oooo.. kucing i memang paham apa yg i cakap. yg ni i memang sangat2 yakin.
dulu depa berdua ni suka panjat2 kabinet & meja, pastu jatuhkan segala pasu sampai pecah berderai. pastu sangat suka kais & kuis potpuri sampai tinggal separuh dlm bekas.
Then skarang ni, setiap kali i nak keluar rumah, i pesan kat diorg, jangan jatuhkan brg2 atas kabinet, nak panjat takpe, tapi jgn sampai pecah2 barang. nak ambik benda2 dlm bekas potpuri tu takpe, tapi jangan sampai semua bersepah, ambik seketul dua buat main je dah. Alhamdulillah, lepas dok pesan mcm tu everytime i nak keluar rumah, dah takde lagi brg2 yg pecah berderai di lantai, ataupun potpuri yg bersepah2. setakat beberapa ketul je yg diorg ambik buat main.
dan satu lagi, yg ni i rasa sangat lah amazing. sekali tu i kat dlm bilik, dan pintu ke balkoni belakang i tak tutup. tetiba hujan lebat & angin sgt kuat. i langsung2 lupa pasal pintu belakang tu. tiba2 si Mok ni dtg ketuk2 pintu bilik, cakar2 pintu bilik i. bila i buka je, dia terus lari2 ke dapur, suh i ikut dia la tu. sampai kat dapur, dia tgk pintu yg terbukak tu. memang dah basah lah lantai dapur masa tu sebab tempias. lepas i tutup pintu tu, dia pun masuk pegi melepak blk kat dlm rumah mcm biasa.
dan, perasan tak, diorg kalau panggil kita, nada & intonasi dia sama dengan nada & intonasi suara kita panggil depa. lenggok tu adalah sama.
aku penah marah kucing aku...sebab dia duduk atas katil aku..bila dia bergolek2 atas katil nak terjatuh dia mencengkam kat selimut.
abis koyak selimut aku.koyak rabak lak tu.
aku marah dia...dia pandang je aku dengan rasa bersalah.
pastu dia xmau dekat ngan aku.
esoknya datang lagi.dah x majuk kot.
waktu aku kluar rumah nak jalan2 kawasan perumahan,dia pun ikut kluar rumah gak tapi setakat duduk bawah pokok je la.
abis aku tawaf kawasan perumahan,aku nampak dia dari jauh.
aku jerit2 panggil nama dia.
dia pun lari kat aku,menyambut kepulangan tuan dia
aku rasa disayangi
Guna word yg senang dan pendek2, kucing aku klau aku dukung pastu suruh lompat atas meja , katil , kusi, lantai, wordnyer terjun, dulu aku gune word lompat x paham2, jd guna word terjun, dia paham, so tgk kucing nak ajar kene rajin jd ahlil tatabahasa.
ronin posted on 1-9-2012 12:49 PM
aku sangka selama ini kucing ni cerdik tapi susah nak latih dgn beberapa suruhan yg mudah......kir ...
kucing ni pon macam manusia jugak, ada yang cerdik, sgt cerdik, tak cerdik sangt, dan macam2 lagi termasuklah perangai2 masing2, ada yang senang jinak ada yang tak tapi cuma bear in mind kucing ni haiwan, tak der akal. aper2 yang dorang lakukan yang agak mengannoyingkan kita2 ni , nak wat camner dah takder akal..
kucing ni nak kena train, sebb tu kalau boleh bela dari bayi..
berbalik pada jenis perkataan, kena kaji sikit eh bkn sikit tapi banyak2 dan makan masa tapi kalau kita minat nak mendidik kucing secara langsung juga kita mendidik diri sendiri dgn nilai2 murni, dan juga memberi kita pelbagai ideas menarik yang gila2.
