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Author: hereana

Tips Untuk Mengubati H1N1 - Sekadar Usaha selain rawatan di hospital

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Post time 14-8-2009 08:56 PM | Show all posts
mmg good info..sekurang-kurangnya kita ikhtiar.....

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Post time 14-8-2009 09:05 PM | Show all posts
ader thread mane ntah kate elok mkn spirulina..
sori kalu silap

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Post time 14-8-2009 11:47 PM | Show all posts
air+jintan manis?????x pedas ke nok

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Post time 15-8-2009 11:54 PM | Show all posts
Amalkan minum ribena pun boleh....lagi best campur madu...

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Post time 15-8-2009 11:57 PM | Show all posts
air+jintan manis?????x pedas ke nok
menatang Post at 14-8-2009 23:47

abah aku baru crite..

air tu bagus klau kita gi travel..
utk elak sakit perut kalau minum air kotor...cth mcm pegi india...air sana kan kotor...

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Post time 16-8-2009 10:13 AM | Show all posts
email yg saya terima...rebus jintan manis bersama secerek air...pastu minum airnya...insya"Allah terselamat dr H1N1...jika diizinkan Allah

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Post time 17-8-2009 03:47 PM | Show all posts
Hari ini Baru buka mail...Dah seminggu tak buka...bukanya apa kdg2 spam je banyak...So ada la a few articel tentang H1N1 ni...3 pengirim..isi kandungan nya english n bahasa...So Nampaknya semua org takut sangat dgn wabak H1N1 ni..rerata kat luar kebanyakkan bertopeng..TAKUT oR MENCEGAH?Wallahmualam...Siapa tak takut mati kan...?Tapi kalau dah ajal sampai.Tuhan kata Mati...Dalam kelambu pun akan terhembus nafas terakhir..
So berbalik kepada petua2 yg menarik perhatian...betul dari kajian..Tapi ada setengah tu macam pelik gak...Contoh buah buah tempatan yg tak digalakkan makan..Tapi buah timur tgh pulak yg dikatakan bagus..Tapi dalam ketiga tiga articel ni Air Kelapa Menduduki tangga teratas..untuk mengubati..Simple JUst minum ja..Untuk muslim bacalah apa yg patut,Selain dari pejagaan pemakanan ada lagi aspek lain yg perlu di ambil kira..Bukan setakat pakai topeng sahaja..

Langkah Langkah Kawalan...

1 – Golongan-golongan yang berisiko, elakkan daripada kesesakan ( kawasan yang padat dengan orang ramai)

2 - Menjaga kebersihan diri, basuh tangan selalu dan dengan betul, jaga kebersihan rumah dan persekitaran

3 - Elakkan diri jika terdapat 'orang batuk, bersin dan kurang sihat'

4 - Jika kurang sihat, elakkan diri dari beraktiviti (sosial dan berkumpulan)

5 - Jika kurang sihat dan ada ILI ( influenza light illness @ selsema biasa) jangan hadirkan diri di kawasan orang ramai. Jika terpaksa, pakai 'mask' (sekurang2nya 3 ply mask)

6 - Untuk orang yang sihat, elakkan dari kawasan yang padat.

7 - Jika ada tanda2 simptom di atas, segera ke hospital untuk pemeriksaan dan rawatan

8 - Jika sihat, jangan ke hospital atau klinik untuk 'checkup' kerana di kawasan tersebut mengandungi banyak virus.

9 - Tak perlu ambil anti-viral @ apa2 ubat influenza!! jika sihat dan mengambilnya, akan mengakibatkan resistan kepada vaksin @ ubat2 untuk merawat jika terkena jangkitan. Ini adalah kerana berlakunya resistansi virus terhadap persekitaran badan yang telah mengambil ubat2 tersebut terlebih awal.

10 - Vaksin hanya akan 'wujud' seawal2nya pada Oktober dan hanya untuk 'frontliner' sahaja dan untuk awam selewat2nya pada 2010.

11- Untuk makluman, influenza test hanya dijalankan di 2 makmal sahaja di Malaysia . Mengambil masa 6 jam untuk run test kepada 1 batch sample. Jika klinik menyatakan mereka boleh jalankan ujian, itu tidak betul. Tak perlu ambil suntikan seasonal influenza kerana ia tidak berkaitan..

12 - Tahap kesedaran dan pengetahuan yang tinggi amat perlu untuk kita sama-sama menghadapi outbreak ini. Sama2lah kita berdoa kepada ALLAH s.w.t agar bala ini cepat berlalu.

Ini adalah sumber dari taklimat H1N1 oleh Pengarah Kawalan Penyakit Berjangkit dari Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia .

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Post time 18-8-2009 01:43 PM | Show all posts
Yang tak tahannya ada di kalangan produk supplement mula mengambil kesempatan untuk melariskan produk mereka dengan adanya H1N1

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Post time 20-8-2009 02:00 AM | Show all posts
buah tin tu buah ara la... kat kg2 dlm utan pon byk pokoknya.... kat bandar mmg susah nak jumpa..... kalu adapon dah jadi pokok hiasan... org xtau leh makan buahnya tu {:3_83:}

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 Author| Post time 20-8-2009 10:08 AM | Show all posts
29# hainina

ye ker?
ingatkan buah tin ada kat tanah suci or negara2 arab jer??

wattinni..watzaitun tuh...he..he..

