Shane_anna This user has been deleted
Sabar the same time ko kena banyak bertanya..buat je muka tak malu..tanya je apa yang ko boleh tolong...sambil tu kan ko dapat belajar dari diaorng...takkan lah dalam 10 orang dekat situ satu pun tak boleh tunjuk ajar ko kot?? |
doalah banyak2 watever..i nak tolong pun i tak reti. dulu i akui prestasi keje i teruk psl i tak de confidence..takde kawan baik yang dapat memberi sokongan..
sekarang alhamdulillah, i dah mula selesa..sebab ada teamwork..walaupun i pun agak blur dan slow...tapi alhamdulillah, i mula sedikit demi sedikit...since i dah tukar department baru..
dorg borak, i sibuk borak, dorang makan, i offer masakkan makanan..u know whatever..makanan antara cara yang menarik untuk establish relationship..kalau u pandai masak, u masak..bwk opis..pastu ajak kwn2 join sama..
takpun u beli la snek ke kopok ke..u stokkan kat opis u..mesti ramai yang datang tempat u, mntak makanan..sambil2 tue, u boleh, ni sebutir cracker nie, caj 50sen tau..heheh
i tak tahu kalau u mcmmana , tapi memang kawan2, teamwork beri pengaruh besar dlm mutu kerja i..kalau takde communication, i tak tahu perkembangan, i tak tahu camner nak ambil hati dorg, sebab dorg yang bekerja ngn kita, kan? so, i tak boleh buat kerje dgn baik...kita bukan bekerja seorang diri..kt mana2 pun sama...kat opis i, ada sorg mamat tue, suka menyendiri, jarang berborak ngn staf lain..kerja dia selalu silap..boss byk yg x puas hati dgn kejer dia..kalau nak berurusan dgn staf lain pun dia segan...terukla kalau mcm nie.
pasal slow, blur mungkin sama ngn i juga..i tak berapa gemar berborak..tapi kalau dah terpaksa, i ikut gak flow dorg..
nasihat saya, antara yang boleh developkan keyakinan diri watever..u kena cari teman.. imean mcm kroni..mcm orang putih kata, if u can't beat them, join them. bila ada teman u kan rasa seronok, u tahu perkembangan dan rasa diri u dihargai .. disayangi.. u pun akan seronok melakukan kerja u..since i knew keje u taklah complicated sgt..
satu lagi kalau u sukar carii teman di sekeliling u, u luahkan masalah u pada yang maha esa..insya allah, hati u akan tenang.. |
Reply #1 watever_0607's post
ko lagi...x settle lg ker...ko gi jd buruh kontrak dulu ler..rsa kje susah dulu yg berat2. kje cam tu sntiasa ader kje dan tungu jer org suruh. Nnti ko akan blaja sesuatu dr sana. |
aku rase ko ni mcm kera sumbang la.. ko dgn hal ko, aku dgn hal aku..lebih kurang camtu..
nasihat aku.. ko fight la masalah2 ko tu.. mcm malas menegur,malas nak bercakap,suke buat hal sendirian, tak mesra,tak friendly..
mcm ko expect staff/boss dtg approach ko..common la.. ringan2kan lah bontot tu tanyer staff ape2 yg patut..jgn merepek pulak.. jumpe boss selalu..
kalau kene marah dgn boss..accept , pastu perbaiki diri/ kerja..then tunjuk balik kat boss..
sori kalau ada tersalah bahasa ye.. cos aku pernah ada staff lebih kurang gini.. tak friendly,buat hal sendiri,expect org dekati die..last2 staff n boss buat dek je kat die..dan disudahi dgn ' you're fired!!'.. |
Originally posted by tightcherry at 30-1-2007 09:44 PM
aku rase ko ni mcm kera sumbang la.. ko dgn hal ko, aku dgn hal aku..lebih kurang camtu..
nasihat aku.. ko fight la masalah2 ko tu.. mcm malas menegur,malas nak bercakap,suke buat hal sendirian, ...
Tighcherry...u tak baca agaknye citer i..mungkin sebab pjg sgt...Kan i kata 1 out of 8 tempat keje i yg lepas semua ok..Bleh jer get along ngan semua org...hidup bahagia kat ofis...cume yg ni haa...satu2 nye tempat kije yg buat i rase tepuk sebelah kalu i kena fire pun...i akan....kata...yaaahoooooo...!!...Sebab sebab tak sanggup...tepuk sebelah tgn jer..takde maknanye..di"HINA" mcm tuh!!....i buat pun semata-mata sebab duit jer skarng....Nak kena carik keje lain la..nampaknye...
