Originally posted by Arissa_Sofea at 3-12-2008 21:43
ngarut...vitamin b17 is not cyanide.....
and it's not a vitamin....it's a misnomer
the correct name would be amygdalin...and it cannot cure cancer...not proven by research...
There i ...
Laetrile doesn't work? Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of patients die each year after undergoing surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy, but those treatments continue to be touted as "safe and effective"
[ Last edited by pintubesi at 10-4-2009 02:45 ] |
A 2006 Cochrane review of the evidence concluded "The claim that Laetrile has beneficial effects for cancer patients is not supported by data from controlled clinical trials. This systematic review has clearly identified the need for randomised or controlled clinical trials assessing the effectiveness of Laetrile or amygdalin for cancer treatment."[13] It has not been approved for this use by the United States' Food and Drug Administration.[9] The U.S. government's National Institutes of Health evaluated the evidence, including case reports and a clinical trial, and concluded that they showed little effect.[14] A 1982 trial of 178 patients found that tumor size had increased in all patients. Minimal side effects were seen except in two patients who consumed bitter almonds and suffered from cyanide poisoning.[15]
A study in 2006 on the treatment of prostate cancer concluded: "Based on these results, amygdalin shows considerable promise in the treatment of prostate cancer."[16]
In 1974, the American Cancer Society officially labelled laetrile as quackery, but advocates for laetrile dispute this label, asserting that financial motivations have tainted the published research.[17] Some North American cancer patients have travelled to Mexico for treatment with the substance, allegedly under the auspices of Dr. Ernesto Contreras.[18] One of these patients was actor Steve McQueen, who died in Mexico following surgery to remove a stomach tumour while undergoing treatment for mesothelioma.[19] Laetrile advocates within the United States include the late Dean Burk Ph.D.,[20] a former chief chemist of the National Cancer Institute's cytochemistry laboratory[21] and national arm wrestling champion Jason Vale, who claimed that his kidney and pancreatic cancers were cured by eating apricot seeds. Vale was convicted in 2003 for, among other things, marketing laetrile.[22] The US Food and Drug Administration continues to seek jail sentences for vendors selling laetrile for cancer treatment, calling it a "highly toxic product that has not shown any effect on treating cancer."[23]
Amygdalin was first isolated in 1830. In 1845 it was used for cancer in Russia, and again in the 1920s in the United States, but it was considered too poisonous.[14] In the 1950s a reportedly nontoxic, synthetic form was patented for use as a meat preservative,[24] and later marketed as Laetrile for cancer treatment.[14] In 1972, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center board member Benno Schmidt convinced the hospital to test laetrile so that he could assure others of its ineffectiveness "with some conviction".[25] However, the respected scientist put in charge of the testing, Kanematsu Sugiura, found that laetrile inhibited the secondary tumors in mice without destroying the primary tumors. He repeated the experiment three times with the same results, and then three more times. In a blinded test, however, he was unable to conclude that laetrile had anticancer activity. His first three experiments were not published because, in the words of Chester Stock, Sugiura's supervisor, "it would have caused all kind of havoc". Nevertheless the results were leaked in 1973, causing a stir. Subsequently laetrile was tested on 14 tumor systems, and a Sloan-Kettering press release concluded that "laetrile showed no beneficial effects".[25] Three other researchers were unable to confirm Sugiura's results, although one of three did confirm Sugiara's results in one of his three studies. Mistakes in the Sloan-Kettering press release were highlighted by a group of laetrile proponents led by Ralph Moss, former public affairs official of Sloan-Kettering hospital, who was fired when he announced his membership in the group. These mistakes were considered inconsequential, but Nicholas Wade in Science noted that "even the appearance of a departure from strict objectivity is unfortunate."[25] The results from these studies were published all together.[26]
*takder doktor pun yg claim chemo and radio safe 100%. sumer procedure ada side effect dia. tuh la penting utk tgk risk and benefit before start apa2 treatment. kalau dah kena cancer stage 4 tuh tunggu je la mati. very unlikely to survive. palliative care je la. oh hundreds of thousands mati from radio and chemo? ada bukti? or main tuduh je? ataupun org tuh mati sbb cancer dah stage 4? diorang dpt chemo sbg palliative je kot bukan utk cure. palliative utk reduce esengsaraan b4 mati. ada faham? |
Cubalah guna susu Alpha lipid. Ia mengadungi vitamin A,B,C,D dan E. Boleh merawat cencer. |
apa sapa2 pernah try..??
