err dr mashitah kata boleh salam selagi tak de rasa ghairah.. ahak!!
correct me if i'm wrong tp rasanya dia pon salam cium tangan pak lah..
hmm... |
THIS IS JOE! This is he problem with ISLAM, we make it so self-righteous and reclusive that we forget to make FRIENDS with each other. We forget that god created us equal and to respect each other. With u ppl's statement that men and women (nonmuhrim) CANNOT salam each other, what message are sending to the world? U think god accepts u more that u have saved ure wuduk so that u can pray to him but willingly not accepting a salam from a fellow human, which has saddened him/her? God would have appreciated u more if u had salam and taken the wuduk again, as the fellow human will be respected and u continue ure prayers! Fellow human beings! Use ure common sense and shed all pride!
salam lah, pastu amik wuduk balik, baru banyak pahala. kata setazah daphne kekdahnya |
Delifrance posted on 4-2-2013 04:28 PM
err dr mashitah kata boleh salam selagi tak de rasa ghairah.. ahak!!
correct me if i'm wrong tp r ...
i saw this one..
Husbandnye marah sbb kalo wifenye silap maknanya dia yg x reti didik ... anyway pips, it,s daphne iking ... whatdaya expect
bbLady posted on 4-2-2013 04:13 PM
uols... sila refer page ni. kat komen2 tu. kalo x dpt view sila refresh page byk2 kali ya!
http:/ ...
sedih. sepatutnya dia didik binik dia dengan betul.
hukum salam tetap haram.
1 IG dua org guna..THIS IS JOE! THIS IS DAPHNE! = Bangang
Pandai xleh tumpang,bodo xleh d ajar = Bangang abadi |
InVendeTTa posted on 4-2-2013 04:19 PM
ni sesi melepas geram ke?
org lain xtau ujung pngkal cite pon
eee...sorry...Sy berhijab tapi tak ada niat nak membesar diri atau sentap kat Dahpne. I like her...cuma..cara husband dia menjawab tu rasa mcm............emh..very wrong. n he cannot accept pon kalau org berlainan pendapat.
Sorry lar...I tak reti nak bercopy paste from ig. Anyone can help. ? Please. |
daphneiking My guest today, Prof 'Pls dont salam my hand' and Prof Danny De Vito.... @bellantv7
fattahz Hahahaha caption ! 👍ls dont salam my hand so funny
hafizie_harun Which is totally right
nina_bymyside What is his real name @daphneiking
daphneiking THIS IS JOE, i can hear myself snore when we have these gueston the set....
giulianarenata chinese dude has that hongky accent which i am certain the whole world detest but hes got some solid facts when answering u. while prof dont salam my hand aiyo kak.. boringnya mamat tu! but u been doing a good job by respecting ur guest. kalau i confirm kena buang kerja!
nanieizazi He didn't actually say don't Salam my hand right? Sorry am at work n not watching. @giulianarenata I pernah kena reject handshake by a gomen officer. Maybe I'm ignorant n the corporate gesture can't be applied at gomen. I was just being professional. Not cool!
daphneiking THIS IS JOE, 'yup he actually said that' but he apologized to daph in the end, its just weird, as the prophet even fed food to a blind lady in a market in mecca everyday until he passed away!
edawati Bukan kah kita tak boleh jatuhkan air muka org? Apa salahnya kalau org tu hulur tangan, just sambut aje.
mizi Bukan muhrim mana boleh.
cikbiah Just forgive him. He just want to be faithful the religion.
nuruldepp To me there's always a way to say or to excuse not to salam bukan muhrim. Not in that manner. @daphneiking . Just saying. Sabar dear. I penah kena juga. You are right Joe.
khairulannuar84 What's wrong with the world now
rozihams Maybe he has taken his wudhu? Daphne ain't exactly poor woman which needs to be fed
moondinara Jgn tnjuk baik wlaupn kite baik
daphneiking Hi this is daph: yeah all good in the end. Am sure he has his reasons.
