The Deity of Jesus Christ (Ketuhanan Yesus Kristus)
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god is good all the time!! |
pening kepala cam ni
tapi yg saya tahu
TUHAN ada dimana -mana
dekat watttb punada
kat abang waja pun ada
kat saya???
tapi yang jelasnya
syaitan pun ada gak!!!!!! |
Resourse: Adakah Isa Allah - Indonesian translation
Mari kita lihat beberapa contoh daripada Kitab Injil:
- Hazrat Isa mengakui kewujudannya yang kekal Mereka berkata kepada Hazrat Isa, "Umurmu belum lagi lima puluh tahun dan kamu sudah melihat Abraham?" Hazrat Isa menjawab, "Apa yang Aku katakan ini benar: Sebelum Abraham dilahirkan, Aku sudah ada." (Yahya 8:57-58)
- Hazrat Isa Maha Tahu Apabila Hazrat Isa nampak Natanael datang kepadaNya, Dia berkata tentang Natanael, "Inilah orang Israel sejati; tiada kepalsuan padanya!" Natanael bertanya kepada Hazrat Isa, "Bagaimana tuan mengenal saya?" Hazrat Isa menjawab, "Sebelum Filipus memanggil kamu, Aku telah nampak kamu di bawah pokok ara itu." (Yahya 1:47-48)
Hazrat Isa menjawab, "Pergilah panggil suamimu lalu kembalilah ke sini." Wanita itu menjawab, "Saya tidak bersuami." Lalu Hazrat Isa berkata, "Betul katamu bahawa kamu tidak bersuami. Kamu sudah berkahwin lima kali, dan lelaki yang tinggal denganmu sekarang ini bukan suamimu. Memang benar katamu." (Yahya 4:16-18) - Hazrat Isa akan menghakimi segala bangsa Bapa tidak menghakimi sesiapa pun. Dia sudah menyerahkan segala kekuasaan untuk menghakimi orang kepada AnakNya. Oleh itu semua orang menghormati Anak sebagaimana mereka menghormati Bapa. (Yahya 5:22-23b)
- Hazrat Isa Maha Kuasa Mukjizat-mukjizatNya mengukuhkan kebenaran ini. Memang diakui bahawa nabi-nabi lain juga melakukan mukjizat, tetapi mereka melakukannya dengan memohon kuasa Allah melalui doa. Hazrat Isa tidak melakukan ini kerana sifat keilahianNya berkuasa melakukan mukjizat. Juga perlu dinyatakan di sini bahawa murid-murid Hazrat Isa melakukan berbagai mukjizat dalam nama Hazrat Isa:
Tetapi Petrus berkata kepadanya, "Aku sama sekali tidak mempunyai wang, tetapi apa yang ada padaku akan aku beri kepadamu: dengan kuasa Hazrat Isa Kristus orang Nasaret itu, berjalanlah!" (Kisah Para Rasul 3:6). - Hazrat Isa berkuasa mengampuni dosa Hazrat Isa melihat bahawa mereka sangat beriman. Oleh itu Dia berkata kepaa orang lumpuh itu, "AnakKu, dosamu sudah diampunkan. Tetapi kepada kamu Aku akan membuktikan bahawa di atas bumi ini Anak Manusia berkuasa mengampunkan dosa. Lalu Hazrat Isa berkata kepada orang lumpuh itu, "Bangunlah, angkat tikarmu, dan pulanglah!" (Markus 2:5,10-11)
- Hazrat Isa mengaku datang dari syurga ". . . kerana Aku sudah turun dari syurga bukan untuk melakukan kehendakKu sendiri, tetapi kehendak Dia yang mengutus Aku. Akulah roti yang memberi hidup, roti yang turun dari syurga. Orang yang makan roti ini akan hidup selama-lamanya. (Yahya 6:38a, 51a)
- Hazrat Isa akan membangkitkan semua orang yang mati ". . . Aku harus membangkitkan mereka semua pada Hari Kiamat. Memang inilah kehendak BapaKu: Semua orang yang melihat Anak lalu percaya kepadaNya akan beroleh hidup sejati dan kekal, dan Aku akan membangkitkan mereka pada Hari Kiamat" (Yahya 6:39b-40)
Hazrat Isa berkata kepada Marta, "Akulah yang membangkitkan orang mati dan yang memberi hidup. Sesiapa yang percaya kepadaKu akan hidup, meskipun dia sudah mati." (Yahya 11:25) - Kedudukan akhirat semua manusia bergantung kepada tindakbalas mereka kepada identiti Hazrat Isa.
