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Author: bluezink

Malaysia External Intelligence Organisation

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Post time 28-10-2011 11:47 AM | Show all posts
klaus fuchs tu sepai ke talam?

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Post time 28-10-2011 01:59 PM | Show all posts
Malaysia External Intelligence Organisation  ini macam nama Komersial jer....

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Post time 28-10-2011 04:24 PM | Show all posts
Reply 18# bluezink

pengarah terhebat: ahmad idham unggul

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Post time 28-10-2011 05:43 PM | Show all posts
bace dalam blog military of malaya ade la sket sket.. kesahihan tak diketahui..
mengikut dari yang aku tau, tak mustahil ada perisik sepai sepai ni kebiasaan calon adalah komando sebab komando punye training sangat teruk sangat zalim sangat sadis sangat keji sangat kejam dan mereka yang lepas memang calon yang layak.
menurut dari orang yang aku kenal dalam tentera, dorang cakap nak masuk kor risik takde pintu takde kabel takde ape.. semua dipilih secara rahsia. dorang nak cari borang pun tak wujud..
training komando superpower


dengan seksaan teruk begini agak agak logik tak Malaysia ade spy?

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Post time 28-10-2011 10:15 PM | Show all posts
Reply 24# pawangBuaya

    seksi weyyyy

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 Author| Post time 29-10-2011 09:42 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by bluezink at 29-10-2011 22:45
klaus fuchs tu sepai ke talam?
chechelahbedah Post at 28-10-2011 11:47

KlausFuchs, the man Who Stole Atom Bomb
the answer is: mole!!!!
u bleh bcha dlm buku brtajok..the world's greatest spies   

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Post time 29-10-2011 11:43 PM | Show all posts
video pawangbuaya..meh tgk ramai2.


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Post time 30-10-2011 02:28 AM | Show all posts
Dulu kawan saye pernah citer pasal spy polis ni kt saye. Citer die best gak, tp saye ade ingat2 lupe a. Mitak maaf la klu salah fakta ke ape sbb saye dgr dr crite orang. Bukan tgk dgn batang hidung sendiri.

Citer die gini, kawan saye tu Ali, kawan Ali ni seorang polis, saya namakan Abu a. Abu niciter la pasal ade seorang anggota ni, kene jadik spy utk tangkap penjenayah. Utk coverline, anggota tu tpaksa jadik orang giler kt area kawasan perumahan penjenayah tu. Bile jadik orang giler, orang x syak ape2 bile die ke hulu hilir, selongkar tong sampah depan umah ape semue ni. Lame jugak die kene jadik, lebih dari setahun kot xsilap saya.

Mmg penyamaran die tu menjadik la. Die kene jadik orang giler yg betul punye, sampai tido
mcm orang giler, tido a merata tempat. Makan mcm orang giler, carik la sisa2 makanan ke ape
ke. Hatta berak kencing skali. Mandi mmg xmandi a. Betapa die menghayati kisah hidup orang giler. Kene bebel sorang2. Pastu die akan buat2 a selongkar tong sampah ke, kutip daun dari rumah ke rumah ke. Tp sebenarnye die nk tgk ape kt salah satu umah ni je. Nk kumpulkan bukti n nk tau ade x penjenayah kt dlm tu.

Lepas setahun kot, tibe2 polis rush umah tu n tangkap penjenayah tu. Lepas je tangkap, terus ilang orang giler tu. Tp bile orang giler ilang, orang jarang syak ape2. Sbb xde pertalian dgn jiran2. Terus holiday spy tu. Skarang xtau la die kne jadik ape plak.

Kadang2 kite xtau tukang sapu kt area rumah kite tu sape, tah2 die pun spy. Haha just joking je.