daphneiking Joe posted this pix up
azmah92 @daphneiking betul lah tu i pun selalu terkena sometime terlupa but take it positive, now i dont simply salam anymore 😊👍
cikbiah @NurulDepp the prof nervous tu... Sian kat dia. :-)
giulianarenata my mom taught me to say this shud any man disagree to handshake u - stim ke salam saya? muahahaha @nanieizazi
rajazlin Hes a muslim ke? If yes, then it is no longer an option. Its an obligation for him to not to shake hand with woman.. He is just practising what had been taught by his religion
lisaghazali @daphneiking from what i learnt, islam doesn't allow us to humiliate a person in front of d other. as in refusing hand shaking from d person who offers. but just forgive him anw everyone makes mistakes 😉
mashtul @giulianarenata.. Dah bodo, jgn nk tunjuk bodo. ;).
darkcoklet @cibobz
monicalabuci A Muslim woman would know not to offer her hand to these songkok-wearing types in the first place, n'est-ce pas?
atiqahothman @mizi @monicalabuci agree!
fazzysnebeutskin @monicalabuci not to any songkok wearing types, but to all yang bukan mahram..
shakilaibrahim @atiqahothman agree!!
sid_algronjh bukan muhrim tu kak.. salah ni kalau cakap macam tu. just saying
monicalabuci @fazzysnebeutskin Yeyyyse.. exactly! I purposely mentioned songkok-wearing types coz it would be more obvious, innit? Thank you for mentioning. May we all be given the hidayah to not make others feel bad just coz they want to be syariah compliant. T__T
mizajaja Salah tetap salah, just take it positively, muhasabah diri utk jd hambaNya yg beriman, itu lebih baik dr keluarkan kata2 yg bole membuatkan kita terkeluar dari agama islam,nauzubillahiminzalik......
fatihahsofia @mizajaja setuju..
daphneiking THIS IS JOE! @rozihams , perhaps u dont understand my metaphor or double entendre in my message...and pls dont misquote my statement, the adjective used was blind and not poor. And if he was in wuduk, wouldnt subuh's wuduk be long gone by now, it was 11am at the set and the wuduk will long BATAL! So whatever the reason for the Prof didnt want to salam with my wife, i shall respect that, that is his hand. But if it was for the reason of islam and all the muhrin bullshit, PLSSSSSS lah! Dont be a fxxkxxxg hypocrite everyone! Are u guys fxxkxxxg telling me u DONT salam a non muhrim BEFORE??!!
meraqkayangan Bagus prof tu.... @monicalabuci agree with u ... Tgk rupa dia pun u shld know...
danhussein U r too cute i think..tkut his wife jeles kekekeke
daphneiking THIS IS JOE! This is he problem with ISLAM, we make it so self-righteous and reclusive that we forget to make FRIENDS with each other. We forget that god created us equal and to respect each other. With u ppl's statement that men and women (nonmuhrim) CANNOT salam each other, what message are sending to the world? U think god accepts u more that u have saved ure wuduk so that u can pray to him but willingly not accepting a salam from a fellow human, which has saddened him/her? God would have appreciated u more if u had salam and taken the wuduk again, as the fellow human will be respected and u continue ure prayers! Fellow human beings! Use ure common sense and shed all pride!
jerdeepcorepurple Please mind your word joe.
wanszr Very sensitive issue here.. As a muslim, we shud know the dos and donts. We juz being ignorance. Kalau kita x pratikkan Islam sepenuhnya dlm kehidupan, at least we shud respect others who do.
angelvyn Our politic leaders salam with rakyat, blh la plak kn?
khairulannuar84 Chill bro.u have made great blunder
liafinikeats Be careful joe...
monicalabuci Newsflash: Some ppl stay in a state of wudhu' the whole day and prefer to stay that way. The way each of us choose to practise Islam is a personal thang, as some would say "kubur lain2". Having said that however, in Islam what is right is right and what is wrong is wrong. We can't for the sake of pleasing the creaTION, displease the creaTOR. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, so take a chill pill and let those of a different view have their say without lambasting them, esp when they are not wrong either. No one's judging here... Just sayin', ya know?
monicalabuci Wahh sorry for the essay! ✌✌✌
daphneiking Love you @monicalabuci
ijoannes @stobab92 prof MFAR
stobab92 @ijoannes rncgn apa ni??
fazzysnebeutskin @monicalabuci well said! 👍
ijoannes @stobab92 bella bah ni.. d ntv7 hoho..
idaibrahim85 Feel u @wanszr @monicalabuci
rozihams Hi joe. I wear the hijab n i salam non muhrim all the time. Because like u, I am like no big deal lah. But if they prefer not to extend their hands, i am the least offended. Hak dia n i respect them for it. Peace. P.s i like yr wife n i dont judge people.
raniadisya Hurm.. I pn slalu confius nk salam ke xnk. Tp mcm segan la nk sentuh tgn lelaki lain ~shy ~shy anyway. Depends la.. Selamat beramal
syildaismail true @monicalabuci
azuraiznil i never confuse. i x akan sambut slm lelaki bukan muhrim. so far no problem. lelaki lagi respect. Alhamdulillah. but......if @daphneiking salam i....i sambut..i peluk...dia.. sbb dia muhrim. kan?