Itulah sebabnya Aku berkata kepada kamu, bahawa kamu akan mati dalam dosa kamu. Memang kamu akan mati dalam dosa kamu, jika kamu tidak percaya bahawa 慉kulah Dia yang menyebut diriNya AKU.抂/i] (Yahya 8:24)
Kesemua hakikat ini menunjuk kepada keilahian Hazrat Isa. Semua yang dinyatakan di atas adalah sifat dan hak istimewa Allah yang juga diakui dalam Islam. Apakah dengan menyatakan semua ini, Hazrat Isa tidak berkata dia itu Allah? Seringkali Dia dituduh menghina martabat Allah apabila menyatakan hal-hal di atas. Walaupun Dia tahu bahawa tuntutNya itu akan membawa kepada hukuman mati, Dia tidak berganjak daripada pernyataan-pernyataannya yang penuh kontroversi itu.
Semua orang Yahudi di situ menjawab, "Menurut hukum kami dia harus dihukum mati kerana dia mengaku dirinya Anak Allah." (Yahya 19:7)
Jelaslah bagi Hazrat Isa bahawa segala kenyataanNya adalah benar dan diucapkan dengan akal yang waras. Al-Quran memaparkan Hazrat Isa sebagai seorang yang benar, waras dan terhormat. Jadi, adalah mustahil untuk Hazrat Isa berdusta, apatah lagi sanggup mati untuk kenyataan-kenyataan yang Dia sendiri akui! Jika kata-kata ini tidak diucap oleh Hazrat Isa (seperti yang disarankan sesetengah pihak), apakah Hazrat Isa mahu mati untuk kenyataan-kenyataan dusta orang lain tentang diriNya? |
Sesiapa yang menerima ketuhanan Yesus kristus, boleh cuba lakukan seperti yang ditulis oleh Markus untuk membuktikan kepercayaan masing-masing :
Markus, 16:17 Tanda-tanda ini akan menyertai orang-orang yang percaya: Mereka akan mengusir setan-setan demi nama ku, mereka akan berbincang dalam bahasa-bahasa yang baru bagi mereka.
Markus, 16:18 Mereka akan memegang ular (ular-ular yang berbisa) dan sekalipun mereka Minum Racun Maut, mereka tidak akan mendapat celaka; mereka akan meletakan tangannya atas orang sakit, dan orang itu akan sembuh. |
At the same time, our Lord says, DO NOT TEST THE LORD YOUR GOD ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
Reply #25 Shwein1990's post
At the same time, our Lord says, DO NOT TEST THE LORD YOUR GOD
Then tell Mark or the writer of the gospel, that those verses 16: 17 - 18 are not from the Lord their God.
But still that did not stop some people from testing the The Lord their God by crucifying His Annointed one Jesus, whose mission was to gather the lost sheep of Israel. |
Sorry dude, do u understand crucifixion? Study more about it.
Tell Mark what?? did mark says u CAN put your God into test?? and btw, certain verse are like metaphors.... do not misuse them blindly please. PLEASE
Understand the verse before u'r trying to use it lest you misuse it. Please stop being so ignorant and silly. How many times do ppl need to tell you and repeat?? Stay out of it if u cant accept. Stop arguing what is right n wrong. Respect others and yourself.
thank you![](static/image/smiley/default/shy.gif) |
Sorry dude, do u understand crucifixion? Study more about it.
