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Author: qasehnuramy

Pro & kontra pil perancang

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Post time 9-2-2014 02:04 PM | Show all posts
adilah85 posted on 27-1-2014 10:06 AM
i amek implant. dah setahun. period mmg jarang 2-3 bulan sekali.

lama2 xde period

Baru ja amik implant kalau period dah tiga bulan tak datang normal ka.. takpa? duk risau nih..

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Post time 9-2-2014 05:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dah 6 tahun makan perancang.setakat ni mmg berkesan.macam2 brand aku telan. mercilon mmg kena avoid .sakit kepala cam nak meletop.mungkin x serasi.sudahnya telan yasmin je.bdn x naik cam di pam2..continue makan sampai tahun depan .pastu usaha tambah hero sorang

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Post time 10-2-2014 01:51 PM | Show all posts
alahamdulillah aku dah period... khamis nie kene jumpe doktor lak... mintak nurse sepapan lg...

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 Author| Post time 10-2-2014 02:03 PM | Show all posts
starbee posted on 10-2-2014 01:51 PM
alahamdulillah aku dah period... khamis nie kene jumpe doktor lak... mintak nurse sepapan lg...

alhamdulillah...klu dah dtg pun still kena mkn ker??
sibuk je tnya....


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Post time 10-2-2014 02:07 PM | Show all posts
entahlah nie 1st time aku makan... itupon mkn bila ingat... pasni kene mkn ikut time... nnt jumpe nurse aku tnya... ke senior2 blh jawapkan..

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Post time 10-2-2014 03:27 PM | Show all posts
kebayamaut posted on 9-2-2014 05:22 PM
dah 6 tahun makan perancang.setakat ni mmg berkesan.macam2 brand aku telan. mercilon mmg kena avoid  ...

hi awk.. nk tanya.. sy baru ambik yasmin.. nk tanya klu ambik pil perancang nie leh mkn bersama2 supplement kesihatan lain ker>


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Post time 10-2-2014 03:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lonelygirlz posted on 10-2-2014 03:27 PM
hi awk.. nk tanya.. sy baru ambik yasmin.. nk tanya klu ambik pil perancang nie leh mkn bersama2 s ...

bole .
tapi kena make sure jarakkan pengambilan.
dulu amek supplement far okay je .berkesan.
skrg amek teh detox je.tu pun mmg jaga jarak tu pengambilan..takutkan kurang keberkesanan pil perancang

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Post time 10-2-2014 03:47 PM | Show all posts
hi senior.. ada sapa2 leh tlg jawab.. betul ker  pil perancang xleh makan bersama sesetengah ubat eg antibiotik ker sebab takut jadi xberkesan sgt.. klu mkn bersama supplement kesihatan yg lain boleh tak? ada effect tak kebersanan pil perancang tue..

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Post time 10-2-2014 03:53 PM | Show all posts
kebayamaut posted on 10-2-2014 03:46 PM
bole .
tapi kena make sure jarakkan pengambilan.
dulu amek supplement far okay je .berk ...

owh kira oklah apa2 pn cuma kena jarak eh.. pening2.. nk rancang tapi pada masa sama nk kurus n cantik.. semua nk hahahha.. tq

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Post time 10-2-2014 04:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lonelygirlz posted on 10-2-2014 03:53 PM
owh kira oklah apa2 pn cuma kena jarak eh.. pening2.. nk rancang tapi pada masa sama nk kurus n ca ...

dulu mmg banyak supplement far okay. apa2 yg kita ambil tgk kesan sampingan.. jarak masa tu yg penting .even makan ubat hospital pun doc saran kan camtu.ada gak terbaca. alfafa tu pun bole kurangkan keberkesanan pil perancang.baru nak makan ye?

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Post time 10-2-2014 05:15 PM | Show all posts
kebayamaut posted on 10-2-2014 04:01 PM
dulu mmg banyak supplement far okay. apa2 yg kita ambil tgk kesan sampingan.. jarak masa t ...

a,ah baru nk mkn.. alfafa shakleee pn ada.. time pantang mkn tak abes pm huhu.. tapi cm xberani nk mkn sebab ada org ckp effect wlupn seller shaklee ckp boleh mkn tapi kena jarak huhu.. tq for the info


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Post time 10-2-2014 09:42 PM | Show all posts
kalo pil perancang ni pi beli jer kat farmasi tanpa consultation dr doktor boleh ke? ingat nk ambik pil perancang sebab belum sedia lagi nak ada baby.

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Post time 11-2-2014 10:01 AM | Show all posts
cuba makan MAB..sya dah 20thn mkn pil perancang..
baru2 ni berenti..cuba mkn MAB..alhamdullilah berkesan..