Ape2 pun thanx...4 t advice...i will FIGHT!! negative habits, IMPROVE myself....hahahaha...type jer...memang la senang...huuhuhuh..... ..tapi kalu tak buat rase tak mesti kena buat jugak...ehehehheks.... |
mmg la tertekan kalu kite buat sesuatu tu bukn dtg dari hati kite sendiri.
tambahan pulak dgn persekitaran yg menambah2 lagi sakit ati.
aku penah jugak rase mcm ko rase.
ape yg aku buat,buat bodooo aje la...:cool:
dah org tak bg ko wat keje,takkan nak paksa.yg penting bulan2 pulus masuk.:nana:
ko pon ade ckp skrg ko buat keje tu semata2 duit aje kan?
sambil2 tu ko carik la keje lain.:jeling:
aku yg dah 3 tahun keje kat tmpt yg same ni pon dah naik boring.
aku dah amik borang apply tukar tmpt lain.nak berubah angin!:blah: |
....ayoooo!!.. |
Originally posted by embunpagi2309 at 1-2-2007 05:25 AM
mmg la tertekan kalu kite buat sesuatu tu bukn dtg dari hati kite sendiri.
tambahan pulak dgn persekitaran yg menambah2 lagi sakit ati.
aku penah jugak rase mcm ko rase.
Ooo...u pun pernah "diHina"..mcm tu eh?..Memang buat sakit hatijer,...menyampah!!...Buang masa & tenaga jer nak stress out pasalbenda2 tak guna mcm nih!!....Ish!!...BENCI btul!!...:@
Nasib baik skarang ni...skurang-kurangnye ,..watever dpt tenangkan skit kepala otak...So takde pk2 kan sgt..hal2 TAK GUNA mcm nih!!!....PODACIT!!!....
Yg pelik tu kkadang2 watever ade jugak tpk...saye ni...mperbesar2kan benda yg remeh ke??...Tapi rasenye tidak!!...Sebab watever rase kalu korang lain disrespect u..tak pasal2.....mesti u pun naik hangin jugak kan??.... |
tak paham la nape ade word "diHINA"....:hmm: |
Originally posted by peahjamboo at 2-2-2007 07:44 PM
tak paham la nape ade word "diHINA"....:hmm:
Yea la....Biler org cuber nak buat stupid conversation dgn die org...die org pulak....buat2..tak dengar lah!....Buat2 nak tak nak layan lah...Dah tu..biler melayan teguran i...die org tuh buat2...tak tgk muke watever lah!....Siape tak menyampah?...Kalu org layan u cmtu tu u suke tak???....
Dah tu....biler time2 nak bagi kije la...baru die org nampak yg watever ni wujud sebenarnye!!...Huh!!...Hampeh!!....Kalu tak selama ni watever cm tunggul jer!!....Bangang btul!!..... ...Syok la pulak lepaskan geram kat sini....Ahahahhhahaks....:@
Tapi memang cmtu la!...Watever tak tau nak buat mcm mana...Antara taktik yg watever cuber buat ialah..memang...buat bodoh la..I do my business u do your business!!....Dah kena COLD treatment mcm tu....Tak kan watever pulak nak terhegeh2...."buat baik"..dgn die org!!....P...dah!!....
Tapi watever tak bleh nak ketepikan...keadaan TENSION watever...Rase kekok...dah tu tak confident...Yea la...kalu ape2 hal....tak tau nak mintak tlg sape...Takde member yg bleh tolong cover...kalu terbuat silap...Dah tu nak sembang2 pun...takde...member...Duk la sorang2 buat muke bodoh!!....Huuhuhhuhuh......dah bosan buat muke bodoh....buat muka pandai pulak,...... ...ahahhahahks....