Tell Mark what?? did mark says u CAN put your God into test?? and btw, certain verse are like metaphors.... do not misuse them blindly please. PLEASE
Understand the verse before u'r trying to use it lest you misuse it. Please stop being so ignorant and silly. How many times do ppl need to tell you and repeat?? Stay out of it if u cant accept. Stop arguing what is right n wrong. Respect others and yourself.
thank you![](static/image/smiley/default/shy.gif) |
Sorry, for the double posting...... weird..... my connection shaky.....
[ Last edited by Shwein1990 at 12-2-2008 11:17 PM ] |
Reply #28 Shwein1990's post
Crucifxion is morally wrong to punish innocent men. Not to God anyway. To the Romans Yes, if a person is a threat to the Ruler, they could easily accused him of sedition and the punisment was to be crucified on the cross.
If Mark didn't say, do not test your God. Then you can apply what Mark suggested in 16: 17,18 verses.
Why do you like to call, ignorant and silly? If you are truly knowledgeable and clever, can you apply that simple direct verses which are not metaphors as you think, given above? and tell back the results. |
Did not Matthew mentioned "Do NOT test the Lord your God" ??? Our God is not only God of miracles, even if ppl cast out demons, heal, etc. in His name, if that person does not love Him, He will not recognize him as citizen of Heaven.
Our God is a God of love, Christianity most importantly is about love, relationship, not merely about miracles, healing, exorcism. AND, what for i cast out demons? (not all can cast out demons, even someone with very strong faith needs God's permission to do so) Did the Lord says you must cast out every demons?? If so, where is Satan?? Did not the Archangel Michael says this to Satan, "MY LORD shall rebuke you" rather then "I SHALL rebuke you" ? And if i to use the verses to cast out demon for no reason, just for proving it, I AM TESTING our LORD, and mayb commanding our God, that is very wrong, its like putting God under myself.
About healing, i do not hav very close relationship with God, and i wont simply test it, who am i to command God to heal someone. but i'll pray for someone's health.
Using the verses to prove it? that is glorifying myself rather thn God, which is WRONG. AND THE BIBLE IS NOT A BOOK OF SPELL.
"Crucifixion is morally wrong to punish innocent men. " From this phrase i can know u never fully understand crucifixion, INNOCENT MEN?? so.... who are they that next to Jesus ? innocent men ?? (i never say they should be punished like that)
"Not to God anyway." So, you're trying to say Crucifying Jesus was morally RIGHT for Christian?? See?? dint what i said was right? you never understand what is crucifixion. (especially ~ of Jesus)
thank you.
[ Last edited by Shwein1990 at 13-2-2008 09:05 AM ] |
Reply #31 Shwein1990's post
Your understanding of Roman's prosecutions , to whom crucifixions were applied was misleading. And you think you are right. Good! never mind keep what you think you know.
If you want to remove a few cobwebs from your thinking on the subject of crucifixion, you should know that those two men are not ordinary robbers or criminals.
It is historical fact that the Romans did not crucify robbers or common criminals, much least someone who preached the kingdom of God. As long as they are not a threat to the government of Rome.
Crucifixion was reserved for insurrectionist and rebellious slaves.
Jesus was accused of such act by the elite Jews, trying to be 'King of the Jews,' to rebel against their Romans master and Rulers.
Hence, he was too prosecuted by nailing and hanging him to the cross. Just like the two rebellious slaves. |
i never say im right and understand fully what is crucifixion,(in fact, im still a learner) And, the 2 next to jesus were punished, dint they say they were sinned?? (probably not they, one of them) Well, its a historical fact, and u accept it, but YET u cant accept certain historical fact about Jesus, *sigh* nevermind.
"Crucifixion was used for slaves, rebels, pirates and especially-despised enemies and criminals." source : Wikipedia.org
Jesus was punished because he was accused by the "elite jews" and it was because Pilate fear that the jews might rebel, therefore he had no choice to punish Jesus. Pilate even felt Jesus was not guilty.
