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Author: mpithagoras

minum air masak banyak sangat tak bahaya ker?

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2009 02:04 PM | Show all posts

Reply #19 14sept's post

a'ah... tapi aku mmg jarang lapar... dahaga jer... jarang aa lapar nak makan, kalau jenjalan pun mmg dahaga jer... Xteringat pun kat nasik...

kalau terasa lapar pun Xingat nasik gak, aku bantai jer ape yg ada... roti ke, kacang ke.... tapi mmg Xingat sgt laa kt nasik...

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Post time 3-5-2009 02:05 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mpithagoras at 3-5-2009 02:02 PM
ape? tak faham.... kuar peluh banyak? bahaya?

ada org jenis tak minat minom air masak tapi kuat berpeluh (tak kira peluh panas ker atau aktif dlm sukan)

dah tu jenis minom air memacam kaler... kesan boleh sakit buah pinggang

benda ni terjadi kat adik kwn aku

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2009 02:08 PM | Show all posts

Reply #22 14sept's post

owh... itu.....

anak kawan aku pun ade gak... kecik2 lagi dah kena buah pinggang... suka sangat makan cekedis...

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Post time 3-5-2009 02:13 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mpithagoras at 3-5-2009 02:08 PM
owh... itu.....

anak kawan aku pun ade gak... kecik2 lagi dah kena buah pinggang... suka sangat makan cekedis...

cikedis sedap kropok tu...

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2009 02:25 PM | Show all posts

Reply #24 14sept's post


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Post time 3-5-2009 02:32 PM | Show all posts
side effect dier ialah mengurangkan level sodium lam body..
and it can kill you...if the sodium level in your body is too low....

klu ko salu should go and check kat doctor..
it might be diabetes...

[ Last edited by  makcikmengamok at 3-5-2009 14:37 ]

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Post time 3-5-2009 02:38 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ryn78 at 3-5-2009 14:35

yeke? takutnyer..

yup every organ in our body needs sodium...
balance...not too much...not too low...just kat tengah2...

and leh effect the brain...leh buat org pening...buta...or etc...if too many water kene consume..

and too much water can kill you...

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Post time 3-5-2009 03:05 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mpithagoras at 3-5-2009 14:04
a'ah... tapi aku mmg jarang lapar... dahaga jer... jarang aa lapar nak makan, kalau jenjalan pun mmg dahaga jer... Xteringat pun kat nasik...

kalau terasa lapar pun Xingat nasik gak, aku banta ...

err.. maaf kalau soklan aku mengguris jiwa.. he2..
ko ni normal ke x? yang jarang mkn nasik tuh..
bukan apa.. aku dulu ada sorang kawan.. memang dia x mkn nasik.. mknn ruji dia cuma minum milo n sup.. serius..
kalau mkn makann yg pepejal dia akan muntah.. manala tau ko nih supa dgn mmbr aku tuh.. he2

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Post time 3-5-2009 03:10 PM | Show all posts
rsnya x der masalah.leh wat proses detox..

tp..water retention?ade prob x?sbb aku certain time kena gak..tapak tgn akan membengkak kedua2nya selama doc akan prescribe ubat yg akan kuarkan air tu balik dr tapak tgn tuh..

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2009 03:28 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by makcikmengamok at 3-5-2009 15:32
side effect dier ialah mengurangkan level sodium lam body..
and it can kill you...if the sodium level in your body is too low....

klu ko salu should go and check kat doctor..
it m ...

fuhhhhhh..... biar betik makcik!!! Xde laa selalu haus... cuma kalau minum tu mmg tak hengat donia laa.... seyes ni 1st aku dgr effect minum air banyak! selalu org cakap Xpe jer....

ingatkan effect dia aku Xlalu makan nasik jer....

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2009 03:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by tariqz at 3-5-2009 16:05

err.. maaf kalau soklan aku mengguris jiwa.. he2..
ko ni normal ke x? yang jarang mkn nasik tuh..
bukan apa.. aku dulu ada sorang kawan.. memang dia x mkn nasik.. mknn ruji dia cuma  ...

kurang normal sket aaa... 'cause aku Xminat makan nasik ke mee ke... aku lagi suka makan air... (ehh....) minum air pastu makin kacang2 sket.... kadang2 sampai 3hari Xmakan nasik... aku bukan macam kawan ko.. aku bleh makan nasik, cuma Xde selera...

aku ingatkan tu jer effect minum air banyak... ghoper nyer leh membunuh!!! kompem ke macik? ade testimony ke.. leh citer sket!

