Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 6-1-2007 02:42 AM
Bodoh punya binatang.
saya tanya
lu jakun ker atau sakai.. sebab pu-ki-mak macam ko ni angkuh kononya bumi ni ko yang punya.
lu kasi satu bukti yg wa angkuh...
biler masa wa usik lu punya skrotum ?
lu kalau nak pukul UMNO pun, apsal lu heret satu keturunan kat sini ?
lagi satu...
bahasa tu tolong baik sikit...
jangan sampai aku anggap ko setaraf dengan binatang...
mak bapak lu dulu lupa nak ajar lu adab ka ?
tu lar asyik makan babi jek...
semua benda ko nak sondol
okay ?
peace |
Reply #14 FaithHealer3's post
Tak perlu la saya citer lebih panjang pasal tragedi 13 may sebab topik tuh ade dalam BOD History..saya pun ade join BOD tuh..kalau faith nak discuss lebih lanjut pergi la sana jangan buat kacau kat sini ok?
P.S: If we follow the chronology of this thread carefully, who's provoking who at the begining? There you go!! If you get the answer than it is easier to understand the chronology of the 13th May tragedy and the cause of it... ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
Allahu Akbar! great post sedare. biar le org kafir dgn pendapat mereka. hanya menunjukkan betapa rendah mentaliti mereka. sedih2 |
Originally posted by rurouni_khairul at 6-1-2007 03:54 AM
Tak perlu la saya citer lebih panjang pasal tragedi 13 may sebab topik tuh ade dalam BOD History..saya pun ade join BOD tuh..kalau faith nak discuss lebih lanjut pergi la sana jangan buat kacau k ...
Engko pun sama seperti si kerengkang tu. Engko yg brought up the barbaric malay-run amok topic of May13.
Who provoke who?
Its was rotibakar2006 yg provoke me by his idiotic lies that Quran mengandungi petunjuk saintifik. Many times the same lies been debuked and yet you muslims like dumb people repeat the same lies over and over again.
For example the Quran in many places says the earth is like a bed or a carpet but you people lie that it says that say its sperical. You people lie about dahaha it means spread but you people insist it means ostrich egg even when its obvious that an ostrich egg does not look like the earth.
The article is an insult to human'sintelligence. |
Originally posted by hiburanmalam at 6-1-2007 06:07 AM
Allahu Akbar! great post sedare. biar le org kafir dgn pendapat mereka. hanya menunjukkan betapa rendah mentaliti mereka. sedih2
Elo whose khabar
Allah maybe great but cetainly you people are not. |
me This user has been deleted
Originally posted by rotibakar2006 at 4-1-2007 02:14 PM
Al-Quran terkandung hudan atau petunjuk yang memberi pedoman kepada manusia mengenai sesuatu yang nyata dan sesuatu yang ghaib. Mukjizat yang disampaikan oleh Allah kepada manusia menerusi Rasul- ...
boleh bagi contoh tak? saya tak baca quran, so saya tak tau ayat-ayat yang saudara nyatakan. |
bdk kecik cam si faith tu jgn dilayan langsung biarkan dia je wat tak tau jeee sbb mentaliti dia dah mmg camtuhh. Dok lwn ngan dia pon mmg tak guna pasai otak dia mmg bengap bebal daahh |
Originally posted by me at 6-1-2007 10:08 AM
boleh bagi contoh tak? saya tak baca quran, so saya tak tau ayat-ayat yang saudara nyatakan.