"Hence, he was too prosecuted by nailing and hanging him to the cross. Just like the two rebellious slaves." i thought they were thieves?? (maybe robbers) nvm, chk out wikipedia.org
so, whats next? ![](static/image/smiley/default/shy.gif) |
Reply #33 Shwein1990's post
Before going to the next...
Here is more about crucifixion as it reads below :
Crucifixion was a common mode of eliminating political prisoners, murderers and insurgents. Long before the birth of Jesus, the phoenecians had experimented with various methods to get rid of their anti-social characters.
The Romans borrowed and perfected the system. They developed a crucifixion for fast death and disposal, and another for a slow death and disposal.
The two 'crossmates' one on his right hand and the other on his left hand as undergoing the fast method, whereas Jesus himself was undergoing a slow process.
In Mark 15:27 - 'lestes' in the original. Alternatively translated as 'thieves', is actually a derogatory term for 'Zealots'
These 'crossmates' of Jesus were not common thieves or crooks. They were the terrorists of their day. Heroes of their nation.
So next... were there any eye witnesses to Jesus's alleged crucifixion ??? |
oh ok, thanks
So next... were there any eye witnesses to Jesus's alleged crucifixion ???
duh.... of course there were.... Its a big event ye know? but if u'r asking who are the witnesses, i cant answer that LOL!!
![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif) |
Reply #34 satellite88's post
Apa2 pun pasal itu crusifixion, 1 thing u must know that God never run away from His Own Word!
Ibrani 2:9
Tetapi Dia, yang untuk waktu yang singkat dibuat sedikit lebih rendah dari pada malaikat-malaikat, yaitu Yesus, kita lihat, yang oleh karena penderitaan maut, dimahkotai dengan kemuliaan dan hormat, supaya oleh kasih karunia Allah Ia mengalami maut bagi semua manusia.
Dan siapa menyangka bahawa tahap kerendahan yang dialaminya adalah "PENYALIBAN" yang telah dikenali sebagai terkutuk(tahap terendah) itu. Sebab penyaliban adalah HUKUMAN PALING MENYAKITKAN DAN MENGERIKAN adanya bagi seseorang manusia di mana kamu akan dicaci, diludah, diperlakukan lebih daripada binatang(binatang kalau didera, tidak pula diludah gitu ya).
Ini juga membuktikan bahawa Yesus walaupun mengalami siksaan yang paling tidak dapat dibayangkan dengan kata2, namun Dia tetap setia sampai kematianNya.
Jadi tiaada masalah bagi persoalan ini.
Lagi, Yohanes 3:16 - Karena begitu besar kasih Allah akan dunia ini sehingga Ia mengaruniakan anakNya yang tunggal(Yesus) supaya setiap orang yang percaya kepadaNya tidak binasa melainkan beroleh hidup yang kekal
Bagaimana bukti kasihnya Allah Islam terhadap orang2 yang percaya kepada 'nabinya'? |
Reply #36 witara's post
Ini kes tengok wayang punya jawapan, ada tengok 'Passion of Christ' ?
Apa U cakap ini? sudah ketinggalan keretapi. |
Reply #37 satellite88's post
uh... huh??? har??!?!?!?!? so.... whats the matter with passion of Christ ?? ![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif) |
Originally posted by satellite88 at 14-2-2008 09:11 PM ![](http://forum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Ini kes tengok wayang punya jawapan, ada tengok 'Passion of Christ' ?
Apa U cakap ini? sudah ketinggalan keretapi.
Yes I did watch the movie. But my answers were taken from what the Bible says not the movie!
Ko yang tiba2 teringat pasal cerita tu wat apa pal......
Sorry lah, aku dah pakai time machine. Keretapi tak main. Ko yang masih tunggu kat stesen.
[ Last edited by witara at 15-2-2008 09:07 AM ] |
Jawab soklan aku tu pun belum lagi |
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