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Post time 12-2-2014 09:36 AM | Show all posts
irnana posted on 27-1-2014 01:08 PM
Saya x pernah amik pape pil pon..kira waktu subur..hehe

kalau period tetap mmg senang nak rancang sendiri..
klau period x tetap, waktu subur nye lain.. x same cm org period tetap..

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Post time 12-2-2014 09:45 AM | Show all posts
aLieNzDaToR posted on 5-2-2014 05:26 PM
nak tanya. selalunya kalau fully breastfeed, berapa bulan lepas deliver baru period datang balik? no ...

kes ni same dgn biras sy.. kate nye sbb fully bf..
x dtg period setahun..
ank die yg 1st umur nak dekat 2tahun, die dh ngandung beby nomb 2..

setakat ni kesihatan die ok je

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Post time 12-2-2014 09:57 AM | Show all posts
sy takut nak ambil pil perancang.. kwn2 ckp, nti ade effect kat next beby ..
beby c***t la.. sgt takut.. tu yg rancang sendiri, mmg x mkn pape..
hmm.. tup tup lekat.. beby 1st baru umur 7bulan time tu..
skrg my beby dlm perut dh 5 bulan, abg die dh 10bulan nasib dh boleh jalan die skrg..

so lepas ni.. mmg confirm nak ambik pil perancang.. cume takut sgt bile kate ade kesan sampingan akn naik berat badan.. bdn sy skrg pun dh besar, klau naik lg.. sy xtau la klau naik.. cm ne la rupa sy..
sy pun nak jaga penampilan sy utk suami.. hmm.. harap suami sy faham..

pape pun doa kan sy ok dgn rancangan ni, sy mmg tekad nak ambil pil tu.. kesian kt my beby..

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Post time 12-2-2014 10:57 AM | Show all posts
ISTRIMITHALI posted on 12-2-2014 09:57 AM
sy takut nak ambil pil perancang.. kwn2 ckp, nti ade effect kat next beby ..
beby c***t la.. sgt t ...

sama kes mcm isteri saya. tak berani nak ambil apa2 pil perancang takut naik berat badan dan period tak stabil. lepas baca2 pengalaman orang dari forum ni, terus tak berani nak ambil. nak tanya, camna puan merancang kehamilan kalau tak ambil pil perancang? kira waktu subur ke?

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Post time 12-2-2014 12:27 PM | Show all posts
ISTRIMITHALI posted on 12-2-2014 09:36 AM
kalau period tetap mmg senang nak rancang sendiri..
klau period x tetap, waktu subur nye lain.. x ...

Betul tu..nasib baik period sy tetap senang nak kira..

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Post time 12-2-2014 01:23 PM | Show all posts
aLieNzDaToR posted on 12-2-2014 10:57 AM
sama kes mcm isteri saya. tak berani nak ambil apa2 pil perancang takut naik berat badan dan perio ...

mcm yg sy ckp td.. d sbbkan rancang sendiri lah.. skrg ni lekat beby nombor dua..
skrg, 1st beby sy baru umur 10 bulan, n yg dlm perut dh 5bulan, due bln 6 ni... hihi
period x tetap mmg susah nak rancang sendiri.. mmg ade cara nak kira waktu subur utk
perempuan yg period x tetap tp pening sket la... try google. mesti jumpe..

tp klau dh dpt rezki awl ni, sy redha je n think positif.. ade hikmah nye
lgpun umur sy dh lewat 20an n dpt jgk ank sy yg 1st tu berkawan.. huhu..

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Post time 12-2-2014 03:55 PM | Show all posts
Minimizing BirthControl Effects
By Dawn Stacey M.Ed, LMHC, Health'sDisease and Condition content is reviewed by the Medical Review Board

Choosing the RightBirth Control Pill
With so many combination birth control pills available, howdo you know which is the best one for you in order to minimize birth controleffects? Combined oral contraceptives contain an estrogen and a progestin.Eight progestin types are used in the pill. Knowing the differences between theprogestins and about estrogenic effects, androgenic effects and progestationalselectivity, can help minimize the pill's side effects. Use this guide inchoosing a combination birth control pill or to pick a different pill brand tohelp lessen a birth control effect that you may be experiencing.
·        A Primer: Brief Explanation of Estrogeniceffects, Androgenic effects, and Progestational activity

A Quick ExplanationAbout Choosing a Birth Control Pill:

To briefly explain how the combination of these activitiesmay cause side effects, let's look at some specific combination birth controlpills. Oral contraceptives that tend to have high androgenic effects and lowestrogen activity, for example, are more likely to cause unwanted hair growthand acne side effects. Additionally, a progestin with higher androgenicity willalso tend to produce less breast tenderness, bloating and mood changes. It isimportant to remember, though, that the majority of women using a pill withthis combinations do not end up developing acne; this side effect is morelikely to occur in those women who have a tendency toward androgenicity. Birthcontrol pills containing this high androgenic/low estrogenic pattern include:
Estrostep FE
Loestrin1/20 Fe

Since there are different types of progestins, they eachhave a different potency in terms of progestational, estrogenic, and androgeniceffects. The result of these effects is dependent on the combination of thetype and levels of progestin and estrogen. Although a specific pill brand mayhave certain characteristics due to its estrogen and progestin dose and potencyfor androgenic effects, women may respond differently to these components.Therefore, please note that the following are general guidelines, and may notapply to all women.

