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Author: HangPC2

Pasukan DPRK Korea Utara (Chollima)

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 Author| Post time 11-6-2010 02:21 PM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 12-6-2010 02:03 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 14-6-2010 11:52 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 15-6-2010 10:38 AM | Show all posts

Susunan Hamdan Saaid


SEBUT saja Korea Utara dan orang akan teringat kenangan terhadap pemain Pak Doo Ik, Eusebio dan suasana menarik di Ayresome Park ketika pusingan akhir Piala Dunia 1966.
Namun 44 tahun selepas kemenangan bersejarah 5-3 buat Portugal pada suku akhir Piala Dunia ke atas Korea Utara, pasukan penuh berahsia itu kembali semula pada kancah pusingan akhir Piala Dunia.

Kini, seperti 1966, mereka akan tampil ke pusingan akhir bukan saja sebagai pasukan bukan pilihan tapi juga pasukan yang langsung tidak diketahui kekuatan mereka.

Dalam zaman apabila maklumat mengenai hampir segala-galanya boleh diketahui dengan satu klik tetikus di hujung jari, Korea Utara mengekalkan rahsia mengenai apa saja yang mereka lakukan.

Malah agensi berita nasional negara itu, Korea News Service, kelihatan bersungguh-sungguh untuk merahsiakan pencapaian sukan mereka, menyebut mengenai kelayakan negara itu ke Piala Dunia dengan berita tiga perenggan dalam laman web mereka selepas keputusan seri 0-0 dengan Arab Saudi memastikan kemaraan mereka.

Namun minat yang mendalam terhadap sukan bola sepak di Korea Utara dan dengan anggapan perlawanan akan disiarkan secara langsung di negara itu, sesuatu yang belum ada jaminannya, seluruh negara akan terhenti seketika apabila Kim Jong Hun dan anak buahnya turun ke padang di Afrika Selatan nanti.

Kim Jong Hun dan anak buahnya turun ke padang di Afrika Selatan nanti.

Anak buah Jong Hun bagaimanapun sebenarnya berdepan kesukaran kerana tidak banyak menikmati bola sepak antarabangsa sejak akhir-akhir ini.

Tempoh penyisihan itu - yang hanya dibuka apabila mereka menyertai pusingan kelayakan Piala Asia 2000 - menyaksikan Korea Utara terbabit dengan tempoh bagi pelajaran jurulatih dan pembangunan remaja yang akhirnya membawa mereka ke Afrika Selatan.

Pada pertengahan dekad sebelum ini, menyaksikan pasukan remaja negara itu layak ke beberapa kejohanan Persekutuan Bola Sepak Antarabangsa (Fifa) sama ada sebagai juara atau naib juara Asia, tapi mereka masih kekurangan pengalaman yang diperlukan pada peringkat antarabangsa untuk benar-benar bersaing pada Piala Dunia.

Diundi menentang Brazil, Portugal dan Ivory Coast menyediakan mereka satu daripada proses pembelajaran paling sukar dan sukar untuk dibayangkan Korea Utara masih terbabit pada pusingan kalah mati.

Lebih menarik, pertembungan mereka dengan Portugal pada 21 Jun ini mampu mengembalikan semula kenangan pada pertemuan 44 tahun lalu.

Ketika Korea Utara bermain pada pusingan kelayakan Piala Dunia 2006, mereka tidak menyertai pertandingan 1998 mahupun 2002.


JURULATIH: Kim Jong Hun (Korea Utara)
PEMAIN BINTANG: Jong Tae Se (Kawasaki Frontale), Hong Yong Jo (FK Rostov), Ahn Yong Hak (Omiya Ardija), Ri Myong Guk (Pyongyang City)
PENYERTAAN TERDAHULU: 1966 (suku akhir)


Pusingan 1 Asia

21/10/2007 Mongolia 1:4 Korea Utara
28/10/2007 Korea Utara 5:1 Mongolia
[Korea Utara layak menerusi agregat 9-2]

Pusingan 3 Asia, Kumpulan 3

6/2/2008 Jordan 0:1 Korea Utara
26/3/2008 Korea Utara 0:0 Korea Selatan
2/6/2008 Turkmenistan 0:0 Korea Utara
7/6/2008 Korea Utara 1:0 Turkmenistan
14/6/2008 Korea Utara 2:0 Jordan
22/6/2008 Korea Selatan 0:0 Korea Utara

P M S K J B Mt

Korea Selatan 6 3 3 0 10 3 12
Korea Utara 6 3 3 0 4 0 12
Jordan 6 2 1 3 6 6 7
Turkmenistan 6 0 1 5 1 12 1

