This year, Earth Hour has been transformed into the world抯 first global election, between Earth and global warming.
For the first time in history, people of all ages, nationalities, race and background have the opportunity to use their light switch as their vote |
Reply #19 t0m's post
Memang dah ader kat Board NGO, tapi berapa kerat sangatlah yang masuk Board tu kan?
Atleast lagi byk letak...more possibility for people yg tak tahu utk tahu |
Originally posted by jane_doe123 at 19-3-2009 09:33
Memang dah ader kat Board NGO, tapi berapa kerat sangatlah yang masuk Board tu kan?
Atleast lagi byk letak...more possibility for people yg tak tahu utk tahu
tp aku nk tau..pe kebaikan off lampu ni untuk bumi??sbb heat ke?? or ade reason2 yg lebih reasonable untuk aku ikut..hatta menrugikan tnb untuk sejam..sbb tarif dorg yg baru lagi karut..klu kira compare tu yg lame2..balik2 dorg untung...hampes |
sy tiap2 malam pun jarang on lampu.... lepas makan malam semua lampu off... hanya cahaya dr tv menerangi umah... |
hik2..strategi penyamun cmne la ek..hik2... |
betul2 kene support ke. kalau tak ape jadik |
Korang rasa makcik2 nak ke off tv x tengok af7 tu.. |
Reply #32 princebrunei's post
TB .. |
IN conjunction with the Earth Hour 2009, YTL Corporation will switch off the lights at 20 landmarks across the country and Singapore from 8.30pm to 9.30pm on March 28.
The one-hour lights off event is aimed at sending a message of hope and action against global warming.
The YTL establishments that will be part of the Earth Hour 2009 are |
agak2 korang....braper byk TNB akan rugi?? |
Reply #36 medangmru's post
Sejam je med, lagipun macam ramai je yang x join.. maybe impact sikit je lah kat tnb.. |
Reply #39 medangmru's post
Lights off utk homes & buildings only |
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Category: Belia & Informasi