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Post time 20-8-2009 06:40 PM | Show all posts
dah lame ku nampak tajuk tred ko hereana...x terklik lak mouse nih kat tajuk nih...tup2 ari nih gatai lak tgn nak klik....veri gud info la hereana...

pasal buah tin...aku pun cam ko gak yg aku tau ade kat mekah jek..kat cni skang pun ade tp kat mall2 gtuh... tempat yg tertentu sahaje...x tau polak duk ade pokok kat mesia nih..

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Post time 22-8-2009 04:48 PM | Show all posts
makan buah dan sayur bnyk2. anak pulak tak suka semua tu. so, gantikan dgn air buah. heheheh..

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Post time 24-8-2009 12:59 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by sazeryus at 24-8-2009 13:01

haa.. ni pulak petua dari China & Arab Saudi,

SHARJAH, Emiriyah Arab Bersatu (UAE) 13 Ogos - Jintan Hitam atau lebih dikenali sebagai habbatus sauda dalam bahasa Arab dipercayai dapat mencegah jangkitan selesema babi atau influenza A ( H1N1 ).
Menurut kajian yang disiarkan dalam sebuah majalah penyelidikan perubatan China, ia boleh digunakan dengan merendam herba tersebut dalam air suam dan airnya diminum pada waktu pagi.
Akhbar Al-Khaleej melaporkan, kajian tersebut telah menyebabkan penjualan jintan hitam meningkat sebanyak 50 peratus di beberapa negara Asia dan Arab Saudi serta Mesir.
Minuman tersebut turut di edarkan kepada mereka yang sedang menunaikan umrah di Mekah dan Madinah. - AGENSI

dipetik dari s/kaba Utusan

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 Author| Post time 24-8-2009 02:07 PM | Show all posts
31# mammavoque

tulah mamma sombung dgn kita..he..he...
tp pasal buah tin tuh..
nanti i check buah ara mcm mana..kita kasi test duluuuu.......

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Post time 25-8-2009 09:19 AM | Show all posts
33# sazeryus

jintan ni pedas tak? kalau bagi anak, agak2 diaorg ok tak.

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Post time 29-8-2009 07:18 AM | Show all posts
From newspaper article:

Dietician proposes natural products against viral infection  
13th July, 2009
KOTA KINABALU: “With the declining stockpile of critical antiviral drugs like Tamiflu and increasing reported cases of Influenza A (H1N1), it may be time to search for an entirely natural yet effective alternative to halt this potentially fatal viral infection,” a Japanese world expert on dietary supplement has suggested.

“If our body’s condition is alkaline or slightly above neutral pH, the exposure to even the most virulent microbes may not be able to make us sick but an acidic condition lowers the activity of immune cells and creates a favourable environment for the growth of viruses,” said Dr Yasumasa Kodo (pictured), who is also president of Spirulina Bio-Lab from Japan.

“Our body’s internal environment is in truth more important than the impact of any microorganism.”

“Influenza A (H1N1) is the perfect example of genetic mixing as it contains human, pig and bird virus strains. When viruses evolve or mutate, they can become either more or less lethal; it’s very difficult to predict,” he added.

In the great pandemic of 1918, after claiming 50 million lives or approximately one third of the European population, a theory suggests that the virus which was also identified as A (H1N1) mutated rapidly to a less lethal strain.

“As despairing as it may sound, we are not fighting a losing battle. It may be true that exposure to viruses is inevitable, but there are some superfoods that can boost our body’s capability to combat these super viruses,” Dr Kodo declared.

He emphasized that balanced nutrition, regular exercise and adequate sleep are critical to keep one’s body in tip top condition. On top of that, there is an equally crucial element that is often overlooked: maintaining a healthy body pH.

The ideal diet should consist of 80 per cent alkaline-forming food and the rest acid forming. However, the choice of alkaline food is limited, and only encompasses vegetables, fruits, algae, egg white and few other foods.

“As spirulina is 100 per cent alkaline,” he said, “it helps to reduce the acidity in the body. With daily consumption of spirulina, we can shift our body pH towards neutral and have well-balanced nutrition to compensate for a diet low in fruits and vegetables.”

It is a micro-algae that has a high concentration of 46 types of essential nutrients and by neutralizing the acidity in the body, it helps to enhance the immunity and fights against degenerative diseases.

It was also reported in the Journal of Medicine Food that spirulina significantly increases the production of cytokines, thus enhancing the immune responses. More importantly, the presence of phycocyanin pigment in spirulina gives it antiviral and antimutagenic properties.

He noted further that various studies have advocated the use of spirulina against many viruses for its immunostimulant benefit. The Intergovenmental Institution for the use of Micro-algae Spirulina against Malnutrition (IIMSAM), encourages taking spirulina to combat swine flu.

In one of the experiments to determine the efficacy of phycocyanim against influenza A(H1N1) virus, Dr Kodo remarked that the reproduction of the virus is found to be under control even after the cells are infected with the virus.

In another instance, mice infected with A(H1N1) virus were fed continuously for six days with different dosages of spirulina. At the end of the study, mice not fed with spirulina died whereas mice fed with spirulina survived.

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