[ Last edited by watever_0607 at 22-2-2007 08:15 PM ] |
Yo watever,
Aku nak tanya sikit la.... ko nih buat kerja apa sebenarnya? Dalam tempoh sebulan ni ada tak boss ko komplen pasal mutu kerja ko? Ko sendiri puas hati tak dgn apa yg ko dah buat? |
Rosniena This user has been deleted
sabar...mana2 tempat ada dugaan..think positive..tanam diri biar apa yg berlaku ada hikmahnya..dan jgn harap kat orang..kene berusaha dan amik hati orang..kadang2 mmg rasa rendah diri tapi fikirkan..masa depan |
Originally posted by watever_0607 at 22-2-2007 21:05
Good questions....alaah....position watever ni memang takde kije sgt...sebab tu gaji pun ciput jer...Tapi bile pk2..balik...kkadang cm tak caye jer...sebab most t time takde kije...Tapi last2 ...
So, kalau memang bos ko tak bagi keje sangat tapi tetap bayar gaji, apa kata ko gunakan masa yg terluang itu untuk memperbaiki diri... read more books, learn something new, write a story.... whatever to make good use of the free time. Better than sitting back and worrying about why your office mates are not talking to you... |
PureSilk This user has been deleted
Originally posted by watever_0607 at 11-3-2007 10:25 PM
<br />
Well....masalahnye.....Kalu dah berusaha....nak bual2...tapi dari mula die org tuh dah TUNJUK PERANGAI yg BONGKAK & RIAK ke main!!!....Takde maknanye saye nak buang tenaga lag ...
dah masuk bulan ketiga pun tak recover lagi.yg pasti kita mmg tak boleh ubah keadaan sekeliling termasuk perangai orang tapi kita boleh cuba untuk sesuaikan diri kita dngan persekitaran..try to adapt..kalau mereka nampak riak, u just low profile n be down to earth, be as nice as possible..tapi jgn sampai org pijak advice, banyakkan bersabar dan tetapkan niat u bekerja..takperla kalau u tak dapat mix with them, asalkan u dapat tunaikan keje u dgn baik
[ Last edited by PureSilk at 11-3-2007 11:17 PM ] |
hye ... watever ...
oklah from ur story i know ur having a hard time right now ...head up... and don't look down on urself ok....i dunno if my advice will work or not ... but i gonna write it anyway....
whatever happens in the office ignore it... because its out of ur control and don't bother about thing that out of control..... the air cond ....f**k it ... ur officemate don't like u hell with them.... why u need to bother with all this things ...this is just external stuff that out of ur control .... don't bother about it .... just let them be .... nuthing comes if u gonna care about them ...till it cracks u i make any sense ...yes ..then go on reading...
the only thing that u should care is ur self....always think about urself ...always think what can i do in the internal that gonna affect the external ......ok ur boss don't acknowledge u then fine ...then rite now u need to search ur good qualities then show them to ur boss.... what mean here u need to identified ur good qualities and try applied to ur work ...and also try to make them shine.... understand ...good ...maybe u receive work once a while then if u don't like it.... ask for work try some responsibilty if people look down on you or tease u ... them hell with them ... u work for urself the salary will go to u .... u the one that gonna enjoy the benefit.... then why u should even care about those idiots who tease u ..... follow my motto hell with them .... maybe not in the shortest time...or maybe no one gonna like u forever but ...that's not the reason to be upset and be a quitter....u at least have put a good fight and u lose, but u only lose a battle not the war .... the war is life i know u want to win it ...then... wipe the sweat on ur face soldier and charge in to another battle....
ur social life in ur office ...easy.. u ain't dominant girl (r u a girl?), now u have build ur self up and face those tigers....always be strong and always be dominant ....don't let anyone kick u around ... don't let anyone push ur face into the mud.... the reason why they fell superior them u because u let them....because u let them use ur weaknesses ....the fact that u cried in the office show how fragile u r....rite now build up ur self confident and show them that ur a survivor and u don't need them.... u don't need their attention and u don't their sympathy.... show them that u can survive without them, show them ur resourcefulness,and show them ur finest qualities in ur work and in urself...if work related then u can ask them anything if not then don't bother urself with them high level of professionalism....then maybe someday ur boss and everyone in the office will respect u....
about urself improvement ....that's good ...but what're really try to improve, what skill do you want to sharpent and obtain....try write down here maybe i can give a comment....
u need to fight ...and not whine only quitters whine.....always remember life is not about hitting the hardest, is about how hard u can get hit, and stand up after u get hit (ROCKY BALBOA----i think it goes sumthing like that)
[ Last edited by fish_o7 at 18-3-2007 09:14 PM ] |
kalau macam tu lah jadinya...better you start your own are the boss and you are the employee |
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