Pastu citer pasal abu ni. Ali pernah lepak ramai2 dgn Abu ni. Salah sorang member Ali ni name Aman. Aman ni isap rokok surya. Dlm duk borak2 tu,Ali perasan Abu ni amik kotak rokok Aman. Ali peli sbb Abu ni x isap rokok. Die pun buat fokus kt member die yg tgh borak ni. Sambil2 tu jeling. Abu tgh check dlm kotak rokok Aman tu.xtau la die check camne. Ali cakap Abu just bukak tgk dalam kotak je. Kot2 ade dadah. Pastu die letak balik sambil gelak2 dgr citer. Coverline baik punyee.

Hehe tu je la citer spy yg saye tau. Just nk kongsi bersama. Tp saya xde bukti sahih mengenai citer spy orang giler tu. Sbb citer atas orang.

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Post time 30-10-2011 07:08 PM | Show all posts
tp klu org yg tau boleh cam org yg menyamar jd giler ni...dan pernah gak jumper ngan risik ATM ni..mmg best sgt dgr die citer...dgr citer die mmg bahaya n bisa jd perang ngan negara jiran....karektor risik yg aku jumpe ni ala2 laki lembek g2 mcm org2 pejabat kulit putih..tgn pun tak kasar...mmg org tak sangka die risik mesti org igt die keje opis...risik mcm bangla pun aku pnh jumpe..kita beruntung sbb org kita ni mcm2 jenis kaum n keturunan ada...

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Post time 31-10-2011 10:46 AM | Show all posts
cerita korang nie cam citer SB...

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Post time 31-10-2011 12:42 PM | Show all posts
anak buah bel sorang komando.
mmh terseksa la masa latihan.
dia tak sanggup mkn menatang tu ms dlm utan..sanggup minum air aje...
derang berlatih hari2 mmg teruk. takat lari angkut brg berat tu nothing.
pastu berenang plak

cuma dia kata ada beberapa test lagi kena amik..
dia takut nak amik test yg pressure2 tu..ahapa tah namanya..duk dlm kebuk tekanan rasanya..

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Post time 13-12-2011 02:26 AM | Show all posts
aku tak paham ler.. knapa spy malaysia nih korang describe depa mcm ala tentera.. nak menyamar teruk2..
sbb spy malaysia yg aku kenal, nampak mcm pegawai bank jek.. mcm kerja pejabat.
tp CIA dtg sini train depa..
tak tau ler aku klu dia ada bwk senjata mcm Mc Gyver ke
tp klu dah jadik perisik, risik aje lah kan.. cari maklumat/data.. bukan nak pi bunuh org..
tu sbb depa nampak mcm kita2 ni aje..

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Post time 13-12-2011 02:59 AM | Show all posts
Hehe tu je la citer spy yg saye tau. Just nk kongsi bersama. Tp saya xde bukti sahih mengenai citer spy orang giler tu. Sbb citer atas orang.
diyes Post at 30-10-2011 02:28
mungkin juga betul,ada tu sampai dlm Mesjid pun dia berlakon jadi gila...Solat sebelah suspect ...suspect sangat la kononnya

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Post time 13-12-2011 07:10 AM | Show all posts
mungkin juga betul,ada tu sampai dlm Mesjid pun dia berlakon jadi gila...Solat sebelah suspect ...
permisi Post at 13-12-2011 02:59

   err xpaham..

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Post time 13-12-2011 02:56 PM | Show all posts
Reply 34# diyes

   لا إله إلاَّ الله.محمد رسو ل الله

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Post time 13-12-2011 04:27 PM | Show all posts
Relevan ke lagi nak jadi 'field agent' ni? Kata Sir David Pepper, bekas pengarah UK Goverment Communications Headquarter (GCHQ) yang mengawalpantau perisikan elektronik di UK, sapa2 yang mahir Google & cekap cari / korek maklumat boleh setaraf sepaileman .... sampai ejen perisik lapangan dulu2 yang susah2 korek fail, penyamaran, pelbagai misi berbahaya sebab cari maklumat, bebudak sekarang leh dapat pakai google map ngan google search jerr ....