Hmm...maybe you can look after any English translation of the Quran in your nearest library..there is a difficulty to do that because only and expert in Quranic studies can do that. If an average Muslims inteprates any Sura and his interpretation is misleading, it can only cause more confusion since then one who cited it is not an expert. |
me This user has been deleted
Originally posted by rurouni_khairul at 6-1-2007 06:21 PM
Hmm...maybe you can look after any English translation of the Quran in your nearest library..there is a difficulty to do that because only and expert in Quranic studies can do that. If an ave ...
bukan begitu maksud saya, rotibakar2006 pada awal post dia ada sertakan ayat-ayat, tetapi hanya nombor ayat sahaja, bukan ayat-ayat itu sendiri. sebab tu saya minta contoh. |
rinaaz This user has been deleted
Reply #28 rurouni_khairul's post
emm..I respect u punyer cara menjawab..sungguh cool.. dan betul gak bak kata strike.. buat tatau ajer la dgn memana org yang sengaja untuk mencari pasal kt forum or sengaja menindas or sengaja bersikap kurang ajar dgn ajaran agama islam dgn cara mempersendakan islam..
HAM is delicious ? terpikir sejenak mengenai daging haram nih... sememangnyer diharamkan kerana kalo makan akan mengundangkan masalah kepada sistem didalam tubuh badan kita dimana terdapat sejenis virus / kuman yang tidak akan mati jika dimasak walopun selama mana pun kita merebusnyer..
Ternyata forum ini dibuka kepada pelbagai bangsa... negara kita ini negara berbilang kaum dan majmuk..dan tidak salah jika ada yang ingin memberikan komen tetapi jangan terlalu menonjol hingga boleh mendatangkan kemarahan bangsa lain sedangkan kita saling hormat menghormati antara satu sama lain..
Buat sesapa yang berkenaan .. yang mungkin telah lama mendaftarkan diri dalam forum ini,tolong lah jgn terlalu obvious mengata or mempersendakan alquran.. takut nnt memakan diri...
Bertanye jika ingin mengetahui dan bukan mempersenda... |
umpiretwinotter This user has been deleted
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 6-1-2007 06:28 AM
Elo whose khabar
Allah maybe great but cetainly you people are not.
The problem with these kind of people (like Faithhealer3 and Barney and others) is that they don't know what they are talking about, and their thinking is only based on their anger toward somthing (that we don't know of). The accused the holy Quran full of lies but yet I bet 100% that they haven't gone through a surah of the Quran.
My advice is this:
1) If you want to know the truth about something, you have to find it from a 100% reliable source.
For example, if you are eager to know the mark for your math paper, would you trust the words from your friend who took a peek at your marked paper or the words from your teacher?
Int his case the 100% reliable source is from the holy Quran itself. Don't listen to the bad mouthing from others.
2) If you want to know the truth about something, you have to fully understand that thing.
For example, if you want to score A for your math paper, you need to understand the concepts and theories etc. Then you can score A or 100%. If the theories or equations that you use are wrong, then your answers would be wrong.
In this case, bashing is useless because you look pretty much not mature and ridiculous since you haven't gone through the Quran. Please read and go through it first then you'll think 100 times to post such irrelevant comments on this Cari network.
Am I wrong? |
me This user has been deleted
Originally posted by umpiretwinotter at 8-1-2007 11:25 AM
The problem with these kind of people (like Faithhealer3 and Barney and others) is that they don't know what they are talking about, and their thinking is only based on their anger toward somthing (that we don't know of). The accused the holy Quran full of lies but yet I bet 100% that they haven't gone through a surah of the Quran.
My advice is this:
1) If you want to know the truth about something, you have to find it from a 100% reliable source.
For example, if you are eager to know the mark for your math paper, would you trust the words from your friend who took a peek at your marked paper or the words from your teacher?
Int his case the 100% reliable source is from the holy Quran itself. Don't listen to the bad mouthing from others.
2) If you want to know the truth about something, you have to fully understand that thing.
For example, if you want to score A for your math paper, you need to understand the concepts and theories etc. Then you can score A or 100%. If the theories or equations that you use are wrong, then your answers would be wrong.
In this case, bashing is useless because you look pretty much not mature and ridiculous since you haven't gone through the Quran. Please read and go through it first then you'll think 100 times to post such irrelevant comments on this Cari network.
