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Author: dexa

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Post time 18-11-2008 12:27 AM | Show all posts

Reply #17 sekngucing's post

eh, maksud ko jarak antara nabi seribu tahun ker atau purata jarak? sbb kalo nak ikutkan nabi2 nih ada yg hidup pada masa yg sama.. cam nabi ibrahim ngan nabi lut masa yg sama..
merujuk pada 3 malaikat yg singgah di rumah nabi ibarahim dahulu sebelum pergi ke rumah nabi Lut...

kisah nabi Yusof dan Nabi Yaakub.. sedih di atas kematian nabi yusof yg kena makan serigala. (merujuk kisah adik beradik nabi yusof yg cemburu ke atas kasih sayang ayahanda mereka terhadap nabi yusof..)

Nabi ibrahim dan nabi ismail.. (merujuk pada kisah Qurban)

Nabi Musa dan Nabi Harun. (nabu Harun membantu Nabi Musa dalam pertuturan kerana Nabi Musa pernah mengalami masalah Lidahnya terbakar.. so, lidahnya yg terbakar itu sukarkannya utk memberi penerangan dgn lebih jelas lagi)

setakat ini yg aku tau kisah2 nabi yg pernah hidup pada zaman yg sama...

[ Last edited by  JUSTcircle at 18-11-2008 01:10 AM ]

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Post time 18-11-2008 12:29 AM | Show all posts

Reply #19 amazed's post

hah.. betullah kan nabi Nuh yg seribu tahun.. mmg pengikut dia sikt.. itulah ujian yg Nabi Nuh hadapi...

x salah aku ari tuh aku ada beli buku pasal kiraan tahun biler nabi adam diturunkan beserta nabi2 lain.. tapi aku x baca abis plak... anntilah kao aku balik umah aku try recce balik buku tuh.. kita leh sesama bincang..

erk.. jap2.. ni ada kaitan ngan kepala besar ker x nih hah?

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Post time 18-11-2008 12:30 AM | Show all posts
enam masa...mungkin merujuk kepada 6 cycle ... setiap cycle ade versi manusia yg tersendiri kut...tu yg ade manusia sebelum adam...macam atlantis & lemuria tu semua kut...

generasi sekarang nih...mungkin yg terakhir sebelum kiamat

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Post time 18-11-2008 12:35 AM | Show all posts

Reply #23 Maxx's post

manusia sebelum adam? boleh tau x dari teori mana yer tuh?

yg aku tau semua ilmu setuju yg manusia pertama adalah adam.. teori darwin tolak tepi dlu dalam kes nih..

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2008 01:00 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by JUSTcircle at 18-11-2008 12:29 AM
hah.. betullah kan nabi Nuh yg seribu tahun.. mmg pengikut dia sikt.. itulah ujian yg Nabi Nuh hadapi...

x salah aku ari tuh aku ada beli buku pasal kiraan tahun biler nabi adam diturunkan bes ...

masa belajar agama dulu pun kata -- nabi noh wafat umur 1000 tahun...
tak ingat pula pasal nabi adam -

eh -- nanti just beritahu la tentang buku tu
ada la kaitan tu.. sebab  thread ni pasal orang2 purba zaman dulu -
dan camana depa boleh so  besar --

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Post time 18-11-2008 01:04 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by JUSTcircle at 18-11-2008 12:35 AM
manusia sebelum adam? boleh tau x dari teori mana yer tuh?

yg aku tau semua ilmu setuju yg manusia pertama adalah adam.. teori darwin tolak tepi dlu dalam kes nih..

'manusia pertama' memang ialah 'Adam' ..

tapi adakah 'Adam' itu adalah 'yang pertama'?

rujuk post #14

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Post time 18-11-2008 01:05 AM | Show all posts

Reply #25 dexa's post

dexa. kol me JC here...

tuhla. masalah nyer buku tuh kat umah lama. aku dah pindah umah. tapi i'll try to searchi n try on9 (sbb cuti sem kan? so, cam jrg on9. huhuh)

pastu kalo info berkaitan akan ku cuba tuk retype n credit.. sbb ada perkiran tahun2 zaman2 nabi sampai skrg..

huhu. aku cam ening2 skit nak paham buku tuh.. tuh yg baca separuh jerk.. nanti try baca laik.. mana tau dah boleh pick up ker...

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Post time 18-11-2008 01:07 AM | Show all posts

Reply #26 naen's post

naen, masalahnyer skrg.. ko tepek ayat Quran tuh jerk.. terjemahannya x der..
aku x der tafsir Quran kat tepi skrg...

apa kata ko edit postg tuh n tambah terjemahan.. informasi skit. ok?

curious about adam pertama dan lelain nih...

TQ for the info!!