keraklak Post at 26-10-2010 13:05
Saya pernah try spirulina, dan saya juga pernah dengar satu testimoni mengenai kanser. Spirulina juga ada kekayaan Vitamin B Complex, dan sampai hujung sekali situasi kanser sudah terkawal. |
artikel pasal vitamin B17 ni pernah disiarkan dlm astro Oasis... memang sangat mujarab utk mengubati kanser. byk Pro & Cons di kalangan doktor2 di negara barat tentang vit B17 ni.. ada yg sokong, ada yg tak setuju. ada doktor di negara barat yg mengidap kanser (dah berputus asa utk hidup), telah menyuntik vitamin B17 ni overdose sebab dia ingat, dia akan mati kalau suntik overdose... setelah beberapa hari pengsan, dia akhirnya tersedar dan mendapati penyakitnya semakin pulih....
kalau tak silap, pernah disiarkan dlm slot Halal-Bio di astro Oasis suatu ketika dulu... |
vitamin B17 ni biji aprikot ka?ada sesapa penah try? |
APRICON FASMAS HEALTH sejenis produk vitamin B17
boleh merawat n mencegah penyakit2 kronik
dimana anda boleh dapat kan??
boleh hubungi saya 0162636943
TQ |
Reply 26# isteri_ayil
anda cari produk b17 boleh hubungi saya 0162636943@
www.farmashealth.com.my |
Reply 29# eyraz
ingin mengetahui lebih tntang b17 hubungi saya0162636943 |
Reply 1# awejeha
nak tahu lebih lanjut n ingin dapat kan boleh hubungi saya 0162636943 @
www.farmashealth.com.my |
Post Last Edit by Aren.Arein at 30-7-2011 02:37
Cuba produk vemma.. cukup dgn 12 jenis vitamin, 65 jenis mineral, aloe vera & green tea.. semua dlm 1,,senang sgt,, The Worlds Most Complete Nutritional Program!
Mama saya pengidap ketumbuhan dlm rahim & kanser payudara.. boleh baca kisah mama kat sini,, (Testimoni mama)... Vemma juga boleh membantu utk masalah2 kesihatan yg lain,, boleh rujuk kat sini,, semuanya diterangkan kat link ni..http://kesihatananda.weebly.com/Produk VeMMA juga diperakui oleh 350, 000 pakar kesihatan dari seluruh dunia dan tertulis di dalam Buku Physician Desk Reference (PDR)
Vemma juga masuk dlm buku Men's Journal (Superjuices on Trial | Men’s Journal)
boleh tgk kat link ni..http://www.mensjournal.com/sup​erjuices-on-trial.. |
Reply 16# pintubesi
salam....nak tau detail....u beli kat mana? oder? harga? pakej cam ner..mak aq kena brain tumor....tak tau nak buat apa dah nih.... |
Reply 17# aimez
oder kat mana?....ada kontak ke? cam ne mak sekarang? |
betul.. B17 nie mmg ubat kanser.. nak detail boleh tgk post sya d forum nie..
http://mforum2.cari.com.my/viewt ... &extra=page%3D1
boleh tgk d post sya..
atau boleh tgk di group facebook sya 'PENAWAR/UBAT KANSER'
atau boleh call sya utk maklumat lanjut or order ubat ini..
