Acai Berry Superfood: Provides High Energy, Reduces The Signs Of Aging, Lowers Cholesterol, Kills Cancer Cells And Greatly Increases Heart Health
For many years, the Acai berry (ah-sah-ee) has been a well-kept secret of the Amazon rainforest and it has only been on the market for about the last 5 years. The rainforests of the Amazon are thought to hold the key to treating many ailments and common diseases, and for thousands of years the indigenous peoples of the Amazon region have known about the many health-enhancing benefits of the Acai berry.
The Acai berry grows wild on top of many palm trees that are native to the rainforests of Brazil and the Amazon basin. Local farmers in the area harvest the fruit of the tree, and it is used to make a healthful fruit pulp. This fruit pulp is then quickly frozen in order to preserve its nutrient value.
The Acai berry itself is a deep purple color, and it is quite rich in a number of important nutrients, including many of the most valuable antioxidant vitamins.
ENERGY, HEART HEALTH: The Acai berry will give you a high energy boost. It is also thought to have a significant impact on heart health, and on the health of the cardiovascular system. In particular, the Acai berry contains a very high concentration of compounds known as anthocyanins. These compounds are the same ones thought to be responsible for giving red wine its widely reported health benefits. However the Acai berry has 10 to 30 times more anthocyanins then does red wine.
LOWERS CHOLESTEROL LEVELS: In addition to these anthocyanins, Acai berries are known to contain large amounts of protein and fiber, as well as both omega-6, which lowers cholesterol levels and omega-9 fatty acids, which lowers LDL cholesterol levels and maintains natural HDL cholesterol levels. These omega fatty acids have been studied for years as a way to protect the heart from damage, and reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, thereby providing possible protection from heart attacks, strokes and other common cardiovascular complications.
These anthocyanins are known to have significant health benefits, and they are the subjects of many studies. Many people are looking for ways to capture the many health benefits that have been associated with the consumption of red wine, but without the calories and other negative consequences of red wine consumption. The rich, delicious fruit of the acai berry may be able to provide these important health benefits.
ANTI-AGING: Perhaps the most important health benefit of the acai berry, however, is its strong impact on the aging process. As a matter of fact, the acai berry is generally acknowledged to be one of the top superfoods for anti-aging. The amino acids and vital trace minerals found in the Acai berry aid in proper muscle contraction and regeneration, thereby slowing damaging effects to the skin that cause signs of aging. The fatty acid found in the Acai berry is similar to that of olive oil and is high in monounsaturated oleic acid. This fatty acid combined with Omega 3 fish oils penetrates cell membranes and makes them suppler. This allows for hormones, neurotransmitters and Insulin Receptors to operate more efficiently, which greatly reduces inflammation, inflammation being one of the leading causes of Aging.
HIGH IN ANTIOXIDANTS, DESTROY CANCER CELLS: The antioxidant benefits of the acai berry, combined with the fatty acids it contains, make this one of the most important superfoods on the market. The Acai berry is thought to have an antioxidant content which is a full 10 times greater than that found in grapes, and twice as high as those found in blueberries. As a matter of fact, the acai berry is widely acknowledged to have the highest nutritional value of any fruit in the world, and this has earned it the acai berry the title of superfood. These antioxidants destroy cancer cells. A study done by the University of Florida and published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry in January of 2006 did research that showed that the antioxidants in the Acai berry triggered a self-destruct response in 86% of the cultured Leukemia cancer cells tested.
Additional information: For such a tiny fruit, the Acai berry seems to have a great many heart healthy benefits, and the secret that has been part of Amazon culture for thousands of years is slowly spreading to the rest of the world. The Acai berry is a rich source of antioxidant vitamins, protein, fiber and heart protecting fatty acids, and it has an important role to play in protecting our good health.
Acai berries can be purchased whole and eaten as part of a healthy diet, but they are most often encountered in juice form. Acai berry juice is widely available both in health food stores and from many Internet retailers. As with other kinds of juice, it is important to ensure that the Acai berry juice you buy is made with 100% pure juice, and that it contains no artificial ingredients or added sugar.
As the popularity of the Acai berry continues to grow, and as its value to good health continues to get out, it is likely that this little purple fruit will become more widely available. In coming years, Acai berries are likely to be available at traditional grocery stores and supermarkets in addition to health food stores and Internet retailers.
When choosing between products made with the Acai berry, it is important to choose only the highest quality products, and to look for products that have been frozen quickly after harvest. How the Acai berries are handled after harvest can have a significant impact on their health benefits, so it is important to buy your Acai berry juice from those who use the best manufacturing methods.
About The Author
Petrea Dishman owns http://www.affordable-health.com. AHB offers savings on Physicians, Hospitalization, Accident Medical, Prescriptions, Dental, more. AHB's affiliate program offers Commissions, Monthly Residuals and Bonuses. Free to Join.
credit to http://www.american-cancer-center.org |
Buah Gojiberry,
goji berry ini yang boleh solve masalah imsomnia..
->Keletihan Kronik
->penyakit kulit..