Pusingan Akhir Asia, Kumpulan 2

6/9/2008 Emiriah Arab Bersatu 1:2 Korea Utara
10/9/2008 Korea Utara 1:1 Korea Selatan
15/10/2008 Iran 2:1 Korea Utara
11/2/2009 Korea Utara 1:0 Arab Saudi
28/3/2009 Korea Utara 2:0 Emiriah Arab Bersatu
1/4/2009 Korea Selatan 1:0 Korea Utara
6/6/2009 Korea Utara 0:0 Iran
17/6/2009 Arab Saudi 0:0 Korea Utara

P M S K J B Mt
Korea Selatan 8 4 4 0 12 4 16
Korea Utara 8 3 3 2 7 5 12
Arab Saudi 8 3 3 2 8 8 12
Iran 8 2 5 1 8 7 11
Emiriah Arab Bersatu 8 0 1 7 6 17 1

- Harian Metro -


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 Author| Post time 15-6-2010 10:44 AM | Show all posts
Brazil awasi ancaman Korea Utara

AHN YOUNG-HAK (kanan) antara pemain yang perlu diawasi dalam skuad Korea Utara.

JOHANNESBURG - Brazil yang dibarisi bintang-bintang dunia bakal membuka kempen Piala Dunia  2010 menentang pasukan yang tidak diketahui kekuatannya, Korea Utara awal pagi esok.

Tatkala Brazil sudah lima kali menjulang trofi Piala Dunia, Korea Utara pula sudah lebih 40 tahun tidak beraksi di pentas tertinggi itu.

Situasi tersebut membuatkan Brazil tetap berasa bimbang terhadap pasukan dari Asia itu yang pernah mencipta kejutan terbesar menewaskan Itali pada Piala Dunia 1966.

Penyerang Brazil, Ramires berkata : " Saya tidak tahu apa-apa tentang pasukan Korea Utara ini. Saya hanya menonton aksi mereka pada perlawanan pemanas badan sebelum ini. Kami hanya menanti arahan jurulatih. "

Namun, maklumat tersebut bukanlah semudah yang disangka memandangkan Korea Utara mengambil sikap menjauhkan diri daripada media sejak mereka menetap di sebuah hotel terpencil di pinggir utara Johannesburg.

" Kami perlu menghormati Korea Utara. Apabila melihat kepada sejarah, Brazil memang memiliki kelebihan berbanding mereka pada Piala Dunia. Tetapi apabila saingan bermula, kami perlu menghormati semua pasukan, " kata pemain tengah Brazil, Elano.

Pada Piala Dunia 1966, Korea Utara menewaskan Itali 1-0 untuk muncul pasukan Asia pertama layak ke suku akhir sebelum mereka tewas 3-5 kepada Portugal.

Namun pada saingan kali ini, Korea Utara dilihat sukar untuk mengulangi kejayaan tersebut setelah diundi dalam kumpulan sukar.

Pemain Korea Utara, Ahn Young Hak berkata: " Kami sedar semua pemain Brazil cukup terkenal dan Brazil adalah pasukan terkuat di dunia. Tak nampak mereka memiliki sebarang kelemahan. "

Brazil yang tersingkir pada suku akhir Piala Dunia 2006 setelah tewas 0-1 kepada Perancis hanya mengadakan dua aksi pemanas badan dengan menewaskan Zimbabwe 3-0 dan Tanzania 5-1.

Korea Utara pula tewas 1-3 kepada Nigeria tetapi berjaya mengikat Greece 2-2.

Tiada rekod pertemuan membabitkan Brazil dan Korea Utara sebelum ini.

- AP / Kosmo -


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 Author| Post time 15-6-2010 10:49 AM | Show all posts
Tiada siaran Piala Dunia buat Korea Utara

Khamis, 10 Jun 2010

Sumber: AFP

Korea Selatan menolak tawaran untuk menyiarkan Piala Dunia 2010 kepada Korea Utara secara percuma.

SEOUL, (AFP) - Korea Selatan tidak akan membekalkan siaran Piala Dunia kepada jirannya, Korea Utara berikutan konflik kapal perang Korea Selatan yang tenggelam baru-baru ini semakin keruh.

Negara komunis yang miskin itu mahukan Seoul membekalkan siaran percuma buat rakyat negaranya menyaksikan pasukan kebangsaan Korea Utara beraksi di Afrika Selatan buat pertama kali sejak 44 tahun lalu, seperti yang dilakukan pada Piala Dunia 2006 di Jerman.

Kerajaan kali ini enggan berbuat demikian disebabkan hubungan diplomatik yang makin teruk.

