Tiada Matahari Terbit Pada 23-25 Disember 2012?
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myakayina posted on 28-11-2012 10:31 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Tak nak percaya berita2 mcm ni..bulan puasa dulu pun sibuk kata brp hari Ramadhan akan ada pekikan k ...
haaa.. aku igt.. ni pon dpt dr email.. aku sket pon xcaya. siap aku xsdr agi tarikh tu berlalu dlm bln puasa aritu.. hehehe. bkn nk brlagak ke apa.. kalo bnda ni sahih n ada dlm quran@hadis, dh lama org2 alim ulama akan bg warning awal2.. org2 alim ulama sndiri kata xsahih.. kesian bg org2 yg cpt panik tnpa usul periksa.. huhuhu
skeezotone posted on 28-11-2012 10:31 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
ye la.. sblom ni fenomena2 yg xserius pon nasa dh canang awal2.. xkan la dunia nk bergelap nasa xc ...
haaaa kan? apa motif benda sampah ni di edarkan? adakah ingin manusia terutama orang islam hilang pertimbangan? atau nak suruh manusia sedar akan kesilapan?
hest posted on 28-11-2012 10:40 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
haaaa kan? apa motif benda sampah ni di edarkan? adakah ingin manusia terutama orang islam hilang ...
mungkin ada org yg berniat nk mnyedarkan org islam supaya insaf & bertaubat tapi guna pndekatan yg xbetul.. maybe ada org yg bosan xde kerja saja2 nk wat org panik.. hehehehe
skeezotone posted on 28-11-2012 11:02 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
mungkin ada org yg berniat nk mnyedarkan org islam supaya insaf & bertaubat tapi guna pndekatan yg ...
hahahaha.. reason yang last tu memang la kelakar... ekeekke..
tulah kadang2 maybe niat dia baik.. tapi cara salah, jadi orang pun jadi jadi jengkel je rasa..
hest posted on 28-11-2012 11:06 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
hahahaha.. reason yang last tu memang la kelakar... ekeekke..
tulah kadang2 maybe niat dia baik ...
niat baik + cara salah = banggang![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
boleh tak orang yg reka cerita tu tidak menggunakan tarikh krismas? asyik tarikh ni je.. kalo dia letak tarikh lain mungkin aku percaya sikit 2% ke.. hehehhe ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
aku ingat dulu2 masa aku kecik lagi...masa aku skolah rendah kot..mean dh 20thn lebih kot..dlm tahun 80an rsnya
bumi akan bergelap ..matahari tak kuar..malam je.....kecoh... kat masjid2 surau2.... last2 takde apa2 pun berlaku
so biarlaa alam ini berpusing/berputar pada paksi nye... Segala pujian bagi Allah, tuhan semesta alam...Allah yang Maha mentadbir langit dan bumi...
jadi kita sebagai hambaNYA...tak perlu laa nk fikir...nk pening2 kan kepala... just buat je apa yg Allah dh suruh..
sebagai hambaNYA.... sentiasa memuji/zikir/beribadat... Lillah hi ta aa la... hanya kerana Allah... Last edited by safamm on 28-11-2012 11:42 AM
skeezotone posted on 28-11-2012 11:08 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
niat baik + cara salah = banggang
ADA maklumat daripada NASA....
hehehe...tapi...jauh drp kabar angin yg tak betoii tu... ....senyum,,
One of the most bizarre theories about 2012 has built up with very little attention to facts. This idea holds that a cosmic alignment of the sun, Earth, the center of our galaxy -- or perhaps the galaxy's thick dust clouds -- on the winter solstice could for some unknown reason lead to destruction. Such alignments can occur but these are a regular occurrence and can cause no harm (and, indeed, will not even be at its closest alignment during the 2012 solstice.)
The details are as follows: Viewed far from city lights, a glowing path called the Milky Way can be seen arching across the starry sky. This path is formed from the light of millions of stars we cannot see individually. It coincides with the mid plane of our galaxy, which is why our galaxy is also named the Milky Way.
Thick dust clouds also populate the galaxy. And while infrared telescopes can see them clearly, our eyes detect these dark clouds only as irregular patches where they dim or block the Milky Way's faint glow. The most prominent dark lane stretches from the constellations Cygnus to Sagittarius and is often called the Great Rift, sometimes the Dark Rift.
Another impressive feature of our galaxy lies unseen in Sagittarius: the galactic center, about 28,000 light-years away, which hosts a black hole weighing some four million times the sun's mass.
The claim for 2012 links these two pieces of astronomical fact with a third -- the position of the sun near the galactic center on Dec. 21, the winter solstice for the Northern Hemisphere -- to produce something that makes no astronomical sense at all.