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Post time 3-5-2009 05:34 PM | Show all posts
what mak cik mengamok says is true somehow...
it is called water intoxication....
only happens in extreme condition...

contohnya, u drink a lot of water pastu u exercise extremely...
then u will collapse...

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Post time 3-5-2009 05:56 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mpithagoras at 3-5-2009 15:33

kurang normal sket aaa... 'cause aku Xminat makan nasik ke mee ke... aku lagi suka makan air... (ehh....) minum air pastu makin kacang2 sket.... kadang2 sampai 3hari Xmakan nasik... aku bukan ...

if you drink a huge amount of water in a short period of time...and does not escape thru urination and sweat quickly..
the salt inside your body will be pull into the water...
and thus you will get waterlogged in your blood..

Hyponatremia means...insufficient salts in the blood..
the excess water will leave the blood then enter the cells...and the cells will expand and swell..

if the person suffers from a severe Hyponatremia..
meaning the water enter the brain...and causing brain edema or swelling of the brain...
it can lead to headaches, coma, seizure and death..

no wonder you're constantly don't take carbohydrate...
you will be constantly thirsty...and your breathe smells like ketone...
low carbohydrate intake in your daily meal can lead to cancer..
becos you are urinating all of your nutrients out of your body...



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Post time 3-5-2009 06:01 PM | Show all posts
tapi aku tak heran la klu ko tak rasa lapar...walaupun tak makan nasi or mee..
sebab...biasanya org yg kurang makan carbs..
salunya dorg minum byk air..

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Post time 4-5-2009 01:55 AM | Show all posts

Balas #29 makcikmengamok\ catat

there's no such thing like too much water will kill you....NOT IN in a NORMAL HEALTHY PERSON.....a lot of water is good for you....and let me explain why....

our body is a very highly adaptive machine!!! we got sensors everywhere in our body

it's called homeostasis.....and electrolytes and water and urea level is regulated by our kidneys, blood pressure sensors in the blood vessels, sensors in the brain, hypothalamus, pituitary and many more that even science have not encountered yet.....

so in a normal healthy person, no matter how much you drink, our body will adapt and maintain a normal salt and water balance in the body.......

for example, say if your sodium is low, your kidney will adjust to correct this, the brain will adjust to correct this.....your thirst center will be inhibited.....etc....

so in conclusion, your body will correct itself DO NOT BE AFRAID to DRINK A LOT OF does more good than harm....

our body normally takes about 2-3.5litres of water a day....and our output should match that as well.....
so if we take more than this say 5 litres in a day....our output should be 5litres as well......our good kidneys will make sure of this!!!!

BUT, it's when you have kidney problems, and/or heart problems, and/or taking diuretics, or antidepressants, or antiepileptics....that's when you should be careful with water and salt intake....ok??....consult your own doctor please.....

[ Last edited by  Arissa_Sofea at 4-5-2009 02:04 ]

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Post time 4-5-2009 02:35 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Arissa_Sofea at 4-5-2009 01:55
there's no such thing like too much water will kill you....NOT IN in a NORMAL HEALTHY PERSON.....a lot of water is good for you....and let me explain why....

our body is a very highly adaptive ...

so news2 org yg mati tu overdose water....
sebab they prolly have kidney/heart/take drugs yg ko cakap tu ka?

i mean..contoh k...
klu minum...12 pin of a short period of time..
body bley flush out all the 12 pin of water cepat2 tak...just in one go/short period of time?
klu tak...mesti...ada 8 or 9 pin lam body...
so yg 7 or 8 or 9 pin lam body tu...dier pi kat mana?
the water is consume..faster than water tu kene buang...
will it go into cells and organs and expand it and causes edema...
or takder sampai edema.....tetap balance...
and org tu tak main muntah air ..where would the water go?

