08:16 AM ]

here clearly shown that u understand the consequence of religious conflict. by spreading false rumour, u r threading a thin line here....
[quote]Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 13-5-2006 01:56 PM

You know what Marina Yusof have said that cause so much anger from the umno people? She told the tuth.. "I want to tell the Malays, Chinese and Indians, the cause of May 13 was started by UMNO and Selangor led by Dato

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 Author| Post time 19-5-2006 03:23 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Acong at 5/18/06 09:02 PM
pls lock threads posted which information without reliable source that's possible to cause unrest among forumers.

~ Pls Click 4 more info ~

i'll not hesitate to notify the relevance au ...

very good quote on the law. as we (should) know, no post that's against the Law of Malaysia is allowed. Thus DVP action to close the thread is just.

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 Author| Post time 19-5-2006 03:41 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by greekgod at 5/18/06 07:17 AM
rules are guide, not inforcement. but when it comes to be enforcement, it will dictates, it will change ultimatum the way the debate goes. it will be more like a box, a square box.

if you put too many limitations and too many boundaries, believe me sooner or later, people will start leaving RSF, and if you imply these VERY strict rules to National Geographic, they will never release GoJ documentary, and if imposed onto Dan Brown, there will be no Angels & Demons, not even the best seller of DVC.

Greetings greekgod,

If you notice, our rules do not suppress the right of members to start a debate on religious issue, which is what this board is all about. One can discuss GoJ, the validity of Koran or the Bible or any religious book, or question the history of any religous figure. It is highly recommended that such discussions are started in scholarly fashion, but failure to do so does not necessarily bring penalty to the starter of the debate.

What we ban are, the 6 types of posts listed in Rule #1 (which is also the rule of Cari Forum) and personal attack against any member of RSF. And both of those rules do not restrict members from discussing religion at all. Our general guidelines also states our expectation in members' behavior. Again, no restriction on religous discussion.

All in all, I don't believe that anything from our guidelines or rules restrict anybody from discussing religion. We just expect proper behavior in discussing anything including sensitive issues.

why? because some books might contains outlawed words in this thread, for example,
1. sex in bible, hindu books
2. barbaric actions in bible
3. "wrongdoers" in quran

I don't see any banned words in your example. Perhaps you can clarify which part of those can be considered as a violation of our guidelines and rules.

Thank you for your comments. We value your input.

[ Last edited by  BeanDiesel at 19-5-2006 12:05 AM ]

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Post time 20-5-2006 12:44 PM | Show all posts

Reply #26 Acong's post

According to other forumners - the article was forwarded thru' e-mail. In fact, I saw the thread first in the CI Board & was deleted by the moderator. So if we feel it's not rite, then we shd forwarded the article to the authority for further investigation. There's no point grumbling here. After all, the internet is "a dunia tanpa sempadan". Racial/religious conflicts/clashes shd be discussed openly. If we insist to hide it in the closet, one day it'll explode. By then, it'll be too late. Find the solutions now before it's too late.

The forum is a way to speak our minds & dissatisfaction on sensitive issues. It doesn't mean we're going to create more harm that could lead to racial/religious conflicts.

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Post time 20-5-2006 01:01 PM | Show all posts
:nerd: aku membebel kat sini? apo2 je laa........ acong tak kisah......... :lol

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Post time 20-5-2006 01:11 PM | Show all posts

Reply #30 Acong's post

Acong, racism tu tetap exist di mana2 saja. Ttp perasaan tu dpt dikawal. Korang kena belajar dr The Govt of Sarawak to tackle the problems. Kalau di Swak, org Melayu, Cina, Iban, Bidayuh, Org Ulu & suku kaum lain tetap proud to be Sarawakians walau di mana saja mrk berada. Mrk tetap proud to say they're Sarawakians. Boleh duduk minum semeja, boleh jadi best friends. So kenapa korang kat sana tak boleh jadi mcm org Swak?

Dahlah kami org2 Swak selama ini dianggap 2nd class citizens. Asal sebut dr. Swak, korang mcm benci sgt dgn Sarawakians sebab tak layak utk sama berdiri dgn korang. Ini dpt dilihat ketika Mr Idris Jala diberi kepercayaan utk tackle financial position MAS. Sampai org2 UMNO menyarankan agar big bosses dr. PETRONAS utk memulihkan MAS walhal yg lingkupkan MAS tu org2 UMNO jugak.

So jgn malu, belajarlah dr. Swak tentang menghormati msykt berbilang bangsa & agama. Kat sini, bila hendak hire pekerja, majikan tengok pada kelayakan & capabilities seseorg & bukan pada bangsa & agama mrk.

Mods, sorry ff: kejap.

