Originally posted by MsAjai at 6-4-2007 11:00 PM
norvasc 10 mg...dh 9 bln amik...sblm ni ubat lain..i jumpa dr kat sjmc...every 3 mth check up...plus amik ubat utk 3 bln la...
i dh buat full check up...terasuk ct scan...as per report...i'm ...
norvasc 10mg?
actually 10mg tak byk effect pd u, normally doc akan bagi 40mg depends on patients jugak tapi sllnye 40mg sekali sehari..ada jugak yg ambik 3 kali sehari.kalau u just ambik 10mg sehari mmg takde effect sgt pun..sikit sgt effect.thats y kalau u skip pun tak de effect.
actually propanolol ni dikategorikan sebagai beta blocker/penghalang beta, sejenis dadah juga, dia blh control arythmia jantung u, so bila otot2 jantung u dah bergantung pd ubat ni/especially pr org yg dah ambik ubat ni untuk jangka masa yg panjang, so bila dia skip or stop mkn ubat ni, otot2 jantung u tak blh terima sbb dah biasa ambik/bergantung pd ubat ni untuk control otot2 jantung, thats y bahaya kalau u stop without ask ur doc ataupun skip
propanolol u kena ambik 3 kali sehari, means setiap 8 jam, so dlm 8 jam tu u tak blh terambik 2 dose dlm satu masa, thats y bila u dah ter skip, by the time u teringat tu u blh mkn ubat tu tapi dgn syarat bukan dlm masa 8 jam fpr the next dose.
kita ada 24 jam kan? so each dose tuk 8 jam.so dlm masa 8 jam tu tak blh ambik 2 dose.
ada org yg dah ambik ubat ni bertahun2..itu yg kena lebih alert, sbb SVT ni blh jd pd bila2 masa, even masa u driving, atau berjalan, n untuk2 org2 yg ada SVT,
PLEASE jgn buat activiti2 yg blh menyebabkan jantung laju, cth cam berlari, jogging, dan elakkan berada dlm keadaan nervous yg melampau..
sebab kalau u buat activity ni dan biarkan jantung u laju...dan bila jantung u terlalu laju, beat dia akan laju dan kalau terlalu laju dia blh jd out of control dan beat tu akan lari, or berterabur dan ini mmg susah nak kembalikan ke normal semula.
so nasihat saya elakkan buat aktiviti yg membahayakan jantung u.
actually mg tak digalakkan ambik ubat, sbb side effect ubat ni ada byk, tp propanolol takde effect sgt pd kidney, jrg sgt kes ni.n lagi satu bila u ada SVT tp u tak mkn ubat, kemungkinan untuk jantung u laju dgn tiba2 walaupun dlm keadaan relax tetap ada, sbb tu doc akan bagi ubat untuk control jantung u tu..
tapi if u still young, mmg tak digalakkan mkn ubat thats y skrg ni kita ada RFA..untuk matikan or lenyapkan terus SVT ni..but 95% percentage tuk berjaya. its just a small operation je, just a electric shock je.
tapi b4 u buat RFA doc akan buat angiogram dulu tuk make sure sama ada SVT u disebabkan oleh one of electric node u ada prob ataupun kerana pembuluh darah u sempit (sll nye untuk org2 yg dah berumur je, but nowdays org2 muda pun ada prob ni)
so angiogram tu tak silap dlm rm5k dia punya test..tuk RFA dlm rm25k..depends on hosp.but this figure tuk private hosp.
so if u under insurance coverage, i think insurance will cover u for this.if not u kena guna duit sendiri.
p/s: saje nak remind, insurance ni penting skrg, sbb cost perubatan kat malaysia ni bukan murah, unless u gov servant.
bukan nak promote, im not insurance agent but i dah jumpa ramai patients yg terpaksa tahan sakit just bcoz takde duit tuk operation. |
Originally posted by naiza at 7-4-2007 09:00 AM
thnks 4 the info, spashly monterez...
hm....nk tanya norvask tu apa kesan sampingan nya kalu ambil jangkamasa panjang...????