[ Last edited by  JUSTcircle at 18-11-2008 01:08 AM ]

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Post time 18-11-2008 01:08 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Maxx at 18-11-2008 12:30 AM

enam masa...mungkin merujuk kepada 6 cycle ... setiap cycle ade versimanusia yg tersendiri kut...tu yg ade manusia sebelum adam...macamatlantis & lemuria tu semua kut...

generasi sekarang nih...mungkin yg terakhir sebelum kiamat

sorry Maxx .. aku tersilap paste pasal tafsir tu ..
memang sepatutnya ENAM HARI .. tapi web tu pulak tulis ENAM MASA
aku lak tak perasan mula2 tu .. terus main post jek ..

anyway .. aku ada terbaca jugak pasal ramai ulama' yg berpendapat
yg generasi sekarang ni ('Adam' yg kita tahu & kita semua asal darinya),
memang adalah generasi yg terakhir ..

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2008 01:11 AM | Show all posts

Reply #27 JUSTcircle's post

dexa. kol me JC here...

tuhla. masalah nyer buku tuh kat umah lama. aku dah pindah umah. tapi i'll try to searchi n try on9 (sbb cuti sem kan? so, cam jrg on9. huhuh)

pastu kalo info berkaitan akan ku cuba tuk retype n credit.. sbb ada perkiran tahun2 zaman2 nabi sampai skrg..

huhu. aku cam ening2 skit nak paham buku tuh.. tuh yg baca separuh jerk.. nanti try baca laik.. mana tau dah boleh pick up ker...

that would be sooo good kalau jc ada info tu -

share la dengan kita semua kat sini -
ening2 tu apa maknanya? -

pening2? --
tak apa lah.. dan apa2 yang jc ingat tentang manusia purba share ye -

yang saya boleh share -

saxons - yang pertama settled kat aylesbury (satu bandar di UK sana) -
saya  into history juga sikit2 - saya tutor history plus buat some cleaning lady stuff lol -
mostly tentang industrial revolution,  all about it --
changes in industry -- slave trade etc ---

interesting juga -

pasal manusia purba ni --- saya baca kat geography juga --
especially tentang settlement  orang2 zaman dulu -

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Post time 18-11-2008 01:13 AM | Show all posts

Reply #30 dexa's post

  enig2 tu pening2... typo.. maaf yer.. x sedar. laju sgt menaip... kui kui kui!

yup.. akan ku cuba.. hope this thread always active..

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2008 01:18 AM | Show all posts

Reply #31 JUSTcircle's post

a good quote  tu jc -
the more we know
the more we don't know...(so to speak --)

ha - bila kita nak belajar tentang manusia purba ni -
konon2 ingat dah tahu la...
rupanya - banyak lagi yang kita tak tahu apa pun -

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Post time 18-11-2008 01:33 AM | Show all posts

Reply #28 JUSTcircle's post

aku tak rasa yg aku layak cakap pasal benda tu kot ..

sebab tu aku kata - cari & tanyakan kat guru/ustaz
mungkin ko akan dapat jawapannya .. mungkin ..

tapi .. maybe ada forumer lain yg boleh ulas pasal benda tu kat sini?

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Post time 18-11-2008 11:24 AM | Show all posts

Reply #33 naen's post

bukan.. aku bukan suh ko ulaskan pasal tuh.. aku juz suh ko letak terjemahanya sekali. tuh jerk..

aku paham.. aku pun bukan org yg layak tuk hujah2 berkaitan ayat Quran nih....aku nih insan biasa yg jahil agama... huhuhu!!

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Post time 18-11-2008 03:02 PM | Show all posts
sebab apa adam bukan yg pertama? bukan adam yg dijadikan dulu ke?

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Post time 18-11-2008 08:15 PM | Show all posts

berbalik kepada topik thread ..

Human ancestors born big brained

A new Homo erectus fossil suggests that females had large, wide pelvises in order to deliver large-brained babies.

Being born with a larger brain meant our ancestor became independent far more quickly than modern human infants.

The new finding, published in Science magazine, conflicts with earlier ideas that suggest they had a tall, thin body shape adapted for running.

Homo erectus is thought to be the first human-like creature to move out of Africa to colonise the world.

The now extinct hominid species may also have been the first to control fire.

The pelvis was reconstructed from ancient bone fragments

Wide hips

The near-complete 1.4 million-year-old female pelvis was found near Gona in northern Ethiopia. As it was pieced together, the archaeologists were struck by the unusual width of the pelvis.

Scott Simpson, a palaeontologist from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, US, was one of those who made the discovery.

"Proportionally her hips are wider than those of modern humans," he says.

Pelvis size indicates how large the newborn's head could be.

Earlier hominids such as the three-million-year-old Australopithicus afarensis, made famous by the "Lucy" skeleton found in 1974, have a much narrower pelvic opening. In comparison, more recent hominids found in China, Israel and Spain have wider pelvises.

The researchers say the wider pelvis meant H. erectus could have given birth to babies that were 30% bigger than previously thought.

Having a larger brain size meant the young hominid was dependent on its mother for less time than a modern human baby, a useful survival adaptation in the African savannah where they lived.