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Post time 20-5-2006 01:17 PM | Show all posts
aku tak tau apo masalah diorg............ Bangang kot?

malam tadi aku baru kuar dgn member2 aku dari sabah & sarawak, semenanjung... takde masalah pung...... hepi kitorg borak sambil crita kisah masa blajar... india ader, singh ader, malay ader, kadazan ader & cina pung ader......... :nerd:

p/s - rindu benar ngan diorg nie........ :lol

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Post time 20-5-2006 01:34 PM | Show all posts

Reply #32 Acong's post

Racial/religious conflicts in Msia shd not be kept in the closet. Just discuss it openly. We'll find the solution somehow. Don't wait until everything explodes. It could destroy a nation. So take it seriously & find solutions before it's too late.

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 Author| Post time 20-5-2006 04:35 PM | Show all posts

Guys, just a reminder, our Rule 2 is already fully effective. So, expect real warning (I hate to do it though) if a violation occurs.

Thank you.

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Post time 22-5-2006 02:17 PM | Show all posts
I been given  warning for calling other member kiddo but when muslims members label me "Thamby" similar to kiddo he kept silent without warning them. How could other member label me 'Thamby" when i carried Truth.8??

I guess Muslims backing Muslims here.

This totally unfair, unjust and double standar.

I creating this topic to defend my right and will compiling the unfairness done by the muslim moderator here. sooner i will lodge a compliant to admin.

this my proof:

Originally posted by karengkang at 22-5-2006 02:31 AM

Thamby..daripada bercakap dan membuat andaian sendiri..
apa kata ko bagek bukti ? :cak:

orang Malaysia (especially Melayu) memang aku tak nafikan cukup suka dengan benda2 camtu..
apatah  ...

Originally posted by BeanDiesel at 22-5-2006 01:57 PM

I suggest you to aviod that word. In that context it's degrading if he/she is not actually a kid.

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Post time 22-5-2006 02:18 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by BeanDiesel at 22-5-2006 02:04 PM

You know, I honestly don't really know what Thamby really means. I thought it means like "man", or "dude" or something like that. But since it's offensive, yes I shall advise him against that.

But this is what we expect from you. If what he said was wrong, report it to us. Do not wait until we advise you of a violation of our own. And you can't justify your violation with other people violation.

So, my advise to you regarding calling anti_aktivis stands. And I shall now advise kerengkang too.

are u saying member can call other different name here? I am know as advise members to address me in such name not name calling like thamy, apek or whatever!!!

would u like to be called  'hey dick" or different frm other name???

u should be more professional handling this forum if not LEAVE  :agr:

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 Author| Post time 22-5-2006 02:20 PM | Show all posts

I'm at work and about to finish my shift. So I'll be back to you in an hour or so.

Thank you for your patience.


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 Author| Post time 22-5-2006 03:47 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 5/21/06 10:17 PM
I been given  warning for calling other member kiddo but when muslims members label me "Thamby" similar to kiddo he kept silent without warning them. How could other member label me 'Thamby" when i carried Truth.8??

As I have told you I wasn't too sure the meaning of that word, whether or not it was offensive. And since you've pointed it out, I took the action against it. I advised kerengkang against that right after that, before you started the thread criticizing me, because I thought it was the right thing to do.

Why did you have to wait until I advise you of the rules to report to me of the violation? Didn't I tell you many times to click the report button the moment you encounter a violation?

I guess Muslims backing Muslims here.

This totally unfair, unjust and double standar.

You think I really care what your or other people's religion is? Have I not issued any warning/advise to muslims members as well? Ask them. I dont think I have to state each one of them here.

You know, you might want to pay attention to my warning/advise for other people too. It seems like you only see my advise/warning issued agaist you.

sooner i will lodge a compliant to admin.

I've been waiting for you to do that. Go ahead. I can't wait to defend myself.

Oh yeah, we also have another moderator here. Report me to him too.

And DVP, tell me if I've been practicing double standard here. It's fine, I just want an honest opinion.

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 Author| Post time 22-5-2006 03:52 PM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by Truth.8 at 5/21/06 10:18 PM

are u saying member can call other different name here? I am know as advise members to address me in such name not name calling like thamy, apek or whatever!!!

No. But sometimes, people allow to be called 'bro', 'dude' or something like that. And I thought thamby is something like that too. Apparently it's not, and you're offended. So, regardless how ok it may seem, if necessary, I'll take action. And I just warned kerengkeng of that.

So, the safest way is to address somebody by his/her Cari Forum nickname. Do not even shortened someone's nickname since the person may not like it. For example, I saw once that BaiduriOthman didn't like to be called Bai. Therefore that's not allowed too.

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Post time 22-5-2006 08:06 PM | Show all posts
Religion is a very personal and sensitive topic.What I mean is one should give opinions pertaining to  his/her religion only and try to avoide comparing or giving judgements on others' religions.

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