propanolol tak blh ambik if u pregnant, planning to preganant, breastfeeding>so kalau u ppuan susah la
thaty why inderal another brand of propanolol its better sal takde effect pd sexuality and u blh pregnant.
actually u can consult ur doc regarging this coz propanolol ada byk jenis, n setiap jenis tu somtimes effect dia berlainan, ada jugak propanolol yg blh buat lelaki jd mati pucuk. normally kat malaysia kita banyak guna inderal color pink nanti i take some pics..nanti i post.
inderal ni less side effect, less headache sbb dia pun ubt tuk migraine n HBP..
normally side effect norvask:-
dizziness fatigue flushing fluid retention and swelling headache - palpitations (fluttery or throbbing heartbeat)
Less common side effects may include abdominal pain, nausea or sleepiness
Rare side effects may include: << ni rarely happen but still ada yg berlakuabnormal dreams agitation allergic reactions altered sense of smell or taste anxiety apathy back pain chest pain cold and clammy skin conjunctivitis (pinkeye) constipation coughing depression diarrhea difficult or labored breathing difficult or painful urination difficulty swallowing dizziness or light-headedness when standing double vision dry mouth dry skin excessive urination eye pain fainting frequent urination gas general feeling of illness hair loss heart failure hives hot flashes inability to sleep increased appetite increased sweating indigestion inflamed blood vessels inflamed pancreas irregular heartbeat irregular pulse itching joint pain or problems lack of coordination lack of sensation loose stools loss of appetite loss of memory loss of sense of identity low blood pressure migraine muscle cramps or pain muscle weakness nasal inflammation nervousness nosebleed pain purple or red spots on the skin rapid heartbeat rash ringing in the ears sexual problems skin discoloration skin inflammation slow heartbeat stomach inflammation thirst tingling or "pins and needles" tremor twitching urinating at night urinating problems vertigo vision problems vomiting weakness - weight gain
for norvask info u can surf here
[ Last edited by monterez at 9-4-2007 09:27 AM ] |
Originally posted by wau at 7-4-2007 12:45 AM
monterez thanks for your explaination..sgt2 membantu..
ECG tu dah wat..yang lekat2 kat dada tu..pastu kuar graf tu kan..doc kate jantung xde masalah..normal..tp dia tulis somethin ...
tyroid tak semestinya u ada bengkak kat leher sayang..
tyroid is hormone tyroid yg bdn u keluarkan if berlebihan or tak terkawal lama2 dia akan jd bengkak kat leher tu.
if u ada prob dgn hormone tyroid u akan rasa berpeluh,mudha marah, tyroid prob yg ni normally doc akn check,dia akan check mata u,lps tu letak jari n suruh u tgk. n kalau u ada tyroid u akan sepajang masa rs palpitation, jantung u akan laju sll...
tuk make sure this u blh buat blood test cost dlm rm75..kat clinic biasa pun blh, u ckp je nak buat blood test tuk tyroid.
u ll get the result dlm masa 1 week. sbb kena hantar kat lab dulu.tapi kalau kat hosp u blh dpt result dlm beberapa jam.
erm lagi satu inderal takde side effect sgt pd kidney, very less side effect...n propanolol bukan sejenis ubat tahan sakit.its a beta blocker. |
julyjulai This user has been deleted
selain dr sebab2 di atas, kena juga tengok diet/ lifestyle.
antara faktor2 yg boleh menyebabkan hearbeat laju:
1) diet x seimbang - berat badan turun/ naik mendadak
2) terlalu banyak kafein
3) terlebih makan pisang. |
Reply #24 julyjulai's post
yeap, tapi this thing happens bila kita mkn mcm tu
dlm bdn kita ni ada tahap max tuk caffein, ada org bila minum caffein je tak blh beat jantung laju.
setengah org minum caffein hari2 okay je
ini sbb tahap caffein dlm bdn semua org tak sama
ada yg dah tahap max ada yg still blh minum.
tuk kesihatan jantung its better amalkan gaya hidup yg sihat.
lupa nak remind when u take propanolol pls no alcohol ok. |
here some pic of inderal 40mg.