As Earth makes its way around the sun, the sun appears to move against the background stars, which is why the visible constellations slowly change with the seasons. On Dec. 21, 2012, the sun will pass about 6.6 degrees north of the galactic center -- that's a distance that looks to the eye to be about 13 times the full moon's apparent size -- and it's actually closer a couple of days earlier. There are different claims about why this bodes us ill, but they boil down to the coincidence of the solstice with the sun entering the Dark Rift somehow portending disaster or the mistaken notion that the sun and Earth becoming aligned with the black hole in the galactic center allows some kind of massive gravitational pull on Earth.
The first strike against this theory is that the solstice itself does not correlate to any movements of the stars or anything in the universe beyond Earth. It just happens to be the day that Earth's North Pole is tipped farthest from the sun.
Second, Earth is not within range of strong gravitational effects from the black hole at the center of the galaxy since gravitational effects decrease exponentially the farther away one gets. Earth is 93 million miles from the sun and 165 quadrillion miles from the Milky Way's black hole. The sun and the moon (a smaller mass, but much closer) are by far the most dominant gravitational forces on Earth. Throughout the course of the year, our distance from the Milky Way's black hole changes by about one part in 900 million – not nearly enough to cause a real change in gravity's pull. Moreover, we're actually nearest to the galactic center in the summer, not at the winter solstice.
Third, the sun appears to enter the part of the sky occupied by the Dark Rift every year at the same time, and its arrival there in Dec. 2012 portends precisely nothing.
Enjoy the solstice, by all means, and don't let the Dark Rift, alignments, solar flares, magnetic field reversals, potential impacts or alleged Maya end-of-the-world predictions get in the way.
Below is the details on this matter source from http://urbanlegends.about.com/od ... ackout-Dec-2012.htm
"Analysis: False. NASA has predicted no such thing. Indeed, the phrases used above — "total blackout of planet," "alignment of the universe," "shift from the current third dimension to zero dimension," etc. — are not only undefined, but meaningless. It's pseudo-scientific nonsense.
The "alignment" to which our unknown authors refer is probably the passing of the sun, as seen from earth, across the approximate center of our galaxy on Dec. 21, 2012 (the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere). This happens every year at about the same time and portends nothing in terms of earthly events — good or ill — given that the galactic center is some 28,000 light years (165,000 trillion miles) away. It's a cosmic non-event.
It so happens there's a super-massive black hole at the center of the galaxy, and, as everyone knows, black holes are mysterious and scary, so purveyors of 2012 doomsday scenarios have used this as an excuse to speculate that the aforementioned "alignment" may in fact wreak physical havoc here on earth, somehow. But again, we're talking about a cosmic entity unimaginably far away from our planet and a celestial alignment that occurs every year like clockwork, and has throughout all human existence."
harap semua ni clear... and selaku umat islam saya rasa tak payah lah kita sibuk-sibuk nak predict bila akan berlakunya qiamat sebab memang dah tertulis yang tiada seorang pun didunia ni tahu bila akan berlakunya hari qiamat ..jadi tak payahlah nak berjangka-jangka dan percaya pada benda - benda yang boleh memesongkan aqidah ni. Sebab bila berlakunya qiamat takkan ada yang terlepas mahupun berapa canggihnya peralatan atau bersedianya mereka pada hari tu melainkan allah menyatakan yang sebaliknya.
Consider this is my 50 cent. |
burungantu posted on 28-11-2012 11:43 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
owh ya.. thanks for the info.. tapi ni bkn fakta.. belum sahih.![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
Last edited by skeezotone on 28-11-2012 12:03 PM
ctushichan posted on 28-11-2012 11:57 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Below is the details on this matter source from http://urbanlegends.about.com/od/errata/ss ...
yg cepat melatah jer akn caya btl2 ngn citer2 camni.. nice.. thanks for the info.
ctushichan posted on 28-11-2012 11:57 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Below is the details on this matter source from http://urbanlegends.about.com/od/errata/ss ...
Maceh share the info. At least bincang2 camni ada la terlerai sedikit kekeliruan dan pertanyaan...![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif)
langsung xcaye ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
Kengkadang email2 yang macam ni senang2 je orang terus forward. Sebelum forward2 tu dinasihatkan cari dulu info samada betul atau tidak. Kengkadang nak marah orang yang forward email pun tak boleh gak. Niat diorang nak share info sekali dapat marah...haru jadinye...![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
skeezotone posted on 28-11-2012 12:01 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
yg cepat melatah jer akn caya btl2 ngn citer2 camni.. nice.. thanks for the info.
Sama-sama and sharing is caring kan.. |
serikandi_gurl posted on 28-11-2012 12:04 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Maceh share the info. At least bincang2 camni ada la terlerai sedikit kekeliruan dan pertanyaan... ...
Betul jugak apa yang cik serikandi cakapkan tu... at least mana yang tak clear tu bolehlah kita sama-sama cari info untuk menclearkan kekeliruan tu... |
ctushichan posted on 28-11-2012 12:16 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Sama-sama and sharing is caring kan..
caring is loving.. muhahahaha!!
anggap jer email2 tu just for hiburan penghilang mengantuk.. hehehe |
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