::joe has serious problem on this.. bak kata monicabelluci, at the first place, shud blame daphne, terang2 org tu pakai songkok, yg pegi hulur jugak buat apa..
Last edited by ellZack on 4-2-2013 04:41 PM
scarflicious posted on 4-2-2013 04:34 PM
eee...sorry...Sy berhijab tapi tak ada niat nak membesar diri atau sentap kat Dahpne. I like her.. ...
ko kasik link la... nanti ada la org tolong printscreen kan
tkt aku baca comment laki daphne ni.. |
Laki dia Islam liberal kot..suh la bini dia pakai tudung dulu kalu nak komen pasal agama waduhhh |
This is joe tu maksudnya laki dia yang tuliskan?
daphneiking THIS IS JOE, 'yup he actually said that' but he apologized to daph in the end, its just weird, as the prophet even fed food to a blind lady in a market in mecca everyday until he passed away!
daphneiking THIS IS JOE! @rozihams , perhaps u dont understand my metaphor or double entendre in my message...and pls dont misquote my statement, the adjective used was blind and not poor. And if he was in wuduk, wouldnt subuh's wuduk be long gone by now, it was 11am at the set and the wuduk will long BATAL! So whatever the reason for the Prof didnt want to salam with my wife, i shall respect that, that is his hand. But if it was for the reason of islam and all the muhrin bullshit, PLSSSSSS lah! Dont be a fxxkxxxg hypocrite everyone! Are u guys fxxkxxxg telling me u DONT salam a non muhrim BEFORE??!!
Lain-lain komen pro daph ni.
edawati Bukan kah kita tak boleh jatuhkan air muka org? Apa salahnya kalau org tu hulur tangan, just sambut aje.
nanieizazi He didn't actually say don't Salam my hand right? Sorry am at work n not watching. @giulianarenata I pernah kena reject handshake by a gomen officer. Maybe I'm ignorant n the corporate gesture can't be applied at gomen. I was just being professional. Not cool!
lisaghazali @daphneiking from what i learnt, islam doesn't allow us to humiliate a person in front of d other. as in refusing hand shaking from d person who offers. but just forgive him anw everyone makes mistakes 😉
Ni yang atas angin/pro prof tu
Maybe he has taken his wudhu? Daphne ain't exactly poor woman which needs to be fed
cikbiah Just forgive him. He just want to be faithful the religion.
And aku x paham apa nurul ni maksudkan. nurul ajai tu.
nuruldepp To me there's always a way to say or to excuse not to salam bukan muhrim. Not in that manner. @daphneiking . Just saying. Sabar dear. I penah kena juga. You are right Joe.
kenapa mesti nak salam tangan? cukuplah salam tangan sesama jantina sajo |
rozihams Hi joe. I wear the hijab n i salam non muhrim all the time. Because like u, I am like no big deal lah. But if they prefer not to extend their hands, i am the least offended. Hak dia n i respect them for it. Peace. P.s i like yr wife n i dont judge people.
Pompuan nie paling bodoh.. Tanggal jer la tudung |
ellZack posted on 4-2-2013 04:35 PM
::joe has serious problem on this.. bak kata monicabelluci, at the first shud blame daphne, teran ...
Yes. Agreed!
cLiNiQue^HaPPy posted on 4-2-2013 04:22 PM
mmg pong...
kalau tak tahu jgn laaa pandai-pandai nak kaitkan Nabi Muhammad S.A.W
smoge mereka sempat berjumpe jalan pulang....
so do us...!!!
cite la details.. iols xphm sgt kalu cita sekerat2 jalan ni
bongoknyer statement laki dia tu..aper ke hal nyer kalau ustaz tu still ada wudhu and apa kene mengena dgn solat subuh dah lama abes??apa masaalah kebodohan terlampau dia neh... |
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