special qualities for outfield players only
A player with this symbol is a player like Ronald Koeman who can fireaway excellent shots from outside the penalty area. This player thusperforms at his/her best when having opportunities to shoot from adistance. A player with this quality is also reasonably good at takingfreekicks as he/she can rely on his/her powerful shot. His/her capacityin taking freekicks is however 20% below that of a specialist andhe/she is no good at freekick variations. A player with this qualitycan however be a good alternative to take freekicks if you have not gota specialist in your team.
Players with this symbol are very quick and can outpace most players.To be quick is good when alone against the goalkeeper but it is alsogood to have quick defenders who can catch players that have brokenaway from the defence. A player with this quality will be slightlybetter than others at scoring when alone with the goalkeeper.
A player with this symbol is a good header of the ball and will dominate in the air.
Players with this symbol have a good sense of where the goal is andoften end up in the right place at the right time. In other words theyhave goal instincts and are real goalpredators. Players with thisquality are at their best in the penalty area.
special qualities for goalkeepers only
Goalkeepers with this symbol often position themselves well and are alittle better at saving shots from a distance than other ways ofscoring.
Goalkeepers with this symbol are good at one on ones and often make thealone attacker's legs tremble. They are better than other goalkeepersin stopping attackers who have broken away from the defence.
If a goalkeeper has this symbol he/she is good at catching high balls.This type of goalkeeper is thus good at defending against crosses.
Goalkeepers with this symbol have quick reactions and are good atsaving shots from close range. They are thus better at saving shotsfrom within the penalty area than other ways of scoring.
Match days: Tuesday & Friday
Match time: 9:00 ( 3 pm waktu malaysia)
League description:
Setiap pasukan perlu menggunakan nama negara
Nama pemain mestilah mengikut kerakyatan/nationality yg paling hampir dengan negara yang dipilih.
Contoh: Jika anda memilih negara Togo sebagai pasukan anda, nationality pemain yg paling sesuai adalah Nigerian