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Author: my-alja


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Post time 7-10-2008 03:27 AM | Show all posts
self esteem is the imaginary part of self while self worth is the real part of self

so self esteem is about 'an idea' regarding who am I? while self worth is about 'what did i produce'?

things are always imaginary to the point a reality take effect and only then a worthiness is taken into account

the worth of any person sum up thru his or her EXPERIENCES in life.

but if some person kindda not producing any worthy GOALS, or any worthwhile deed , would the person being considered UNWORTHY living soul? this u have to think.

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Post time 7-10-2008 12:16 PM | Show all posts

Reply #20 cokkodok's post

well... nabi ada cakap pasal wasatiah..
yes.. love yourself too much will make you too self centered.. and lead to selfishness.

that's why in flight, to wear oxygen mask you have to wear it yourself first, then wear it on others.

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 Author| Post time 7-10-2008 01:03 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by cokkodok at 6-10-2008 09:26 PM
but if we love ourself tooooo much just to get closer to happiness...then kita akan jadi selfish.  And if we alwaaaays simply accept ourselves, then mana ruang untuk kita improve diri kita?

hahahah...gud one
contoh yg selalu i nampak depan mata, manusia nie ada kecenderungan antara 2...
so the beauty of being human is to balance the possibility
my son pun sgt2 self-centered person

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Post time 7-10-2008 03:09 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by cokkodok at 6-10-2008 09:26 PM
but if we love ourself tooooo much just to get closer to happiness...then kita akan jadi selfish.  And if we alwaaaays simply accept ourselves, then mana ruang untuk kita improve diri kita?

things have their own way and destiny to either grow or demise

confidence ialah dari asal perkataan to confide..utamanya to confide to oneself..utamanya berkaitan self belief

di penghujungan rasionaliti ialah titik kepercayaan,self believe

jadi pada saya menyoroti formation self belief tu adalah penting, kalau ikutkan Socrates self examination

the answer to any problem bukan hasil dari keje forebrain or the reasoning faculity..kita sebut reasoning faculty, kita tak sebut answering faculty..peranan akal cuma membawa pada kedatangan 'jawapan' i.e. the truth

tapi bab semai baja siram air AKAL tu kene buat lah..i.e. berfikir, fokus, menelaah, thinking, tafakur , meditasi , solitude, suluk, solat , praying etc. then u just pasrah..berserah..'ACCEPT' as what u query atas tu..accepting oneself

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 Author| Post time 10-10-2008 01:17 PM | Show all posts

Reply #24 ajinomotonosuga's post

btul tu....self-accepting thru knowledge
bukan main menadah tgn ...terima saja tanpa ilmu yg mendalam utk kenal diri sendiri...

ada persamaan dgn konsep tawakal gak kot....tawakal dtg last sekali setelah usaha kita yg lain2 dah dibuat...bukan bertawakal tanpa usaha...

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 Author| Post time 10-10-2008 01:19 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Jamaloogy at 7-10-2008 12:16 PM
well... nabi ada cakap pasal wasatiah..
yes.. love yourself too much will make you too self centered.. and lead to selfishness

that's why in flight, to wear oxygen mask you have to wear it y ...

ada cara nak imbangkannya tak?...

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Post time 11-10-2008 01:27 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Jamaloogy at 7-10-2008 12:16 PM

well... nabi ada cakap pasal wasatiah..
yes.. love yourself too much will make you too self centered.. and lead to selfishness.

that's why in flight, to wear oxygen mask you have to wear it yourself first, then wear it on others.

ambik contoh "in flight, to wear oxygen mask you have to wear it yourself first, then wear it on others" tu kan .. misal kata kalau aa kita berada dalam situasi macam .. plank of carneades? apa agaknya keputusan yg kita akan ambik?



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Post time 27-10-2008 02:12 PM | Show all posts
self worth = harga diri

i guess when your personality stands out as an executive, you are one!

when your persona doesnt come across as what you supposed to be, a balance has to be formulated...



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Post time 2-12-2008 11:19 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by my-alja at 10-10-2008 01:19 PM
ada cara nak imbangkannya tak?...

well.. hard to answer on this one.
But one said... to find the middle point (imbangkan), is a function of wisdom..

in this case, lets take love yourself as example

in one extreme end... you love yourself completely, you dont care about others
in other extreme end, you don't care about yourself, but you love others only

then the function of wasatiah is where you find the middle point... When you managed to get yourself right in the middle or somewhere nearby... you have reach the point of wisdom

get it??   (I hope I can find a simpler word to explain this)

[ Last edited by  Jamaloogy at 2-12-2008 11:36 AM ]

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Post time 2-12-2008 11:30 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by naen at 11-10-2008 01:27 PM
ambik contoh "in flight, to wear oxygen mask you have to wear it yourself first, then wear it on others" tu kan .. misal kata kalau aa kita berada dalam situasi macam .. plank of carneades? a ...

Well... I'm not talking about survival here. Since in the oxygen mask situation, there is no "survival pressing" issue involve.. unless plane gonna crash.. then I have to open new thread

well analogically...
We have to love ourself (take the oxygen first) and fill ourself with our love.. then give our love to someone else (then put the mask on someone else)..
For me, Filling ourself with love same as filling our power, filling our sense of selfworth, then do good for the world..
the flow is inside out... from inner you to the world...

in simple word, have the capacity to love, before gives it to others.



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