[ Last edited by  makcikmengamok at 4-5-2009 03:35 ]

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Post time 4-5-2009 11:55 AM | Show all posts

Reply #38 makcikmengamok's post

i challenge you to drink 12 pint s of water in one go....see if you can do it...LOL

minum tiga gelas pun lps tu takleh nak pegi dah.....
as i said before, your brain will inhibit your thirst center once it detected that too much water is consumed in a short period of time....YOu will not be able to do it!!!.....this is homeostasis....your body will correct itself....and there's only so much space in your stomach...

aku ingat lagi masa first year uni, kitorang experiment subject physiology kat makmal....sorang lab member minum 1 litre air mineral in one go.....lps tu mamat tu setiap 5 minit tak tahan kena pegi kencing....kitorang dok collect air kencing dier pastu dok test specific gravity etc.....

news2 yang org mati overdose water??.....cuba kumpul news2 tu...aku nak tgk berapa org yang mati sbb overdose water....nak tgk prevalence banyak mana yg mati....nk tgk betul ke selalu sgt org mati sbb minum byk air....

kat hospital aku, baru sekali aku jumpa orang yg hyponatraemia....muda umur dier 22 tahun, masuk A+E.....dia punyer intake 6litre/day....urine dier banyak giler, keluar macam air paip....test2 tgk...dier ader diabetes insipidus....dier pernah kena head trauma rare la...

kalau common, tiap2 hari aku patut jumpa org datang A+E overdose air....

[ Last edited by  Arissa_Sofea at 4-5-2009 11:57 ]

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Post time 4-5-2009 12:07 PM | Show all posts
korang kat malaysia...elok minum air banyak2 replenish your body....

panas2 tu....mau insensible loss 1-2litre sehari

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Post time 4-5-2009 01:32 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Arissa_Sofea at 4-5-2009 11:55
i challenge you to drink 12 pint s of water in one go....see if you can do it...LOL

minum tiga gelas pun lps tu takleh nak pegi dah.....
as i said before, your brain will inhibit your thirst  ...

aku tak leh minum byk2...
aku ada health problems....salu rasa haus...
bila aku minum terlalu byk...kepala aku start aku i never go beyond that...
klu aku minum pun...skrang..aku suka minum air panas...sambil2 minum..sambil2 avoid...pening kepala..
cos i really2 drink a lot of water..

tapi aku tak kencing semua air yg aku minum in one go...sebab maybe kidney and pundi aku cannot hold that much water kots?...
tapi klu ada org go beyond that...apa akan terjadi? mati from brain edema kaa?

ni news yg ko nak.. it is k..
umm cam ni..ada yg dari golongan tua.. average person..
and ada yg jenis fit and healthy...

yg ni lak research pasal org minum byk sangat air..

what's A+E?

hmm....aku baca article ni...maybe dorg mati...becos dorg ignore brain signals kots?
dorg terus minum2...and tak peduli...

yg old ppl you age...yg pasal balance homeotasis makin berkurang...tu aku tak heran...
but aku letak news pasal tu anyway..

or klu pasal org yg fit tu..tengah2 exercise..dorg sweat a lot and mesti kene replenish..
so naturally they will drink lots and lots of water...
air ni...tak masok lam body faster dari cam sport drink..
and their brain..memang signal needs more and more water...sebab air tu low osmosis level..
then consequencely drink lots and lots of water... is more likely to affect athletes...kots?

and yg pompuan tahan kencing tu...dier org biasa jerk...
tapi aku rasa..walaupun dier kuar kencing pun...takder kuar sampai semua air yg dier minum...

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Post time 4-5-2009 01:35 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Arissa_Sofea at 4-5-2009 11:55
i challenge you to drink 12 pint s of water in one go....see if you can do it...LOL

minum tiga gelas pun lps tu takleh nak pegi dah.....
as i said before, your brain will inhibit your thirst  ...

wow btw...bagus gak hospital korg..
sanggup main testing bagai...sampai jumpa penyakit..

klu kat negeri aku..
doktor main halau...klu dier tak tau..dier tak main test2..
and hanya treat baik2 kat org kaya jerk...

negeri aku the worst hospital of all negeri2 malaysia..

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