macam kucing saya kalau atas pokok, kita suruh turun dia taknak so first word saya guna lompat, dah beratus kali try dia tak mao gak, so saya change tu terjun , tak nak gak , word terjun cuma boleh guna bila saya dukung dan suruh dia terjun kat katil ke, kat lantai ke, means terjun adalah utk masa saya dukung dia so dia paham the next action, utk atas pokok turun ke bawah , wording yang berjaya saya cungkil menggunakan kajian berhari2 lamanyer, ialah word "jom"..
tapi bila ajar tu jgnler marah2, tunjuk rotan ke kayu ke, pukul2 ke walau pukul main2, kena sabar giler, pastu jgn lupa motivasi utamanyer iaitu makanan kegemaran.. contoh biler saya sebut "jom" kucing tu pon turun trus bagi 2-3 biji biskut kucing, atau seulas ikan ke, confirm pandai.
bela haiwan ni kena rajin segala2nyer, tapi best... tak cuba tak tau..
lavendernovella posted on 2-9-2012 01:46 AM
kucing ni pon macam manusia jugak, ada yang cerdik, sgt cerdik, tak cerdik sangt, dan macam2 lagi ...
wah sama mcm TV tu kan....bila disuruh sesuatu dan dibuat akan diberi upah lama2 kucing tu akan respond kpd beberapa perkataan sebab dpt does makes sense....
kalo kat umah paling manja pak itam tapi kalo org dtg sgtla pemalu langusng xkuar dari bwh katil, yg mesra alam zorro je yg bulu kembang + obes tuh, kalo moi panggil pak itam akan mencicit dtg, tepuk sofa dia naik, tepuk katil dia naik (xtepuk pon sibuuk gak naik), nak makan pandai mintak, kita ,marah dia paham. pak itam bih ganas suka buli zorro, bila zorro kene teruk moi panggil zorro masuk bilik sbb moi xblh rescue dia sbb dok nyusukan bb, berlari zorro masuk bilik mintak dilindungi kekekek, bila moi marah pak itam, amboiiii panjang je dia menjawab "eauuuuuuuuuuuuuu" konon dia xsalah la tuh walhal dia yg pencetus nye, bergurau tapi style kasar, zorro nih harap je bdn beso tapi lembut.
pendek kata kucing2 moi mmg paham apa yg moi ckp, panggil n suruh....sama jugak kucing yg moi bg makan kat opis nih pon paham..kalo dia ikut smpai keta, moi ckp dah tuh nanti keta lalu g naik atas esok kita jumpa, "eauwww" dia jalan balik kat depan opis kekeke
saya x sure mmg kucing saya ni nature die boleh main fetch atau kebetulan atau ape2 la.. hehehee
sebab mak die.. mmg x minat lnsung... at first... dia x pandai sangat.. ada byk distraction..
tp, saya sllu main fetch2.. puji2 dia bila dia pandai.. lama2... baling la ape jenis plastik, bola.. xyah nk bg instruction.. just pat dia je.. then nnt dia suke la.. hehehe..
ni vid first.. masa awal2... byk sgt distraction.. dan video adalah low sgt kualiti.. ampun... {:1_577:} heee
Select a cat toy. If you don't already know, figure out what your cat's favorite toy is. For easier training, this should be an object greatly desired by the cat but preferably not always available to him. Using a coveted but restricted toy instantly piques his interest. (Do keep in mind that some toys may be difficult to play fetch with, such as the type of toy attached to a long stick. You should use the cat's favorite smallish object.)
2 Throw the toy. Most cats are unable to resist dashing after their toy as it flies across the room and bounces across the floor. (If your kitty doesn't respond immediately, you may not be using the cat's most favorite item or your cat may be too lazy. You may need to find a more interesting toy, or else spend time regularly playing with a more sedentary cat to awaken their innate friskiness first.)
3 Retrieve the toy. Don't expect your cat to bring the toy back to you right away. That's what you're hoping to teach him. Instead, after you throw it and the cat pounces, go over and gently take the toy from the cat. (If he absolutely refuses to give it up, give him some more time to celebrate his successful pouncing and try again in a moment. If he still doesn't want you to have it, try again a while later, when he's less excited.)