ubat ni if not mistaken 30 biji rm45
[ Last edited by monterez at 9-4-2007 04:56 PM ] |
Originally posted by monterez at 9-4-2007 09:11 AM
norvasc 10mg?
actually 10mg tak byk effect pd u, normally doc akan bagi 40mg depends on patients jugak tapi sllnye 40mg sekali sehari..ada jugak yg ambik 3 kali sehari.kalau u just ambik ...
dear Monterez.. Norvasc is Amlodipine.. MAX dose is 10mg daily... kalau tak percaya boleh semak the link yg you sendiri kasi.. Harap maklum.. Kalau Vasteral ..yes you boleh ambil 3X sehari.. not Norvasc (Amlodipine).. |
tq monterez...
kalau lah amik max dos...what hapeen if i miss amik atau stop? so far i feel gud la...cuma nk tau lebih detail la kan...doktor kata kena mkn x blh stop...tension jugak bila doktor cakap mcm tu...
then blh sy tau...how doctor decide nk bagi ubat utk patient...what is the guideline...
like myself, i start ada high bp (180/100) during preggy (week 34 above)....adakah sbb ni dr bg norvasc? |
Reply #28 MsAjai's post
sory i dah slh fhm, u ambik norvask.
u can check my link yg i bagi tu...
kat situ ada if u plan tuk pregnant or tgh pregnant or breastfeeding.
okay? |
Originally posted by rebas at 9-4-2007 05:07 PM
dear Monterez.. Norvasc is Amlodipine.. MAX dose is 10mg daily... kalau tak percaya boleh semak the link yg you sendiri kasi.. Harap maklum.. Kalau Vasteral ..yes you boleh ambil 3X sehari.. ...
ye ke?
i skali imbas je kat situ..tak perasan pulak its amblodipine.tq...rebas
soryy..... |
Reply #28 MsAjai's post
MSajai..blh i tanya u.
u kat kl ke?
clinic yg bagi u norvask ke hosp? |
Originally posted by monterez at 10-4-2007 09:13 AM
MSajai..blh i tanya u.
u kat kl ke?
clinic yg bagi u norvask ke hosp?
i dh bersalin Mac 2006.
yg bagi norvask hospital...SJMC
i di KLIA
[ Last edited by MsAjai at 10-4-2007 11:21 PM ] |
Reply #32 MsAjai's post
ermm kalau SJMC nothing to wory le..
byk pakar kat situ
actually apa yg doc ckp psl sakit u?
is it SVT?
im sure u dah buat fully checkup kan? |
Reply #26 monterez's post
yang saya dpt..bentuk bulat kaler pink..tp xde tulisan2 cam yang awak tunjuk tu..same ke ek? |
Reply #35 MsAjai's post
wahhh bestnye sume comp cover
u keje MAS ke?
sory i thot u pun ada SVT, i tak baca posting awal2 tu
so ur prob je HBP je la kut..
takde SVT..ermmmmmmmmmmmmmm i dah silap
so WAU je yg ada prob ni
tapi denyutan jantung u laju kan?
kalau company cover then buat je semua medical checkup.jgn takut2..
Originally posted by wau at 11-4-2007 10:27 PM
yang saya dpt..bentuk bulat kaler pink..tp xde tulisan2 cam yang awak tunjuk tu..same ke ek?
propanolol ada banyak brand..maybe jugak
apa tulisan kat atas tu?
u ambik dr clinic ke hosp?
kebanyakan doc akan bagi inderal sbb less side effect. |
Reply #37 monterez's post
propanol yg saya dpt..xde tulisan pape lak...cume ada 1 garis jer...ala2 penadol nyer ubat pil..huhu..i x mkn pun ubat tu..u rasa patut ker i mkn...heart rate i skrg ok jer..every day bape kali i cek BP and pulse rate...
ni arini nyer reading...2 waktu berbeza
1) BP= 109/69, pulse rate = 69
2) BP= 110/64, pulse rate = 68
apa pendapat u? |
Reply #38 MsAjai's post
thank you...
stand for?
i thot u ngn MAS.
n nanti i nak pm u sumthing.. |
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