Reply #20 eidajj1's post
klu mcm tu..that means..i nih lbh krg cam secretary cum PA la coz i uruskn jgk personal matter my bos..
tu la psl i pon pning..coz my bos slalu mention i ni his PA but at my offer letter state me as secretary.. |
kebiasaannya....di small company or depends on the culture of the company....they will take for granted or...cross over field....for them dah cm sama je....PA = Secretary.....
Mostly, only oversea je practise secretary=secretary & PA=PA.....
tapi ada baik nya, kita buat/kerja lebih....gain more experience....$$$ can't buy experience ......t takes time to gain..... |
Reply #22 eidajj1's post
hmm betul kata u...lgpon i ni muda lg..blh gain bnyk experience n later blh demand sket bla dh bnyk experience.. |
Originally posted by dompot at 21-3-2008 11:53 AM
hello guys..nk mntk pendapat n kongsi pengalaman semua tntg job secretary nih..
sy bru 9 bln keja sbg secretary to MD..mslhnya sy rs salary yg sy dpt xsetimpal plak dgn kelayakn saya..
sayaad ...
setimpal sangat2.. secara logiknya mana ada org nak bayar mahal2 utk keje ofis je kan? lainlah kau yg bawak masok projek ke, buat keje2 side ker..
depend on company.. kalau kau keje kampeni international, sekretary pon masyuk jugak..
rm1300? ok lagi tuh... belajar betol2, carik pengalaman. kawan aku, keje jadi PA Datok, ala2 sekretari , keje simple je.. taip2 surat, fotostat, buat appoinment, jawab tepon.. tapi buat keje kene cepat la. gaji rm1100 je termasok elaun OT. basic rm900. so gaji ko boleh dianggap banyak la sesuai dgn keje ko tuh |
degree melambak2 sekarang ni org dah tak heran. lainlah ada experience+degree. kawan aku degree accounting keje jadi akauntan gaji rm1500 je.. mcm yg aku ckp tadi depend on company |
Reply #25 masnina's post
ooo..kiranya gaji i ok jgk la kn..ckitnye gaji kwn u tu..dia keje area mn???thanx ye for ur opinion..skang nih nk kumpul experience dulu..then nnti tgkla mcm mn.. |
kalo nak tau lebih terperinci tgk kt jobstreet.. |
Originally posted by dompot at 26-3-2008 12:13 PM
ooo..kiranya gaji i ok jgk la kn..ckitnye gaji kwn u tu..dia keje area mn???thanx ye for ur opinion..skang nih nk kumpul experience dulu..then nnti tgkla mcm mn..
kawan i tu keje di usj21 |
Reply #1 dompot's post
Baru perasan thread ni..
Betul macam orang lain ckp..kerja dulu....cari pengalaman. Insya Allah gaji tu akan naik juga....jgn risau. As long as u kerja bersungguh2 & jadik assistant yg terbaik mesti ada increment lah.
Basically MD akan panggil org yg jaga hal ehwal dia as PA wpun dlm offer letter ditulis secretary. Sama je sbnrnya PA maupun secretary. Actually ur job title adalah Secretary cum PA to MD. Byk confidential matters kena diam2 je lah jgn bgtau org lain....
Kalau ikutkan susunan, ada beza gaji. Secretarial ni nromally ada 3 jenis iaitu Secretary, PA( Personal Assistant ) dan EA
( Executive Assistant).
EA gaji paling tinggi among the others. Ada company besar yg MD dia ada EA dan PA. Dua2 nak guna, with different job scope. EA ni kira mencabar lagi berbanding yg lain.. sbb tu gaji dia tinggi.
Itu je lah yg aku tahu.. |
Kire ok tu, standard rate for degree holders tho u bukan dr secretarial line. I dulu, in 1990 started keje as confidential stenographer at one of the local bank with basic pay of $600/- only with my diploma from ITM. Degree holder masa tu, starting pay was ranging from $1,200 (d lowest then) till $1,800. Tp ni belum kira experience lagi....
apa2-pun timba dulu pengalaman, your experience actually carries a lot of weight kalau u p mana2pun n kdg2 depends dgn rezeki masing2 jugak.
Rajin2lah keje ek.... |
walaupun dah lama takda orang updatekan thread nie ....i nak tanya if ada mana2 tcompany nak secretary 5 years exprience diploma in PSC ..dah terasa nak cari angin baru |
Reply #31 crazypink's post
i pun tgh cari kerja...i ada DES....12+ experience....any one tgh cari candidate cm ni.....pls.... |
Reply #29 bantal_oren's post
oo..bnyk yg u tau psl job nih ye..
u ada background keje nih ke??? |
Reply #27 ninaTTC's post
dh tgk..tapi xde yg mcm sama dgn i la dia pnya edu background n mostly sume dh
ada work experience lbh 5 thn..
so klu nk wat ukuran mmg la xdak yg sama..
tu yg i nk tnya tu as beginner nih cmna.. |
ada tu ada offer....di 1 of the listed co...tapi..they request me ...jgn pakai tudung....aduh......apa na buat ni....
serba salah di buat nya |
Reply #37 eidajj1's post
kalau mcm tu syarat dia xpayahla..
mungkin ada rezeki lain tu nnti.. |
Reply #37 eidajj1's post
better xpyh..i nasihatkn u cari je tmpt lain..
jgn disebabkn u terdesak n u accept keje tu..
apa salahnya klu keje pakai tudung..xmenjejaskna pon reputasi company tu..
lgpon skng nih dh bnyk secretary yg pakai tudung..biarlah berkat n jgn u sng2 je perkotak katikkan maruah you..
biar dia org respek sket.. |
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