Out of Africa

The researchers say the erectus brain probably grew quickly before birth; but after birth, growth-rate then slowed to somewhere between that of modern humans and chimpanzees.

But Dr Simpson points out that H. erectus was much more like a human than a chimp.

"Homo erectus was the first hominid species that left Africa; they were technologically sophisticated with stone tools; they hunted animals. Many behaviours we consider unique to [modern] humans were present in Homo erectus."  

The new finding casts doubt on the accuracy of previous theories about Homo erectus.

The Goma pelvis has a more rounded shape than modern humans

The most famous H. erectus find is the "Turkana Boy", a young male discovered in Kenya in 1984 . His reconstructed skeleton - with a narrow pelvis and tall, thin body - is interpreted as showing adaptation to the hot climate and the need to run long distances.

In comparison, this new find is from a shorter female with a wider chest - a feature more commonly found now in humans from colder, even Arctic climates.

The wide pelvis suggests the birth canal and brain size were co-evolving, as H. erectus adapted to the need to give birth to larger babies above the need to adapt to the pressure of external environmental factors.



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Post time 18-11-2008 08:19 PM | Show all posts
Homo erectus fossil challenges evolution ideas
Wide-hipped females may have given birth to relatively developed babies

WASHINGTON - The fossil of a wide-hipped Homo erectus found in Ethiopia suggests females of the pre-human species swayed their hips as they walked and gave birth to relatively developed babies with big heads, researchers said on Thursday.

The finding transforms thinking about some early human ancestors and evolution and suggests that helpless babies came along relatively late in the human lineage.

"We could look at this pelvis and then, using a series of measurements, we can calculate ... how big the baby's head could be at birth," said Scott Simpson, a paleontologist at Case Western Reserve University who worked on the study.

Writing in the journal Science, Simpson and colleagues said the size and shape of the 1.2 million-year-old pelvis indicates that H. erectus females had hips wider than those of modern human females and their infants were born with heads about 30 percent larger than previously calculated.

"What this means is the offspring were not as helpless as a modern human," he said in a telephone interview.

"It is not coming out walking and talking. But it was probably capable of more advanced behavior at a younger age like grasping, like sitting up ... than we would see in a modern human."

An extended childhood is a particularly human characteristic. Helpless babies require intensive care, not only from the mothers but from an extended group, which may have spurred the development of human society and culture.

Homo erectus, Latin for "upright man," arose in Africa 1.8 to 2 million years ago, migrating to Asia and Europe before becoming extinct about half a million years ago. Experts agree it was likely a direct ancestor of modern humans.

Scientists did not know much about what its body would have looked like until the discovery of "Turkana Boy," an adolescent H. erectus whose bones were discovered in 1984.

His slim-hipped build led researchers to believe that H. erectus gave birth to small-headed babies that would have required a great deal of care in early life, much like modern human infants.

But Simpson said Turkana boy's pelvis was damaged and the restoration of a near-complete female pelvis from Gona, Ethiopia, changes this picture.

"This H. erectus would have even wider hips (than modern women)," Simpson said.

One main difference between human males and females is hip width, which makes women sway as they walk and which allows men to run and walk more efficiently.

"The reason women do have that sway is their hips are a little further apart," Simpson said. "She would have had a good one."

+ memang menarik

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 Author| Post time 19-11-2008 03:52 AM | Show all posts

Reply #37 naen's post

whoaa.. --
thanks naen.. interesting info  -
appreciate  share dengan kita --

besar pulak brain tu -

tapi - tahu tak -
bila orang lelaki makin tua -- brain dia makin kecil -
sebab tu lelaki ni  sokmo perangai tak semenggah ...  ha -

sebab makin dia tua - dia macam tak bijak sangat
sebab brain dia dah mengecut....  betul ni ---

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Post time 19-11-2008 05:50 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dexa at 19-11-2008 03:52 AM

tapi - tahu tak -
bila orang lelaki makin tua -- brain dia makin kecil -
sebab tu lelaki ni  sokmo perangai tak semenggah ...  ha -

sebab makin dia tua - dia macam tak bijak sangat
sebab brain dia dah mengecut....  betul ni ---

ada bukti tak, ntuk sokong statement kat atas tu?

sabor jelah.....mwahahaha

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Post time 19-11-2008 11:59 PM | Show all posts
Allah jadikan alam dan isinnya dalam masa 6 masa bukan 6 hari sebab ujudnya masa hari bila terjadinya alam atau bumi. sedangkan ukuran masa itu hanya dalam pengetahuan Allah.

seingat saya.....mendengar ceramah itu hari...kejadian makhluk.. kalau silap sila betulkan.

1. malaikat - 2 masa
2. alam termasuk yg ada di langit dan bumi - 2 masa
3. kehidupan di bumi dan isinya - 2 masa

kejadian di bumi
a. bukit bukau dan tumbuhan
b. binatang
c. jin
d. manusia

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