aku suka baca komen Cho:i Jung Won terutama part ni
If he admits you as his lifelong friend, a trustable person, (e.g. ChoiJung Won) he will be willing to help you when you are in need. He willalso act like a child towards you and depend on you. However, he thenchanges from a cute angel to a devil, because you will always bebullied.
(Choi Jung Won: UN partner)
nampak ja comel leh tahan "evil"dia
wakakak sapa tengak rancangan happy together friend (kalau x salah) dia penah buli budak pempuan sbb dia suka budak tu.. comel sgt time dia malu2 tu
Sina News: Kim Jeong Hoon is so popular in SouthEast Asia,and he may be launching a music album at China.
Sina News: Used to be in a duo-group of UN, Kim Jeong Hoon's popularity has increased since March last year (2006).
His popularity has spread from Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia and to other parts of SouthEast Asia.
Last year, he has launched his solo album "5 Stella Lights" in November. His sales results of his solo album was good.
Hisincreasing popularity has become so huge, due to the Korean TV series,"Goong". While, both Yoon Eun Hye and Joo Ji Hoon have also became thelatest Korean idols too. So does Kim Jeong Hoon's "Best of Kim JeongHoon" music album, it has became more popular than ever, apart fromKorea.
His album "Best of Kim Jeong Hoon" has included somesoundtracks during his UN days, and the album has been released inseveral parts of SouthEast Asia such as Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand andmany more in Novemember 2006. Kim Jeong Hoon has planned to sign acontract with a music label in China, and it is rumoured that he willdebut a new music album in China too.
News reported by: Mr Lee and copyright by: MyDaily