To be a little more technical, in order to determine thetotal combination of these three effects, a person needs to multiply the actualdose of these three components (effects) times the relative potency of thatcomponent in order to classify a birth control pill brand as having highandrogenic effects, being estrogen dominant, or progestin dominant. Given thecomplexity of figuring this out on your own, the decision as to which birthcontrol pill to use should be discussed with your healthcare provider. Thisinformation is not intended to be a substitute for that discussion. You can usethis information to begin a conversation with your healthcare provider aboutwhich pill type may be best for you.
It is also important to give the pills you are currentlytaking a fair trial of at least 2 to 3 months. If your pills are switched, youshould also give the new ones a 2- to 3-month trial because it often takes afew months just for your body to adjust to the estrogen and progestin in acombination birth control pill.

Choosing a BirthControl Pill by Minimizing Its Side Effects:

With that being said, you can now try to determine whatpills brand may be best for you. Just another reminder, the following chart isa relative classification, so it may not apply to every female. When choosing acombination birth control pill, you may be able to minimize side effects byswitching to (or initially picking) a pill brand suggested in the below chartbased on which side effect you are trying to lessen or alleviate.
Side Effect (Problem)
Try Using These Pill  Brands
(to minimize side  effect)
Absent period or too  light menstrual flow
higher estrogen, lower  progestin potency
Brevicon, Modicon,  Necon 1/35, Necon 1/50, Norinyl 1/35, Norinyl 1/50, Ortho-Cyclen, Ortho-Novum  1-35,Ortho-Novum 1/50, Ovcon 35
higher estrogen, lower  androgen potency
Demulen 1/50, Brevicon,  Mircette, Modicon, Necon,
Othro-Cyclen,  Ortho-TriCyclen, Yasmin
Break  through bleeding (spotting)
higher estrogen, higher  progestin potency, lower androgen potency
Demulen 1/50, Desogen,  Ortho-Cept, Ovcon 50, Yasmin, Zovia 1/50E, Estrostep FE**
Breast soreness
lower estrogen, lower  progestin potency
Alesse, Levlite
lower progestin potency
Alesse, Brevicon,  Levlite, Modicon, Necon 1/35, Ortho-Cyclen, Othro-TriCyclen, Ovcon  35,Tri-Levlen, Triphasil, Trivora
Endometriosis or  endometriosis prevention
lower estrogen, higher  progestin potency, higher androgen potency
Demulen 1/35, Levlen, Levora,  Loestrin 1.5/30, Loestrin 1/20 Fe, LoOvral, Nordette, Zovia 1/35E,
  (used either continuously with no days of placebo pills or with only 4 days  of placebo pills for prevention)
Headaches (not  menstrual migraines)
lower estrogen, lower  progestin potency
Alesse, Brevicon,  Levlite, Modicon, Necon 1/35, Ortho-Cyclen, Othro-TriCyclen, Ovcon 35 ,  Tri-Levlen, Triphasil, Trivora
Moodiness or  irritability
lower progestin potency
Alesse, Levlite,  Loestrin 1/20 Fe, Yasmin,
(or any pill with less  estrogen than currently on)
Severe menstrual cramps
higher progestin  potency
Demulen 1/35, Demulen  1/50, Desogen, Mircette, Loestrin 1.5/30, Ortho-Cept, Yasmin, Zovia 1/35E,  Zovia 1/50E
Weight gain
lower estrogen, lower  progestin potency
Alesse, Levlite,  Loestrin 1/20 Fe, Yasmin,
(or any pill with less  estrogen than currently on)

**Estrostep FE contains the progestin norethindrone acetate(this progestin typically has a higher androgen potency). Therefore, althoughEstrostep FE follows more of a high androgenic/low estrogenic pattern, thisbrand is a triphasic pill that was actually designed to help preventbreakthrough bleeding while attempting to keep hormone exposure as low aspossible. Estrostep FE is a good example as to why the information in thischart should be viewed more in terms of being general guidelines, and may not alwayshold from one woman to another.

Jelovsek, R. (2003). Accurate Answers to Questions AboutBirth Control Pills. [e-book]. Accessed September 10, 2007, from



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