'Google effect' means spies work harder, says ex-GCHQ chief

The rise of the web and Google means Britain’s spies have to work harder to produce genuinely secret intelligence, according to Sir David Pepper, the former director of GCHQ.

He said “the Google effect” of so much information being readily available online had “very substantially” raised the “threshold for producing intelligence” for MI5, MI6 and GCHQ.

“Nobody wants the easy stuff anymore and there is no point spending effort and money collecting it,” said Sir David, who was giving the annual Mountbatten Memorial Lecture at the Institution of Engineering and Technology.

“Many of the sort of things for which [officials] once would have turned to the intelligence agencies are now readily available to them online,” he said.

“Thanks to Google Maps and Streeview anyone can today see photographic detail of far away countries which hitherto would have been available only through secret and highly sophisticated national satellites.

“Intelligence producers have had to become very sensitive to this phenomenon and very careful not to put effort into producing intelligence that purports to be secret which is in fact not secret at all.”

Sir David retired as director of GCHQ in 2008 after five years in charge of Britain’s electronic spying efforts. He oversaw a major shake-up of the 5,000-strong agency that aimed to transform its Cold War structure to one “fit for the internet age”.

His predecessor in the job, Sir David Omand, aspeaking after the lecture, agreed that the web and Google had “raised the bar” for spies.

Sir David Pepper also said “the Google effect” meant that officials who use secret intelligence were demanding it quicker than ever before.

“If the intelligence readers are used to getting information online very fast they’re going to expect the intelligence agencies to be able to do much the same thing,” he said.

But online information was offering opportunities as well as challenges to those in the espionage trade, Sir David said.

“You can find out a lot about potential spies without ever meeting them, simply by looking at their online footprints,” he said.

GCHQ now deals with so much data that its vast halls of computers in Cheltenham use many of the same techniques and technologies as Google uses to index the web.

Sir David, who now sits on the advisory board of the French defence giant Thales, also spoke about the growing threat to national security from cyber crime, cyber espionage and cyber attacks that disrupt physical infrastructure. He said the forthcoming update to the government's cyber security strategy should include lessons on internet security for school children.

UK Telegraph

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Post time 14-12-2011 12:56 AM | Show all posts
Aku pernah supply peralatan kpd unit SB PDRM. Lokasi mereka kat belakang Mindef. Dari depan nampak mcm kuaters polis. Nak masuk ke dalam kena naik motosikal. kenderaan tinggal kat luar. tubuh badan diperiksa. kasut kena bukak. Ada blok yang kami tak boleh masuk, jika termasuk ke dalam, kena buang negara, tak boleh balik ke Malaysia. Peralatan amat canggih.

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Post time 14-12-2011 04:12 AM | Show all posts
spy nih mmg sentiasa ada disekeliling kita... kt kpg aku ada sorg mamat ni...dia mmg dr kor risikan tentera...sbb lama dok lepak ngan kami br dia crita dan penah tunjuk kat kor risikan tentera....tgk org dia tak mcm tentera pn..biasa jaa.. dia kata bnyk spy yg ada kat satu2 tmpt tp spy tu pn takkan tau sapa spy yg ada kat kawasan sama... mcm dia mmg ada ada buat risikan utk keselamatan pantau kot2 ada ancaman dr negara luar... idup dia biasa jaa... kalu org tnya dia akn jwb keja driver lori..sbb kdg2 dia akn ilang dlm tempoh yg lama sbb blk antaq report...hehe...

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Post time 14-12-2011 03:35 PM | Show all posts
field agent nih relevan lagi haha..

sebabnya HUMINT boleh verify ELINT punya data

pendapat aku la, tapi bab MIEO nih tak tau la..perlu ke tidak

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Post time 15-12-2011 06:13 AM | Show all posts
Ada blok yang kami tak boleh masuk, jika termasuk ke dalam, kena buang negara, tak boleh balik ke Malaysia. Peralatan amat canggih.
cmf_WonBin Post at 14-12-2011 00:56

biar betul sampai buang negara?

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