019-9362993 SHAHRIL
sya akan bg no tel/contact testimoni sya yg ada kanser(semua jenis kanser) & sembuh dlm masa 2 bulan.. ada yg sembuh lebih cepat dari 2 bulan..
tapi nie ikhtiar, jgn beriqtikad bahawa ubat nie yg menyembuhkan tp dgn izin & kuasa Allah yg menyembuhkan kanser ni, ubta B17 nie sbg pemangkin utk kanser sembuh...
harap dapat membantu sesiapa yg memerlukan... |
vitamin b17...aka cianide...is good in a sufficient amount..it can cure cancer
but too much...of it ...
makcikmengamok Post at 1-12-2008 12:00
takut pulak dgr cianide ni, cianide ni sm mcm sianida kan..gas beracun... |
takut pulak dgr cianide ni, cianide ni sm mcm sianida kan..gas beracun...
salimrock Post at 30-1-2012 18:35
cianade dlm vit B17 xdapat nak memberi kesan buruk pda tubuh kita.. just utk membunuh sel-sel kanser dlm badan.. sedara kena paham betul2 mcm mana tindakan biokoimia vit B17 dalam badan.. org duk cakap cianade dlm B17 nie bahaya adalah salah & bukan fakta sebenar.. itu adalah fakta yg salah...
Laetrile, Vitamin B-17 atau Amygdalin merupakan kimotherapi secara semulajadi dan boleh di dapati pada 1,200 jenis tumbuh-tumbuhan terutamanya pada biji dan buah seperti apricot, pic, buah plum epal dan lain-lain. Ia terdiri dari komponan glucocide dan radikal sianida “bio- accessible”. Ini bermaksud ia dapat menembusi membran selular sehinggalah kepada intrasel dengan tepat dan mudah.Sel-sel kanser, tidak kira jenis kanser, dikenali sebagai Trophoblasts.
Sel-sel trophoblasts ini mengandungi satu enzim dipanggil Beta-glucosidase, B17 (Amygdalin) merupakan sebuah alat untuk membuka kunci enzim ini . Bila B17 ini berjumpa dengan enzim beta glukosidase, B17 terurai untuk membentuk dua molekul glukosa, satu molekul benzaldehid dan satu molekul hidrogen sianida (HCN). Untuk pengetahuan anda hanya badan atau tubuh manusia yang mempunyai sell kanser sahaja mempunyai enzim ini ( Enzim Beta-glucosidase ). Sedangkan pada tubuh manusia norma enzim ini tidak ada. Enzim ini akan terbentuk di sekitar dinding sel kanser, enzim ini amat di perlukan oleh sel kanser untuk proses pembesaran. Sel kanser tidak dapat hidup jika tidak ada enzim ini.
Jika tiada sel-sel kanser dalam badan, tiadalah beta glukosidase. Jika sekiranya tiada beta gllucosidase, tidak HCN akan terbentuk dari Laetrile, B17 atau Amigdalin. Sel-sel normal dalam organisma kita mengandungi satu enzim dipanggil Rodhanese yang "meneutralkan" Amygdalin. Enzim ini tidak membenarkan Amygdalin untuk membebaskan sianida. Dalam cara ini, Amygdalin cuma digunakan sebagai glukosa untuk sel-sel yang sihat dan menyediakan tenaga.
Rodhanese dari sel normal berfungsi untuk meneutralkan Hcn yang di bebaskan oleh B17 akibat bertindak balas dengan enzim Beta-glucosidase yang hanya boleh di jumpai pada sel kanser. Kita juga tahu B17 terurai untuk membentuk dua molekul glukosa, satu molekul benzaldehid dan satu molekul hidrogen sianida (HCN) setiap kali bertemu dengan enzim Beta-glucosidase. Dua molekul glukosa yang di uraikan ini akan di serap oleh sel normal, kesanya sel normal akan menjadi lebih bertenaga sedangkan benzaldehid dan satu molekul hidrogen sianida (HCN) tadi di naturalkan oleh Rodhanese.
Sel-sel malignan ( kanser ) tidak mengandungi enzim Rodhanese ini. Oleh kerana sel malignan tidak ada enzim Rodhanese makan HCN tidak dapat di naturalkan. B17 di aktifkan untuk membebaskan HCN. HCN terus memusnahkan sel malignan. Dalam situasi tidak di lindungi oleh enzim Rodhanese.
HCN yang telah di naturalkan oleh Enzim Rodhanese akan melalui proses Penyahtoksin, melalui kemampuan tisu mamalia dengan kehadiran sebatian sulfur menukarkan sianida kepada tiosianat. Dan di buang melalui sistem perkumuhan mamalia.
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