->sakit kepala
->sakit sendi
->kencing manis..
ini adalah salah satu buah yang ada dalam jus monavie..
dan ada banyak lagi problem yg buah goji boleh solve kan,, |
thread ni dh jd cm board jual beli barang la plak |
Post Last Edit by dune1989 at 12-3-2010 15:15
Testimoni-testimoni MonaVie
Nama | Testimoni | Puan Esmawati | Mengalami kecederaan di hujung tulang belakang setelah tergelincir di bilik mandi. Selama 3 minggu menanggung sakit dan tidak tidur lena, terpaksa makan pain-killer selama 4 minggu kerana kesakitan berlanjutan di bahagian pinggang dan tulang rusuk belakang. Kesan kesakitan hilang setelah minum MonaVie selama 4 hari. | Dr Linclon Lim | Seorang Pesakit kencing manis, Tahap gula jatuh dari 6.4 kepada 4.1 dalam masa 2 hari | Puan Ong Sway Poh | Umur beliau 48 tahun. Seorang pesakit kanser. Dalam bulan Mei 2008, beliau juga dijangkiti virus melalui luka pada badannya dan menyebabkannya demam panas berpanjangan sehingga dimasukkan wad ICU. Beliau merasa terlalu lemah selepas keluar dari hospital. Selepas minum MonaVie selama seminggu, beliau berasa lebih bertenaga dan sihat. | En Muhammad Hafiz | Umur beliau baru sahaja 21 tahun. Namu sudah mengalami sakit-sakit belakang dan sengal-sengal badan. Masalah ini selalu menyebabkan beliau berasa tidak selesa ketika untuk belajar, bekerja atau berehat. Beliau juga sering berasa letih dan sering kali mengantuk walaupun tidur yang cukup. Setelah mencuba MonaVie selama beberapa hari, badan beliau merasa segar dan cergas. Tidak lagi merasa penat dan sengal-sengal badan. |
petikan testimoni dari brochure dan saya sendiri |
dulu2 pernah imsomnia...tak tau eja...memang stress...nak tidur tapi mata takmo lena....now....asyik nak.......... jer....takde amik apa2pun...hati senang kot...cuba TT baca doa tidur...dulu2 amalkan doa ni...now tak lagi. |
TT tu sapa?
servantforever Post at 18-3-2010 01:32 AM
TT masuknya Tuan Thread/ Tuan Tanah..
empunya thread ini... |
Saya akan jumpa doktor homeopathy utk mengatasi masalah ini. |
Saya selalu kena insomnia bila fikiran terganggu walaupun sedikit sahaja terganggu. Apakah ubat terbaik ?
servantforever Post at 10-3-2010 03:30
ubatnya ialah u mintak dgn tuhan ,solat 2 rakaat ckp dgn tuhan tolong tidurkan sy, baca 3 qul sblm tidur, insya allah dpt tidur. jika blm brjaya, ulangi. |
2# Kepochi
dia tanya ubat la, bukan pengalman org lain |
3# servantforever
tdur 1 nikmat kalau x boleh tdur pdhal nak tdur, hilang nikmat..ia akn ganggu nikmat2 yg lain..nikmat kerja..nikmat fokus including nikmat ssex...caya gua. jd insomnia memg 1masalah yg mesti dirawt segera |
Mlm nipun tak boleh tidur,teruji betul dgn insomnia ni. |
Slalu insomnia. Memula tu tension gak, seminggu tak tido, doktor tak suggest ambik pil tido. Lepas 2 minggu, baru doctor bagi, takut gak, sb, bila ambik pil tido tu, terus tido slama 8 jam, tak sedar apa2. At last doktor bagi nasihat, suruh lupakan apa2 masalah yg ada. Saya mulakan sembahyang malam, lama2, sedikit demi sedikit, masalah dapat diatasi, tapi, bukan sepenuhnya. Kekadang kalo terjaga kul 3-4 pagi,tak boleh tido balik. Mungkin tido ni adalah 1 nikmat yg allah dah tarik dr saya. Anyway, bersyukur sb pengalaman ini mendekatkan kita kepadaNya. |
Serial ujian kalau dihadapi dgn sabar Dan redha merupakan penghapusan dosa. |
Serial ujian kalau dihadapi dgn sabar Dan redha merupakan penghapusan dosa. |
[quote]Saya selalu kena insomnia bila fikiran terganggu walaupun sedikit sahaja terganggu. Apakah ubat terb ...
servantforever Post at 10-3-2010 03:30 [/quot
punca stress tu knape? keletihan kerja @ ada masalah dgn orang? minta rehat/mc kalau keadaan berterusan...jgn terlampau risau dgn masalah...kalah,gagal,rasa keseorangan,kecewa,silap,sedih,rendah diri,takut,mahu memberontak dll. tu semua resam hidup...
bila awk boleh hadapi masalh dgn jiwa yg selamba, jadi krg lah risiko utk berlaku insomnia...
dan yg tak krg pentingnya is apa yg kita makan..food supplement utk cegah insomnia mmg digalakkan..tapiiii,yg paling utama selesaikan dulu punca sebenar...
p/s: Servantforever ni seorang perfectionist yg selalu nk segala2 nye sempurnakah??? |
Saya selalu kena insomnia bila fikiran terganggu walaupun sedikit sahaja terganggu. Apakah ubat terb ...
servantforever Post at 10-3-2010 03:30
kalau beragama Islam..bleh buat ibadah mcm solat ke, mengaji Al-Quran ke, berzikir sampai lelap..selagi tak lelap..zikir lagi..zikir dengan ikhlas + concentrate..jgn fikir benda lain..insyaAllah boleh lena.. |
kalau beragama Islam..bleh buat ibadah mcm solat ke, mengaji Al-Quran ke, berzikir sampai lelap. ...
schu Post at 4-6-2010 16:33
I've done more than that but in vain. |
[quote]Saya selalu kena insomnia bila fikiran terganggu walaupun sedikit sahaja terganggu. Apakah ub ...
wallflower Post at 4-6-2010 01:18
It is the basic natural instinct. |
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