Korea Selatan menuduh kapal selam Korea Utara telah menembak torpedo yang menenggelamkan kapal perang mereka, mengorbankan nyawa 46 orang dan menimbulkan konflik serantau.

SBB TV, yang mendapat hak penyiaran eksklusif daripada FIFA, kali ini mahukan Pyongyang membuat bayaran jika mereka inginkan siaran Piala Dunia tersebut.


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 Author| Post time 15-6-2010 11:26 AM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 15-6-2010 11:31 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 15-6-2010 04:17 PM | Show all posts
Eii....tak malu nk siaran free, dah lu bom torpedo kapal jiran lu...ada hati lak...


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 Author| Post time 16-6-2010 11:03 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 16-6-2010 11:32 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 16-6-2010 11:40 AM | Show all posts
How did North Korea's Rooney wow his own squad? He showed them his mobile phone

World Cup Lives : ' Everyone thinks that we cannot win against Brazil but we will play with a brave heart  '

By Chris McGrath

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Only those with an incorrigible weakness for the underdog seem likely to embrace the cause of North Korea. For one thing, political isolation has contaminated what might otherwise be the most romantic of World Cup adventures. And any inclination to sympathy for the pariahs of the tournament, when they begin the toughest campaign of all against Brazil today, is unlikely to be nourished by the negativity of their tactics.

But if they present a wall to the world, both on and off the pitch, then it is undeniably held together by some pretty adhesive mortar. And in Jong Tae-se, they have a man capable of renewing the miracle of their one previous World Cup, in 1966. Then, too, the North Koreans arrived behind a skein of mystery, stretched between the hostile caricatures of global politics. The British government even considered denying visas to the players, but decided not to risk the right to host the tournament. As things turned out, the people of Middlesbrough formed an affectionate bond with their guests – and watched, delighted, as they stunned the Italians at Ayresome Park.

The exact spot where Pak Doo-ik fired the ball past the Italian keeper is preserved to this day, albeit now in a front garden in Holgate Close, by the bronze imprint of a football boot. The North Koreans then raced to a staggering three-goal lead in the quarter-final, against Portugal, only for Eusebio to orchestrate five in reply.

A terrible draw means that after today's clash of cultures they must again meet the Portuguese, not to mention the Ivory Coast. But Jong, as the only name to transcend the squad's studied anonymity, plainly feels quite at home with the prospect. He has breezily announced his intention to score in each game, before signing for a Premier League club.

In East Asia, already, he is widely viewed as commensurate with Park Ji-sung of Manchester United, South Korea's most recognisable migrant. Jong's muscular, combative play for Kawasaki Frontale, in the Japanese league – not to mention 15 goals in just 22 internationals – has earned him the soubriquet of " the People's Rooney ". One of only three members of the squad playing abroad, Jong scored two absolute belters in a 2-2 warm-up with Greece.

Jong, 26, has spent his life in Japan but was raised and educated among a patriotic Korean diaspora. There have been suggestions in Seoul that he might have traced his roots south of the border instead, but he denies this emphatically.

Should he not look out of place today, Jong would certainly be an affordable option for an enterprising Premier League chairman. But even reported wages of £4,000 a week, in the J-League, place him way beyond the ken of most of his colleagues in the national squad, many of whom play for an army team.

Jong admits to having been irritated, at first, as they wonderingly passed his mobile phone around. But he has come to see their team spirit, underpinned by months of physical preparation, as a genuine threat to opponents with greater technique and experience. " Everyone thinks we cannot win against Brazil," he says. " But we will play with a brave heart. Ours is the strongest team spirit in the world. "

That is certainly how they qualified, an epic journey that began in 2007 against Mongolia and took in a series of emotive showdowns with South Korea. But it is notable that the players themselves, either side of the 38th parallel, tend to speak decorously of football as a stimulus to peace and, in South Africa, mutual pride. Jong himself has appeared in commercials with Park, and has a column that appears in Seoul. " Sport can unite people, " he says.

The chances are, however, that his endeavours will not even be seen back in North Korea. Any television coverage is likely to be delayed until results are known. Kim Jong-il would doubtless have mixed feelings should Jong, however briefly, start to win friends for a rogue state – especially if he then proceeds to enjoy wealth and freedom in the West. But this is the kind of thing a World Cup can do. It can show a dictator that faceless masses are comprised of individuals, with their own dignity, their own rights to attention. And it can show his enemies exactly the same. " North Korea is a mystery to people, " Jong says. " No one knows about it. But I want to change the image of North Korea. "

Sources :


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 Author| Post time 16-6-2010 11:52 AM | Show all posts
North Korea's Rooney more like Beckham

June 15, 2010

He plays like Rooney but behaves more like Beckham. He loves his cars, his rap music and his clothes, and changes hairstyles more often than you can say " Kim Jong Il ".