Am I wrong?
well said, well said. but i supposed the same goes to the muslims too right? |
me This user has been deleted
Originally posted by rinaaz at 7-1-2007 04:43 PM
Buat sesapa yang berkenaan .. yang mungkin telah lama mendaftarkan diri dalam forum ini,tolong lah jgn terlalu obvious mengata or mempersendakan alquran.. takut nnt memakan diri...
Bertanye jika ingin mengetahui dan bukan mempersenda...
saya amat berharap anda dapat menujukan kata-kata anda ini kepada semua, bukannya kepada non-muslim sahaja...jika anda lihat banyak post-post yang menggunakan kikiki, kuhkuhkuh, hahaha, kuikuikui dsb... |
Originally posted by me at 8-1-2007 07:17 PM
saya amat berharap anda dapat menujukan kata-kata anda ini kepada semua, bukannya kepada non-muslim sahaja...jika anda lihat banyak post-post yang menggunakan kikiki, kuhkuhkuh, hahaha, kui ...
Saya setuju...bila harus menegur kita tak bole berat sebelah dengan hanya mengkritik non-muslim, tetapi apabila perbuatan tak beradab dilakukan oleh Muslim kita hanya mendiamkan diri malah beranggapan tindakan itu sebagai tindakan yang betul. Bila kita hendak mengadili, adililah dengan adil dan tidak bias.
[ Last edited by rurouni_khairul at 8-1-2007 08:35 PM ] |
Originally posted by me at 8-1-2007 07:17 PM
saya amat berharap anda dapat menujukan kata-kata anda ini kepada semua, bukannya kepada non-muslim sahaja...jika anda lihat banyak post-post yang menggunakan kikiki, kuhkuhkuh, hahaha, kui ...
whats wrong with ki ki ? Hmmmm does it create a twist fact? Ki ki ki |
me This user has been deleted
Originally posted by anti_aktivis2 at 8-1-2007 07:34 PM
whats wrong with ki ki ? Hmmmm does it create a twist fact? Ki ki ki
aiks...terasa ke??? |
umpiretwinotter This user has been deleted
Originally posted by me at 8-1-2007 07:13 PM
well said, well said. but i supposed the same goes to the muslims too right?
Yes, I agree 101%. |
Originally posted by me at 6-1-2007 09:00 PM
bukan begitu maksud saya, rotibakar2006 pada awal post dia ada sertakan ayat-ayat, tetapi hanya nombor ayat sahaja, bukan ayat-ayat itu sendiri. sebab tu saya minta contoh.
揗engapa kamu berkeadaan tidak menghargai kebesaran Allah (dan kekuasaanNya), Padahal sesungguhnya Ia telah menciptakan kamu dengan kejadian yang berperingkat-peringkat? |
me This user has been deleted
[quote]Originally posted by carpet at 12-1-2007 11:47 AM
揗engapa kamuberkeadaan tidak menghargai kebesaran Allah (dan kekuasaanNya), Padahalsesungguhnya Ia telah menciptakan kamu dengan kejadian yangberperingkat-peringkat? |
Reply #39 me's post
carpet pn bukan doktor saudara/i me...
hehe...tp carpet nk jd doktor satu hari nnti...InsyaAllah..
ni mengikut apa yg penah carpet baca..
berperingkat-peringkat yg dimaksudkan dlm ayat itu ialah..
peringkat pertama 'nutfah' (setitik air..air mani)..kedua 'alaqah (menyerupai lintah)..ke3 'mudghah' (sesuatu yg seperti dimamah)..ke4 peringkat pmbtkan tulang..dan pembungkusan tulang dgn daging..
kalau x percaya...boleh lihat sendiri..
tp hnya boleh dilihat menggunakan mikroskop berkuasa tinggi tau...
mungkinkah pd zaman Rasulullah telah wujud mikroskop berkuasa tinggi..?hehe.. |
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