4 Take the toy and the cat back to the same place you threw from. Make sure your cat knows you have the toy. You can use the toy to tempt or lead him back to the same part of the room with you. (If he doesn't come along, pick up your cat and carry him only if you know that carrying/holding doesn't bother him.) Don't throw the toy again until you, the toy, and the cat are all together in the same place as you were in step 2.
5 Repeat the previous four steps often. The cat will begin to realize that a) chasing his thrown toy is great fun, b) if he lets you have it back, you'll throw it again for more fun, and c) you never throw it from where it lands, meaning he always has to move the toy. When he seems to understand the game very well, move on to the next step.
6 Have the cat carry the toy himself as you lead him back to the throwing position. If your cat is already the type to carry things around in his mouth, this should be rather easy. Otherwise, let him carry it as far as he will, then either coax him to take it back into his mouth or pick it up yourself. When you are able to throw the toy and then have the cat carry it as he follows you back to the starting place, you are ready to play fetch with your cat.
7 Play fetch. Throw the toy, let the cat run and pounce on it as usual, but stay put. If you have been patient, consistent, and repetitive with the above steps, your cat shouldn't even flinch when he notices you haven't moved. As long as you are in the appropriate throwing location, he will bring his toy straight back to be thrown again as always. (If the cat doesn't readily carry the toy back to you, call his name, praise, and encourage him. If he still doesn't seem ready to bring it back on his own, work with the intermediate steps above until he does.)
8 Gradually move your starting location around, a giant step or two at a time. If you suddenly try to play fetch from somewhere entirely different, your cat may be caught off-guard and get confused. (Though of course, you can try this to see how clever your cat is!) If you move around gradually, your cat won't get confused. He will understand that you, the thrower, are the important part of the equation and always come to you.
9 Keep training. You can continue to expand this game by adding new tricks gradually. For example, before you throw the toy each time, have your cat sit for you. (Hold the toy roughly at his eye level while he's standing, then move it over his nose and back above his head. He should automatically plant his bottom on the ground as he prepares to crane his neck upward to watch it and free up his front paws for batting. Accompany the action with the word "sit," if desired.) He will eventually learn the toy is never thrown unless he also sits.
ada setengah steps tu yg saya buat.. ade yang x.. hehehee..
makanya, x thu la.. die mmg faham saya ajak main fetch atau dia mmg suka main cmtu.. hehehehee{:1_588:}
saya suka bercakap dengan kucing saya. dia seakan2 memahami setiap kata2 saya. kalau dia nak minum air, dia akan pergi ke toilet dan berdiri di hujung getah paip supaya saya buka paip (dia minum melalui hujung saluran getah paip).. so bila dia ada kat situ, saya akan tanya dia "nak air ke?".. dia akan jawap "naaaak" .. serious tak tipu..
Saya Ada sepuluh ekor kucing, sepuluh ekor kucing sepuluh macam ragam Dan cara komunikasi. Antara sepuluh tu Ada seekor yang sangat peramah Dan saya namakan Google, dengan Google saya boleh main cak-cak, adakalanya saya buat2 takut bila dia mengiau sambil saya tutup muka, bila saya buka tangan untuk tunjukkan muka, dia mengiau seolah2 mengiau dia boleh buat saya takut.
Pernah satu hari, selepas saya cuci bekas pasir toiletnya sementara menunggu kering saya buat kerja lain Dan terlupa untuk isi pasir semula. Tiba2 Google datang mengiau beberapa Kali dan berjalan kearah toiletnya. Rupa2nya nak beritahu pasir tak ada, selepas isi pasir terus dia lepaskan hajat. Sebenarnya banyak lagi gelagat Dan cara komunikasi, kalau dah janji nak bawa dia keluar, selagi tak penuhi janji nampak saya pajak tudung terus dia tunggu depan pintu.