North Korea striker Jong Tae Se is not your average North Korean.

Born and raised in Japan, the 26-year-old forward has never lived in communist North Korea, and says he has no plans to. He loves to shop, snowboard and dreams of marrying Korea's Posh Spice - none of which would be possible in the impoverished North, one of the most isolated countries in the world.

But he wears the Democratic People's Republic of Korea jersey with pride, and is moved to tears when he hears the country's anthem. The boy from Nagoya could become North Korea's biggest international soccer star since Pak Doo Ik scored the goal that knocked Italy out of the World Cup in 1966.

" He is Japanese but isn't a Japanese, he is Korean but is playing on the North Korean squad, he is a North Korean national but lives in Japan - all these things are very difficult for the world to understand, " Shin Mu Koeng, a friend and his biographer, said Tuesday from Tokyo.

North Korea is back in the World Cup for the first time in 44 years. They were the mystery team in 1966, and they're the mystery team in 2010. Very little is known about the team from North Korea, sheltered players mostly in their early 20s with limited international experience.

Jong, witty and personable, with a dazzling smile, cheeky personality and talent for making goals, gives lowest-ranked North Korea a bit of star power as they face teams from Brazil, Portugal and Ivory Coast stacked with big names.

Jong is quickly becoming his team's biggest personality and most powerful asset, setting himself apart on and off the field, from his fashion sense to his playing style.

On the pitch, Jong is fast and aggressive, North Korea's leading scorer with 16 goals in 24 international matches. His impressive play earned him comparisons to England's Wayne Rooney among South Korean media.

He collects sneakers and considers himself a bit of a fashion hound. Last Wednesday, he was sporting gelled hair. By Thursday he had shaved it all off. And he's not shy about admitting that he cried like a baby watching South Korea's most famous soap opera, " Winter Sonata ".

This is how he sees himself in five years : driving a car worthy of a rap star, with a pop star like one of the singers from the Wonder Girls - South Korea's version of the Spice Girls - on his arm, and playing for a big-name club in Europe.

Born in Nagoya to an ethnic Korean family, Jong inherited his father's South Korean citizenship but was raised and schooled in his mother's pro-North Korean community.

He is among Japan's nearly 600,000 " zainichi ", ethnic Koreans who live in Japan as long-term residents, many of them third- and fourth-generation descendants of labourers or conscripts who have lived there since Japan's 1910-45 colonial rule of Korea.

Their first language may be Japanese, but Jong and midfielder An Yong Hak were raised within the zainichi community, attending Korean-language schools and pledging allegiance to North Korea founder Kim Il Sung and current leader Kim Jong Il.

Still, Jong's zainichi background sets him apart. He says he never travels without his iPod, laptop and Nintendo, much to the curiosity of teammates from a country with only one state-run TV channel where such luxuries are reserved for top officials.

Their games are simple: rock, scissors and paper are enough to send them into fits of shouts and laughter, he says. Teammates flock to his room during overseas matches, asking to listen to his music, play Super Mario, borrow his books or fluorescent Nike running shoes and hear about life in the J-League - including how much money he makes.

But Jong has said he admires his North Korean teammates' passion for football, and noted that they are largely indifferent to money and materialism.

" He had many doubts, but as he trained with the North Korean players, he saw their pureness, " said Shin, whose biography about Jong was released in South Korea and Japan. " They never complained about the inadequacies and they did their absolute best. "

" They were playing for their team and for victory, nothing else. "

Jong is also well aware of the controversies surrounding North Korea, which remains locked in a stand-off with the international community over its nuclear program and has been hauled before the UN Security Council on accusations of sinking a South Korean warship in March.

Don't expect him to move anytime soon to Pyongyang.

" My homeland is not Japan. There's another country in Japan, called Zainichi, " he says. " None of these countries - South Korea, North Korea and Japan - can be my home country, because I'm a zainichi and therefore Zainichi is my native land.

" And I think that's the purpose of my life - letting the world know of the zainichi existence. "

- AP -


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 Author| Post time 16-6-2010 01:07 PM | Show all posts
Jong Tae-Se


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Post time 17-6-2010 03:42 AM | Show all posts
respek la kat north korea!

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 Author| Post time 17-6-2010 07:09 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 19-6-2010 08:15 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 26-6-2010 07:29 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 27-6-2010 04:29 PM | Show all posts
Lawak!! aku rasa eboue tu sj nyakat je tu...

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Post time 27-6-2010 04:30 PM | Show all posts
Lawak!! aku rasa eboue tu sj nyakat je tu...

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